Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 338: The Rise of the Primarch: The Moment of Decisive Battle

The golden power heavy armors are clustered together. These Golden Mountain-like Forbidden Soldiers are taller than ordinary Space Marines. Some people say that the Forbidden Army is almost a small Primarch. I don’t know if this statement is true. , but at least when they put on power armor, their height is closer to the height of the original body.

The golden-armored guards were wearing heavy power armor. They were like a towering mountain range. When several guards walked together, they turned into a moving golden mountain.

The blades of the powered halberds flashing with lightning were held in their hands. The red tabards rose and fell with every step, and the armor danced a little bit. The Emperor's Custodes surrounded Vito, and they Just like escorting the Emperor thousands of years ago, surrounding Vito wearing golden armor.

In a sense, this is indeed true. Vito is wearing the Emperor's golden battle armor, and the back of his head also shines. The difference is almost only in shape. The Emperor's halo is round, and its edge is It was smooth and flat, just like a real ring, while Vito's had many protruding triangles around it, looking like a circular flying blade with a blade embedded in it.

But obviously, the current mortals in the empire cannot tell the difference between the two, so when Vito passed the magnificent Expedition Gate surrounded by a kind of imperial army and stepped into the palace buried deep underground, surrounded by countless defense facilities and thick When the bunker headquarters was covered and protected by a hundred meters of concrete and granite, the mortal soldiers here still subconsciously recognized Vito as the emperor.

The tall Vito stepped into the gate. The officer who ran past holding several data tablets stopped immediately. He looked at Vito in front of him blankly, and the data tablet in his hand fell to the ground. He stammered. The ground murmured, "Emperor?"

"No, I'm really sorry. It was me who disappointed you." Vito smiled and stood in front of the officer. He was wearing the dark green uniform of the Astra Militarum. The officer stood in front of Vito and was stunned for a moment, and then immediately After reacting, he stood at attention and saluted.

"Marshal Vito!" He probably shouted with the loudest voice in his life. Everyone in the command post under the huge circular dome of the bunker stopped what they were doing and turned to look over.

The officers and soldiers sitting around rows of complex terminal instruments, and standing in front of the huge CNC tactical maps and holographic panels hung on the wall, all turned their heads. When they saw Vito walking in, they were all stunned. There is nothing strange about it. After all, if you suddenly see a big golden guy walking up to you escorted by a group of big guys, you will be stunned for a moment.

But someone soon reacted. The political commissar with the mechanical eye implanted in his right eye immediately turned away from the map. He suddenly put his heels together and raised his arms to salute Vito, "Everyone! Salute!"

Following the political commissar's order, everyone in the entire command headquarters turned around, and all the operators sitting on their chairs stood up. Many of them even had communication headsets and brain-assist enhancement cables on their heads. They pulled it off and stood up. The data cables were still hanging beside their heads, but everyone stood at attention and saluted Vito.

A neat sound of heels echoed throughout the huge bunker, and that sound attracted the attention of the people standing at the center of the command post, on the top of the short pyramid surrounded by layers of master control terminals.

The mortal generals, naval captains and Astartes all turned their heads. They stood on the slightly raised platform and looked at Vito. The latter also looked at them and smiled helplessly, and then Vito looked at them. The political commissar nodded, "Go on, political commissar, don't affect Terra's defense because of me."

"Yes! Long live the Immortal Emperor and Supreme Marshal!" The political commissar shouted out the new slogan that Vito really disliked and sounded strange. It was a brand-new army slogan that was quickly compiled after his return. .

But Vito didn't intend to point this out here. He watched the political commissar turn around and look around at everyone and yelled, "You heard the marshal's order! Go back to your posts!"

Following the orders of the political commissar, everything started operating in an orderly manner again. Mechanical keys crackled all around. The sounds of conversations and orders reverberated within the steel walls of the solid bunker, forming a wonderful battlefield movement.

Vito immediately walked past them. He walked through the control terminals, mechanical equipment and master control screens located all around the bunker. Of course, there were also the command members who were walking around quickly delivering messages. .

They were all wearing a variety of military uniforms, the navy's gorgeous gray-blue uniforms, the Astra Militarum's simple but useful dark green combat uniforms, and the political commissars' black turtleneck coats and red belts. Vito was even here In a side court, judges from the Ministry of Justice and officials from the Ministry of Government were seen wearing silver breastplates.

