Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 375 The Road to Expedition: The Wolf King and the Crimson Lord

The sound of cheers echoed outside the VIP seats. Vito was wrong when he said that there are no VIP seats here. There is indeed one here. Any arena will have such hidden VIP seats for those VIPs who do not want to be exposed to people's eyes. Be prepared, these hidden corners are often extremely difficult to attract attention.

This is especially true for the Colosseum. Its VIP seats are in a very hidden corner, and its windows are located in the gaps between the two layers of auditoriums that protrude from the wall. The windows here do not protrude from the wall. Instead, it is almost completely flush with the wall, with no protrusions at all.

This makes this place very unattractive. Coupled with the brilliant lights flashing all around, the place is completely covered in shadow. No one notices this place, let alone the VIPs watching inside.

Wait, did I just say that? Well, my fault, we are not here tonight, there is only one distinguished guest, Hilko, yes, our mysterious but noble Mr. Hilko has the entire box to himself.

Gorgeous lights were flashing outside. Hilko walked out of the shadows deep in the box. He walked around the single sofa chair placed by the window. After looking at the lights outside the window, Mr. Hilko sat down. Got on the chair.

He sat up and gently leaned the crow cane on the inside of his legs. He clasped his hands together and pressed them on the crow's head. Behind Hilko, stood two tall bodyguards. The guards with pale and gray skin, with their hands behind their backs, guarded behind Silko like a mountain.

Hilko looked at the Colosseum below, and the supporters in the ring surrounded by high walls raised their heads. He obviously only knew the location of the VIP box, and he had been waiting for the respected VIP to take his seat.

The host looked up high and saw the secret window in that special hidden position. He also saw Hilko sitting there with his head slightly raised. After he nodded and signaled to the host, the gentleman wearing short boots The host with a hat immediately turned his head, looked around at the audience and raised his arms high.

"Gentlemen and ladies! Friends from all fucking fields! I am honored to announce to you! You are about to see the last gladiatorial battle tonight! The most exciting and bloody one, the big battle beast!"

In the surrounding auditoriums, people dancing with their arms under the lights cheered loudly. They shouted loudly and longed for a fight. The host looked at the audience around him, rotated his arms and looked at all the surrounding auditoriums. He also shouted at the top of his lungs.

"No more nonsense! Let's usher in the final curtain call! Now please tell me tonight's dark horse, its name!" "Bloody Butcher! Bloody Butcher! Bloody Butcher!"

The crowd shouted loudly, and in the midst of the cheers Magnus stepped out of the shadows of the Colosseum's entrance. He stepped out from under it and looked around at the bright lights with clenched fists. Above Magnus' head, Vito also walked up to the trainer's platform. He stood in front of the tall, huge floor-to-ceiling screen displaying images, looking around at everything around him.

The same enthusiastic audience, the same excited shouts, but there seemed to be something different. Vito noticed that everything in the entire open space of the Colosseum had been cleared. There were no longer broken stones and no walls. In the ruins and rubble above, there was no blood that had not yet dried up or any remaining flesh and blood.

Everything there was cleared, as if to welcome the arrival of a distinguished guest who was about to walk out of the Colosseum entrance directly opposite Vito.

Vito looked at the empty high platform above the entrance. There was no animal trainer there. It was strange. Vito had a bad premonition, but just as Vito was thinking about what it might be, the host below him suddenly turned around. He turned his head, put his ear to the door next to him, covered the ear with the back of his hand, and listened.

"Did you hear it? Did you hear its voice?" the host said slightly excitedly. Vito raised his eyebrows slightly. He also listened to the sound in the darkness inside the door. It was some kind of tall thing walking around. Come, there is a sound of heavy footsteps mixed with the sound of ups and downs of armor.

"It's coming, the champion of the Colosseum! It's coming! Tell me! Its name!" The host shouted and roared at the top of his voice. Vito looked at the host, then immediately raised his head and looked around at the deafening sound around his head. The audience shouted, they, shouted that name.

The name of the giant creature that was coming from the darkness, the name of the creature that made all the atmosphere strange and unsettling.

"Wolf King! Wolf King! Wolf King!"

