Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 402 The Road to Expedition: Seed of Heresy: Hong Suo

The space warrior in yellow armor was crawling on the ground, his arms crawling on the ground with difficulty, and the front of the heavy power armor rubbed against the ground, creating sparks. He lifted himself up with a blood-red mark. Heart, with a drop of blood and tears dripping from the side, the power-armored arm stretched out to the bolter in front of him.

His movements were painful but firm. His huge power armor palm reached for the trigger of the bolt gun, but just as he was about to touch the gun, a dark combat boot stepped on his back. The thick iron feet of the power armor suddenly trampled the yellow-armored space warrior to the ground.

The warrior crawling on the ground was trampled to the ground. The huge stampede made him groan softly. The warrior raised his head with only half of his helmet and visor left, turned his crimson eyes and looked towards There were huge iron feet behind him, and above them were a pair of blood-red eyes on a black helmet.

The black-armored Astartes raised the bolter in his hand and aimed it at the head of the warrior stepping on him. Then there was a gunshot. The black-armored warrior raised his head. He was still stepping on On the back of the yellow armored space warrior on the ground, his eyes looked around everything in the tall hall.

Traitors, also wearing black power armor and carrying bolters or chain swords, walked under the towering dome. They fell off the exquisite statues that collapsed in the previous fierce battles and the murals on the dome above their heads. Finally, I walked through the shattered debris on the ground.

Not far away, next to a collapsed statue, another black-armored traitor holding a bolter walked up to a yellow-armored Astartes who had lost his legs but was still crawling on the ground. Next to him, he also picked up a gun like the traitor here, and fired at the local soldiers without blinking an eye.

The yellow-armored warrior stopped, but the black giant standing next to him still didn't like it enough. He raised his gun and fired a few more shots at the warrior's body. After a splash of blood and yellow steel debris, , then stepped over the corpse with the gun in hand.

The black-armored Astartes, holding a bolt gun, looked over there. Soon he heard the sound of heavy footsteps. He stepped on the corpse on the ground with the gun and turned his head to look at the person walking in from the door behind him. A burly giant, he wears a very unique black power armor.

The reason why it is unique is that the right arm of his armor is not covered with armor at all. The arm extends directly from the shoulder hole of the power armor. It seems that the size is completely inconsistent with the thick armor beside it, as if it is A deformed, shriveled little hand seemed to be hanging by the side.

But don’t underestimate him just because of this. The Black-armored Astartes had seen with his own eyes what happened to the guys who despised him and humiliated the burly giant in front of him. They all died on the seemingly weak right arm. Because there was a layer of silver living metal flowing on that arm.

The liquid-like metal solution flowed on the arm, and as the giant walked through the hall door with heavy steps, it shimmered under the bright lights around him. His other hand held a black power battle axe. There is a blood-red eye imprinted on it. The eyeball seems to be alive, turning and staring at everything around it, just like its owner.

The burly giant with bare metal arms walked into the hall. The black-armored Astartes standing on the corpse at the door immediately raised his steps back. He took a step back and nodded to the giant who walked into the hall.

The man also turned his head and glanced at him, then looked around at the messy battlefield, "Extract the gene seeds of these False Emperor Astartes brothers. They once fought for a hypocritical master, but after that, Their memories and experiences will serve the power of destruction."

"As you command, Lord Hong Suo." The black-armored pharmacist who was not far away lowered his head and responded. He then looked at a yellow-armored warrior lying on the ground beside him, and the mechanical arm behind him slowly raised up. , the saw teeth on it roared and turned as the pharmacist squatted down, and the yellow armor was close to the ground.

Honso looked at them, and then stepped into the hall without saying a word. He walked between the halls filled with corpses and ruins scattered with countless wreckage. On both sides, black-armored warriors along the way They all knelt and saluted him as he passed by, as if surrendering to a master, the master of the Astartes.

