Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 342 The Rise of the Primarch: The Beginning of a New Adventure

Cole looked at the finely crafted bolt gun in his hand, which was quietly held in Cole's palm. To be honest, Cole had forgotten the last time he had to shoot it himself. How many years ago? Or ten years ago? He forgot, but he wished he still remembered how to shoot.

Cole Markarian, one of the best captains in the empire, inserted the magazine into the magazine, but when he reached out to push the rebounding bolt back, he couldn't push it back. The explosive shell The bolt part of the gun was stuck at the very end of the barrel.

The captain pushed the gun hard, but no matter how hard he tried, the thing was still stuck at the end. Suddenly, while Captain Cole was still working hard, a man snatched the gun from his hand. In the past, Anna took the gun and pulled the trigger with one hand, and then the part bounced back to where it should go.

As the bullet was pushed into the gun chamber, Anna threw the bolter to Cole. The latter quickly caught the gun and looked awkwardly at the surrounding bridge crew members who were holding guns. Everyone looked politely. Nakamata looked at Cole with an expression of undisguised embarrassment. The latter cleared his throat and pretended to check the bolter in his hand.

"Okay, everyone, get ready. Those guys should be here soon." Cole ordered in a serious manner. Only then did everyone turn their attention away from the captain. They took aim with their guns. The steel automatic door on the bridge ahead was tightly closed, but everyone knew that the door could not stop the Astartes at all.

Cole looked at the golden bombs in the barrel of the gun. He sighed and raised the gun, "I didn't expect that I would say this. I still miss Ragnar now. I really hope they still return it." on board."

"Don't you always complain that he demolished your training room? Now you start to miss him?" Anna mockingly smiled and picked up a rifle-type bolter. That thing was more than a circle bigger than the pistol type in Cole's hand. , but Ana just copied it, and now she looks more like a bomb chick, ah, I mean, a battle sister.

"At least if he is on the ship, he has now broken away from the enthusiasm of dismantling training servitors, and is screaming to fight with enemies who are, in his words, "bigger and more powerful", just like a greenskin."

Cole said with a smile involuntarily, and the sailors around him also laughed. Everyone laughed in the intermission before the battle. Anna also stood next to Cole, holding the bolt gun and smiling charmingly. .

"Ragnar always looks for the strongest enemy, and then dies gloriously in the Hall of Valor so that he can brag about it. What a pity. He should definitely like the current situation. There is a large group of ten thousand-year-old traitors rushing towards us. "

Anna smiled and tilted her head slightly, her short crimson hair swaying gently with her head. He moved his head closer to Cole and leaned gently on his shoulder, "How about it? Is it satisfactory to die here?" "

"As they say in the academy, a captain must sink with his battleship. It is a great honor for me to sink with this beauty in such a great battle, under the gaze of the Emperor himself." Cole He said with a slight nod, while Anna rolled her eyes and stood up from Cole.

"Yes, there is only 'one' beauty." Anna complained and tightened her grip on the trigger, but suddenly a hand hugged her shoulder. Anna was surprised and turned her head slightly to look at Cole. Anna hugged her side, her other hand still holding the bolter and pointing forward.

Anna looked at Cole and smiled slightly strangely, then she freed up the hand holding the gun and poked his chin with her finger, "Is your brain suddenly upgraded? The first mate who is hugging you, this is not consistent. Navy rules and regulations."

"If we are all going to die, then I think it is not unacceptable to violate the rules once. Anna, I am honored to die with you. No, this is my happiness."

Anna was stunned when she looked at Cole beside her. He suddenly thought of Vito's words. Cole was not slow. He simply valued his responsibilities more than anything else. But at this moment, when he was about to When he was relieved of that responsibility, Cole could finally face his own heart.

Anna laughed sincerely, her smile was so joyful, but also a little sad, "I really hope we don't have to die here together. There are still many things I want to do with you."

As Anna spoke, she raised the bolt gun in her hand and aimed it at the door. Cole's finger was pressed tightly on the trigger. His eyes were aligned with the baseline of the bolt pistol, locking on the door tightly.