The audience raised their arms and shouted loudly. They shouted the name one after another, Wolf King? Vito was startled and lowered his head to look in the direction of the door. Magnus below also frowned suddenly when he heard the title and stared at the heavy footsteps approaching the door.

In all realms, all planes and spaces, there are only two people whose titles begin with wolf, Horus, the wolf god under the moon, and Leman Russ, the wolf king.

The huge wolf claws suddenly grasped the side of the door. The gray claws were covered with hair. The sharp claws tore the legs and feet that had been bent into the lights of the arena. That was the wolf on it. The back feet stepped on the dusty ground, and a low roar sounded from the shadows.

Magnus looked up at the shadow. He squinted slightly and saw a pair of eyes flashing in the darkness. The glowing eyes moved forward and walked out from the shadow. The light illuminated the fangs at the front of the bloody mouth that first protruded from the shadow. Two of the teeth pierced out from under the mouth.

It walked into the arena. The silver-gray power armor reflected the cold light under the shining lights around it. On the shining power armor, the logo of the Fenris ring on the shoulder armor was reflected. There was a roaring wolf head in the ring.

Vito widened his eyes and looked at the beast in front of him in great surprise. No, it was not a beast! It was a Space Marine from the Space Wolves Werewolf Company!

The werewolf warrior stepped into the arena. He stood up with his feet fully raised, allowing his body in the broken power armor to stand up high. His scarlet eyes reflected the bloodthirsty light.

Magnus also looked at the werewolf warrior in front of him in surprise. He was completely wrong. Not only was he completely wolf-like, his face almost turned into an angry wolf. Under his ferocious eyes, the part exposed outside the power armor was also covered with mane, and his hands and feet were also sharp claws of wolves.

No, this was not the biggest problem. What was wrong was the height of the werewolf warrior. If he could still be used to describe this warrior, his height was almost close to the height of his genetic father. Now the warrior's physique was so huge that it was almost close to Magnus's height.

His body was so tall that the original power armor could hardly fit him. The armor on his legs was completely removed because of breaking the limit. The extremely long wolf claw arms stretched out from under the huge shoulder armor. There was no armor covering his upper arms at all, only thick mane fluttering in the breeze.

He raised his burly body. His size was far beyond the capacity limit of the normal Space Marine power armor. The power armor on his chest and torso could only barely cover his chest. His abdomen and waist were completely exposed, revealing his hairless eyes, scarred, and surgically sutured wounds.

And that was definitely not grown in a normal way. No Space Marine could grow to such a large body under natural conditions. He was transformed. The countless nutrition lines inserted in the back of his neck and the cables connected to the back of his head that were forcibly implanted in the cerebral cortex directly proved this.

His burly and tall body was covered with surgical sutures and traces of transformation. His slender arms and hunched back were covered with traces of collapse and forced splicing together again, as if a clumsy puppeteer had forced a lot of stuffing into it, burst it, and then sewed it up again.

Permanent scars and cracks covered his body, some of which seemed to be left in battle, while others were marks left forever in the Haemonchi's lair. The fur in those places fell off, or turned into some strange appearance mixed with the wounds.

His almost torn pupils stared at Magnus in front of him, his mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth kept opening and closing, spitting out bursts of gas, and a low roar roared in his throat. The pair of eyes flashing with fierce light stared at Magnus, like a wolf that found its prey.

"Now! Let the final feast begin!" Before the host finished speaking, the werewolf had already roared and rushed up. The burly wild wolf strode past with both feet, instantly dispersing the host's holographic projection. He jumped high, grabbed the projection drone above his head with his claws, and hooked it down and smashed it to the ground.

The drone was instantly pierced by the claws, and the cable debris that burst out sprayed sparks, and then it was smashed to the ground and exploded. The werewolf lay on the ground, raised its almost crazy eyes and stared at Magnus.

Its nose sniffed at Magnus, and then the whole wolf-like cheek instantly became furious, with blue veins and blood vessels bulging high, and the last sharp fangs were exposed from under the mouth. The teeth opened slightly, and a vague human language that was almost like a wolf's howl came out from under it. Only a few unclear words could be heard clearly, and a complete sentence could be barely pieced together.

