Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 387 The Road to Expedition: Traitors and Loyalists

The heavy plasma thrusters rumbled in the belly of the transport ship, and the six propeller arrays spit out shining blue flames. The rumbles caused the transport ship to slowly approach the dock of the pier under the influence of huge flight inertia. The docking deck deep on the side half also gradually extends outward.

The sliding platform rolled and extended the docking deck to the ground of the pier. The beautiful lady standing on it stood on the edge, stepped on the deck and approached the pier. Just before the deck was about to touch the ground, she stepped onto it. He walked onto the pier and walked towards the crowd wearing a long silver knife.

"Thank you, madam, for praising the Emperor!" The person closest to her stepped forward, held her hand and thanked her repeatedly. The woman nodded to him with a smile and walked to the next one. The person also quickly came up and held her hand. The silver-haired lady waved her palms and thanked her endlessly.

"Praise be to you my lady, thank you for coming to fetch us, and may the Emperor bless you."

"Thank you for your kindness, I will raise my prayers to the Emperor for you."

"Thank you so much, beautiful lady, thank you so much."

People gathered around her along the way and kept sending her words of praise and sincere thanks. The woman smiled and nodded to them one by one. Her smile was gentle and had an intoxicating beauty, which made many Everyone was so touched that they leaned in from all around and shook hands with her to thank her.

Even the Astartes, who had no interest in women or any emotions, looked at the woman who brought the transport ship with utmost respect, except for one person.

"Really? Everyone is thanking her, but no one says thank you to Master Vito, or is he awesome? No?" Vito complained and stood aside, looking at the large group of beautiful women in front of him. The refugees around her kept sending her compliments, and they soon turned from pure gratitude to praise for her.

She smiled at the crowd and walked up to Vito with light steps. She looked at the unhappy Vito and lifted up his long silver hair, "You are beautiful, but it is easier for people to thank you and praise you. You see, people are more willing to praise Sanguinius than Perturabo, for the same reason."

"I think it's because the two people have different personalities. Perturabo's personality does make it harder to thank him, but that's not the point! Lily, are you late again? How many times is this already? "

Vito raised his pocket watch, pointed at the time in it and muttered, "Damn it, we were almost killed by that broken ship." "Aren't you dead? It's better to arrive early than to arrive in time. Isn't this what you taught me? "

Lilith's answer made Vito choke. He tilted his head slightly and thought for a while. It seemed that this was really what he said. This was not the secondary processing in the "Astral Military Code", or it was I didn’t say even a word, it was just a fabrication made up by later generations.

Lilith looked at Vito with a smile, reached out and touched his face gently, then turned her head and glanced at Vito's side, the fully armed Estart troops wearing power armor on the left, and the body armor on the right. Greenskin troops in rubbish armor, she looked at them jokingly and touched her chin with her finger.

"Your troop combination is really interesting. Astartes and Greenskins fighting side by side, it looks like a scene."

"This is just a temporary joint force, ma'am." Captain Sumani, who was standing behind Vito, said immediately. He was holding a chain sword, standing with his brothers, and deliberately keeping a distance from the greenskins on one side. Regarding the relative distance, the latter is obviously thinking about it in the same way.

"Lilith, my name is Lilith, handsome company commander." Lilith smiled charmingly and winked at the company commander provocatively. Of course, it had no effect on the company commander, but it made him The younger Su Tai and the young warriors were attracted. They looked at Lilith involuntarily, with silly smiles on their lips.

Sumani glanced at the unseemly Su Tai. After seeing the company commander's warning gaze, Sumani immediately stood at attention with a gun in hand. The young soldiers behind him also stood at attention with guns in hand.

"As you can see, Miss Lilith, we have formed an alliance with these temporary allies in the name of the Marshal."

"It's temporary. We don't want to stay with Xiami. After we go out, we will find a bigger fight, a bigger waaaaahg!"

After the company commander finished speaking, the burly green-skinned boss immediately added, which seemed to confirm the absolute temporary nature of this temporary joint force. As long as they leave here, this funny alliance will be disbanded immediately without any delay.

