Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 409: Expedition Road: Mechanical Priest

Fire flickered in the dark and huge deep well, and bright flames sprayed in the dark and silent wide longitudinal tunnel. The spattered sparks flew around, lighting up the surroundings shrouded in darkness in the flickering halo. The rock wall illuminates the concave and convex gaps surrounding it layer after layer.

Hong Suo fell downwards, his exposed silver steel arms grasping the rope. The hard iron rope made of tens of millions of steel wires rubbed violently between his palms. Where did the dazzling sparks come from? It spurted out from between the fingers, lighting up the dim space around it.

The entire surrounding rock wall is full of saw-tooth marks that have been shattered. The deep marks that snake and cling to the surrounding rocks extend in circles and circles, just like a chain coiled on both sides of the mountain. The lines in the staircase corridor perfectly match the edge of the drill bit of the huge drilling rig parked on the ground at the end below.

Hongsuo looked down at the huge machinery below. The huge shield machine had returned to its horizontal position. It was parked quietly on the ground, and around its sides were a large number of servitors carrying tools. Some of them were holding tools. Industrial hot melt guns, or small drill tools, etc., and bright searchlights were set up on both sides of the excavation site, just like coming out of the underground of the mine.

And the hard-working workers here are working hard, and they are digging the tunnels painstakingly. After all, the servitors can't speak, nor can they think or feel tired, right? They are simply the perfect labor force, especially here, in this bottomless underground. Who else can dig clangingly here except them?

The servitor held a hot melt gun and sprayed the high-temperature fire pillar on the rock wall nearby. The wall was melted little by little by the high temperature and turned into a bright stream of fire. The flame flowed down and spread little by little on the ground. Come on, the firelight also illuminated another servitor holding a drill.

The pale light shone behind them as they worked among the surrounding rock walls, making the excavation site below even larger. In the clanking underground environment, the lights of the lights also shone brightly as they stood. On the mechanical priest behind him.

The priest in a dark red robe stood in front of the tall fuselage of the shield machine. He rolled his eyes on the ground and looked at the servitors all around who were repeating mechanical movements. They did not complain, did not talk, and did not even breathe. The simple movements are repeated over and over again, and during those movements, the space here is also rapidly becoming larger.

He stood here alone, and Father Heimer walked alone beside the shield machine. Just as Honso would not let any of his men avoid him to get the ancient artifact, neither would Father Heimer. Allowing priests of the Mechanicus, other than himself, to step into this technological palace he had just discovered.

Everything here shocked Haimer. After the shield machine drilled through the hard granite, he stood in front of this magnificent tunnel. Everything in it, no matter how simple it was, made him nervous. The mechanized, non-existent heart was beating violently under the chest.

Haimer's mechanical eye turned in a circle, scanning the surrounding caves on his vision interface, and then turned his head to look at the huge cave sitting there. To be precise, it was a door. It was made of some kind of thing that he could not analyze at all. A huge gate composed and constructed of scanned metal.

Behind it is a deep corridor, leading to a certain place. Haimo doesn't know what is at the end of it, but he is sure that there is something powerful there, because the energy scan on his vision interface The spectrum can be said to be almost overwhelming, reflecting the energy radiation within it.

At the end of the tunnel, Heimer discovered the existence of a powerful energy body. The same level of energy intensity Heimer had only seen among the Necrons, ancient, mysterious, and more deadly fragments of the Star God. I once heard that it only takes one ancient fragment of the Star God to blow up the entire galaxy.

And now, on the scanning interface in front of Haimer, he was witnessing a picture of the same powerful energy. The ever-changing radiators were constantly moving irregularly on his graphics window, as if they had life, a living person. energy of.

"What an amazing place. There are so many technologies and mysteries here. If more excavations and research can be done here, it will provide more help for the journey of knowledge."

The priest walked to the door and scanned the unique silver-gray steel-like surface with his eyes. In fact, the priest had no idea what kind of material it was. He could only name it "silver-gray alloy" through similar observations and comparisons. "He stored the name in his database for subsequent research and analysis.

The surface of this metal is almost completely sealed. All the molecules are locked together without even a single gap. As a priest of the Dark Mechanicum, Heimer is fortunate to be able to come into contact with and study the high-density metal that the priest used to possess. Those technological products that are considered dangerous by the empire include the technology of the undead.

Heimer was not a member of the Mechanicus during the Great Expedition. He was an ordinary person who was born on Mars in the later empire. Later, he lived in the red world full of poisonous gas and harmful radiation in order to survive and seek knowledge, perhaps more of the former. On the planet, people have only two choices.

Either you become a short-lived low-nest worker, living under the factory gas that has been circulated countless times, working silently in the bottomless underground for a lifetime, and finally die in obscurity. Your corpse may be transformed into those hideous mechanical servants, or made into corpse starch and supplied to others.

Or you can become a technical priest, join the cult under the God of All Machines, convert to the Mechanicus to gain protection, transform your body to survive in that harmful environment, and have a longer life and good food and living environment.

