Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 367 The Road to Expedition: The Small Conspiracy Gang

It turns out that the space in the webway also contains the universe. In this man-made sub-space tunnel, there are many different realms. The small ones are just like ordinary underground tunnels, and the big ones are the ones in front of you. This type of cosmic network is huge enough for battleships and fleets to pass through.

The stars shine on the false background of the webway, and the magnificent nebula rises like a giant pillar from the dark night sky on the side. The starry sky is projected on the huge floor-to-ceiling windows on the bridge of the predator longship. On the open window was not only the starry sky, but also a naked Vito Constantine.

Vito stood in front of the window, holding his chin thoughtfully, thinking about some serious question. After thinking hard for a while, Vito slowly spoke, "So, how did all this happen? ?”

"Let nature take its course?"

On the empty ground of the bridge behind Vito, there are also a large number of clothes scattered on the operator's chair and the console. The clothes among them clearly reveal the wearer's appearance. The whole process of taking off clothes neatly, to messy and full of wrinkles when impatient.

There was a thin underwear hanging on the armrest of the captain's throne, and there were two unfinished drinks on the armrest beside the clothes. A slender hand picked it up, holding it in his hand and holding it naked. Walking behind Vito.

Vito's head was in a daze for a while. He tried hard to recall how it all happened, but Vito's head was in a daze. He could only feel the stinging pain from the red mark on his back when Malus scratched it. Reminding Vito that he was not dreaming just now.

"I liked the way you turned into a woman better last time. You were beautiful, delicious, and made people want to eat you in one bite." Malus walked over on the cold floor with bare feet, and Vito looked sideways. The seductive Malus behind her.

"Do you like women? Do you want to sleep with a man or a woman more?" "I can do either, or we can do it together."

Vito raised his eyebrows strangely. He seemed to remember that Lilith said the same thing to him, wow, okay, she is really the god of these guys, in all aspects.

Malus walked to Vito, holding a glass of wine herself, and handed another glass to Vito, who was only wearing a pair of underpants next to her. Unlike Vito, who still had a bit of face, Malus My whole body felt very cool.

Vito looked at the woman next to him, whose hair was as messy as his own. He thought for a while and then looked down, hesitated to speak, and then smiled helplessly.

"I hope your little girlfriend won't mind." Malus smiled and handed him the second glass of wine. Vito shrugged with a wry smile, "She will play tricks on me later, but she's not that bad yet. Being mentally sensitive, or rather having fun, is in her nature.”

"Indeed, she seems to be having fun for herself." Malus raised her wine glass and clinked it lightly with Vito who took the glass. She turned around and put her hands under her breasts, elegantly Drinking the wine from the wine glass.

Vito looked at her and smiled bitterly. Malus thought it was a metaphor? Well, I wonder what her expression would be like if she knew that she had just slept with her man under the eyes of the Succubus Queen and even Slaanesh herself.

Vito shook the wine glass. He looked at the starry sky in the network outside the window and shrugged for a moment. Then he took a big sip of the wine. When the unique flavor of the wine slid down his throat, he scratched his chin. , standing under the starry sky wearing only a pair of big pants.

"So, you hired this ship of pirates, and what kind of work do you want me to do for you now?" Vito asked, holding a wine glass. I have to say that if he had dressed up, put on a tie and asked questions, he might be better than him. Standing naked against the background of the gorgeous starry sky will be more appropriate.

Malus, who was also naked next to him, smiled and shrugged, and the two things on his chest swayed up and down, "Let's talk about business as soon as we come up?"

"Oh, I can't let Lily wait that long, otherwise, there will be more "games" to embarrass me." Vito smiled helplessly, took a sip of the drink in his hand, and pointed to the side with his finger. Malus gestured for her to start talking. The latter also shrugged and took a sip of wine gracefully.

"Victor has been making a big move recently, a big move that has many mysteries and is puzzling."

"Just listening to it is quite puzzling. You know I don't like to guess riddles right after I get out of bed, so is there a vernacular version?" Vito smiled and took a sip of wine, while Malus next to him asked Smiling, he held up the wine glass with his fingers and shook it beside him. The wine swirled along the rim of the glass.

The color of the wine was just like her eyes. The wine rippled and shimmered under the starry sky, just like the woman in front of it who was so beautiful that she could be used as a nude sculpture prototype with a perfect figure.

"Okay, I'll take care that you haven't calmed down after venting your anger. To put it simply, since the last time you and the girl from the Ark Eldar Tribe, Ifreni, caused a demonic invasion in Gemo, and exploded a After destroying the Webway Gate and destroying a fifth of the city, our situation there is a bit bad."