All departments, all decision-making and command centers gather here, making this bunker buried deep under the palace undoubtedly become the brain of the entire Terra, related to everyone on Terra, even the Emperor The orders, decisions and plans of my life and death are generated and issued to all fronts from here.

Although delivering this part may have been more difficult now, Vito walked past a group of anxious communication operators, who were wearing augmented prosthetics on their heads and gathered around a screen that was hung on the wall. On the huge display screen, there are communication node beacons for all hives in Terra.

Those are Terra's vocal cords, ears and throat cavity, which are responsible for coordinating and summarizing countless information and transmitting it to all corners of the vast Terra. Normally, if the beacon lights on it are all green, then all of this It was all logical, but now, each of the light bulbs on it was extinguished, bringing an unsettling sense of fear.

Vito looked at the dark part of the nest. He turned around and walked onto the raised platform in front. Here was a huge square holographic table. Around the table stood a circle of people who had been waiting for a long time. They Their status is quite noble. If they are not ministers, they are generals, or Astartes.

But they were all here quietly waiting for Vito, waiting for the arrival of the Supreme Marshal, and now that the Marshal has arrived, Vito stepped onto the platform, and the Forbidden Soldiers surrounding him also stopped on the platform behind him with weapons in hand. At the edge, the golden-armored guards stood on the edge of the stairs and platform, isolating the busy headquarters below from the space here.

Only Vito brought Trajan to the table. Vito smiled and nodded to the people around the table, "Welcome everyone, welcome to my little bunker. I'm sorry that I didn't choose the palace above. Headquarters, as you know, I really can’t stand the glittering palace above, my eyes are going to go blind every time I walk in.”

Vito made this little joke, and everyone at the table laughed quietly for a while. Vito looked at them and smiled silently. He stood on the table and put his hands on the holographic tabletop, looking at it. The three-dimensional holographic map of Terra was projected, "I can hear the explosion above even though I am separated by hundreds of meters of rock formations. I guess Abaddon is more anxious than me, so let's stop talking and get started."

The surrounding participants nodded, and Vito then turned to look at Commander Trajan behind him, "Okay, Commander, let's start with you first. Who told you to come to me first? "

"As you command, Marshal." Trajan said and walked to the holographic projection table. His battle ax slammed into his side. The huge storm battle ax stood firmly on the commander's body as if it had been inserted into the ground. On the side, Trajan took a step forward and pointed at the holographic map in front of him.

"I just returned from the Americas. I led a Custodian force to the New York Superhive. The Emperor's golden armored guards assisted the defenders there and repelled Chaos' plan to attack the Atlanta underground orbital tunnel. We drove the traitors out of the underground tunnels, so they tried to attack other hives along the tunnels, avoiding the Imperial defenders, and the Central Bloom plan was thwarted."

Trajan said and looked at the participants at the table. They all nodded slightly. Trajan then stood up and looked at the map in front of him with his hands folded. "But the situation in North America is better than we expected." What's worse, Chaos has broken through the orbital defenses. I think the naval fleet in the sky over North America may have been defeated. A large number of Chaos landing modules and transport aircraft flew back and forth between space and the surface, sending a large number of traitor Space Marines and Chaos servants away. To the surface.”

"Your Majesty, I even witnessed a Chaos Titan in the Montana area. The corrupted mechanical beast led five or six Hound Titans to besiege the fortress of the Imperial defenders there, and many civilians were hiding. Among them, waiting to evacuate the North American region through the underground rail subway network.”

"I led the Custodes to eliminate all the traitor Astartes on the ground, but I was unable to fight against the fallen Titan legions. If the Titans of the Order of Mars hadn't appeared in time, we might have been doomed."

Trajan said and nodded to Father Alpha, the leader of the Mars Titan Legion who was standing at the table and the pilot of the "Wrath of God" Titan. He was not here in person, but was participating in the meeting through a holographic image, but he still used a mechanized The commander responded with a stiff neck.

Vito also looked at Alpha. He clasped his arms and raised one hand slightly, "Where is the Titan Order currently?" "God's Wrath, myself, and some Titans are fighting in the area around the palace, so our signal is still there. Can access the communication system, and the other Titans have lost contact with us. I can only infer that they are still assisting the Guards in combat around the world. "

Vito touched his chin in deep thought. Then he raised his head slightly and looked to the side. Navy superior Boehner, who was also participating in the meeting with a holographic image, and Father Eugen, the leader of the Mechanicum fleet, said, "The communication network has been completely cut off. Is it in orbit? Can the navy still rebuild the communication system through the orbital base station? "

Father Eugen shook his head slightly. He was completely mechanized under his red robe, and his slender robotic arm was swinging in the air. "Unfortunately, Marshal, the communication base station in orbit was currently seriously damaged after the first round of strikes. Due to the orbit of Cairo, The elevator was destroyed, along with the communication components inside it, so the communication network in the orbital starport has also been paralyzed. "

"Currently, we can only provide local area coverage through shipboard communications to ensure that naval ships can still receive orders and fight, but this is a drop in the bucket. Fleets beyond the flagship signal coverage have also lost contact."