"How's it going? I asked the Astartes to cooperate with the greenskins, and both parties were willing to do so. Isn't that awesome? Does anyone think it's awesome?" Vito boasted, putting his hands on his hips, looking at the Astartes and the Astartes on both sides. The greenskins said, while the latter two looked at each other with strange expressions.

Lilith, who was in front of Vito, looked at her with a smile, "It's indeed awesome, but it's not awesome. You have to get him to unite with the Astartes, then you can be called awesome."

She said with her hands on her hips and turned to look in the direction behind her. Vito and the two groups of people behind her also looked over. They saw a tall figure falling on the edge of the deck, with red feather wings behind him. They slowly closed together and then walked towards the crowd with heavy steps.

Vito looked at him with an embarrassed smile, "Damn it, I forgot about him, now it's fun."

"Hmm, good luck to you."

Lilith and Vito said in unison, watching the one-eyed red giant approaching. He came from the other end of the deck. The refugees in front of him all ducked to the sides after seeing him. Women Holding the children, the men backed away continuously. They didn't dare to take a breath when they saw the tall man walking by.

Everyone looked at him with horrified expressions, and the priest who reacted most violently among the crowd raised his finger and pointed at the red giant and stammered, "Judgment. "

"Traitor!" It was the Astartes who shouted those two words for him. Sutai behind Sumani roared loudly. He suddenly raised the gun in his hand and aimed it at his head. The people around him All the Astartes also raised their guns and aimed at the Cyclops who was walking through the crowd.

The latter watched them slowly walk a few steps away. The tall red giant shrugged slightly, without any resentment or even a sense of surprise, "As expected, Vito, I leave it to you."

"Okay, okay, I know." Vito said and waved to the greenskins on the side. The latter saw the Astartes raising their guns, although they had no idea what was going on and who was coming. Who, but still followed and prepared to raise the gun, but obviously, it was precisely because they had no idea what was going on and what the relationship between Magnus and the Empire was, so they were more likely to listen to the advice.

After seeing Vito's signal, the greenskins put down their guns, but Vito knew that the guys on the other side would not be so easy to listen to.

"Guys, put the guns down."

"Put the gun down?! Marshal! You know who he is!"

"Magnus, son of the Emperor, yes I know, so can you put the gun down?"

"Yes, the shameful heir who betrayed the Emperor!"

Vito and Su Tai had this series of expected conversations. Vito had long expected that there would be such a moment, but he almost forgot about it because of the fun before, but now he remembered, or in other words, had to think about it. .

He looked at the group of Astartes holding guns around him. They aimed bolt guns of astonishing caliber at Magnus's head, and the hostility in everyone's eyes seemed to be below. They were about to pull the trigger together at a moment's notice, causing the red-skinned one-eyed dragon's head to bloom.

"You just cooperated with a group of ugly aliens, didn't you? Sorry." Vito said and smiled and waved at the greenskins, but it was obvious that they were very generous. The leader grinned and waved to them. Vito raised his head, "It's okay, we also think you are ugly, hahahaha!"

Vito looked at Sutai with a smile, and then turned to look at Captain Sumani beside him. The latter was also staring at Magnus, pointing a bolter between his eyebrows, "Captain, I want you to The guy put his gun down."

"Put down your guns?! Marshal, this is the leader of the traitors! The demon primarch of the traitorous legion, he is more dangerous than all the aliens here combined, but you ask us to put down our guns?!"

Su Tai pointed the gun at Magnus and shouted loudly, while Vito in front of him smiled bitterly and shook his head, looking up at the finger holding the trigger, "The only danger here is your hand, put that finger Move away, young man."

"Are you crazy, sir?! Do you know who the person in front of us is? As long as we put down the gun, he will kill us immediately! All of us!" Su Tai roared and pressed the trigger harder, behind him All the soldiers were holding their triggers firmly, staring at Magnus standing in front of them, who looked at them expressionlessly.

"The only hostility here is yourselves, private. I order you to put your guns down, immediately. All of you. In the name of the Supreme Marshal, I order you to put your guns down immediately." Vito said majestically, his The words immediately intimidated the Astartes present. They held their guns but began to look at each other.

