Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 346 The Road to Expedition: City of Tombs

There is no concept of time in the Webway. It is sandwiched between the physical universe and subspace. It is meaningless to find a real concept of time in this twisted timeline. It may be the long past or the distant future. , so I don’t know how long this city has been here.

Magnus didn't know either. His single golden eye stared at the exquisite statue passing by. It was a statue of an Eldar woman. Her graceful body curves were almost like a real person, and her elegant flying skirt was as clear as in a dream. The shadow, she looked so flawless, with only one flaw, her head was missing.

In fact, everything here is like this. The entire once gorgeous and prosperous city has long turned into incomplete ruins. Everything here has collapsed, and all that remains is a piece of rubble, ruins and sighs.

Magnus walked on the street, his one eye looking around everything. The shops on both sides of the street were empty. Broken glass and collapsed walls could be seen everywhere, and some of them still contained some ancient Eldar crafts. , the exquisite bracelets and pendants were vaguely exposed among the gravel and white spirit bone fragments, just like the embellishments on a cake that had been smashed to the ground and turned into a ball.

When Magnus walked by the door of the shop, he caught a glimpse of the Eldar corpse submerged in the rubble. The corpse had long since become a mummy. The once handsome or beautiful appearance had turned into wrinkles, and the dry The yellow skin clings to the skull.

He fell in the rubble. Only part of his upper body and one hand that was stretched out to try to grab something were exposed. The rest of his body was buried under the rubble.

Not only this corpse, when Magnus walked on the only clean road in the ruins, he kept scanning the Eldar bones lying on both sides. There were men, women, and even rare spirits. Magnus rarely saw Eldar children, and their tribe rarely saw newborns nowadays.

They all fell on both sides, wearing gorgeous clothing that was very different from the clothing styles of the Eldar today. They fell sporadically or concentrated in various corners of the street, but without exception, they all moved forward hard in the direction at the end of the front. There was a rush to that place.

He walked through the empty streets. Everything here was shrouded in deathly darkness. Compared with here, even the subspace was so vibrant and dazzling.

Magnus followed Vito past a collapsed fountain. Standing on the silver fountain was an Eldar huntress wearing tight clothing, a robe draped over her shoulders, and holding a bow and arrow. She stood on the long-dried fountain. On the central platform, two huge stone statues collapsed on either side of it.

The stone statue that fell to the ground cut off the direction of the road and directly killed the Eldar who were huddled there at the time. Corpses were stacked like foundations under the boulders, between the stones and milky white dust. Pour into one piece, one on top of the other.

Vito walked over, stepped on the rocks next to the corpse pile and climbed over the roadblock. Magnus also turned over after looking at a screaming Eldar corpse lying at his feet. Toto was taller, so climbing over the ruined roadblock was more like stepping over a small dirt slope for him.

After Magnus crossed the ruins, he looked up at Vito in front of him. He was walking along the huge avenue, minding his own business. After the two fallen giant statues, there was the square as if the sun had cleared through the clouds. Vito Wearing golden power armor, he walked with heavy steps between the Eldar corpses lying on both sides of the stairs.

It was so quiet here that the sound of Vito's footsteps became much duller than normal in this dead silence. The rumble echoed throughout the ruins, amplifying through repeated echoes.

Magnus also walked onto the square. His tall body stood at the top of the stairs, which allowed him to have a panoramic view of everything in the square. In front of him in the center of the square was a huge statue, a The statue of the Eldar warrior stood on the huge stone platform in the center holding a sword, while large bodies of corpses were piled around it.

More Eldar corpses gathered here. They seemed to have gathered from all directions in the city, but in the end everyone died here. Thousands of Eldar bones turned into a collective grave here. It would be better to say , this city is a huge cemetery.

Magnus saw Vito walking through the corpses in the center of the square. He stepped over the mummies dressed in different clothes without even looking at them. Magnus frowned slightly and stared at a corpse on the side. With more than a dozen bullet holes on his back, he suddenly seemed to understand something.

He walked down the stairs, and the tall red giant followed Vito's footsteps across the square. More traces that confirmed his inference appeared one by one. A large number of Eldar corpses had traces of bullet holes and explosions on their bodies. Footsteps continued to pass through areas covered with bullet holes and flame scorch marks.

As he passed through the back of the statue, Magnus saw a large pile of Eldar bones charred by the flames. Their blackened bones were all stacked together like a mass grave.