"How many fleets can you still contact?" Vito asked with a slight frown, while Bona put his hands behind his back and sighed softly, "The Naval Command can currently only contact Cole who is above the palace and is still within the coverage of the ground-based signal tower. The fleet, as well as the Oceania orbital fleet whose signal is intermittent, and the rest of the fleet have all lost contact. "

"Master Trajan said that the North American fleet may have been completely lost. We only found out just now, and we didn't know until Master Trajan came back and told us." Bona said and nodded to Trajan, who also nodded silently. responded the Admiral.

"As for the other fleets, there is currently no news at all. There is no way to know. We can only infer from the fact that the current orbital airborne density of Chaos has not exceeded the preset range. We can infer that most of the fleets are still fighting hard. But as far as we can see, the Chaos The size of the fleet is already large enough. Even with the assistance of orbital weapons, the black fleet's continuous attacks will destroy some fleets every time, and the number of available warships is decreasing every moment. "

Vito glanced at Bona, who was sighing in a low voice with his hands behind his back. He lowered his head and looked at the holographic map in front of him and thought about something, "Father Eugen, according to the calculations of the war engine, how long can your fleet be able to sustain it?"

"If the situation is good, one month." "What if the situation is bad?" "One week."

Eugen responded to Vito's question in an extremely brief way, briefly but in an extremely desperate way. With Eugen's words, the surrounding participants seemed a lot more depressed. That's why they wanted to If this desperate truth spreads out, the morale of the entire Terra will be ruined.

"Minister Harker, and Grand Judge Gordon, how is the evacuation of civilians in the Terra war zone?" Vito said, looking at Minister Harker of the Ministry of Government and Gordon, who was wearing the breastplate of Judge Gordon of the Ministry of Justice. Become a judge.

Huck stuttered about what to say, but it was obvious that the terrifying warriors and the more desperate reality had almost crushed his spirit. His eyes were dull and he stuttered about something to answer, but after a long time, he couldn't finish a sentence. He couldn't even spell out the words, and it was Gordon who finally answered the question for him.

The more calm and battle-hardened Grand Judge of the Ministry of Justice took a step forward. He looked directly into Vito's eyes. After the latter nodded slightly in approval, Gordon looked at the map in front of him.

"Officials from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Government tried their best to evacuate the civilians in the war zone and gathered them in the palace nest area that is currently protected by the void shield. However, because the attack came so suddenly, we only evacuated some of them. Still There are quite a few refugees in the war zone.”

"They need to face the shameful traitors and rebels alone, but I believe that the officers and soldiers of the Astra Militarum and the Defense Forces, as well as the Skitarii, are still fighting everywhere to protect those who failed to withdraw. Civilians in war zones.”

As Gordon spoke, he slightly raised his hand to signal Hancock and Marshal Beta Skitarii, who were standing across the table. They were on opposite sides of the table and seemed to be subconsciously stuck together. With them were Eisenstein and Bell. Maybe It's probably because the people who are fighting hard on the ground now feel sympathy for each other.

"How's the morale of the civilians? It's not a big problem, right?" Vito asked Gordon, who put one hand on his belt and put his thumb on the inside of the weapon belt against the surface of the breastplate.

"There is still panic, but we have maintained order as much as possible. Fortunately, the food brought by the Mechanicus is still sufficient, and ironically, we may be lucky that many refugees were trapped in the war zone and failed to reach the palace. We overestimated the palace’s safe zone, and now it’s full of people from the lower nest to the upper nest, and there’s no way it can accommodate new refugees.”

Vito looked at the map of the palace in front of him and was silent for a while. He thought about the war. After a while, he looked at the representatives of the army. "What's the situation with the Astra Militarum and the Skitarii? And the nest." Both and the Orbital Defense Array.”

"The Astra Militarum, in conjunction with the Defense Force, is still struggling to block the advance of Chaos in various places. However, during the airdrop strike stage of Chaos, most of the main hives have been controlled, and the peripheral troops and armored forces have been withdrawn according to orders. Leave the city and go to the wilderness of Terra to reorganize your defenses and stabilize the front as much as possible."