Everyone pressed the trigger tightly. They stared at the door, waiting for the Astartes who were about to break in. Time seemed to freeze into eternity at this moment. In the moment before death, Cole's Many memories flashed before my eyes.

Macarius Planet, his memories of growing up with Anna, the academy, the course and his military career, his crazy adventure after meeting Vito and Ragnar, he and Vito taunting each other, and Ragnar Quarrels, wine tastings with Lancelot, fights, and more wonderful memories.

It was like a revolving door, the things a person would see when he was about to die. Cole closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His life was not a regret. Apart from the guilt for Anna around him, he should have given her more. But now, Cole slowly opened his eyes and stared sharply at the door that was about to be broken open. He was still ready to be summoned by the Emperor.

"Are you ready to report to the Emperor in person?" Anna was held in Cole's arms, but she still held the bolt gun and said, Cole also showed a sincere smile after listening.

"I've prepared it a thousand times. I'll tell you this when I go with you." Cole said in his unique, military-like romance. After hearing this, Anna suddenly picked up the blaster and aimed it at the door. The two of them Leaning together, both hands raised the gun and aimed at the door.

But Captain Cole's Emperor's Reporting Conference may have to be delayed. Suddenly, the terminal next to him started to alert loudly. Captain Cole looked at the terminal in surprise. Of course, it was not because of the alarm. The most indispensable thing on the ship now is the alarm. , he was surprised that the terminal was used to detect transition signals.

Next to Cole, who had been modified by the Mechanicus, he held a laser gun between his slender fingers. The extra-long ring finger of his right hand was inserted into the trigger at a strange angle. Then Touzhan Zhang, who was holding the trigger at an angle, also looked at it. That radar, he turned to Cole and asked Cole silently for instructions. The latter looked at Anna in his arms and pointed his bolt gun at the terminal.

The fortune teller suddenly put the gun on his shoulder, and walked to the terminal with the gun hanging. The fortune teller skillfully operated the instruments in front of him with his fingers, and then stood up in disbelief when he looked at the beacon beating above.

"Captain! It's the beacon of an imperial ship! An imperial fleet is jumping into the battlefield!" Captain Bird turned his head and shouted in an incredible voice. Cole was even more shocked. He turned to look at the huge bridge beside him. Floor to ceiling windows.

Just like the radar scanning data in front of the Birdmaster, as the intensity of the transition energy on the radar reached its peak, space collapse suddenly appeared in the narrow star field between the Infinite Frontier and the Queen of Glory. Collapsing and shrinking rapidly, bolts of lightning jumped out from the twisted sky.

Then in the blink of an eye, an imperial warship jumped into the battlefield. It jumped out of the twisted space as if it appeared out of thin air. The entire giant ship expanded rapidly from small to large, as if it had passed through a magnifying gate and suddenly jumped in. physical universe.

And it wasn't just one battleship. Cole looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows with wide eyes at the countless jump fields outside. Imperial battleships suddenly jumped out of space one after another, and they were all battleships of the Space Marine Chapter!

Cole looked at those heavenly warriors in disbelief. The Space Marine warships jumped in groups and appeared in the middle of the Chaos Fleet and the Imperial warships, as well as above their heads. Cole noticed that there were no warships on their ships. The regimental mark lacks any emblems or colors, as if it had just been launched from the shipyard and rushed into the battlefield before it had a chance to be painted.

But their simple appearance did not affect their combat effectiveness. The Space Marine warships flying past the Infinite Frontier immediately opened fire, and the roaring broadside firepower ruthlessly hit the Queen of Glory on the side, and there were more than one ship, more than a dozen The unpainted Space Marine battleships all quickly appeared around the Queen of Glory, swarming up like a group of lions hunting elephants, aiming at the Queen of Glory and besieging her.

Countless shells roared and hit the shield of Queen of Glory, and the raging fire of explosions swept across the starry sky. Not only Queen of Glory's ship was besieged, but almost all the warships that Chaos assaulted into low-Earth orbit were attacked. Besieged by these warships that suddenly entered the battlefield.