"Traitor! In the name of the Wolf King! Kill the rebels!" He roared angrily and pounced on Magnus, who looked at the werewolf who pounced on him as fast as lightning in surprise, and quickly raised his fist to block.

The werewolf leaped up and bit Magnus' arm. His mouthful of sharp teeth instantly bit into the back of Magnus' hand. The thick red mane and rough skin were meaningless in front of the wolf's teeth. They were pierced and bitten, and blood spurted out from the edge of the teeth.

Magnus roared and swung his fist upward to hit the werewolf's head, but the latter suddenly opened his mouth and kicked his hind legs, leaping over Magnus' head. When the werewolf landed behind Magnus, he immediately swung his claws and instantly tore a huge bloody wound on his hind legs.

Magnus turned around suddenly and raised his fist to hit the werewolf's face, but the latter raised his claws at a faster speed and caught Magnus' fist in an instant. He controlled the fist in the air, and the blood that was stuck on his teeth in the bite just now dripped into his mouth bit by bit.

The werewolf's tongue licked the blood, and then he raised his angry eyes in an instant, with only pure rage remaining, "Head of traitors! Lord of Prospero! You! You will pay the price for your betrayal!" In the name of the Emperor and the Wolf King! I will tear you apart!"

The werewolf roared in distorted language, shook off Magnus's fist in the inhuman roar, and then launched a violent attack. His speed was so fast, and the claws he kept waving were like lightning. Dancing normally, Magnus retreated continuously, constantly dodging the deadly claws.

Vito, who was standing on the high platform, also looked at the werewolf warrior in disbelief. He stared at the fast moving figure with wide eyes. He frowned and chased the werewolf whose figure was almost impossible to catch.

"Did he recognize Magnus? Who is that werewolf?" Lilith walked up to the high platform and stood next to Vito with her arms folded and asked. The latter frowned and looked at the afterimage of the werewolf. The model of power armor was exposed. Although he was very fast and the armor was incomplete, Vito could still recognize it at a glance.

"The MK-4 power armor is absolutely correct, it's the Space Marine of the Great Company of Werewolves." Vito said, watching the werewolf rush towards Magnus quickly, and the waving claws almost tore Magnus apart. Nusi's throat, he just barely managed to avoid it.

Lilith raised the eyebrows of one eye slightly, and she tilted her head slightly to look at Vito's illuminated profile, "The werewolves who were ordered to rush into the portal on Prospero? But those were ten thousand years ago. It’s okay, since he can still recognize Magnus, is there something wrong with my disguise?”

It seems that Lilith's focus is on the latter. How could there be a problem with her disguise? This is a great shame for the succubus! Especially to her, she is the succubus queen!

But Vito just glanced at her. Obviously, Vito's focus was not on Lilith's mastery of spells. He looked sideways at the werewolf who was attacking quickly. The angry wolf was unconscious of the pain he had endured for thousands of years. When he saw the identity of the Crimson Lord in front of him, he turned all the pain and anger he had endured over the years into vengeful claws and tore at the traitor's head.

The ancient hatred was awakened, and the war that lasted for thousands of years was rekindled in the depths of the webway. The werewolf's soul, which had long been swallowed by the dark webway, also became angry again at this moment. Genus retreated steadily.

The beast is no longer the brainless beast before, only the primitive wild beast. It is a warrior, a wise beast transformed by the experience of millions of years of veterans. He combines the fury of the beast with the war of the Space Marines. The skills are blended together almost perfectly.

It is not difficult to understand why he became the champion in this Colosseum. All the beasts here are just a group of animals that only know brute force and bestiality. And the werewolf in front of Magnus, But that was not the case at all. It was a sharp blade, a terrifying weapon forged by the Emperor and twisted, transformed and maddened by the Haemonculi.

Vito frowned and looked at the werewolf who kept biting Magnus. His mouth kept swallowing blood, and every time he swallowed blood, he became angrier. In his eyes with bulging veins, there was only Full of rage, there was nothing left, he was consumed by rage, consumed by thousands of years of hatred towards the traitors.