He raised his head and looked ahead at Vito who had walked to a grand gate at the end of the square. He stood on the steps in front of the gate and looked up at the tall door frame in front of him. The porch above it was filled with a large number of exquisite carvings. Patterns and murals, but without exception, those reliefs are all filled with bullet holes and explosion gaps.

"Vito, didn't these Eldar die during the Great Fall, right?" Magnus stopped at the bottom of a few steps behind Vito and asked, while Vito above turned his head slightly and glanced at him.

"How can you see it?" "The cry of Slaanesh when he was born will not affect the webway. This is why the Dark Eldar can hide in Gomorri and survive. And the Eldar here are all dead. They died in an escape. For Escape a massacre."

Magnus turned his head and looked at an Eldar woman who fell to the side. She fell to the ground and held a baby in her arms. Of course, the baby was also dead. The mother and son turned into corpses and fell on the steps. , but the cause of their death is also easy to determine. There are several large bullet holes in her back.

"You recognized this city at a glance and are familiar with it. Have you participated in this massacre, right?" Magnus asked, while Vito, who was standing at the top of the stairs, slowly turned around to look. Looking at Magnus in front of him, he looked around at the corpses and remained silent for a while.

"During the Human-Eldar War, the fleet under my command came here to destroy the Webway and this city. The Marine Corps was responsible for clearing the city, completely."

"This was a massacre, Vito. The Emperor never told us what happened here. This massacre, and many more that he concealed, eradicated."

Magnus walked up the steps. He stood next to Vito and turned his head to look at him. "You are trying to conceal the past history, delete the truth and selectively forget some things, and make humans into pure victims."

"It was the Eldar who started the war, Magnus. They started the war first."

"Is there any difference between this? Is it out of thin air that the Eldar would have conflicts with humans? If I remember correctly, humans in the Golden Age once occupied half of the galaxy, so they bordered the Eldar in the other half of the country, and then broke out The war and the rebellion of the human servant race in the later stages of the Iron Man Rebellion were also caused by the oppression of humans who became as arrogant and arrogant as the Eldar themselves as second-class citizens."

"And I'm sure that before the border, you and the Emperor, and the humans at that time, had already done the same thing to more than one race. Just like the current Empire, one after another was concealed ethnic cleansing. , and then package themselves as victims and give themselves all kinds of high-sounding reasons, just to satisfy their unlimited desire for expansion. The truth is concealed and the lies become facts.”

Vito crossed his arms and looked at Magnus aside. He looked up at the tall giant's one eye, "Are you sympathizing with these Eldar? I don't think you need me to tell you that there has never been anyone in this dark galaxy." Compassionately speaking, if you don’t shoot them today, they will most likely kill you tomorrow.”

"Sympathy? No, I don't sympathize with these aliens, but, Vito, how much more do you and the Emperor and Malcador hide? How many unknown secrets of mankind have you hidden, pretending that they don't exist? Just like pretending that the evil god of subspace does not exist.”

"You think that by forgetting and ignoring, those things will disappear, but no, Vito, they never disappear, they will always exist in the shadows, waiting for those who unearth it, and when the truth comes to the surface , the lies concocted by the Emperor will collapse like a sand embankment in the face of the truth.”

Magnus said and walked forward, leaving Vito standing on the steps in front of the door, but he was stopped by Vito just after taking a few steps, "Do you know why we have to hide it? You You are patronizing and criticizing us, have you ever thought about why?”

Magnus stopped. He turned his head slightly and looked at Vito behind him without saying a word. The latter turned around and crossed his arms, "Yes, I know what you are thinking. Both the Emperor and I are Asshole, in fact, he is the biggest asshole in the history of mankind, and I am the second biggest after him.”

"We have done many, many things, too many that are disgraceful. No, to say this is to beautify it. It should be said to be fucking bastard things, but we did it just so that you don't have to do it."

Vito said and walked towards Magnus, while the latter stood still and looked at Vito who was coming, "Concealment and deception are so that future generations of you don't have to carry the same baggage as us. Believe me, For humans to survive in this dark galaxy, someone has to do what everyone is told to do, and not everyone can do it.”

"Then did you succeed? Vito, tell me, is the current human empire what you want? How much role did your concealment and deception play?" Magnus sarcastically said without saying a word. He mercilessly mocked the so-called great deeds.

He turned to face Vito, who was approaching, "How many people have turned traitor because of the Emperor's deception and concealment? You claim to be truth and reason, but you are against reason. You refuse to tell all the truth and knowledge. People, selectively telling people, the "facts" that the Emperor wants people to know, doesn't it mean that we don't deserve to know those truths?"