The mysterious Space Marine war fleet and Terra's orbital anti-aircraft firepower flanked the Chaos fleet from both inside and outside. A raging sea of ​​fire exploded from the surface of all Chaos warships, and the churning flames even impacted those at close range. On one side of the Imperial Navy.

Cole hugged Anna and raised his hands to cover his eyes. The fire rushing against the window almost made it impossible to open his eyes. In the fire, Cole heard a voice from the communication channel, a deep, deep voice.

"I am Cody, the commander of the United Primaris Space Marine Legion Fleet. Under the command of the Great Sage Belisarius Caul and in response to the call of Supreme Marshal Vitor Constantine, I lead a large company of thirty Primaris Space Marines. Come and fight alongside the Imperial Navy, all Imperial units who hear this broadcast, take up arms!"

Along with the rich voice that resounded through all the Infinite Frontiers and the communication channels of all battleships, the fire suddenly dissipated from the window in front of Cole as if it had been rehearsed in advance. When the fire disappeared, it came into view. The picture is even more impressive.

Cole, Anna, and all the crew members on the bridge looked at the new chapter after the curtain rose, a scene they would never forget in their lives.

It was the mirror image of countless blue fire points shot from the Space Marine fleet. Each flash of light was a landing module, and a faint blue meteor shower was densely emitted from both sides of the battleship, whistling and accompanied by gorgeous The trajectory shot towards the Imperial Navy fleet below, and the Chaos fleet on one side.

The Emperor's death iron rain fell densely from the universe, and the meteor shower also whizzed past Cole's head. He heard the intensive crash of the landing module, which was like a downpour on the iron shed. The same crackling sounds sounded one after another on the roof.

"The Primaris Space Marines boarded the ship, and all decks reported that they were attacking on their own, sweeping the entire ship! All other warships received the same message." The Oracle said excitedly, almost screaming, but he didn't shouted out, and the navy sailors around Cole cheered.

They threw away their hats and looked out the window at the iron rain and the explosions that lit up the starry sky and cheered. Cole looked at the huge battleship sliding past the window. The Primaris Fleet's Space Marine Strike Flagship was Endless bolides and cannonballs were spitting out to both sides, and the explosion flames of the Chaos warships on one side illuminated its hull, making its majestic outline even bigger in the dark backlight.

"Wow, it looks like your report will be late." Anna smiled and leaned on Cole's chest. She slammed the bolter on her thigh, leaned on the captain's arms and watched the scenery outside the window with him. The gorgeous battlefield, the explosion of countless cannonballs hitting the void shield, mixed with the scene of the Space Marine landing pod cutting through the sky and flying past the window, has become a unique and gorgeous dating scene that belongs to 40K for thousands of years.


"Report Captain! The entire fleet has been attacked! Other parts of the fleet have also been severely bombarded. Small and medium-sized battleships have been landed by Imperial Space Marines! The entire fleet has suffered heavy losses!"

The first mate of the Black Legion on the Vengeful Spirit shouted loudly. Behind him, Serksos stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the countless explosions outside the window and the Emperor's rain of fire that cut across the sky.

"Decks 17, 8 and 56 of the Vengeful Spirit were attacked by gangs! The Imperial fleet interrupted the connection of our fleet, and the Vengeful Spirit has been disconnected from the main fleet! The battleship Void Shield is under siege, and its strength is declining rapidly. , other ships cannot leave the formation to provide support while flying in longitudinal formation! Sir, we are in trouble!"

The first mate's voice shouted bad news again and again. Xerxos looked at the explosion outside the window and made a decision. He had to give an order even if he offended Abaddon and might be executed later. He turned around sharply. Pointing to the first mate behind him, "Order the entire fleet to turn away from the battle immediately! All warships break out of the encirclement and head to the open area to make an emergency jump retreat. The entire fleet of the Vengeful Spirit evacuates last, covering the retreat of the fleet!"