"It has nothing to do with your disguise. He recognized Magnus from the blood." Vito stared at the furious werewolf and said with surprise, but this surprised Lilith behind him. She looked He glanced at Vito, then looked at the frantically attacking werewolf below.

"Blood? What do you mean?" "The Werewolf Dalian was already extremely lycanthropic back then. I heard that they were devouring Prospero, tearing apart and eating the bodies of many Thousand Sons warriors, just like the wild beasts in space. Like those warriors who are now transformed into wolves, they are devoured by pure wolf nature.”

"I always thought it was just a dangerous legend, but now it seems to be true. He ate the flesh and blood of the Thousand Sons and recorded the taste of their blood over millions of years. And Magnus , as their genetic father, the blood was the same, and he recognized Magnus from the same blood."

Vito looked at the crazy werewolf. He raised his head and looked around in the direction of the auditorium, looking for Hilko's shadow. Vito's face was filled with anger, and the raging anger was burning in his eyes.

Lilith could see that Vito was angry, and very angry, "You know that warrior, right? Do you know who he is?"

"No, thank God, I can't recognize him the way he looks now, and I don't want to recognize him. That will only make me, the Emperor." Vito clenched his fists in anger, and the anger made his palms beat. There was lightning.

Lilith knew what he was angry about. Vito knew the warriors of the Great Company of Werewolves. He knew the guardsmen who were around Leman Russ during the Great Crusade, as well as all the other close warriors around the original body. He was familiar with them and knew them. , and they are all friends.

And now, what Vito sees is an old friend who was captured by the Dark Eldar in some unknown way. After tens of millions of years of torture and transformation, he turned into a pure killing machine. He has never seen the light of day here. In the webway, these fucking torturers have been fighting in the gladiatorial arena for ten thousand years.

This is the surprise that Hilko said for himself, the "beast" in his mouth

Being far away from the Imperium, away from his Chapter and brothers, this is the most terrible torture and pain for any Space Marine. He was forgotten, buried and hidden in this dark place, turned into a beast in the Webway beast.

Thank God, Vito couldn't recognize who this warrior was, otherwise he would have been completely pissed off, and then he would have exploded with golden lightning and blasted the entire arena into the sky!

But Vito couldn't do this. He knew that he came here to find the captain who left with the Emperor's Dream and Reyna and the others, and brought the fire of the Great Crusade back to the empire, so he couldn't have an attack. He had to suppress it. own anger.

But now, Vito really wants to find Silko, and then Lilith throws his soul into the realm of Slaanesh and tortures him to death as much as she can!

But now Vito can't find Silko, he can't find that damn Eldar bastard, so Vito can only look back at the arena, and when he looks back, Magnus is being killed by the crazy werewolf The soldier launched a desperate attack.

The Cyclops kept blocking and counterattacking. He hit the werewolf warrior, and his heavy and powerful fists struck the werewolf's arms, torso and face, but none of this could stop the warrior who had only animality and complete madness in his eyes.

His humanity has disappeared in thousands of years of pain, and the only thing left in this existing body is anger and hatred for the traitors.

It burned his body and soul, causing him to completely ignore the pain. He could only see the leader of the traitors in front of him, as if the anger of all his dead brothers were converging on him at this moment, and he attacked crazily. He was standing there with no regard for his own safety, or rather, he just wanted to die.

The werewolf warrior howled and attacked, his claws waving continuously, and his almost torn pupils were constantly collapsing and reorganizing, as if his soul was constantly being shattered and then put back together. , just like his body, in the infinite pain that could not be described in any mortal words, one of the werewolf's claws tore open a wound in Magnus's chest, and blood surged out from the Cyclops' body.

The werewolf warrior grinned his fangs and looked at the wounds on Magnus. A burst of joy appeared in his heart, as if the infinite pain was temporarily driven away, but just as the joy emerged in his heart At the first moment, a purple stimulant was injected into the nutrition tube at the back of his neck. The liquid was injected into the blood vessels of the werewolf warrior, and rushed into the brain along the blood of the neck.