Their company commander, Sumani and Vito looked at each other silently. The latter looked at the company commander issuing orders and requirements with his eyes. The company commander's hand on the trigger was firmly clasped on the ring, pointing at Mag. After a moment of hesitation, Nuss finally released the gun on his head.

"Excuting an order."

"But the company commander!"

"Execute the order, you are all soldiers, obey the order."

The company commander sternly scolded, and the soldiers behind him looked at each other and finally put down their guns. They stared at Magnus with hostility, and then looked at Vito in front of them together with the company commander.

Captain Sumani looked at Vito in front of him. Vito noticed that although he had put down the gun, he had not inserted it into the holster. His finger was still pressed on the trigger, and he could lift the gun at any time. The location of the gun's headshot.

Vito smiled slightly and then raised his eyes to look at the company commander in front of him. The latter also looked at him and raised his head slightly, "Sir, please explain to us why this traitor is here."

Sumani stared at Magnus beside him, who also looked at them standing there expressionlessly, holding hands in their arms without saying a word. He knew that it would be unwise for him to say anything now. It will escalate the situation, so let Vito handle it.

"That's a long, long story. You just need to know that Magnus is on the same front as us for the time being." Vito said, looking at the group of Astartes in front of him, while Sutai, who was standing among them, immediately Raising his fist, the young and energetic warrior clenched his iron fist and pointed at Magnus.

"Absolutely impossible! He is a traitor! A shameful traitor who betrayed the Emperor! They have no credibility and honor, we must never trust him!"

"I didn't ask you to trust him, nor did I expect you to like him, young men, I want you to believe me, do you believe me?"

Vito said as he looked at Sumani, who looked down at Vito and then slowly raised his head to look at Magnus after a moment of silence. The captain said nothing for a while, his fingers tightly pressed on the bolter at his side.

"I don't believe you, traitor, not at all, but I believe in the marshal's judgment, and I will obey his orders."

Sumani said, raising his hand to signal Sutai behind him to shut up. After seeing the captain's gesture, the latter angrily waved his fist to the side, but still chose to obey orders like a soldier. He retreated back to his brothers, staring at Magnus with hostile eyes.

The latter also looked at him, but did not react to the hostile eyes. Magnus then looked at their captain, but the latter's eyes were not friendly either. He just turned his anger into a cold gaze, like a steppe eagle that found its prey.

Those eyes stared at Magnus, and the latter also stared at those eyes. He was definitely the son of the Khan. Those sharp eyes were almost exactly the same as his father's, as sharp as an eagle.

"I will keep an eye on you, traitor. As long as you have the slightest suspicion that you will betray us, I will shoot you without hesitation, without hesitation." Sumani said coldly, pressing down the finger on the grenade launcher, making the trigger click.

Vito glanced at the captain, then at Magnus beside him, who also looked at the young man in front of him calmly, and nodded to him without hesitation, "As you wish, commander."

"Hmph, that's it." Sumani said coldly, his fingers holding the grenade launcher loosened a little, and then looked at Vito in front of him, "Marshal, you owe me an explanation, many."

Vito smiled, but just as he was about to speak, there was a sound of air tearing above his head, something whistling down tore the air, and then turned into a series of explosions behind everyone.

Vito saw a hoverbike whizzing past the transport ship, and the dark Eldar riding on it pressed the steering wheel, pushed forward suddenly, and whizzed past the transport ship, and the second motorcycle behind it swooped down from the air, and the short-barreled machine gun on the front of the vehicle sprayed bright flames.

The dazzling blast hit the top of the transport ship, and sparks were sprayed in a burst of gunfire. The refugees in front of the ship were frightened and screamed. One of the people in the crowd raised his hand and pointed to the sky above his head. Vito looked up at the gesture and looked at the starry sky above his head.

In the night sky after the floating motorcycle quickly dived, there was a large group of fast attack motorcycles swooping down from the sky. The motorcycle rider at the front pulled the trigger on the handrail, and a series of rapid-fire bombardments fell from the sky, continuously bombarding the top of the transport ship.