"Yes! Captain." The first mate shouted and saluted, then turned around and immediately went to give the order. Serksos looked at the bridge of the Vengeful Spirit swaying amidst the rumble of gunfire and dull vibrations. He took a deep breath. In one breath, he immediately turned around and walked to the communication equipment. He pulled away the priest of the Dark Mechanicus there.

The content of this communication should be delivered by him, and can only be delivered by him. Sirksos took a deep breath and pressed down the communication in front of him. The dual-standard audio display bands of the outgoing segment and the communication segment appeared on the screen. As Sirksos The audio from Soth's opening began to vibrate.

"Warmaster, the Imperial support fleet has jumped into the battlefield. In order to preserve the main force, I have ordered a retreat. Please retreat from Terra as soon as possible. I will send a small assault ship to pick you up."

As soon as Serksos finished speaking, as expected, the audio on the receiving end vibrated with roars like a tsunami. Abaddon's roar penetrated the electronic data stream and passed through the chaotic starry sky battlefield directly to the ship. Bridge interior.

Abaddon on the moon looked at the orbit of Terra in the distance. In the light of the explosion, the Chaos fleet was leaving the battlefield. They fled in a hurry under the joint strangulation of the Primaris Space Marine fleet and the Empire-Mechanicum joint fleet behind them. , countless plasma thrusters shine in the dark starry sky, and the light of the emergency subspace jump continues to shine in the night sky of Terra like stars that are born and extinguished.

Abaddon looked in the direction of the battlefield and roared fiercely. His voice was like a wild wolf with explosive hair. His roar echoed across the entire surface of the moon. His claws slammed into the silver sand, shaking a large area. Dust.

In the midst of Abaddon's incompetent rage, Magrus looked in that direction and let out a contemptuous snort, "You failed again, Abaddon, you failed the great cause of the four gods once again, you failed them. "

"No! The great deeds of the four gods will be realized! The eternal war will definitely end!" "Indeed, it will not be completed by you, but by me."

Magruth roared and raised the powerful psychic whirlwind in his hand. The blue-white vortex and violent wind roared across the entire surface of the moon. The Thousand Sons warriors behind him blocked him with staffs. In front of them, they stood in front of the blue tornado. A strange light shone on them and also illuminated the entire surface of Terra's satellite.

The silver sand under Vito's feet has turned blue and is changing with strong vibrations. The entire sand is rolling rapidly like a piece of quicksand. The silver sands have gathered into large rivers and tsunamis. A stormy sea broke out on the surface of the moon.

The entire moon was shaking under the storm. Guilliman stood with his legs on the silver sand. He looked at the vibrating moon surface under his feet and looked up at Magrus who was casting a spell. His mind Zhong immediately recalled the environment he had seen when he put on the cursed tiara made by Fulgrim during Macragge's coronation ceremony.

He saw a planet crashing into Terra, a silver ball and a blue storm covering it. The scene presented in the illusion was right in front of him, playing out in front of Guilliman.

"Vito! We must stop Magruth! This is exactly what I saw in my hallucination. He is going to push the moon out of orbit and hit Terra directly!"

Guilliman yelled at Vitor, who looked at the quicksand under his feet that was indeed moving to one side due to gravity. He raised his head and looked at Magruth in front of him and frowned, "We must banish Magruus. Although his soul is broken, even if we kill him, he will be resurrected in the warp, but now we must deal with him before he smashes the moon on the Emperor's head. "

"And not only that, Magrus has discovered this webway. He followed us to the moon and discovered this webway gate that leads directly to Terra. We must destroy this gate!" Guilliman pointed in front of him. shouted from the blue network tunnel, and the golden hair on his head was dancing rapidly with gravity.

"Magrus was the one who suddenly broke into the Webway and intercepted us before. This means that he already knows how to open and use the Webway. Even if he cannot know the locations of all the Webway gates like the Eldar, he already knows how to Entering the Webway, we must destroy this gate, otherwise he will come back to Terra through this gate after his resurrection!"

Cato Sicarius, who was beside Guilliman, shrugged and pulled out a melta grenade from his waist. "Isn't this simple? Let's blow it up. Sir, please stay here for a moment. Wait, I! Cato Sicarius, I will complete the mission for you!”