He walked under this huge dome, and passed in front of the statues on both sides that had either completely collapsed, or some were still standing. Honsou's eyes took a look at the statues on one side that had lost their arms and most of them. After being driven away, only the shoulders and beautiful face of the Eldar female statue were left standing on the stone platform nearby.

He looked at that beautiful face. Honsou looked at that beautiful face with his head that was full of scars and had deformed burn marks on the top of his head. The mechanical eye embedded in the right side of the eye rotated, following the steps. And stare at the statue in stark contrast to its deformed and ugly face.

But Honsou obviously didn't care about this. He walked past the statue without saying a word. He turned his head and looked at the one-armed Weeper warrior standing on the ground holding a sword. His other One hand has been broken, and blood and broken armor hoses are hanging from the edge of the incomplete armor arm.

The one-armed Lamenter stood up with the sword in his hand, held the sword in one hand and stabbed Honso as he walked towards him, "Live up to the blood of Sanguinius!"

The sharp blade stabbed with a whistling sound, but Hong Suo, who was approaching, raised the black battle ax without even dodging, swung it away with one hand and opened the blade stabbed by the Wailer, then held the battle ax with one hand and violently He drew it back and slashed at the wailer's body from bottom to top.

The Weeper warrior retreated a few steps and then collapsed on the ground. The heavy power armor left a deep scarlet gash on his chest. The red liquid splashed onto the surrounding armor surfaces, and with the long sword Falling to the ground with a crash, a dull roar as the power armor collapsed echoed under the dome of the hall.

The black-armored warrior standing at the end of the hall turned to look. He listened to the sound of the power armor falling to the ground, and looked at Hong Suo, who was walking with his blood-stained battle ax hanging down. Scarlet blood was flowing on the blade of his bloody battle ax. , drops of blood dripped onto the ground along the tip of the sword, and turned into a long blood-red path with the footsteps of Hongsha.

"Lord Hong Suo." The black-armored warrior bowed to the approaching Hong Suo. He took a few steps back to make way for Hong Suo. The latter walked straight past him, with his blood-stained black battle ax on his face. The blood drops hit a metal pipe, hit it, and then slid down the slopes on both sides.

Hongsuo's iron feet suddenly stepped on the side of the pipe, and the huge feeling of stepping on the ground made the pipe shake. The tall giant raised his mechanical eyes and looked up at the huge machine in front of him.

In front of a tall native rock wall at the end of the hall, there is a huge drilling machine. The huge machine with huge rotating bricks hangs down from the dome. After crashing through the roof, it is fixed by several thick steel cables. In the air, suspended a few feet from the ground in front of the rock wall.

The huge machine is like an upside-down monster. It is surrounded by circles of corridor brackets around its huge body. It is connected to countless pipes, energy cables and countless operating units, and controls those The most complex things are the priests who walk the Dark Mechanicum.

They walked around the machine's body holding data pads, weaving between display panels, servo skulls following behind them, blinking scanning mechanical eyes ticking after the priest.

Hongsuo looked up at the huge machine hanging upside down in front of him. He raised his head and looked up along the body of the machine, looking at the sky above the broken dome. There was a huge cave between the exquisite dome murals. The entire mural was torn to pieces, and the parts that once depicted beautiful scenes were now replaced by a burning sky.

The sky filled with flying red sand was flashing with the light of artillery fire. The explosions lit in distant orbits were shining in the sky like stars in the daytime. Hong Suo looked up at the sky and turned his head slightly to glance at the side. The black-armored adjutant said, "Grendel, report the situation."

"As you can see, my lord, we captured this palace. The Lamenters stationed here put up a desperate resistance, but they were still annihilated by us."

Grendel, wearing a gray and black Iron Warrior armor, stood next to Honso, looking around at the messy hall and said. He looked at the Iron Warriors cleaning the battlefield in the distance, and once again raised his gun and pointed at a corpse on the ground. The Wailer raised his arm and fired a shot, and the arm fell down in front of Grendel's eyes.