Most people don’t have much choice, right? Almost everyone wants to be a technical priest, all the children of Mars are like this, but only a very few of them are qualified to pass the rigorous test of the Mechanicus, and Heimer is one of the lucky ones.

He has forgotten how long it was, he has long forgotten the red planet, the steel factory on it and the never-ending forging sound. The only thing he remembers is exploration and knowledge, the journey of seeking knowledge and technology in the galaxy on the exploration fleet.

Heimer was just an ordinary child who converted to the God of All Machines in order to survive, but perhaps it was the will of Ommissiah that he soon showed a strong talent and a natural keen insight into knowledge, which allowed Heimer to rise step by step in the Mechanicus and eventually became the chief of the exploration fleet under the priest.

When Heimer embarked on the road of seeking knowledge, he showed an infinite thirst for knowledge, no matter what kind of knowledge it was, even those taboos and technologies that were regarded as heresy. Heimer believed that knowledge was neither good nor bad, the only difference was the people who used it.

Although Heimer did not remember the specific life in the Low Nest, the hunger and physical pain never left him no matter how many times the data memory was iterated. Heimer wanted to change that miserable life, just as Ommissiah and the Emperor expected, to use technology to benefit mankind.

But with such a great dream, Heimer encountered obstacles everywhere. He soon found that the officials of the empire and the ruling nobles of the planet did not care about the lives of civilians. Even if there was a possibility of changing society, they would regard it as a scourge and resolutely refuse it on the grounds of shaking the foundation of the country.

They would rather watch millions of ordinary people in the empire live a hard life than lend a hand to help them, because it would be of no benefit. They would rather spend that time fighting for ridiculous power, as if what they have is not enough.

What made Heimer even more desperate was that his own colleagues, the members of the Mechanicus, did not care about all this at all. They were even worse than the officials of the empire. They only cared about technology and technology that could be used for themselves, and the technological heritage that allowed them to climb the pyramid of hierarchy in the Mechanicus.

"The Mechanicus has betrayed the Ohm Messiah."

This was Heimer's last words before he left the Empire and the Mechanicus. He left the corrupted cult and the Empire. Heimer once vowed to use the power of technology to change the Empire, a real change, then Heimer would do so, no matter who provided him with help, as long as the result could still serve the welfare of all mankind and overthrow the corrupt country, then Heimer would follow.

And Chaos provided him with this opportunity. In the Dark Mechanicus, Heimer could study more technologies, many of which came from alien races, which technologies could benefit the people of the Empire, more favorable medical technology, agriculture and construction technology, etc.

But all of this was previously banned by the Empire as "dangerous alien technology", how ridiculous and absurd, it was because of this that the country that was once built on reason and truth would become like this in just a thousand years. Heimer was almost certain that the Emperor and Ohm Messiah would also condemn them.

So for Heimer, he was not betraying. The real traitors were the people in the empire, the traitors who claimed to be loyalists but disobeyed and betrayed all the principles of the empire's establishment.

Therefore, when Hong Suo invited him and promised that the technology he was looking for would bring about a radical change for all mankind, Heimer agreed to his invitation and came here to help Hong Suo find the ancient technology. Now, he was standing in front of those technologies.

He had studied the polymer technology of the dead spirits and similar technologies of several other alien races, but they were completely incomparable to the metal in front of him. The metal door and the structure behind it completely locked all the molecules, and there was not even any resonance. When you knocked on its surface, there would not be even a slight vibration.

Its structure was locked by some unknown radiation energy body with special energy forms. The priest believed that it was some unique spiritual energy, and only the one who could explain the complete randomness of this energy. The priest had observed them thousands of times, but did not find any repeatable rules at all. Each energyization was random, but the results were completely consistent.

This made the priest feel extremely curious. He was eager to study everything here and stay here for a while, a few months? Maybe a few years, or even longer to study these unknown ancient technologies. The priest hoped that he could further dig out the technological mysteries here by studying these technological creations, but now he had to inform his employer, so the priest's alarm clock opened the communication channel, "Lord Hong Suo, I have completed the excavation and am waiting for your arrival."

"Very good, priest." Honso's voice echoed in his ears, but it was not from the communicator, but from behind him. The priest turned around and looked at the falling behind him under the huge impact. Honso, he fell heavily behind the priest, and his tall body slowly stood up with a battle ax in hand.

"Sir, I am glad that you can come here. I have discovered a large number of technological products here, but they have not been included in any collection. I request that more research be conducted here to facilitate more knowledge and exploration."

"Very well, priest, I agree to your request, but it is precisely because of this that you must personally defend these technological heritages of yours and buy time for me to go and get the technological artifacts that change everything. Someone is behind you. He's in hot pursuit, can you stop him?"