"Stop you arrogant idiot." Cypher grabbed Magrus who was about to move forward. The latter proudly raised his head and pointed his nostrils at Cypher with a look of self-confidence that reached the point of narcissism. Degree.

"Are you doubting me? Doubt me! Cato Sicarius can't complete the mission? But the fact is, I! Cato Sicarius will never fail."

"That's not what I'm talking about, idiot. The gate to the webway was built by the ancient saints. That thing can't be blown up with a blast of melt." Cypher said as he snatched the melt grenade from Sicarius' hand. Point with the other hand to the gleaming portal of the Webway in the distance.

"Any physical means is useless against the Webway. That thing has no entity at all. In order to deal with the undead, the Ancient Sage specially designed the Webway to be completely immune to physical attacks. Only psychic power can destroy the Webway, and it must be quite strong. Psychic power will do.”

"Don't you know how to open the webway? Then why don't you go and blow him up?" Sicarius said, waving his hand with a look of disdain and impatience, while Seifer looked at this junior speechlessly. sigh.

"Opening the webway and blowing up that thing are two different concepts. Among us, only Vito and Celestine have enough psychic powers to do it." Seifer said, looking at Vito and his hug. Holding the little angel on her shoulders, she looked at them both in silence for a moment.

"What? Cypher, if you have something to say, just say it quickly! We don't have time to play riddles." Guilliman looked at Magrus who was casting the spell and shouted anxiously. Cypher turned to look at Guilliman and was silent for a while, but finally started He spoke quickly.

"To destroy the Webway, it must be destroyed from the inside. The boundary of its psychic structure cannot be touched from the outside. Once the structure of the Webway is destroyed from the inside, the door will quickly close and those who enter will be trapped. Inside, trapped in a chaotic passage world after the collapse of the Webway, you may be lost forever. "

After Cypher finished speaking, Guilliman looked at the Dark Angel in front of him, and then looked at Vito and Celestine in shock. The little angel in Vito's arms lowered his head and thought for a moment, and then his eyes widened. He raised his head and looked into Vito's eyes. Sure enough, he was staring at the door, staring intently.

"And you can't blow it up casually. That person must understand the principles of the psychic structure of the Webway, otherwise even if you blow up the psychic explosion after its collapse, it will affect the real universe outside the door, and its psychic explosion will shatter the moon. The fragments will still hit Terra, with the same result as Magrus."

Vito looked at the webway gate and let out a long sigh. Celesta grabbed the upper side of his armor tightly. She raised her head and looked at Vito looking at him with pleading eyes, "No, Vito ,do not tell me."

"I'll go, I know the principles of the Webway, and I know its paths as well as the Eldar. I will find the way back and bring the one-eyed dragon in." Vito said, holding Celestine's hand. He pushed her away with his palm, and then jerked the Phoenix Sword before the little angel could say anything. Burning flames jumped from it along with golden lightning.

"Guilliman, Cypher, and you idiot, cover me!" Vito yelled and rushed towards the door of the webway. Celestine stretched out her arm to grab Vito, but hers Vito had already rushed out of the range as soon as he stretched out his palm. Vito strode towards Magruth's direction on the silver sand waves.

"Vito!" Celestine shouted in the direction of Vito, but he had already rushed away. Sicarius and Sever also rushed out side by side following Vito's footsteps. Sever Holding two guns, he followed closely beside Vito while sprinting and shooting at the Thousand Sons. His double guns, which he fired alternately from left to right, bombarded the Thousand Sons with rapid fire.

Guilliman glanced at Celestine who was standing there, stretched out his hand and looked at Vito who was leaving. He looked at the little angel's tear-filled eyes and was silent for a moment, but in the end he said nothing and just pulled out the flames. Sword Steps followed Vito and the other two.

Wearing power armor, Vito walked swiftly on the sand and rushed towards Magruth. A Thousand Sons standing in front of the original body immediately noticed Vito. He raised his hands and instantly gathered a blue beam of light in his hands. Then he pushed towards Vito suddenly, and in an instant the light shone towards Vito.