Hancock was propped up on the table in front of him. Although he was a flatterer who liked to flatter, flatter and please his superiors, as a soldier, he could still deploy and command battles calmly and calmly like a real general during wartime. This was That's why Vito chose him to be the new leader of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

"As for the main force that stayed in the hive and failed to withdraw, according to the order issued before the war, when they were unable to contact their superiors and break out, they were divided into pieces on the spot and worked with the local defense forces and legal affairs The judges and other armed forces of the Ministry formed a guerrilla force and used the complex streets and hive structures in the city to delay and kill the enemy as much as possible. "

Hancock said, turning to look at Trajan and nodding to him with sincerity and gratitude, "On behalf of the Astra Militarum and the Guards, as well as all the troops fighting on the ground of Terra, I would like to sincerely thank the Imperial Guard. Thank you for your help, sir. Fortunately, you sent the Forbidden Army commanders to lead guerrilla operations in various hives. Otherwise, the resistance in the cities would have been destroyed long ago. "

"It should be so. The duty of the Emperor's Custodes is to protect the safety of the Emperor. To protect the Emperor, we must not just stick to the high walls of the palace. If the empire collapses, no matter how we fight in the palace, we will be useless. Meaning." Trajan nodded solemnly, and beside him, Vito, standing at the end of the holographic table, also showed a smile and nodded approvingly.

"It seems that your previous suggestions were very effective. Commander Trajan, the imperial army does not need to dispatch in large groups to attack everywhere as a beheading force. Instead, it sends a small number of warriors who are skilled in command and war skills into each nest to lead and fight with Directing the local resistance to continue fighting, it seems to be very effective now.”

Vito smiled and looked at Eisenstein on the other side of the holographic table. The company commander of the Imperial Fists stood there, expressionless but standing majestically like a private, watching Vito intently, waiting for orders. .

"I remember that you opposed this plan before. You believed that the Imperial Guard should retain all its strength in the palace to protect the Emperor and carry out the final decisive battle. Captain, do you still think so now?"

"No, I was wrong. Facts have proved that Commander Trajan's suggestion is correct. Please accept my apology, Commander." Eisenstein nodded to Trajan without hesitation and apologized, defending himself and covering up everything. He had no intention of doing so, and he admitted his mistake quite bluntly.

Trajan naturally nodded and saluted him, and the commander of the imperial army put his iron fist on his chest to pay respect to Eisenstein, "As an officer under the marshal, you should question and make suggestions on all plans. This is understandable, company commander, You don’t need to apologize.”

"Your noble actions and understanding make me ashamed, Commander, but I will remember your words and I will faithfully perform my duties until the end of my life."

"We met a forbidden soldier in the Moscow nest. Although we only met once on the Thunder Eagle, he did lead the local warriors very well." Bell suddenly interjected, as if to adjust the slightly awkward situation. There was a serious and awkward atmosphere, but unexpectedly, Trajan felt a little embarrassed now.

The commander of the Forbidden Army cleared his throat and stood at the table with his arms folded. "His name is Charlie, Charles da Vinci. He is one of the new recruits in the Forbidden Army. He has always been unruly and bold, but he is also very... He is always too proud to be able to fight, so I sent him to command the troops in the hive, intending to dampen his spirit. "

"But it looks like he did a good job, hey. I guess we have to listen to him brag about his victory again." Trajan said helplessly, holding his forehead, well, this man reminded Vito of an old friend, Cato. Sicarius.

Vito smiled. He stood at the map table with his arms folded and looked at Eisenstein and Bell. He looked at the scar on the company commander's face and the bullet hole on Bell's shoulder. "Are you injured? What's the big deal?" Is it in the way?”

"It's nothing serious, Marshal. This is one of the countless injuries I have suffered. Some people say that scars are a warrior's medal of honor. I am honored that I can receive this honor again, proving that I still wield the sword for the Emperor." "In front of Eisenstein solemnly, Vito dropped his iron fist and hit his chest.

"What about you, Bell." Vito looked past Eisenstein to the blue-armored warrior behind him. He nodded in response to Vito, his expression calm and collected, "Me too, don't worry about me, Marshal, I'll be able to pick up my bolter soon."

"I believe that is indeed the case. Well, in that case, I can see from the "Medal of Honor" on your body that you have experienced a wonderful adventure. Now tell us, what did you see?"

