Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 343 Road to Expedition: Gathering of the Astartes

Terra Standard Year-M31K.401

Great Crusade Eastern Galactic Province-Micaea System Main Star


I dare say that such a summit must be rare. It is not uncommon for Space Marines to appear in groups in today's era. Most of each legion has tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Space Marine forces, so it's not surprising that these towering giants appear everywhere.

But here, in the newly built Holy Flame Palace on Micaea Prime today, an unprecedented gathering of Space Marines is being staged. This is not reflected in the absolute number. In fact, in this hall, The number of Space Marines was only a few hundred, but the uniqueness of this gathering was reflected in the fact that warriors from almost all eighteen legions were present.

From the First Army to the Eighteenth Army, soldiers wearing various colors and styles of power armor and wearing the weapon symbols created by the unique culture of their respective armies gathered together. These tall giants stood on this towering dome. Next, they gathered in small groups chatting with each other.

Soldiers from different legions chatted happily. They are all strong men from various legions. In fact, the person who can stand here cannot be an ordinary space warrior, at least he must be an officer. These high-ranking officers from each legion Members of the rank gather together as equals. They hold the same high military rank and have the same respectable achievements.

But when the sound of brisk footsteps walked into the hall from outside the door, a short mortal-looking man walked among the Space Marines. His boots inlaid with silver iron plates stepped on the white marble floor of the Hall of Holy Flame. On the top, he was wearing a rather low-key, even inconspicuous black jacket, with a bolt gun hanging on his belt swinging with his steps.

Logically speaking, when a mortal walks into such a gathering of Space Marines, regardless of his status or reputation, he should be quite cautious and awe-inspiring. Most imperial nobles, even members of famous families on Terra, will Choose to walk quietly from the edge of the hall, trying not to attract the attention of the Space Marines here.

But this man didn't. He walked straight into the hall and walked straight towards the White Scars warriors in front of him without even dodging, as if the tall giant should give way to him. How daring this was! I bet he'll get out of the way of, well, Space Marines.

The Eagle Warrior of the Chogoris planet stepped aside respectfully. He placed his right hand against his chest and bowed in obedience to the man who walked in front of him. Several officers from other legions beside him also immediately stepped aside. Opened, people on both sides bowed their heads and paid tribute to him.

The mortal man walked through a group of Space Marines, and all the Space Marine officers from all the Legions made way for him. All these formidable Space Marine officers used their abilities to him. In the culture of the Legion's home planet, the most expressive gesture of respect and surrender is to pay tribute to it.

Even the most arrogant and arrogant warriors in their respective legions, who respected only the Primarch himself, bowed to him, and he looked at them with a raised eyebrow and a hint of a smile as he passed between them. Lord Eidolon of the Emperor's Children Legion bowed his head in salute.

The proud son of the emperor lowered his head reluctantly. It was obvious that he did not really approve of the man in front of him, but it didn't matter. After all, apart from himself, Eidolon might also I have a little bit of respect for Fulgrim, and only a little bit.

When the man passed by Eidolon, he glanced at the two warriors standing behind him. Among them was a young swordsman with short hair. He was wearing his own gorgeous slender stabbing sword and stood behind Eidolon with a handsome face. His face was covered with an extremely confident smile, and his face was handsome and completely flawless. In just one word, he was perfect. He was an extremely typical Son of the Emperor.

Next to him was a son of the Emperor with long hair. The difference between him and his brother was that he also had a handsome face and acted quite modestly. There was nothing on his face that made people feel arrogant. His expression was a calm one, with his head bowed in respect.

"Hello, Captain Tarvitz, and Captain Lucius."

"Salute to you, Lord Marshal." Lucius raised his head and responded with an extremely confident smile, although the smile did not make Vito feel any respect at all, but was full of self-display, as if to let Vito Vito sees a new scar on the back of Lucius's cheek?

Lucius showed that part quite deliberately. Vito knew that Lucius had the habit of leaving a small scar on his face when he defeated a powerful opponent. It was worth mentioning that he used it to show his honor and Victory, displayed in the most unignorable way.

After all, the medal is hung on the chest. If Lucius does not take the initiative to introduce it, you will ignore that part if you are not paying attention. As for the "medal" on the face, as long as you look at Lucius's face when talking to him, There is no need for this confident warrior to brag about himself, although in effect, it makes him look more arrogant.

As I said before, the most typical Son of the Emperor.

"Salute to you, Marshal." Tavitz next to Lucius nodded to Vito in a more satisfactory and pleasant tone. Vito looked at him and nodded in response. Tavitz was the one who was full of self-confidence. One of the most relatable warriors among the madmen and perfection seekers, not because of anything else but because of his everlasting humility and true respect for others.