Vito saw that the light had no intention of slowing down at all. He still strode across the sand with long strides. Large swaths of silver dust kept flying up under his feet. The blue beam of light flew across the sand and shot towards Vito. Tuo, and at the moment when the beam was about to collide with Vito, Vito took a step, took the Phoenix Sword in his hand, rotated it, and slashed out.

The golden lightning was beating continuously on the Phoenix Sword as it was swung out. The blade suddenly cut through the center of the blue light pillar. Since the light was cut off, the dazzling beam of light was split into two, and then passed through the center of the blue light beam. Vito split in front of him, and the man with the sword rushed past the center of the separated beam of light.

Vito fired out golden lightning with a backhand palm. The electric arc roared across the sky and flew past the silver sand of the moon. It hit the Thousand-Band Son at once, and his body was engulfed in golden light in the blink of an eye. The explosion shattered and instantly turned into countless flying golden fragments flying out behind him.

And Vito rushed through the golden fragments flying on the surface of the moon. He waved the Phoenix Sword in his hand and slashed at the next Thousand Sons in front of him. He raised his head to attack Vito. With the burning blade chopped down by the support, as the staff was raised, a blue psychic shield instantly appeared in front of Thousand Sons.

But the shield, the shield that was supposed to protect him, was instantly pierced the moment it came into contact with the sharp blade. The light shield shattered and exploded, and the flaming blade followed Vito's palm in the scattered spiritual light spots. Whistling down, Vito, with golden light in his eyes, glared at Qianzi in front of him, and the falling phoenix sword slashed through his body from the shoulder.

Thousand Sons' body collapsed in an instant, and the two halves of his body crashed onto the sand. Vito stepped on the ground in the center of his body, and he rushed forward at a rapid speed. Magurus, the Phoenix Sword in his hand rotated rapidly in the air with the movement of his wrist.

Vito rushed past the other Thousand Sons. The Thousand Sons immediately turned around with the staff in hand, and followed Vito with their eyes. The center of the staff in his hand also lit up as he raised it. There was a dazzling flash, but just as he was about to attack Vito from behind, a series of violent bolt bombardments hit the side of the Thousand Sons.

A flame exploded from the shield he summoned in an emergency. It was Guilliman's running hand with his right arm raised, and he fired continuously with the twin heavy bolters hanging below it. Yes, Guilliman was still firing. The powerful explosive shells hit the shield of the Thousand Sons, making it impossible for them to lift their heads.

His shield was continuously weakened by the fierce gunfire, and when the blue light on the shield turned from bright to dark, a power sword thrust directly from the air, and the sword directly pierced the shield in front of the Thousand Sons. Shield, the blade of the power sword stabbed directly into Qianzi's shoulder.

After being stabbed by the Thousand Sons, the Thousand Sons fell backwards and fell to the ground. The Ultramarine who had been stabbed suddenly fell in front of him and stepped on the Thousand Sons with one leg. Sicarius drew out his power. The sword, blood sprayed on the surrounding sand the moment the blade was drawn out.

Qianzi whimpered. He looked at Sicarius in front of him and remained silent, but Sicarius raised his head proudly, "Remember the traitor! The one who killed you was Cato Sicarius. Si, Chief Swordsman of Macragge, Lord of Knights and Watchers, Lord Talasil, and "

Before Sicarius could finish his words, he was interrupted by the sound of a gunshot. The roaring plasma directly punched a big hole in the side of the Thousand Sons' head at Sicarius' feet, and shot directly through his temple. , instantly exploded the head into a broken watermelon.

"Hey! I haven't finished speaking yet!" Sicarius raised his head and looked at Cypher, who was standing a few steps away holding a plasma pistol. The latter looked at Sicarius speechlessly and raised his other hand. He raised the bolt gun in his right hand and aimed it at Qianzi below him. Qianzi's shoulder was pierced by plasma, but his other hand tried to grab the staff on the side, but Seifer shot through it. His head.