Vito leaned on the table and raised his hand slightly. Eisenstein at the table nodded affirmatively in response. He stepped forward to the table and quickly switched the map and pointed to the location of the nest city above. "According to your order, Marshal, Bell and I went to the foothills of the Ural Mountains in the Moscow Hive to support the local defenders. From what we observed, the local troops were still resisting tenaciously. Troops from the Zhongsi Academy, the Defense Forces, and the Astra Militarum were fighting in the city. Fight enemies many times your own."

"They are all respectable warriors. I fought side by side with them to repel a traitor attack and killed countless traitors in front of the battle. I also left scars on my face, but those warriors were worthy of their responsibilities and duties. identity."

Eisenstein spoke majestically, word for word, without any additional emotional exaggeration, and spoke calmly and calmly, just like all Imperial Fist officers, "But we must also realize that although the soldiers are brave and tenacious, under the command of the Imperial Army They fought bravely under the leadership of the officers, but they still suffered heavy casualties. If this continues, I think they will not be able to continue to delay the traitors. "

"Indeed, Marshal, troops from all over the place, whether field troops or hive guard troops, have suffered heavy casualties. The soldiers are helpless and unable to resist those rebel space warriors. They can only use tragic casualties to slow their pace, but if If this continues, our troops will not be able to hold on." Hancock looked at Vito and added, and Captain Eisenstein opposite him also nodded in approval.

"As General Hancock said, the situation everywhere is very urgent now. We seriously lack the support of Space Marines. The only Space Marines are on the moon and cannot help Terra."

Vito held his chin and thought for a moment, then looked at Bona aside, "Where are the Gray Knights? Are they still on the moon?"

"Yes, sir, Master Francis leads the Gray Knights to continue to be stationed on the moon. They are using the orbital firepower of the fortress on the moon to attract and intercept a considerable amount of Chaos fleet firepower. It is precisely because the moon continues to be stuck in Terra's On the outside of the orbit, the planet-level orbital cannon mounted inside the star is a threat, and the planet killers of the Black Fleet are still unable to get close to Terra's orbit."

With a wave of Bona's finger, the current image of Terra's orbit quickly appeared on the holographic map. Vito looked at the densely populated, bright spots of Terra's enemy fleet surrounding Terra like yellow sand in a sandstorm. They were crushing Terra like iron barrels. The crowd was full of people.

But at the same time, the anti-aircraft firepower of the orbital platform and foundation was still firing fiercely. The orbital array light spots that were constantly beating on the surface of Terra were like guards trapped on a lighthouse on an isolated island in the dark tide, using all the firepower in their hands. Shoot with all your strength at the deep-sea monsters that climb onto the rocks and attack in groups.

They continuously knocked those monsters off the rocks and let them fall back into their dark lairs. Those orbital weapon arrays still cooperated with the naval ships to protect Terra's orbit.

"The moon, the starports in orbit, and the automatic orbital array on the surface of Terra are still operating, praising the Ohm Messiah and the Emperor, as if they have also been extinguished, I am afraid that the fleet has long been overwhelmed in an instant, The Chaos Fleet can then launch orbital bombardments across Terra without any hindrance and launch landing troops.”

Bona said, while Vito touched his chin and remained silent. He listened to the admiral's words and the bad news that followed, "But this is only temporary, sir. The naval fleet will eventually be destroyed in a war of attrition." If it is defeated, the defense array on the orbit will be completely destroyed, and the automatic orbital defense firepower still operating on the surface will be unable to continue to intercept the destructive bombing and landing of Chaos. "

"Indeed, sir, the Army can't hold on any longer. If we continue fighting like this, all the troops will collapse! We must come up with a way to break the situation!" Hancock stepped forward and said loudly, he approached Vito's side, During the war, he had forgotten the awkward etiquette between superiors and subordinates.

This was originally a good thing, but Vito had no intention of praising him now. Vito looked at the crisis situation in front of him, from the surface to space, from the eastern part of Terra to the west, from Antarctica to North Pole, almost everywhere. The battle fronts are in crisis, and the destructive death cursor appears on all battlefields.

Vito took a deep breath, and after breathing out his breath, he looked to the side, Ms. Dean of Star Language, who had not spoken but was standing not far away, "Has Star Language Academy observed that the subspace storm has weakened? ?”

"The storm is indeed weakening, sir. The light of hope is flickering in the dark clouds, but it is still weak and confused, just like the stars in the dark winter night."