"The Weeper Chapter launched several counterattacks, but they were all defeated by us. Thanks to the orbital offensive troops overhead, we have controlled the starport in this area. Through orbital bombing, we have driven the empire out of this area. , this sky and land already belong to you, my lord.”

Honso nodded slightly. There was still no smile on his expression. It was hard to tell whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied. But Grendel was still used to it. After all, his body was full of blood. With the mixed genes of the Imperial Fists and the Iron Warriors, he also inherited the characteristics of both legions, including the common trait of being unsmiling.

"What about Global Offensive?"

"The progress is as smooth as expected, sir. Under the cover of the armored forces, the ground troops have suppressed the empire's defenders to the other side of the planet's dusk line. In space, we are also seizing star port corridors and steadily advancing to the end. Take over the entire track.”

Grendel clenched his fists and looked at the sky above him with pride, "The empire's fleet has been severely damaged, and they are withdrawing from the space above us. Not only this sky, but also the planet will soon fall." into our hands.”

"Then, it seems that we only need to worry about the problems here. This is the only reason why I came to this desolate and broken planet with an extremely high gravity level."

This planet was once an important starport for the entire Cadian fleet. Once upon a time, the sky here was filled with a large number of Imperial warships, and there were countless docks, shipyards and repair workshops in its orbit. It is enough to provide a station and rest base for the entire sector fleet.

But this was not the purpose of Honso's coming here. The huge fleet that had been stationed here had already fallen into the hands of Abaddon along with the planet in Cadia. Although Honso heard that the sudden attack of the Mountain Formation had troubled Abaddon. The planet was taken at a considerable cost, but it had nothing to do with Honso, who didn't care about Abaddon's cause.

Honso only cares about his own great cause, which is destined to allow him to achieve great things in the face of the mighty destructor. This is the purpose of his coming here. On this planet, there are things that can help him, and that The thing is at Honso's feet, in the heart of the world, buried deep in the earth's core.

Honso looked at the floor with the image of the spreading phoenix on the ground. It was covered with debris that poured down when the ceiling shattered. And on the disc floor pattern, a huge shadow covered it. The huge shadow covered it. The drill was pointing its huge drill bit at the Phoenix's body.

"Priest, are you sure you can break through the defense of this planet? Just rely on this thing?" Hongsuo raised his head and looked at the person standing in the corridor next to the inverted drilling rig.

In the recessed wall in the center of the steel body, there is a master console with countless data screens. A priest is standing there, with countless mechanical arms stretched out from under the dark red robe behind him. On the screen in front of him While operating the instrument quickly, the servo skulls floating around him emitted a ray of light scanning the steel instruments nearby.

The priest looked at the interface in front of him. He turned his head with flashing eyes and looked at the screen on the other side. A servo skull flew over, hovered next to the priest, and projected an image with a buzzing sound.

He looked at the image, then pressed a button in front of him, and the huge drill roared. Standing below, Grendel saw six melt cutting cannons surrounding the huge drill slowly lighting up. .

"I am certain, Lord Hongsuo, in the name of the power of destruction, the "Hell Dragon" drilling machine built by my technical brothers and I will penetrate the heart of this planet."

"I don't need it to penetrate the heart of this planet, I need it to take me to the palace below, to the place where the sacred objects are." Honso held up the battle ax with his eyes rolling, raised his head and said, The priest was still looking at the screen in front of him, his fingers flying around and clicking on it.

"Then, it will do the same." "How long will it take for it to penetrate the rock formation?" Honso asked. Under the dark red cloak of the priest of the Dark Mechanicus, a low ticking sound came from the head that had completely turned into metal. , but before the priest could say anything, the ticking sound was interrupted by a huge roar above his head.

The priest raised his head and looked upward. He saw a huge battleship sliding through the big hole above the rope from the connection point of the steel cable above the head of the drill. The battleship was burning with blazing flames and spinning from above the head. It fell from above the temple, and countless steel debris fell from the sky as it flew by.

