Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 413 The Road to Expedition: The Inheritance of the Mantle


Vito asked simply, trying to hide his confusion and confusion, but he failed. His expression very vividly reflected the passive reaction of an illiterate who suddenly wandered into a high-level academic meeting.

But Yiyanna behind him is obviously more knowledgeable. As a prophet of the Eldar, she has obviously read more books and knows more knowledge than Vito. What? Do you think that because Vito has lived for 40,000 to 50,000 years, he must have read a lot of books and learned a lot of knowledge? What did you think of him? Some dead man named Emperor?

Iyanna walked up from the dazed Vito, and she came to Helen's side. The two knowledgeable women discussed in front of their "wise" men.

"You said artificial universe? What do you mean?" "Literally, artificial." "I know! This place was created by the ancient saints, so it's called an artificial universe!"

While the two smart women were discussing, the illiterate guy next to them, with a arrogant expression that was indeed more like an illiterate, raised his arms and said proudly, displaying his stupidity and boasting in a vivid and exquisite way. .

The two of them glanced at him coldly, then turned their eyes back. Helen shrugged and looked out at the endless mountains, rivers and grasslands, looking at the weird structures suspended in the air, which were constantly changing. , like a hive of self-aware hives.

"This is not our original universe, but another world, an independent universe separated from the physical universe and subspace. In short, I am on another planet, another universe."

"Man-made universe? I. I've never seen one on such a large scale." "Created an entire universe? Yes, so now you know why I'm so surprised?"

As Helen spoke, she drew her fingers in front of her, and a long thin line was pulled out from between her fingers, quickly transforming a holographic image in front of her, but Vito couldn't understand everything on it, even Unable to understand a single line of letters, he stood aside thoughtfully and cleared his throat.

"Ahem, Xiaona, do you understand?" He pretended to be calm and said. Although his acting skills were poor, his expression had given him away.

But Yiyana ignored Vito and continued to look at everything in front of her. She turned her head and looked at Helen, "What does all this mean?"

"This means that everything we are now, everything under our feet and everything we can see, was created out of thin air by the Ancient Sanctuary. Even the air we are breathing at the moment is. Every atomic structure here is Man-made, not naturally born.”

Helen looked up at the scrolling screen in front of her and said. Lines of parameters flashed in her eyes, as if she was interpreting these incomprehensible characters. "This world is in an artificial universe. This universe is different from our own." It is as big as it is, has no clear boundaries, and no clear structure. Like this planet, everything is still in its infancy. "

"But it's not accurate to say that. This universe has been born for a long time. According to the system log, it was born as early as after the Battle of Heaven. It has existed for 80 million years. Although it is not as large as the scale of the universe. It’s not a big deal, but it’s a long time in life.”

"Is there life here? I can't feel the existence of any spiritual energy. If there is life here, any life, even if it is tiny, will be projected in the subspace, thus emitting spiritual energy."

Yiyanna lowered her head and asked loudly. She was very curious. The passion that had been dormant for a long time was awakened again. Everything here made the young Phoenix Prophet quite excited and amazed. An artificial universe, this level of powerful technology , just thinking about it made her excited.

Well, I'm sure that if the Mechanicus were here, they would also agree with Iyana's words, and even be more excited. I hope that the gears of those oil guys will not burst out in excitement.

"That's the problem. There is no intelligent life in this entire universe. It is an empty universe. There is nothing except microorganisms, mountains, rivers, and stars in the universe."

"What?" Yiyanna asked in surprise, with confusion on her face, "But, why?"

"Just like the reason for his birth, it is man-made. According to the system, this place was intentionally left vacant by the ancient saints. It was used to allow the intelligent life forms of the old world, that is, our universe, to escape when a crisis comes, through the north and south poles of this planet. Flee here through the huge star gate to avoid the destruction of the doomsday.”

Helen explained, but this did not make Yiyanna understand. Since she did not understand, the "great smart" she met did not understand even more. Vito could only nod his head and say um, ah, right. Yep.

Helen turned around. She did not look at the wise man, but looked directly at Yiyanna, "This world is a refuge, a place of refuge away from the eyes of all enemies, shrouded above this universe. A powerful psychic shield separates everything here from the physical universe, which prevents the evil gods in the subspace from discovering this place."

Yiyanna was shocked. She looked up at the sky above her head, looking up at the blue sky. Only then did her prophetic eyes see the thin but extremely powerful psychic barrier. "Who created it? Who can create it?" Create such a powerful psychic wall?"

It is not that there is no such technology to cover an area so that it disappears from the sight of Chaos. All the Arks of the Eldar have similar designs, but the Ark is one thing, but an isolation shield that covers the entire universe?