Malus shook the wine glass, looking at the amber wine with her amber eyes, staring at the water turning left and right in it, like a cradle melody, "The black-hearted conspiracy under Victor suffered losses during the last crisis. It's so big that he can no longer use coercion to suppress the various consuls, so everyone, including me, is starting to take action. "

"There was an idiot who couldn't hold it in anymore and wanted to assassinate Victor." "Oh? Did he succeed?" "Well, he succeeded and became pet food in Victor's dungeon."

Malus laughed jokingly. She shook the drink and then took a sip, but confusion and confusion quickly appeared in her eyes, "We thought that Victor was going to go all out to kill Gemo. , let’s do a great purge and let the streets of Gomo be as bloody as when he overthrew the noble council.”

"After all, Victor still has the support of the Haemonculi Conclave. Wrynn and his reformed perverts will support the Dark Lord, so he has nothing to fear. Although the Black Heart Group suffered heavy losses in the last crisis, Our other consuls have suffered considerable losses, and he can still use absolute violence to clear the situation and restore order, just like he has always done."

"I guess it's coming." Vito smiled and leaned the wine glass gently. Malus smiled and gently clinked the glass with him. Amidst the crisp impact of the glass, Malus shrugged with a smile.

"Yes, but now, Victor didn't do that. Instead, he invited all the consuls, including me, to the abandoned altar of Asuyan, where he could use "peaceful" methods to eliminate conflicts and disputes."

When she said the word peace, Malus's tone was full of disdain. She even raised the hand under her breast and folded it twice with two fingers to accompany the tones of the two words.

Vito burst into laughter all of a sudden. The word peace seemed like a funny joke in Gemo, especially from the Lord of Darkness, who knew the rules best in Gemo and was more like the darkness than anyone else. When Victor from the Eldar tribe said it, it was more like a funny joke.

"So he's playing tricks, right? If I'm not wrong." Vito smiled and took a sip of wine. Malus next to him snorted and took a sip of wine.

She wiped away the remaining wine stains from the corner of her mouth gracefully. Malus used her fingers to gently slide on the glass in front of her, as if she was shaking the stars, "Of course he is playing tricks. He invites all the ruling people to do it." The officer went over and went to a "neutral zone" far away from Gemo for a meeting. In order to express his "sincerity" proposal, the area near the altar was divided into pieces, which were separately guarded by each of our consul's fleets and subordinates. Let’s keep everyone safe together.”

Malus's tone was full of sarcasm. Indeed, Victor's "friendly" behavior was too fake. Really, do you really think that a man who was brutally executing political opponents just a second ago, using all possible means? Will the person who comes to eliminate dissidents turn into a kind-hearted big brother in the blink of an eye?

"I guess you can't refuse, right? You know it's a trap, but you can only hold your nose and jump in." Vito said with a joking smile, while Malus raised the wine glass so that the starlight could shine through her hands. The translucent wine in the wine glass cast a dyed light on her face.

"Victor is still the Lord of Darkness, isn't he? Technically speaking, we are still his subordinates, so we can't refuse, but security measures and investigations will still be done."

Malus's amber eyes shone with a cunning look under the light of that color, with a smile on her lips, "I found out that Victor has been secretly hiring a pirate gang recently to help him go... Looking for some ancient magical creation from our long-lost old empire.”

"Have you heard what that is? The Eldar Empire has many powerful things just like our golden age." Vito asked, looking at the wine swaying in the glass in his hand, recalling the creations he had seen at that time. , the creations of humans and Eldar who were at their respective peaks. Just by their existence, they are already human beings today. The Eldar, including Malus, cannot understand or even believe in their existence.

Malus had no idea about all that. She was an Eldar born after the Great Fall. She didn’t know anything about it and didn’t want to figure it out. What was there in the ancient past that the Ark Eldar thought about every day and spent a lot of time recalling? It's boring, and there's no doubt about it.

"I don't know, no one knows, so I hired these pirates to help me hijack the pirate ship hired by Victor and grab that thing for me. Although I don't know what it is, if I can make Victor do this Spending a lot of time searching for it secretly will definitely be useful.”

"So, my job is to help you find that thing and bring it to you?" Vito turned his head and looked at Malus who smiled evilly. She gently hugged Vito and buried him deeply in his arms. Into the space between his proud chest.

She had a smile all over her face, a smile that made Vito feel chilled somewhere, "They are a group of idiots and incompetent waste, and you are not, my dear, so I have a more interesting task for you."