The sound of air tearing when they dived made the refugees squat down one after another, and the screams mixed with the continuous bombing gunfire resounded throughout the dock.

Vito also squatted down and looked at the hoverbike swooping past from outside. "Magnus, are you telling me that you killed all the flying things in the base?"

"Indeed, but these are not in the base, but from outside." The magic pony said, looking up at the sky, raising a red finger to point to the dimly flickering air shield at the top of the head. A group of hoverbikes emerged from the asteroid belt outside the flickering dark blue air shield.

Those motorboats that quickly swept under the riders swarmed out of the asteroids, like a group of griffins rushing along the surface of the planet, and then lowered the front of the car and quickly dived towards the base below. The front of the car almost rushed into the air shield at a right angle, and then pulled the trigger to fire fiercely.

Continuous artillery fire bombarded the side and rear of the transport ship, causing sparks to fly everywhere on the armor there. Soon, a piece of armor was shattered. Vito sighed helplessly as he looked at the flying sparks. He rubbed his neck and looked at the company commander beside him.

"It seems that the explanation I owe you is delayed a little bit, everyone get on board." Captain Sumani nodded slightly, and Vito then looked at Lilith on the side and tilted his head towards her, glancing at the panicked refugees in the distance, "Use your charm to appease those unfortunate guys, and then get them on board, I'll go get rid of these annoying flies." Lilith smiled and nodded to him with her hands on her hips, but looked at the night sky beside her with a little surprise, "But how are you going to fly up and kill them? I remember that you can't fly, and your sword can only drag you to fly a certain distance in places with atmospheric pressure." "Hitch a ride, follow Magnus, we'll go and finish your unfinished work." Vito said as he rushed to the edge of the star port. The moment he rushed to the starry sky, he shot out a lightning with his palm, and shot an Eldar who was diving on a hoverbike with an accurate and accurate shot. The man staggered off the motorcycle, and the hoverbike also staggered and flew down.

Vito strode to the edge, then stepped on the edge of the star port and jumped down. He quickly fell backwards and downwards from outside the star port, falling headfirst from the air with his back to the roaring people behind him. The group of vultures rushed towards the floating motorcycle that fell naturally. Vito quickly landed next to it, reaching for it repeatedly in the air.

He failed several times, his fingers just touching the edge of the armrest and slipping down again, but in the end Vito caught the armrest in one fell swoop.

He pulled his body up by the armrest, then bent over and sat on the motorcycle's seat. Vito's boots stepped on the pedals, and then he suddenly dug his feet into the guard ring and moved forward. A sharp push reignited the engine.

Vito sat on the cushion and looked at the instrument panel in front of him with a smile that was all lit up again. The red pointer quickly moved upwards. Vito suddenly raised the front of the car, and then turned his wrist and turned off the accelerator. Changing hands, he quickly lit up the jet nozzle at the end of the motorcycle below, spitting out fire and pushing the car body into the sky.

Magnus on the pier saw Vito soaring into the sky. He suddenly rushed up from under the platform of the pier, roaring with blazing flames and rushed up to the sky. Magnus and Lilith looked at each other. He also jumped out of the pier, and after a brief fall from the top and bottom of his body, he flapped his wings and flew into the sky, following Vito as he rushed into the sky.

Lilith stood with one hand on her hips and looked at the two people rushing into the sky. Then she turned her head and glanced at the petite girl standing next to her. She suddenly stretched out her hand to hold Shatina's chin and lifted her face up. .

Lilith looked at the little face under the hood, with a playful smile on her expression, "He went to find a little girl behind my back again, but he has good taste, and this little face is not bad."

"I'm not his woman." Shatina complained, and suddenly opened Lilith's hand.

"That's what everyone said at the beginning." Lilith said, turning around and walking towards the panicked refugees. She waved to Shatina and motioned for her to follow.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to use your face to make them shut up and get on the boat. I rarely teach people in person, so study hard and you will need it in the future." She smiled evilly, So said.

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