A burst of tearing pain instantly dissipated the joy. The infinite pain stimulated his brain and bombarded every neuron in the cerebral cortex. In the end, anger replaced joy, and the desire for the traitor's blood instantly took over everything. , the werewolf warrior's eyes were instantly bloodshot, and then he strode towards Magnus, and the latter punched him after seeing the werewolf warrior approaching quickly.

"The Butcher's Nail." Vito whispered. He was now fully aware of what was injected into the head of the Wolf Warrior. Those Haemonculi in the Gormor Grotto would have destroyed Angron, as well as him. The Scions' horrific creations were also inflicted upon the Space Wolves warriors.

It was perhaps the most terrifying instrument of torture ever invented by mankind, and it seemed to have turned into a crown of horrific transformation for the Haemonculi, the most twisted crown of pain.

The werewolf who was tortured by the Butcher's Nail rushed towards the fist. He hissed and roared. Just before he was about to be hit by the iron fist, he instantly slid to one side to avoid it. He slipped away from Magnus. The shovel rushed over, roared as it passed by his hind legs and swung with all his strength, instantly tearing out a deep scratch on Magnus's right calf.

Magnus screamed and knelt on one knee. He pressed his knee and tilted his head to look at the werewolf warrior who had slid a long distance behind him and stood up from the ground with his paws. He was fighting. The high wall of the animal farm stood up again, opening its bloody mouth full of fangs and sharp claws, ready to launch the final attack.

Magnus also knew that the final moment of this battle had arrived. He knelt on the ground and immediately raised his head to look at Vito who was standing high on the side. The latter stood there and watched the werewolf warrior sighing for a long time and then turned to Magnus nodded.

Magnus could understand the meaning in his eyes. This warrior had been bound by ancient duties for too long. He was bound by that duty in pain and could not die. Now, it was time for him to be freed.

The Cyclops slowly knelt on the ground and turned around. He was still kneeling on one knee, facing the werewolf warrior in front of him. The latter looked motionless on his knees, exposing the back of his neck as if he had accepted his death date. Magnus, the excitement of killing the leader of the traitors with his own hands instantly rushed to his mind. Under the mixed effect of the hormones of the Dark Eldar, his wolf nature completely swallowed up all reason.

This painful warrior who could no longer be considered a human kicked his legs and rushed towards Magnus. He opened his bloody mouth, and the saliva splashed out of it swaying in the air with the dancing tongue, and his sharp claws flashed in the light. There was a cold light flashing below, and Magnus looked up at the charging werewolf.

He looked at the Space Wolf logo on his shoulder, and suddenly the scene of Prospero flashed before his eyes, and the scene of his confrontation with Leman Russ during the final battle. He remembered that at that time, Leman The same thing happened to Russ, who was knocked to the ground by his own psychic power.

Magnus looked at the charging werewolf warriors. For a moment, the scene of that year flashed before his eyes, as if an unconscious instinctive lightning flashed through his body. Magnus started to move. His body was far bigger than that. The brain's reactions moved faster.

Magnus suddenly stood up from the ground. He endured the wound and laceration on his right leg. He suddenly raised his head and slammed his head against the werewolf who had just rushed up and was about to bite the back of his neck. Warrior, the Cyclops' head slammed into his face like a cannonball.

The werewolf warrior was knocked back several steps by the sudden impact. His wolf head was raised, and his body lost balance at this moment. This was what Magnus wanted to catch. moment.

Taking advantage of the werewolf warrior's unsteady footing, Magnus roared and rushed forward. He stepped on his right leg that had been torn with a wound, and at the same time, blood spurted out from the larger gash caused by stepping on it. Magnus suddenly hit the werewolf's body.

He pushed the werewolf warrior up at once, then grabbed the werewolf's body, lifted it high into the air, and then slammed it against his raised right knee.

Magnus grabbed the werewolf warrior's body and slammed his back spine onto his knees. After the strong knees and the werewolf's body grew larger, the spines that had lost the protection of the power armor collided with each other. In an instant, In an instant, Magnus heard the sound of bones breaking from the bone conduction effect in his legs.

