Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 332 The Rise of the Primarch: The Warmaster has arrived

People say that the Astartes are the most powerful weapons ever created by the Emperor. Each of them is unstoppable. Compared with them, mortals are like tiny ants. When you appear in the Astartes When in front of us, it's like the ants and cockroaches we usually encounter when walking will be crushed to death, and the Astartes who crush you will not even notice that you are dying under his feet.

The residents of Terra don't know what this means. In fact, for the Terran people, even the low-level gangsters think they are superior to people in other parts of the empire, ants? The others are ants. They are the Emperor's chosen people. They were born and grew up under the Emperor's holy light. They are the noblest group of humans in the galaxy.

Even those low-hives who live underground in the largest hive city cluster in the Terra Empire, those gang members who have never seen the sun in their lives, even wander around and are considered aliens by the Inquisition, and then directly give them a copy and kill package. Mutants think so.

Yes, yes, they all do know what an Astartes is. After all, the Imperial Fist's Mountain Monastery Fortress is suspended in the orbit of Terra. But after all, the Imperial Fist is number one and rarely goes down to the ground to let Terra. The residents saw it, and even if they were defeated, the friendly Astartes could not make them truly understand what it meant to be afraid of facing the Astartes. After all, they did not know how to rush with bolters and have to Wouldn't I chop you up with a chainsword?

But now the Sons of Terra in this fortress know. They now know why. Those Astra Militarum veterans from other parts of the solar system always tell them that if they encounter a traitor Space Marine, they should turn around and run immediately, even if the Commissar points his gun at them. Even if I ask you to go back, you will run away.

Even if you are facing the guns of the Political Commissar and the Supervisory Team, it is better than facing so many Astartes demigods, because the laser gun in your hand can save your life when facing the Political Commissar and the Supervisory Team, and you can kill them. The political commissar and the war team hurriedly ran for their lives, but facing those demigods, all you can do is find a good place to pray to the emperor, and then shoot your head off before they arrive.

Now they understand and understand why those veterans said such heretical words, because they are all thinking about the same problem now, running away.

The soldiers of the Guards were running wildly in the corridor. As they ran, they fired at the rear. The laser gun roared through the corridor with red light and hit the huge power armor behind them. The laser just hit it. It was instantly refracted and hit the walls on both sides.

They didn't even scratch the demigod's skin, and the latter didn't even bother to hide. The traitor Astartes of the Black Legion was walking on the wide warehouse avenue below the fortress. He raised the bolt gun in his hand and aimed at the dense crowd ahead. The fleeing Guardsmen pulled the trigger.

Unlike the fire sticks in their hands, the bolter in the Astartes' hands shattered the fleeing soldier's body with one shot. The roaring bolts hit him from behind, and the body was like paper. The breastplate was quickly pierced and torn, and as his body exploded and collapsed, steaming rotten flesh sprayed forward onto the ground.

The guards screamed and ran forward. As they ran, they fired wildly backwards without any purpose. Those who mustered up the courage to stand still and try to stop the demigods found that they could not even move forward in the blink of an eye. There was no way to delay them. Bombs came from the flickering muzzle of the corridor. The bodies of these soldiers exploded one by one. The only thing they could do was to turn their broken bodies into new colors on the walls. .

People always say that the Guardsmen use their unnecessary sacrifices to buy a moment of time for the Lord of Mankind. They suffer thousands of casualties just to buy the last second for the Emperor, but the cold fact is that here The guards could not delay even that second. They were slaughtered in front of these Astartes.

The Traitor Astartes were walking side by side. Some were holding bolters, some were holding a bolt pistol in one hand, and the other was dragging a roaring chainsword. They were walking side by side. It ran through the corridor like a high wall of death, crushing all the mortal warriors who tried to resist like a meat grinder.

The traitor wearing heavy black armor walked through the corridor. The mortal soldier who fell in front of him after one of his legs was broken was crawling on the ground with difficulty. He looked at the Astartes walking behind him and crawling with all his strength. , but the speed of dragging his hands on the ground was completely unable to compare with the striding Astartes.

"Emperor! No! I don't ask you anymore!" The guard turned over and looked at the Astartes who came in front of him and screamed. He looked at the raised huge iron feet and screamed and begged, but just Like I said before, they are like ants, a group of ants that will not even be looked at if someone steps on them.

The traitor Astartes trampled the guard in front of him as soon as he taught. His whole head and body were squeezed and exploded in an instant. The splattered flesh and blood sprayed around like a crushed water balloon, and the rotten flesh spread everywhere. On the ground, the Black Legion Astartes who stepped over him raised the bolt pistol in his hand with one hand and fired twice.