"Imperial truth, that so-called truth is based on lies, deception and concealment. That is not the truth, Vito, it is just a lie made up by the Emperor."

"Is this the reason for your betrayal? Magnus, the reason why you turned to Tzeentch? Or because of Prospero?" Vito walked up to Magnus and asked, who looked down at Vito in front of him, The tall red giant stared at Vito in front of him with red gold eyes, and he and his eyes looked at each other.

Magnus was silent for a moment before slowly speaking, "All right, you have deceived us. The Emperor has sworn to all his brothers that he has never concealed anything from us, but the fact is that he has concealed something from us. Yes, a lot of things.”

"Isn't this also a betrayal of us? How can we trust him? When the Great Crusade ends, rumors spread that the Primarchs and all Astartes will be purged like the Thunder Warriors. How should we believe him? How should we choose to die for another lie that may be his, or to fight to the death for our own truth? "

"You can just ask the question." Vito stood in front of Magnus with his arms folded and said with a smile, but the latter showed a contemptuous smile.

"Asking directly? To the Emperor? And then being driven to pieces by Nuth and his pack? No, Vito, I won't do that."

"Who told you to ask the emperor? Just ask me. Come on, since you think I'm hiding a lot of things, let me tell you one thing. Follow me."

Vito said and walked towards the grand door ahead. He walked under the door. Magnus looked at Vito from behind and was confused for a moment, but finally chose to follow.

The red Cyclops stepped through the door with long strides. He walked into a huge hall. This was a huge closed hall. The towering dome formed a huge dome above, and inside it Below, there are statues of giant divine soldiers standing on the surrounding walls.

It was a huge ring, with statues of the Eldar gods sitting on the disk. Those lifelike gods stood on the round platform, holding their own magical weapons or instruments, and there were several circular arches around it. A large carving of a snake coiled around the doorpost.

Magnus looked up at the several arches in front of him. Those were portals, at least when they were activated, but now the gate was silent, with solid walls behind it instead of passages.

He watched walking in the arc-shaped hall. Magnus walked to the edge of the platform near the door. He leaned on the handrail on that side and looked at the long bridge extending from one side of the hall.

The huge bridge deck is located in the void, as if suspended above. There are many fragments floating at the end of the bridge. Those fragments are like the fragments of the webway gate that Magnus saw before, twinkling. Points of light floated in the void, like a swarm of fireflies.

"This is the teleportation hall of the Eldar. The teleportation hall over there was used for ship teleportation. It was destroyed as a priority at that time. But here, there is a small teleportation gate. Because it cannot teleport large troops or any heavy units, it was prioritized at that time. The level is not high, and when the Eldar reinforcement fleet arrived, the attack was selectively abandoned. "

As Vito spoke, he walked to an Eldar terminal under the steps of the door. He walked up to the instrument with a smile and put his finger close to the surface of the spirit bone. With the tip of Vito's power claw releasing a tiny golden arc, Soon the terminal restarted.

The display window of the entire instrument lit up, and a large number of weird Eldar characters below it also lit up one by one. The instrument, which looked more like some kind of magic device, was re-injected with psychic energy and activated. I have to say it was pretty good. convenient.

"We use the terminal to activate the teleportation hall, and then use the teleportation gate here to take us back to the physical universe and get out of this hellish place." Vito said as he clicked twice on the screen in front of him, and a large number of weird Eldar symbols immediately appeared. Magic words flickered and pulsed, and Magnus behind him walked down in surprise.

"Do you know how to use the Eldar operating system?" "I don't know."

Vito's answer was both brief and quite confident. Facing his answer, Magnus didn't know what to say. He was stunned for a long time before he rubbed his forehead and said, "Then bring us here." What are you doing? Looking at the Eldar characters and guessing?"

"Just because I don't know how, it doesn't mean that no one here can." "Is there a third person here?" "Of course there is."

Vito smiled and took out a CD from the bag on his waist. He rotated it a few times between his fingers and then spread it out in his hand. As Vito's fingers lightly touched the edge, the CD Then it lit up, and a woman with short hair was quickly woven with light and shadow.

Magnus frowned immediately when he looked at the woman in front of him. He recognized what that thing was at a glance, and then raised his head and looked at Vito in shock, "This is."

"This is the first secret I want to tell you. Let me introduce you. This is Helen."

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