"Old Saint, according to the log, at the end of the War in Heaven, the most powerful individual among the Ancient Saints, "Old Saint Father" can be translated like this for the time being. I don't have more specific words to describe him."

"As the most powerful ancient saint, he foresaw the tragic battle in the Heavenly War and the irreversible impact on the Sea of ​​Souls. That sea would eventually turn into subspace. He foresaw the birth of the first demon in it. He also saw with his own eyes the rise of the four gods tens of millions of years later, and he knew very well that the ancient saints could not stop the rise of the destructive power, and it made no difference whether they won the war in heaven or not. "

"So after some discussion, they created this place, the medieval world, the last Garden of Eden. The last surviving ancient saints voluntarily gave up the war with the undead and the star gods. They came here as the creators and guardians of life. , used up his last soul to create this brand new world. Don't let his father sacrifice himself to build this spiritual barrier to ensure that the devil cannot discover this place. It can even block a joint attack of the four gods head-on, at the cost of Even my late father himself was completely destroyed."

Helen looked up at the sky and said slowly, "But they did it. The medieval world has completely avoided everyone's sight since then. The four gods of chaos have never discovered it for tens of millions of years. This place has survived in the catastrophe of thousands of years, until Now our arrival, and our visit, has been predicted by the ancient saints, and the time is exactly right."

"Asuyan, this spiritual prophecy is simply incredible." Yiyanna sighed. She marveled at the powerful spiritual power of the ancient saints. That power has far exceeded all the prophets of later generations. She even felt that the emperor could not Compared with the ancient saints and fathers, he is undoubtedly the most powerful psyker that has ever existed in the entire universe since its birth.

"And not only that." Helen was silent for a moment, her eyes sparkling with luster, as if she was reading some of the records, and she slowly raised her head after a moment.

"They prophesied and followed a series of turbulent heroes, sir. They even prophesied and recorded the rise of mankind, the birth of the Emperor, and... your birth."

Helen whispered. She glanced at Vito, whose face changed from a pretending to be calm and playful to a face that gradually solidified until it completely condensed into a look of surprise. Helen nodded to him.

"They foresaw the catastrophe of the galaxy thousands of years later, the Heresy of Horus, the birth of Slaanesh and the Eye of Terror, the great fall of the Eldar and everything, the rise of the Emperor, and your entire experience, in one word .It was predicted quite well, even the Emperor's final plan. They had already foreseen everything that would happen later, and this place was prepared for that moment, prepared for you, sir."

Helen raised her head, looked at Yiyana beside her, and then looked at Vito. She looked up at the face of the man in front of her with his head raised, "The ancient saint left a sentence on the first program after the system recognition was turned on, That's for you, sir."

"What?" Vito asked softly, and Helen said that sentence in a language that Iyana could not understand. That sentence sounded poetic, as long as the echo on the other side of the long river of time, Helen was silent for a long time, as if trying to translate the true feeling of that sentence. After a long time, she finally spoke.

"Hello, my brother I have never met, I am "my late father". I know we have never met, but I know clearly that you are our brother. The reason why I call you this is not because of blood. Even so, I still know you are our brother."

"You have many names, whether it is Vasily Constantine or any other name, you all have the same identity, the guardian of civilization and life. Because of this, I know that you are my brother. I have I have witnessed your birth and growth through thousands of years. In the distant past, I have witnessed the story of the future, Constantine, my brother.”

"Your destiny has thousands of paths, and when they all come together, Vito Constantine, the last guardian of civilization, in these days, my compatriots and I have opened the beginning of civilization, and You are also destined to witness and protect its end, and to open a new chapter in the story of civilization.”

Helen said this, her voice gradually turned into a thick tone, as if it was a voice coming from the bottom of the long river of time, from the tide of the river bed.

"In the future, many people will call you the destroyer and conqueror, and the individual called the emperor will be called the guide of civilization, but this is not true. At the end of your destiny, your identity It will be reversed, and your fate has already been determined."

"My brother, my future brother, when the Emperor opens the End of Time, you will hold up the star gate so that civilization can continue in this new world. Because of this, I will give my last The power remains here as the help I left. If one day you think the time is up, then inherit my last gift."

"This is everything, I will leave, and you will witness the end of everything and the beginning of everything. I wish you good luck, Guardian, Isruku, Vapiti."

Helen's words ended. Yiyanna stood aside and listened to it all. Although she didn't know what the last sentence meant, she already understood from Helen's tone that it was a blessing for the future successor. bless.

The successor to the mantle chosen by the ancient saints stood aside. He was silent for a while and then raised his head and looked into the distance, as if he was saying goodbye to a friend he had never met.