His precise marksmanship instantly killed two guards who rushed to the explosion-proof roadblock at the end. They were about to rush through the armored gate between the roadblocks, but they were shot open just as they reached for the handle of the heavy gate. , the flesh and blood of his body sprayed on the door and the shooting window on one side.

The edge of the shooting window was quickly covered with a layer of steaming rotten meat. The Guards sergeant standing behind it screamed. He looked at the Guardsmen running desperately in the corridor. Their faces were full of Out of pure fear, everyone scrambled to escape from the shadows of death approaching behind them.

"Fire! Fire immediately!" The sergeant turned his head and shouted loudly to the shooter of the laser-mounted cannon behind him. The shooter who was sitting behind the laser gun and wearing a helmet was startled. He looked at the gun barrel in front and ran away in the corridor. of guards.

"But Sergeant, we still have people outside! They are all on the firing line. If we fire, they will be hit!"

"If you don't fire, we will be the ones hit! So in the name of the Emperor! Damn it, fire!" The sergeant turned to the shooter and roared an order. The latter was startled and then looked towards the corridor outside the window. He had just Turning his head to look over, he saw a roaring explosive bomb.

The rotating warhead accurately passed through the narrow shooting window in front of him, whizzed directly from the upper side of the laser cannon and shattered the head of the loader beside the shooter. He didn't even have time to scream, and there was a high probability that He died before he could even react.

The shooter was startled when he saw the loader falling down next to him. His body's instinctive movements immediately replaced his rationality. The shooter suddenly pulled the trigger and the machine gun in front of him immediately roared, and the flashing lasers were like a rainstorm. Generally hit the corridor.

The other guards running among them were instantly swept down in pieces, and their bodies were beaten to pieces in the torrential rain of hot red light. One of the guards standing in the middle of the road was unable to fall due to constant frontal laser bombardment. The soldier's body exploded immediately after being hit directly.

The violent heavy laser beams in the flesh and blood mist splashing throughout the corridor hit the advancing traitor Astartes. The blazing red light of the laser cannons hit them like pedestrians advancing in a heavy rain. All black armored people The front of Astartes was instantly swallowed up by red light.

But those Astartes immediately ducked behind the vehicles on both sides of the corridor and the armored vehicles with the same quick movements. The firepower of the laser cannon hit those vehicles, and the roaring and violent bombardment shattered the vehicles. Disintegrated, the truck behind the Black Legion Astartes holding a bolter quickly collapsed under the intensive artillery fire.

A large number of steel fragments flew up from the side of its car body under a series of fierce bombings. At the end of the corridor, the shooter holding the trigger of the laser cannon in both hands was screaming and firing wildly. He swept the laser cannon back and forth across the corridor. Use that torrential laser firepower to block the path forward in the corridor.

They may have thought they were saved. They had successfully blocked the advance of the Astartes, but the fact was that they were happy too early. The Astartes the Guards faced were the Black Legion, traitors who had been fighting for thousands of years. Warriors, they can't be stopped.

The Black Legion traitor squatting behind the truck nodded to the brother on the other side of the roaring laser barrage. The sword-wielding traitor squatting behind a Chimera armored vehicle without tracks nodded slightly. His chain sword was hung on his belt, and he took out something from behind his back.

Suddenly, the traitor from the Black Legion on the side of the truck rushed out. He took out a grenade with his backhand and threw it directly in the direction of the laser cannon. The grenade drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell towards the roadblock.

The shooter behind the roadblock immediately noticed the thing. He stared straight ahead and noticed the movement almost immediately. He immediately raised the muzzle and pointed it at the grenade. The roaring laser beam bombarded the grenade. Countless laser beams instantly hit the grenade, and instantly exploded the thing in mid-air.

But that thing was not a grenade, but a flash bomb. When the laser beam exploded it, the flash powder sealed inside spread out. The magnesium powder burned violently under the burning of the laser, making it dazzling. The flash of light instantly engulfed the shooter's vision. He, the surrounding soldiers, and the sergeant instinctively closed their eyes in the bright light.

And this was the last scene that most of them saw in their lives. While they closed their eyes, the sword-wielding traitor squatting behind the Chimera armored vehicle strode out. His tactical helmet ensured that the bright light was against the enemy. He was unaffected, and he could aim his gun normally in that light.

Take aim with that plasma pistol.