"Hey, Tarvitz, I wish you a happy day." Vito nodded to Sol Tarvitz again. Among all the Emperor's Children, Tarvitz has always been his favorite warrior, and Xiang Correspondingly, the one he disliked the most was Eidolon, so Vito just glanced at Eidolon, but walked over without saying a word.

Obviously this made the noble Lord Eidolon quite unhappy. He frowned and glared at Vito, but then he looked at the First Captain of the Imperial Fists who stood opposite him and frowned immediately after seeing his angry expression. After Sigismund's warning expression, Lord Eidolon immediately suppressed his anger.

Vito didn't need to turn around to know Eidolon's expression behind him. He put one hand on the bolter on his waist and waved gently as he passed in front of Sigismund, who was talking to the man behind him. The Imperial Fists officers responded to Vitor's friendly greetings in typical Sons of Dorn fashion.

With a straight face and an expressionless expression, Vito stood at attention and saluted. Vito looked at them with a wry smile. They were definitely Rogal Dorn's sons. You could tell without looking at their armor.

Vito continued to move forward. He passed between a group of Space Marines who made a straight path on both sides. They all stood on both sides, following Vito intently as he walked in front of him. Vito also looked at them, Looking for those friends he knew, he quickly found them.

"Hey, Loken, congratulations on your promotion. You are also the company commander now." Vito stopped and stood in front of the young Luna Wolf officer. Gavier Loken looked quite reserved, and he looked around. There were officers older than him around him. In fact, he was the youngest member here, and his face was full of youthfulness and restraint.

"Thank you for your reminder, Marshal! I promise you that I will faithfully perform my duties and serve the Emperor, the Warmaster, and you!" Loken stood at attention and said loudly, as if he was debriefing. The report meeting was the same, which made the company commanders of various legions around him laugh.

Togaton, who was next to Loken, immediately put his arm around Loken's shoulders. He patted the young company commander's shoulder, "Okay, Loken, stop seeing people congratulating you on your promotion every day, and then immediately dismiss you." I’m tired of all the official talk.”

"That's right, brother, your promotion is well deserved. All of us still remember the time you led your troops on Ullanor and blocked the attack of a large group of green-skinned beasts on your own. Without your leadership, Warmaster "With the Emperor we would not have been able to storm the greenskin palace and slay the beast and win, and without your bravery the Warmaster would not have been our Warmaster."

Aceimander, known as "Little Horus", also stood behind Loken and said with a smile, while Loken was startled and immediately nodded to him in awe, "No, the title of Warmaster is because of his own achievements. , Master Horus can do it without me! I don’t dare to compete for the honor of Warmaster.”

"That's enough, Loken, Aceimander is joking, you didn't even hear it? You are easily teased." Among the Luna Wolf officers, Captain Abaddon wearing a tall Terminator armor haha Smiling, the Luna Wolf warriors behind him also laughed together, which made Loken quite ashamed and at a loss.

Seeing Loken's panic, Vito was also amused. He smiled and patted Loken's leg armor and walked over. He used his fingers to make a pistol and pointed at Togaton. "You are responsible for making Lorken stop being so weird. Can you do it?"

"Promise to complete the mission, Marshal." Togaton also made a pistol gesture and pointed at Vito, then he hugged Loken and turned to walk towards a certain direction in the hall. Loken was still so reserved, and Togaton Dun was dragged away like a blinded wolf cub.

Abaddon and Aceimand also laughed, and the Luna Wolves warriors began to chat with the surrounding Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, and Blood Angels captains, discussing more pleasant little things. Jokes.

After the atmosphere became lively behind him, Vito walked past the soldiers who were laughing and chatting with each other. In the laughter, he walked to the door at the end of the hall. It was a magnificent door built in accordance with the emperor's "rich gold" aesthetics. The huge door was as shiny as ever, with too many meaningless decorations. Two Imperial Guards stood in front of the door.

Vito saw two Space Marine officers standing in front of the door. They were far away from the crowd, standing in the shadow of the colonnade in front of the door, talking softly, as if it was a hidden secret.

"Okay, Aciman, you and Sanguinor are not the dark guys from the Dark Angels. Why are you exchanging little secrets here?" Vito smiled and walked up to the two people standing in front of the door. The soldier also looked at Vito. The Blood Angel Captain, who was standing in a gorgeous red armor with a pair of steel wings behind him, had a slightly weird expression.