"Oh, I don't like this "fun" content."

Vito complained in a low voice, but Malus didn't seem to notice it at all, or selectively ignored it. He smiled slightly and looked at the starry sky outside. He raised a hand and gently slid it in front of him, "I I want you to drive your ancient battleship and rush in from outside the meeting site. My people will open a way for you, and then you rush in, kill Victor and everyone else, and blow them up. Ash."

Malus smiled happily, but Vito suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked at the naked Malus with a surprised expression, "Wait a minute, how do you know about the Emperor's Dream?"

"You told me." Malus looked at Vito with a charming smile, narrowing her eyes slightly, but the latter was still confused, "I told you? When?"

"In bed, dear, I found that all men have one characteristic. After they vent their desires, they are the most honest when surrounded by women, and they will start to talk about what they need to say. , I will tell you everything you shouldn’t say, and in that kind of brain-emptying situation, there is a high probability that it will not be a lie.”

"I've tried it on a lot of guys, and every time, it works, except for Victor, who won't even let me get close to him, as if I'm going to pull out a knife and kill him. "

Malus said complainingly, while Vito glanced at her with a wry smile, "Can't you?"

She was suddenly silent for a moment, put her fingers on her chin and thought for a while, then smiled and shrugged like a little girl, "Maybe, but today I finally know that mortals and demigods seem to be good at this. All the same, by the way, this is the most enjoyable experience I’ve had in a long time.”

Malus smiled and gently tapped Vito's crotch with her fingers, then took his hand and gently placed it on the corresponding position. Vito was stunned for a moment and then looked confused. Looking at the woman in front of her, she looked at the man beside her with a sly smile.

Vito smiled helplessly and rubbed his forehead, then looked at the stars outside and complained. After sighing again, well, she just knew, and he was planning to tell her anyway.

Malus was not a stupid girl. If he said that he needed to find a large network tunnel that was large enough for ships to pass through, he could not hide it from her. Therefore, Vito had no intention of hiding it, but he just kept it secret on the bed. What happened? This method of telling people has quite its own style.

Vito burst into laughter thinking of this, and Malus beside him seemed to be able to see what Vito was thinking. She held her belly and laughed for a while, holding his arm and gently sliding it on the glass in front of her. palm.

"Then I told you, what do I need from you in return? Especially, killing Victor and all the consuls is not an ordinary job for you." Vito asked, looking at the starry sky. , Malus, who was holding his arm, leaned against him with a smile, grabbed his hand and gently placed it in front of him.

"How about giving me to you? How about the reward? Are you interested in becoming Emperor Gemo?" "Thank you, I have already reserved the position of another evil emperor, so how about changing to another one? For example, I need a web channel The gate allows me to drive the boat and jump out."

Malus sighed regretfully, and she waved her hand, as if she was quite sorry for Vito's answer, "Well, I was originally curious, if the child born from the union of the two of us will be yours and mine. Cunning plus my beauty, oh what fun that would be, that kid would surprise us."

Malus said with emotion, putting her slender fingers on her chin, smiling jokingly, while Vito beside her laughed silently for a while, "You don't have to imagine, I have already seen that kind of child, an interesting child." , and quite a surprise. Although, she always looks for "surprises" for me, but now, let's get down to business, you asked me to assassinate Victor, what is my reward? "

"Okay, you boring guy, you pulled me back as soon as you got interested. Another reason why I asked you to carry out the assassination is because there is a large network tunnel there, which was originally for our respective fleets. But I think you can also use it to leave the webway and return to your little empire during the chaos."

Malus smiled and turned her head away, hanging her head on her shoulders and looking at Vito provocatively. Her palms climbed up to his chest and touched him gently with her long fingers, "So, how about it? Join us. ?"

Vito was silent for a long time. He looked at the gorgeous starry sky outside. Then he sighed and drank all the drinks. "Okay, I'll join in."

"Very well, dear, welcome to my little conspiracy gang." Malus stood on tiptoes, and she leaned forward and kissed Vito on the face. The latter smiled and pushed against her thin waist. Let him retreat for a safe distance, he doesn't want to do it again right away.

"Don't worry, if you, this crazy girl, are ready to fight against Victor, then you must first find out what preparations he has made. For example, the artifact he spent so much time looking for, with my knowledge of the Eldar Empire's technology, Understand, it’s definitely not an insignificant toy that Victor simply uses to add to his personal collection.”