Helen was silent for a moment, thinking about what she wanted to say, but she finally said it, "Sir, my father left a method to activate the last power of the ancient saints in the system. That power is called "spiritual veins" underground. In the world bloodline of "Giant Net", they are connected to each other by the pyramids suspended in the sky here, running through the earth. If you order, I can introduce its power into your body."

"If my calculations are correct, then you will be far superior to the Emperor. You can replace him and become your father's true chosen heir. Save everything according to your wishes, not what the Emperor wants. That way, sir, you can."

"That's enough Helen, that's enough." Vito interrupted Helen directly, and the latter did stop. Vito looked up in the distance and was silent for a while before speaking.

"Can you reopen the portal? Send us back?" "I can, sir." "Activate it and get us out of here."

After Vito said that, he reached out to pick up the CD, but Helen raised her hand to signal him to stop. Helen shook her head slightly, "No, sir, it's you. I will stay here, research and eventually take over everything here. , The system here is very complicated, and it may take me many years to finally master everything here, so let me stay.”

"Helen." "Sir, we will face the doomsday together, right?" Helen said, raising her head and looking at Vito with a faint smile. She smiled and nodded, "So, let me stay, When that moment comes, everything here will come in handy.”

"Helen, you don't have to."

Vito knew what this meant. It meant that Helen had to face all this in this loneliness. No one was with her, no one was talking to her. In this cold new world, she would be the only one left. He is just a human being, alone in controlling all complex systems for decades, even centuries, and millennia.

Loneliness, with only this thing to keep her company, even for artificial intelligence, this is almost a kind of torture, a sense of loneliness being thrown at the end of the world will drown everything.

"Sir, no, Vito, when that moment comes, someone has to be here to open the Star Gate and block the impact of Chaos, and this means that someone has to stay, and that can only be me."

Vito and Helen looked at each other. Yiyanna stood aside and said nothing. She silently looked at Helen and pondered for a while. This was indeed the best choice. When the end came, a path would be opened that would be enough to allow all the Holy Spirits to lead to the new era. The star gate of the world, then we must master all the technologies here and prepare for the final battle.

Now, the only person who can do all this, the only person who can control and understand the complex technology of the ancient saints, is Helen. Vito needs to return to the empire to hold everything up before the end, and Iyanna also needs to return to the empire. Ark, returned to the Eldar to assist Everene and complete their mission. She was right, she was the only one who could stay.

Vito and Helen looked at each other, and his hand stayed in the air, neither moving forward nor pulling back. He knew Helen was right, but he didn't want to abandon her and leave her here alone.

They have been together for nearly ten thousand years, experiencing the Golden Age, the Dark Age, the Great Crusade, and everything after the Horus Heresy, and now, are they about to separate?

Helen looked at Vito's face, she smiled softly, waved her finger to the side and then the key flew up. With a slight push of Helen's finger, the key flew into Vito's palm.

She pointed to the key, "This is not a farewell. If you miss me, you can use the key to open the portal and come back, for example, once a week?"

"I would rather do it every day." Vito smiled and held the key in his hand, while Helen smiled and shrugged, "That will affect my work, and yours. You are about to lead an expedition. Isn't it? So, try to get used to the days without my help, although I know it will be sad, after all, with your brain."

"Okay, shut up." Vito said and laughed, and they all laughed. After a while, Helen smiled and looked at the key.

"Keep it, don't lose it. It's not just the key you came to find me with. You also need that key to activate the system here. So, try to keep it as safe as possible before the doomsday comes, okay?"

"Ha, I will do my best to meet the beautiful girl." Vito said provocatively and blinked his eyes. It seemed that all the depression and haze just now disappeared. They looked at each other and smiled, and Helen gently put her hand on While waving, a portal immediately appeared there.

After Vito glanced at the portal, he put the key in his arms and walked up, but stopped when he reached the door. He turned to look at Helen, who was also standing on the platform looking at him. .

He stared at her, and after the two looked at each other in silence, Helen waved her hand towards him. Seeing that action, Vito smiled and turned around and walked in the door.

Yiyanna followed immediately, but stopped at the door. She thought for a moment and then turned to look at Helen, looking at the former sister Helen, "I will try to take good care of him, at least you He won’t be missing an arm or a leg while he’s gone.”

"I know, goodbye, Yiyanna." Helen chuckled softly and then raised her head and said with a smile. A smile suddenly appeared on her cold face as always, which made Yiyanna burst into laughter. She waved After waving her hand, she turned around and stepped into the light door. The door closed immediately as she walked in.

In this empty universe, only Helen was left standing here. She smiled softly and then turned around to look at the vast world outside the window, her fingers reaching towards the sky.

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