"Master Vito, please don't call me by that name. Call me Azkelon." "What's wrong? I think the name Sanguinor is quite nice. It's the same as your original body. I always think his name is nice." The name, like himself, is the most beautiful of all the Primarchs."

"That's why I changed my name. I don't plan to use this name that looks like Lord Sanguinius to share the honor and respect that belongs to him. I hope to use my hands to fight for it, so that the name Azkelon can It can also be praised and remembered by people.”

"Former" Sanguinor, now the captain of the Blood Angels' first company named Azkelon, and the captain of the bodyguard of the original body himself said this. Vito smiled and shrugged, "Okay, okay, But I believe your name is still loud enough.”

"Then, I am greatly honored, my lord, then call me Azkelon, instead of the original name that offended the original body himself." The company commander said seriously, although Vitor was smiling all over his face in front of him, There is no trace of seriousness that corresponds to each other.

After all, not only Vitor, but also his Primarch, Sanguinius, the father of the Blood Angels, never felt that the name Sanguinero was offensive to him. On the contrary, the Primarch himself liked the name very much. Let him and his descendants be more like the real father and son.

However, his first captain still thought that a name that was almost the same as the original body was a disrespectful offense, so he changed his name to Azkelon.

Vito walked up to the two of them. He crossed his arms and looked at Ahriman aside. The chief think tank director of the Thousand Sons looked very distressed. The sadness on his face was completely different from the cheerful warriors gathering in the hall behind him. , it’s hard to believe this could be happening under the same roof at the same time.

"How's it going? I'm worried about losing my job, Ahriman." Vito greeted him with his cheerful smile that could melt icebergs as always. Ahriman also smiled with a trace of bitter smile on his face.

"No, Marshal, I'm not worried about myself, but Lord Magrus." Ahriman said, turning around and looking at the grand door behind him. The door was closed tightly, and the door was guarded by two custodians. , they guarded the door with halberds in hand.

"What are you worried about? They are all his brothers and father inside, aren't they? And I, the handsome and awesome Marshal Vito." Vito pointed to himself in a boastful manner, raising his head as if to turn his nostrils into new ones. eyes, that action made him look quite funny.

Of course, that was done deliberately by Vito to ease the chilly atmosphere here. Azkelon laughed immediately when he saw the action. He nodded with a smile and pressed Ahriman's shoulder. "The marshal is right. , they are all brothers, you have nothing to worry about.”

"If the people there could still be called the brothers of Lord Magruth, they would not question him in a trial." Ahriman said softly, he raised his eyes and looked at Vito in front of him, and then The reporter crossed his arms and shrugged, and glanced at the assembly site in the hall behind him.

"I don't think this is a trial. You and the Thousand Sons are here too, right? Have a drink and chat with the brothers in the hall. I believe it will be the same inside."

Ahriman looked at the warriors gathered in the hall, "No, Vito, that is the execution group, the execution group used to execute us when Lord Magruth and we refused to give up our spiritual power and knowledge."

"Look, the Emperor's executioners are here." Ahriman said and turned to look at the corner of the hall. Vito also turned his head slightly and looked in that direction. There was a group of Space Wolf officers gathering there. They They gathered around a long table, holding wine glasses and yelling happily, like a pack of wolves.

Vito looked at Bjorn who was standing on the table, holding a wine glass and loudly performing the traditional part of the Fenris party, bragging contest. Bjorn, the youngest wolf in the Primarch Guards, was standing on the table, and another The Wild Wolf officers competed with each other to see who had the loudest voice and who told the most outrageous stories, which attracted cheers from the audience.

But Vito also saw it. When Bjorn was yelling and waving his arms, he was wearing a chain ax on his waist. All the wild wolves were armed, and every one of them was fully armed.

Vito was silent for a moment, then he looked at Ahriman and nodded, "I promise you my friend, I will not let things get to that point. I promise you on my name."

"I believe you will, Marshal, my friend, I wish you good luck. I think you and Lord Magruth will need it." Ahriman said and stepped aside, and he sideways gave way to the golden door. path of.

Ahriman looked at the door and raised his head slightly, "Go, they are waiting for you."

Vito took a deep breath, lightly knocked Ahriman's knees twice with his fist, and walked over. He walked towards the golden door, and when he was about to reach the door, he raised his hands to the two forbidden soldiers holding the door. The two golden-armored guards immediately took a few steps forward, walked to the center of the door, and opened the giant door for Vito.

As the door opened with a bang, Vito straddled a bolt gun and walked in through the gap in the door opened by the Forbidden Army. Ahriman and Azkelon stood side by side. They looked at Vito's back from behind. It was like watching a gladiator entering an arena full of beasts.

"Good luck to you, Marshal."

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