But those were not the bones of Magnus, but the bones of the werewolf warrior in front of him. His spine was instantly broken by this broken back. The werewolf screamed and howled into the air, and Magnus slammed it. He hit the ground on his back, just like before, except that he was the one who had his back broken and then hit the ground hard.

The werewolf warrior fell to the ground, and his broken spine hit the ground downwards. His body was instantly raised due to the impact, and then fell back to the ground. The werewolf warrior was wailing in pain on the ground, but his eyes were still full of pain. Filled with rage, he stared angrily at Magnus in front of him.

"Traitor! In the name of the Emperor and the Wolf King! My brothers will kill you! One day! You will pay for your crimes!"

The werewolf howled and tried to swing his claws to attack Magnus, but his spine was broken, so he could not swing his arms that had lost nerve sensitivity at all. He could only lie on the ground and still control the The head opened its bloody mouth full of fangs and roared at the traitor leader.

The surrounding spectators were still cheering. They seemed completely unaware of the significance of this conversation, and it was not important to them. The Dark Eldar's madness only wanted them to see the most exciting battle. The conversation that took place thousands of years ago, To them, it was just a noise that was insignificant, just like the voices they were shouting.

They believed that Magnus had won, and immediately raised their arms and cheered, but in the cheers and cheers of praising his own victory, Magnus did not have the slightest sense of joy on his face. , and the happiness I feel inside.

On the contrary, Magnus's heart was filled with complex emotions. He looked at the angry warriors on the ground, his eyes full of pity, sadness and self-blame.

The Cyclops raised his head, looked at the flashing lights above his head and sighed. He looked at the shining light, as if looking at the other end of the webway, in the direction of the shining golden throne.

"Perhaps, one day, I will pay the price for my faults and mistakes, brothers." Before he could finish his words, Magnus let out a long sigh and lowered his head to look at the werewolf in front of him. The warrior raised his fists, clenched them together, and then smashed them down.

"All-knowing father! Hear me roar!" The werewolf warrior looked at the falling fist. It seemed that in an instant, the madness and haze left by the Haemonculus in his mind had all dissipated. At that last moment , he turned back into the proud Space Wolf warrior, shouting his loyalty with his last roar. He looked up at the shining lights above his head and rushed to the gate of the Hall of Valor that was ten thousand years late.

The fist fell and blood spattered. Hilko suddenly stood up from the sofa chair. He frowned and walked to the window, overlooking Magnus below. Hilko's fingers clasped heavily on the crow cane. , but then suddenly let go.

He looked at Magnus below with a smile, as if the death of his best beast did not make him furious. He put his hand on his cane and showed a sly smile on his lips, "Very good, Constantine." Sir, it seems that you have indeed brought me a lot of surprises."

As he spoke, the Eldar in a suit coat turned and walked into the depths of the box. He pressed his cane and disappeared under the light of the Colosseum with a crisp tapping sound, "Now, we still have There’s a business to discuss.”

Outside the box, the person Hilko was going to discuss business with, Vito, was standing on the high platform. The black trench coat he was wearing swayed in the wind, as if he was joining the cheers around him that were getting more enthusiastic and reaching the climax. of.

Vito looked at the warrior under the light who was finally freed from the war that lasted for thousands of years. At this moment, he could finally go to the Hall of Valor and meet all his brothers who died in battle there. Reunite, drink and cheer together, and be reborn in glory under the gaze of the all-knowing eye of the Emperor on the Golden Throne.

Vito let out a long sigh and tilted his head. His heart was filled with unspeakable sadness. This scene reminded him of many things. Lilith, who could also sense the sadness in his heart, gently moved her hand. Placed it gently on his arm.

Vito looked at Lily and smiled sadly, then he looked at Magnus and stood up, but a look of surprise suddenly flashed across Vito's sad eyes, because he saw Magnus That one eye, the same eye full of sorrow and repentance.

Amidst the hysterical praise of the audience and the shouts announcing his victory, Magnus just turned around and walked into the dark door, and his figure disappeared into the bottomless darkness. middle.

But somewhere unseen, in the darkness, a fire as old as the Emperor's Dream reignited, its flame called redemption and hope rekindled.

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