"That means we still need more time to delay Chaos long enough, until the storm weakens and disappears." Vito held his arms in his arms and looked at the hologram of Terra in front of him. He frowned and witnessed the scene. With the entire battle line marked in red, Vito glanced at his palm and the Helen CD he had been holding quietly in his hand.

He was thinking, thinking about whether it was time to activate the Iron Man Legion and implement the Last Iron Guard plan, but if he decided to do that, he would need to face all the problems that would follow. That was the last resort. Last resort.

Vito looked at Helen's CD and sighed, "It would be great if that idiot Abaddon came to my door and asked me to chop him."

"Perhaps, he will indeed be like this." Eisenstein walked directly to Vito from one side of the table. He stood calmly and looked at Vito's confused eyes.

Vito looked at Eisenstein in surprise, "What do you mean? His brain full of tubes has finally been burned out by chaos, and he is going to die?"

Eisenstein may not have realized Vito's cold joke. He still kept a straight face and spoke his advice calmly like an officer reporting, "Abaddon appeared in the Moscow Hive, and he attacked the local At the central fort, several deserters from the Guards were released to spread the news of his arrival."

"He is challenging you, Marshal." Eisenstein said coldly, as if the appearance of the War Marshal himself was just a simple change on the battlefield. It was as simple as the appearance of a Leman Russ on the street. It couldn't be easier than that.

But Vito frowned suddenly. He looked at Eisenstein beside him and frowned, "Is the news true?" "The deserter has been executed. There are no witnesses, but I believe the news is true. They I don’t know what Abaddon looks like, and no one in the Black Legion dares to pretend to be the Warmaster, so I believe that Abaddon took the initiative to spread this news.”

"He is challenging you, Marshal, to extend an invitation to you." Eisenstein said calmly, as if to help Abaddon pass the news that was almost interrupted because he was shot for desertion to Vitor's ears, without missing a word. Delivered accurately.

If Eisenstein was a messenger, he would definitely be a good one. Now Vito knew the news, and everyone present knew the news. Everyone present at the meeting fell silent for an instant, and everyone looked at Vito. Silent.

Vito was silent as he looked at the map in front of him. It was of course Abaddon's challenge. He seemed to be so angry at his speech a while ago that he wanted to challenge him in such a hurry.

"Ha, Horus, you guys are the same as your son. Isn't this the same as ten thousand years ago? One-on-one, ha." Vito sneered and muttered, while Trajan next to him leaned closer. Come up.

"My lord, how should we respond?" Trajan asked, and Vito raised his head with a smile. He looked at the map in front of him and smiled, "Since they have invited me so sincerely, how can I have the nerve to refuse? "

As he spoke, Vito raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing the smile that would only appear when he came up with some conspiracy. He slightly turned his head and looked at Sister Silence Captain Teresia, one of the two silent ladies on the side, " Ms. Teresa, where are your sisters at this moment?"

"I'm waiting for your orders in the palace." "Very good, Trajan."

"Yes, Marshal." "How many Imperial Guards do you have?" "There are still 7,000 people who have not left the palace." "Where is the Aerial Motorcycle Unit? Are they still under your command?" "Yes. "My lord." "Okay, call them and all the Imperial Guards. It's time to take you for a walk."

After Vito said that, he immediately looked at the Beta Skitarii Marshal, who had already looked over and was waiting for the order, "All the troops of your Skitarii troops around the palace will set off together with the Imperial Guards and the Sisters of Silence. All the Titan troops that can be mobilized now will also join us."

"As you wish, Marshal." Beta responded with a synthesized cold voice, while Vito raised his head slightly and looked at the map in front of him. Eisenstein and Trajan were crowding behind him, and the two golden men Trajan among the warriors A quietly spoke, "Marshal, you have assembled such a large and powerful army, where are we going?"

"Abaddon wants to fight me, so of course he has to choose a good place, a good and suitable place." Vito said with a smile. This time it was Eisenstein's turn to ask a question.

"Where is that place?" "Here."

Vito said and drew out the Phoenix Sword. After being injected with spiritual energy, the unique blade made by the Eldar quickly grew to a size that could be held by someone wearing power armor. Vito held the thick hilt of the sword and held it. The flaming sword finger landed on a corner of the map, a blank corner.

Trajan and Eisenstein looked at each other in confusion, and then Vito gently reached out and scanned the map. The map quickly moved to one side, and the regional information on it was quickly updated and then the sword pointed at it. A new name suddenly appeared on the empty space.

"The Lion's Gate."

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