The huge debris hit the top of the hall. There was a heavy impact and a large amount of dust fell on the entire ceiling. One of the huge propeller debris fell off from the battleship. It rotated, smashed down and hit the ceiling. He climbed up to the edge of the big hole and knocked down a corner of the cave.

The hole was now bigger. Along with the debris and debris flying down, the huge propeller hit the side of the propeller. Huge dust instantly rose up and swept through most of the hall. Grendel raised his hands to cover his ears. , blocking the flying red sand grains, but when the dust blew past, he raised his head and saw Hong Suo standing in front of him, not dodging at all.

He looked at the war blacksmith beside him, his eyes fixed on the propeller that fell to the ground. Grendel also walked out from Honso and looked at the propeller that fell on the ground with him.

"Is that from the imperial battleship?" Grendel asked softly, while Honso frowned. He shook his head slightly and looked up at the sky above his head.

"You told me yourself, Grendel, that the Imperial fleet has withdrawn from this sky. So, whose warship can fall down?"

Honso said, looking at the sky above his head. Grendel also raised his head in hesitation. When he saw the exploding stars in the sky, he realized what had happened. Honso beside him wrinkled. frowned.

"Contact Orbit and find out what happened." "Yes, my lord."

Grendel said and immediately started taking action. He activated the communication terminal on his arm and quickly clicked on the interface with his other hand. Amidst the ticking sound, Honso was still staring at the sky above his head, watching the turbulence. He had a premonition about the starry sky with flaming clouds, and soon Grendel confirmed it.

"Sir, we have received a communication message within the empire. You should probably take a look." Grendel said and stretched out his arm. As he clicked, a holographic image was projected on the communicator. The image It was quickly projected in front of Hong Suo.

It was a captain of the Imperial Navy. Honso knew him. It was Speyer. His bust appeared on the holographic image and looked around the majestic opening. "I am Admiral Speyer. All imperial units, Supreme Commander." Marshal Vito Constantine has returned. In the name of the Emperor and Marshal, all imperial forces have begun to fight back, and we will win!"

"The signal has been confirmed to be authentic. The fleet in orbit has confirmed the discovery of the Grand Admiral's flagship, the Emperor's Dream. Damn it, didn't it mean that the Grand Admiral and Magnus were lost in the webway together?! How could he appear here? And with the flagship that has been lost for thousands of years?”

Grendel said in surprise, but Honso just frowned. He strode to the drilling machine and looked up at the dark priest above, "How long will it take you to drill through the rock formation?"

"Three days, my lord." "You only have one day."

The dark mechanical priest tilted his head slightly and looked at Hongsuo for a moment, then nodded and turned around to start the operation. Several of his mechanical arms quickly pulled the levers on the surrounding terminals. After clicking the button, the huge robot under him The engine roared and roared, and under the machine with billowing black smoke, Hong Suo turned around and strode towards the exit of the hall.

Grendel followed him, and all the black-armored warriors along the way turned around and followed Honso who passed among them. A huge team gathered behind Honso.

Honso moved around swinging his big arms, the metal arms swinging by his side. Grendel followed him with a gun, "Sir, the marshal has appeared, what should we do now?"

"Gather all our forces to prepare for battle. Our troops are only three times more than the marshal, but we must buy this day for the dark priest."

As he spoke, the roaring machine behind him had already hit the ground. The roaring drill bit penetrated the ground. The hot melt nozzle that instantly lit up struck the ground. In a cloud of dust, the drill bit began to escape into the ground. On the broken ground As the debris flew, Hong Suo also walked out of the temple door in the dust.

He stood in front of the majestic gate, raised his head and looked up at the sky above, which was a sky full of fire. The wreckage of the battleship fell into the atmosphere like a meteor. Grendel also stood next to Honso and watched with him. The rain of fire above my head.

"Come on, Grendel, it's going to be a long day from now on."

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