Vito put one hand behind his back and handed the empty glass to Malus, who took the empty glass and looked at this guy with an idea with a charming smile, "Then what do you think we should do? What? Find that mysterious thing?"

"If I guess correctly, the artifact has been found by the pirates hired by Victor. Victor will not hire a group of incompetent people to help him find such a vital thing. Therefore, there is a high probability that they have already found it."

"And if your news is correct, until now, Victor has not obtained the artifact, which means that the artifact is most likely being protected in their pirate lair, and all the searching fleets released before are Smoke bombs are used to conceal the location of the real artifact."

As Vito spoke, he turned his head and looked at Malus to the side. He raised his head slightly and looked at her, "I guess you don't know where the pirates' lair is, right?"

Malus sighed and shrugged, "As you said, Victor wouldn't ask a bunch of stupid losers for help, so they hid their hometown well. No one knows where it is, but..."

"I heard that recently, the boss of that group of pirates has recently become obsessed with gambling on beast fighting, an ancient traditional game of Gemo. Both participating parties place bets on the beasts they have killed, and then drive the two beasts into a gladiatorial battle. The field is operated and driven by the animal trainer to engage in bloody battles. The winning party will obtain all the multiplier bets of the other party, and then enter the next game. If he continues to win, the multiplier will continue to double until he finally wins. If the fighting beast he chose wins the championship after killing all the opponents, then its boss can also place all the bets on that day. "

Vito snorted lightly and shook his head, "It's a stupid game. It's full of pitfalls, isn't it? According to Gemo's moral character, no one is here to ensure that in this kind of underground activity with no formal regulations, , and they don’t care whether the beasts of both sides participating in the beast fight will be equipped with or implanted with something that is not so fair. The audience only cares about whether the killing is brutal enough, and whether the screams and moans are enough. Loud, is the pain that spurts delicious.”

Mallus smiled and shrugged. She leaned on Vito and used her fingers to fiddle with the huge scar on the top of his mechanical arm that extended to the side of his chest. It was left to him by Khorne many years ago. Until now, They have not completely healed and disappeared, just like the wound on the Emperor's body.

Malus looked at the scar and stroked it gently with her fingers, "But that's also a way to get rich overnight. You have to admit that people always have a desire to achieve great things with small things, an infinite desire to reach the sky in one step."

"Indeed, the seemingly smart pirate boss is also such a "smart man". Okay, I have an idea." "Oh? Then I won't ask, lest the surprise be revealed in advance and it will be boring."

Malus said, stood up on tiptoes and kissed Vito's face. She leaned close to Vito's face, smiled and caressed the man's cheek, "Then we will meet at the altar, don't let me down."

Malus let go of Vito's neck, and she walked towards the direction where the clothes were scattered in front of her. When she passed by the tables and chairs, she picked up her messy clothes and walked barefoot to the bridge. At the exit, she raised her hand and waved her fingers in greeting from afar, "See you next time. I hope you can let me have more fun next time."

"I hope you don't come and pry into my mind, Malus." Vito chuckled softly, while Malus chuckled, waved her hands and left, "I'll try my best, dear, but you have to know .You always make me curious in all kinds of ways.”

Malus left, and Vito watched her naked back disappear behind the corridor door. He smiled, but suddenly a holographic projection of Helen, who had an expressionless face, flashed on the console next to him that had been silent.

Vito was stunned for a while, then turned around blankly, looking at the expressionless Helen with an embarrassed smile, "Well, you didn't see the whole process, did you?"

"Yes, I saw sir, so here's your order." Helen said coldly. There was no ripple in her voice, but it made Vito feel chills in his crotch.

He smiled helplessly, looking at the cold-faced AI lady who smiled awkwardly, "Are you angry?" "There is no jealousy or anger in the core of my program, sir."

She seemed to deliberately accentuate the tone of the last two words, and after a while of sound, she said two complete words at intervals. Vito smiled helplessly, she was definitely angry.

"Are you angry, or what? Simulate the sudden change in expression?" "I don't think my expression is any different from before, sir."

Helen still had a cold face, and she did look the same as before, but, you know, now Vito could only be embarrassed, but he cleared his throat politely and stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his back. He looked outside at the Webway Galaxy and said, "Sail this ship back, there is an electronic demon waiting for you to hunt."

"Yes, sir, there is one more thing."


"Please put your clothes on."

Someone wants to ask: Author! You thief! Why did you update so late? You are disloyal!

Author: It was because I was too loyal that I was attacked by a high-latitude evil god! That's why the update was delayed.

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