The sergeant opened his eyes, which were hurt by the strong light, and looked forward. His blurry eyes, wet with tears, saw the plasma gun. He stared at the lit muzzle with wide eyes.

Plasma plasma was shot out from the plasma gun, and the whizzing blue plasma shot into the roadblock. After a violent explosion, the sergeant was thrown away. He fell heavily to the ground, and the sergeant covered his head. He cursed at his sore shoulder, but when he raised his head and saw his body, his eyes widened in horror.

"Ah!!!!" the sergeant screamed. He looked at his missing lower body and screamed heart-breakingly. He looked around while screaming, looking for someone who could save him. He soon saw someone coming from behind. A soldier staggered out of the smoke from the explosion on one side.

The man was gray and gray, his body was covered in dust from the explosion, and his gun was nowhere to be found, but he was obviously still able to move and pull himself away.

"You! Pull me away quickly! Before they come up!" the sergeant yelled at the man, but as soon as the man raised his head and looked in the direction of the sergeant, he turned his head because of the sound of heavy footsteps. He pointed at something behind him, and then was pierced by a chain sword that suddenly came out of the smoke.

The guard was stuck in the chain sword. Another Black Legion traitor walking from the smoke on the other side of the corridor stepped into the sergeant's field of vision. He grabbed the guard stuck in his sword and directly killed him. It was torn off, and his entire body was torn apart instantly, and the huge palm tore it off from one side of the chain saw.

The sergeant looked at the newly emerged Black Legion traitor. He stared wide-eyed at the other traitors walking out of the smoke behind him. The sergeant then heard new footsteps, coming from the footsteps in front of him.

He turned to look in front of him and saw the traitor of the Black Legion who was already walking from the direction of the wreckage of the laser cannon explosion. He led his men out of the smoke, and he took the lead towards the direction of the sergeant, holding a The bolter hung down at his side.

"Death to the traitor! Long live the Emperor!" The sergeant was a brave man. He did not scream for mercy in the desperate situation. He grabbed the laser pistol that fell by his side and aimed it at the traitor and fired. Face the traitor with dignity and courage.

And his dignity may have impressed the traitor. Instead of trampling him to death like an ant, the Black Legion traitor raised his bolter and shot the sergeant in the head.

The sergeant's body collapsed on the ground, and the traitor Astartes walked past his body. He and the leader of the newly appeared Black Legion team nodded to each other, and then led their respective teams to the end of the corridor. .




Standing on the heavy artillery turret with bare arms and sweating profusely, the strong artilleryman roared loudly. With his roar, the main body of the rail gun located in the basement below the core bunker of the fortress erupted with a roar. The huge heavy cannon It pushed backwards instantly and sprayed out huge air pressure.

The hydraulic rails installed on both sides of the heavy gun were activated quickly. The coaxial crawler tracks removed the impact force of the ground-based macro gun's gun body under high-intensity recoil. The gun body, which was several stories tall, was re-assembled under the pull of the hydraulic long rod and the track. Return slowly.

As the huge macro-cannon body returned to its ready-to-fire position, the naked gunner standing on its side bracket supported the armrest and shouted at the artillerymen below. His voice was quite loud, even if there was no sound of gunfire. It's still so huge out of artillery instinct.

"Load! Load immediately!" the artilleryman yelled. He looked at the gantry crane behind him, which was fixed on the ceiling of the bunker. The surrounding artillerymen quickly lowered the steel rope hooks and hung them on the huge macro cannon. Cannonballs, they waved their arms and shouted at the operator on one side.

The operator sitting in the control room of the gantry crane immediately nodded. He quickly operated the instruments in front of him. The huge gantry crane quickly straightened its rope, and the heavy macro-cannon shells slowly moved amidst the roar of the crane. The ground was lifted up, and the huge cannonball was dragged off the ground by the gantry crane, and then was dragged close to the barrel of the giant cannon.

Standing on the ground, the political commissar wearing a black military coat and the iconic red belt tied around his waist looked at the loaded artillery shells. Countless artillerymen worked together to push the ten-ton shells into the barrel. The soldiers and machinery worked together. Working together to push the cannonball.

The political commissar looked at them with great satisfaction. Soon the huge macro cannon could fire another shot. He watched the thick cannonball being slowly pushed into the barrel, but the other group of people might not satisfy the political commissar. .

The political commissar in a military coat and the military police behind him turned to look at the hasty guards rushing into the artillery bunker. Most of them were panicked. Many of them had literally abandoned their armor and weapons. , either one of the breastplate and the steel helmet is missing, or both are missing.