Honso said, raising his head and looking upward. Of course, he didn't expect Heimo to be able to stop Vito. Unless the Four Gods personally took action, no one could stop the attack of the Supreme Marshal himself. That was no different from dying, so Honso Then he decided to run away.

He does not have the blessing of any of the four gods. The battle ax in his hand can kill ordinary space warriors, but it can never be used to kill gods. If he confronts the marshal head-on, he will definitely die. I am afraid that if Vito wants to, he will not be able to hold on even for a moment. If he doesn't hold on, he will be killed instantly. What he needs now is time, time to run away after getting the artifact, and Haimo should be able to hold him off for at least a short while so that he can reach the shrine.

"Of course, Lord Honso, I will protect this valuable knowledge and gain precious time for you. In the name of Ohm Messiah, we will change the world together."

"Of course, Father, of course, good luck to you now, you're going to need it when you face him."

After Honso said that, he turned around and ran towards the door on the side. Haimo turned around and looked around, his mechanical eyes scanning everything around him, just like a hunter checking his hunting ground.

He didn't know who Honso was talking about, but the priest believed that it should be the Astartes. Combining the recent situation with the dozens of endings he had calculated, the possibility was as high as 88.12%.

Heimer was sure that his analysis was correct, and he was well prepared to deal with the Astartes. His army of servitors were all equipped with weapons, and he himself also carried weapons designed for the Astartes. equipment.

But how can I put it, I think he was probably not prepared to deal with a guy who was "bigger" than the Astartes, something that even his old club, Honso, would run away from when he saw it.

Haimer stood in front of the shield machine. He suddenly detected that some kind of huge object was approaching rapidly. The priest raised his mechanical eyes and looked up, and then captured the figure falling from the sky on the scanning interface. The thing's There are sparks all the way up above.

The priest stared at him. Through the detailed description of the system, he was still sure that it was an Astartes. He confirmed this from both the physique and the shape of the armor. The priest stared at the thing falling from the sky, and he suddenly hit it. Not far from the priest, it trampled two servitors to death the moment it fell.

The two unlucky ones who were digging raised their heads and looked at the source of the noise above. Then they were crushed by the noise. The huge giant crushed them into splattering flesh and blood, and there were still connections between them. Line tubes and electrodes and the like.

The broken body of the servitor fell to the ground, and the electrodes on the remaining cerebral cortex pulsed with weak arcs. The priest raised his head and looked at the Astartes who stood up slowly in front of him. He was wearing a golden coat. The armor is equipped with a huge power claw on the other hand.

The priest quickly scanned his body, but he did not find any identifiable battle group logo. The armor model was never included in the priest's database. He could not match any battle group's power armor map. This Astartes, like everything here, was completely unknown to the priest.

"I can't identify you, Brother Astartes." "This is not surprising, but can I ask my question later? Did you have a particularly large one here just now, with a silver one, shiny The arm guy ran over?"

"I think the person you are talking about is Mr. Honso." "Ah, yes, it seems that you have seen him. Can you tell me where he ran? I have something to do with him, so if you don't mind ,so I"

Vito stood up and said with a smile. He raised his head and looked towards the only tunnel ahead. Then, he saw a melt gun protruding from the macro cannon behind the priest, as well as dozens of other guns around him. Melta and plasma, heavy laser guns.

"Wow, your way of welcoming guests is so warm." Vito said jokingly. He looked up at the priest in front of him and shrugged his shoulders. "Is this place the same as in fairy tales? Do I need to offer any gifts? Or A sacrifice or something, and then you will let me go? "

"Let me guess, do you want a bouquet of rare flowers, or some glittering glass slipper?" Vito said happily, wagging his finger, and then he heard the sound of the second gun being loaded. It was a handful of plasma that stretched out from under the priest's robe, shining brightly and aimed at Vito's head.

"What I want, you surrender, you can't pass, traitor."

"Traitor? As a member of the Dark Mechanicus, you call me a traitor. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?" Vito asked with a smile, but obviously, the muzzle of the loaded gun behind Heimer showed that he had no intention of arguing with Vito.

"You are the traitors, a group of traitors who betrayed the original will of the Emperor and the Om Messiah." Heimer said, and all the weapons behind him were raised. Dozens of guns were raised from the mechanical arms behind him and pointed at Vito's head.

The latter looked at him in silence for a moment. Vito stared at the priest in front of him and narrowed his eyes slightly. His fingers gently slid to the grenade behind his waist, "Are you a mechanical priest from the Great Crusade period?"

"No, no, I was born after that." Heimer replied coldly. There was no emotion in the synthesized voice. Vito looked surprised. He was not from the Great Crusade era, but he knew the current empire.

Vito looked at him in silence for a long time, and then the finger that was about to touch the trigger stopped. He gently tapped the butt of the gun and frowned slightly at him. "Surrender, priest, I give you this chance. I don't want to kill you. Join us and we will transform this empire together."

"Veto, false promises and lies, I have heard too many of them. Now, you must be eliminated."

"For the future of mankind"

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