"I thought you Dark Angels were all knights, and you should pay attention to honor and fairness when fighting. Knights should not hide their identities." Sicarius punched himself in the chest proudly, while Cypher looked at him and fell silent. After a moment, he picked up his two guns and pointed them forward, shooting twice.

"I'm not a knight. Secondly, they have been cursed with red seeds. Their souls are not in their bodies at all, and they don't understand what you are talking about. So instead of wasting time, it is better to move on." Saifu said and fired rapidly with both pistols. As he advanced, his barrage of artillery fire hit another Qianzi who was trying to stop Vito, and the traitor was forced to stop to defend himself from Cypher's attack.

Sicarius shrugged helplessly, then spun the power sword and rushed forward. He rushed forward on the splashing silver sand, and behind him, Abaddon watched the charge calmly on the edge of the battlefield. Vito and his party, as well as Magurus who cast the spell.

"Sir, are we going to help?" The soldiers of the Black Legion approached behind Abaddon. One of them approached and asked softly. Abaddon raised his head and looked at Magruth, his angry eyes shaking slightly. Shake his head.

"No, let Magurus go out by himself, let's go." Abaddon said and turned around to leave. He walked towards the far end of the moon's horizon, where a large transport ship landed. The black man behind him The Legion traitors looked at the battlefield during the battle, and then turned around and followed the Warmaster away after looking at each other for a while.

Abaddon chose to sit back and watch Magrus, and just when he turned to leave, Vito had almost rushed in front of Magrus. He held a sword with one hand and rushed towards the red giant who was casting a spell, but he did not pay attention. Suddenly, a Thousand Sons slid down from the sand beside him, and the traitor was shooting a dazzling blue lightning towards Vito.

Vito turned to look at the lightning. His eyes widened and he suddenly stopped and raised the sword in his hand. But suddenly a figure suddenly fell in front of him. The huge wings suddenly spread out in front of Vito and waved. The flaming sword that came out suddenly chopped up the blue lightning that was shot. The fire and lightning stirred together, and then they were decomposed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Celestine swung a sword with his backhand, and the flaming blade of the burning holy sword whizzed out and struck the thousand words. His chest was cut with a huge burning crack by the flaming blade and he fell down.

"Celestine, I" "Shut up."

Celestine said as she turned around and grabbed Vito's arm in front of her. She raised her head and looked at Vito in front of her. She lowered her eyes and was silent for a moment and then slowly raised her eyes to look at Vito's eyes in front of her. "Promise me, you will definitely do it." return."

"What? I don't know. The Internet is very complicated. I don't know when it will be possible." "Shut up and just promise me."

Celestine said sharply, but Vito was not frightened or angry because of this. He looked at Celestine with tears in his eyes in front of him. They both knew that this time they would not see each other for a long time, or even forever. , to break into a chaotic network, and then come out again, even if you are alive, you don't know when.

Look at Khan, he rushed into the royal road ten thousand years ago. Now the descendants of the white robe are still waiting for the return of their original body, and Vito is going to the same place. This farewell may be a farewell forever. .

Vito looked at Celestine in front of him and smiled. He smiled and nodded to her, "I promise you, I promise to come back."

"That's enough." Celestine said, her wings fluttered and she flew up. After flying up, she jumped on Vito's body, her lips were pressed against Vito's lips, and she hugged Vito Her neck hugged him, and then let go after a brief moment.

"I love you, no matter where you go, remember it." Celestine put her forehead against Vito's and whispered softly, while the latter put his arm around her waist and nodded slightly, "I love you too. ”

Celestine let go of Vito, and she immediately turned around and flew up with her wings. After flying into the air, she spread her wings and instantly released a golden light. The Thousand Sons below looked up at Celestine. , while the little angel whirled down from the air holding a flaming sword, and slashed at the Thousand Sons below.

Vito looked at Celestine's back, and then immediately continued to move forward. He was no longer blocked, and only Magruth was left alone at the gate of the webway. He watched Vito then lift one leg. Stomping on the ground, the sand in front of him was instantly stirred up into a sandstorm, and behind the silver waves was a powerful psychic shock wave.