These panicked soldiers screamed and fled into the bunker. The political commissar watched these panicked soldiers strode forward and grabbed one of them by the collar. He grabbed the soldier and pushed him back among his panicked comrades. , he bumped into a guard holding a laser gun behind him.

The two of them collided with each other and fell to the ground at the same time, but the fleeing guards behind them all stopped. They crowded together and looked at the political commissar in front of them and the military policeman behind him who was pointing guns at them, angry. The political commissar was furious when he looked at the soldiers in front of him who were disheveled, abandoned their helmets and armor and fled for their lives.

"Stand at attention, everyone! Look how decent you are! Those who abandon their armor are like a group of deserters!" The political commissar looked at the guards who fell on the ground and cursed angrily. The latter struggled to get up from the ground. His clothes were in a mess, and there were a lot of dried blood on them, although he didn't know whether they were his own or someone else's.

"The commissar has lost the fortress! There are traitorous Space Marines everywhere! Our weapons hit them like fire sticks! Many people died and only we managed to escape!"

The panicked soldier got up. He looked at the political commissar in front of him whose eyes were bloodshot due to fear. The other deserters behind him were also similar. They all looked at the political commissar in front of them in horror. Fear occupied all their thoughts, including some. The young people are still trembling now.

The political commissar frowned suddenly when he looked at the deserters in front of him, and the deserters continued to shout. The completely irrational shouts echoed throughout the bunker, "Let's run! While those traitorous Astartes are Run now! Otherwise we will all die here!"

The deserter looked around at the surrounding artillerymen and shouted. All the artillerymen stopped what they were doing and looked down at the shouting guards. All the artillerymen with their bare upper bodies and arms looked at each other in disbelief.

The guard who was completely panicked was still shouting, but just as he turned to look at the political commissar before he could say anything, he was shot through the head, and with the sound of a gunshot, he was hit in the face. There was a burning hole, which was the bullet hole pierced through the head by the laser gun, the light bullet from the laser gun in the hand of the political commissar.

The political commissar held the laser gun in his hand with a little smoke coming out of the muzzle and shouted. He looked around at the artillery below and all the soldiers around him and shouted, "Confuse the morale of the army! These deserters are doing it to themselves." Find a reason to flee! They just encountered an enemy with slightly stronger firepower, and they were panicked and thought they were Space Marines! Give them a seemingly reasonable excuse for their cowardly behavior!"

"What they encountered was just a group of ordinary Chaos enemies! Mutants! Just bigger mutants! In the name of the Emperor, we will defend our position. No one can shake the morale of the army and become deserters!"

The political commissar roared and pointed his gun at the deserters gathered in front of him. The military police behind him also raised their guns and aimed at these deserters. They faced the laser gun muzzle and panicked, but no one turned around and returned to the corridor. Go, their bodies were frozen due to extreme fear.

The political commissar roared angrily when he saw them. He waved the laser gun in his hand, "Come back! You cowards! Cowards! Remember the light of the Emperor, and he will protect you and be invincible, no matter what you face." What’s right!”

"Oh? Really? Can he protect you and defeat me?" Something behind the political commissar said. The political commissar looked at the guards in front of him whose expressions were distorted by infinite fear. He slowly turned his head to look at the thing behind him. Towards the huge creature that suddenly appeared behind him.

It was a black steel mountain. He stood behind the political commissar and suddenly raised his lightning claws. The roaring lightning claws instantly tore the political commissar's body into pieces. His black military coat and red belt were attached to it. His flesh and blood were instantly chopped apart.

The moment the black giant killed the political commissar, he swung his sharp claws with his backhand. The military policeman wearing a Skyhawk hanging plate on his neck raised his laser gun and pointed it at the giant's head. His move was correct. That was the only part of the giant's body that was not armored, and those without a helmet were exposed to the muzzle of the gun.

That was the military police's best chance. After all, the Astartes' head was also made of flesh. The hell laser gun in his hand could hit the traitor in heavy armor in the head. , but only if he can make that shot.

The brave military policeman loyal to the emperor raised his laser gun and aimed it at the giant. But just as he raised the gun and was about to press it with his finger, the giant swung out a palm with his backhand, and the roaring lightning claws were instantly cut off. He looked at the laser gun in the hand of the military policeman, which was broken and falling apart, and his own hand.

The hands of the military policeman were cut off neatly, and the blood in the arteries spurted into the air, like blood snowflakes rolling in the air. At the same time, the military police scraper on his chest was broken, which the soldiers "affectionately called" The scraper of the dog leash cracked instantly, and as the scraper broke, the military policeman was also knocked out.