The shock wave hit Vito all of a sudden, and he was knocked away. However, Vito flew back a few steps and was caught by his arm. It was a huge blue arm. Liman caught Vito's arm from flying.

"Guilliman! Throw me over!" Vitor yelled, and Guilliman nodded sharply. He took a step forward, then grabbed Vitor's arm and threw him around in a spin.

The golden-armored Vito spun around in Guilliman's giant whirlwind, and then was thrown towards Magrus. He whispered something as he flew past Guilliman's ear, Guilliman. Man heard this and turned his head to look at Vito with his eyes widened, but before he could ask any questions, Vito was already thrown away.

Guilliman looked at Vitor who flew out, and then immediately turned to look at Cypher behind him, holding two guns, standing on the sand and shooting left and right alternately, and frowned.

Vito had just said one sentence, nothing short of a sentence.

"Cypher must not be allowed to see the Emperor."

While Guilliman was thinking about the meaning of what he just said, Vito, who said that, had already flown towards Magrus. He looked forward in the air, and Vito's body instantly emitted countless golden lightnings. Golden arcs of electricity shot out from his eyes.

Vito crashed into the silver waves raised by Magurus. The golden lightning tore a big hole out of the waves. Vito flew around it and flew straight towards Magurus. , the latter looked at Vito, who was faster with the blessing of lightning, and had no time to react.

Vito, who hit at the speed of light, left an electric arc wherever he passed. Those golden electric lights were beating in the air, as if he had just hit an electromagnetic gun that accelerated to the extreme, and the shell was even Vito himself. .

"Magnus! Protect your face!" Vito yelled and laughed as he bumped into him. He hit Magruth by surprise, and the red giant was accelerated to the speed of light. The golden cannonball hit him all at once, and he was knocked off balance by Vito and fell backwards.

Vito flew into the webway with Magruth. He leaned on Magruth's chest and laughed and turned around. The moment he flew under the door of the webway, he raised his hand and fired a huge golden arc. , the lightning suddenly hit the inner boundary of the Webway Gate, and in the blink of an eye, the entire edge of the gate was surrounded by lightning and rolled over quickly.

In the following moment, the entire webway gate collapsed, and the faint blue light band supporting the gate quickly collapsed and disintegrated. As the light band collapsed, the entire gate quickly shrank inward like the starting point.

The huge attraction almost sucked Guilliman in, who was approaching. Guilliman inserted the Emperor's flaming sword into the ground to immobilize himself. He stretched out his hand to grab it and lost his balance in the air, and was swept over. Celestine, one of the little angel's hands was held by Guilliman, while her legs and wings were swinging messily in the air.

She lowered her head and looked at the shrinking webway gate. The strong attraction of the singularity, like a black hole, sucked the psychic whirlwind created by Magruth into it. The entire huge blue vortex instantly collapsed. Countless rings of light and spiritual energy were pulled into the singularity, and silver sandstorms danced on the entire surface of the moon.

Suddenly at a certain point, the singularity suddenly collapsed to the end. It exploded to the surroundings instantly like a star that collapsed to the core. The entire singularity spread out a shock wave around like a two-dimensional plane.

The shock wave had no power at all. It was not the kind of explosive shock wave that blew up a fifth of the Gomo when Vito destroyed the portal. The invisible shock wave quickly rushed from the moon. At the end of the universe, all attraction then disappeared and all the gravel fell to the ground.

Celestine fell to the ground. After half-crouching on the ground, she raised her head and stood up. She stood on the sand with her sword in hand and looked at the vanished Webway gate in front of her. Behind her, Guilliman left. Coming up, he raised a hand and pressed Celestine's shoulder.

"He'll be back."

"I know that he will not make a promise to a girl casually, so he will come back." Celesta looked at the disappeared place and said with a smile, but a drop of it left on her cheeks in that sad smile. Tears, he will come back, but maybe when he comes back, he will be on the other side of the sea.

"I will wait for you, protect humanity for you, and I will wait for you to come back." Celestine said with a smile, and the tears fell from her cheeks, and the teardrops hit the sand like a sparkle. blooming like stars.

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