His torn body hit the gantry crane control room on one side. The body smashed into the glass window, and blood spattered on the window, startling the operator behind him. The man screamed out of the control room. He escaped, but was shot to pieces as soon as he took a few steps.

The deserters who were crowded together turned in horror to look at the source of the gunfire that shattered the operator. It was the Black Legion commando who had just massacred them in the corridor. They walked in from the door on the side of the bunker, holding the weapons in their hands. Bolters and chainsaws quickly began to harvest the surrounding survivors.

The whizzing bombs turned the artillerymen on the macro cannon supports into flying pieces. Their bodies were torn apart by the bombardment, and the strong men of the artillerymen were shot with bare arms. His head was exploded, and then he was shattered and driven away by the next explosive bomb. The remains of his body along with bone fragments were sprayed directly on the macro cannon behind him.

The corpses of the artillery soldiers fell from the supports. Their appearance was completely unrecognizable. The deserters looked at the fallen corpses in horror. Then, the sudden sound of footsteps suddenly attracted their attention and looked forward. They saw the huge giant standing in front of them.

He stood in front of the deserters, his scarlet eyes staring at the unlucky ones in front of him. Also scarlet was the blood dripping from his paws. In the blink of an eye, he had already killed all the military policemen, those wearing dogs The chain of military policemen all fell behind him, like a bunch of rotten meat sprayed from a meat grinder.

There are other tall giants behind him. The black giants wearing Terminator power armor and helmets equipped with huge mammoth tusks are standing behind him. Those killing giant elephants walking upright have killed all the remaining ones. Everyone, the entire bunker was littered with torn bodies.

Now only the deserters are left alive here. They stand in front of the scarlet-eyed giant. They are so scared that their legs can hardly stand as they look at the terrifying Lord of Destruction. The deserters look at the giant in front of them. , he was not wearing a helmet, and all the deserters at the scene could pick up their guns and swarm him and blow his head off.

Many of them may be killed instantly, but the remaining people can also rely on their numbers to smash the monster's head with a dense laser beam before being killed, even if they will be killed by the traitors around them later. Death, but they still have a chance to destroy the emperor's great enemy before them.

And believe me, if the lives of more than a dozen guardsmen can replace the guy with the sky-high braids in front of him, it will definitely be a bloody gain, the kind of bloody gain that can cover the entire Terra with smoke rising from the ancestral graves.

But they didn't. None of the deserters bravely raised their guns. Everyone stood in front of him tremblingly, their hands weak as if the weapons in their hands weighed a thousand kilograms. The gestures of this giant in front of them could scare them to suffocation. .

A pair of round eyes looked at the monster in front of him. He raised his scarlet eyes and looked at the deserters in front of him, "Run, little rabbits of the false emperor, run."

He said this, but none of the deserters moved. They stood in front of him with weak legs, and their pupils trembled in fear as they looked at the giant in front of them. They seemed not to understand his words, and the giant raised his hand. He raised his sharp claws and pointed at the door behind him and roared.

"Run! Bring the news of my arrival to Vito Constantine! Tell him! Tell him that I have landed on the land of Terra! I will win!"

"I let you run!!" The giant roared, and he suddenly raised one leg and stepped on the deserters in front of him, and then they ran away like wind-up toys.

They ran away from both sides of the destruction giant in front of them. The remaining ten or so people screamed and ran between the terminators. They ran as fast as they could in their lives, not even daring to look at the people on both sides. A giant look.

The braided giant turned around. He looked in the direction of the fleeing crowd and raised his power claws in front of him, "Run! Bring the fear back to the palace! The whole of Terra will tremble under my feet!"

"Tell them, tell the Emperor, the Warmaster is back, and I will level the palace and end the long war!"

"Long live the Warmaster! Long live the Legion!" A terminator behind the giant raised his claws and shouted. The terminators around him and the black legion veterans wearing ordinary power armor all raised their own. The weapons roared, bolters and chainswords raised high, and the thunderous roar echoed through the bunker.

The deserters fled the bunker with deafening roars, and behind them, the Warmaster of Destruction named Abaddon stood in the center, raising his power claw high.

"Let Terra burn!"

By the way, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, I wish you all a smooth life. There will be two major updates tomorrow. I will give you a holiday gift in large quantities. Finally, for the sake of the emperor, I will give you a monthly pass, recommend it, and subscribe!

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