Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 428: Legion Era: The Vacant Position

Reina was studying the data tablet in her hands with concentration, which contained an overview of the entire Imperial Expeditionary Fleet and the three Primaris Space Marine Chapter fleets, their supplies, fuel, ammunition reserves, and relevant information on ships of all levels. , a useful briefing board.

But whenever Reina was about to read more deeply, she would always be interrupted by a burst of cheers. Lo and behold, the cheers came again now, interrupting Reina's thoughts in an instant.

She raised her head and glanced in front of her with slight annoyance. The captain cleared his throat and put the data pad on his knees. Her straight woolen breeches were stretched straight under the squeeze of her buttocks, showing off her uneven curves. Brilliantly, "This is a very detailed briefing, Admiral Cole, and I think I understand it."

"You're welcome, Captain Reyna, but you should thank Bell for giving this briefing." Cole gestured to Bell, who was leaning under the stepped bench where the two captains were sitting. , leaning against Roman and chatting.

"You're welcome, two captains, it's my honor." Bell raised his iron fist in salute to Reina, who also smiled and nodded to him.

"With 387 warships, plus 901 logistics supplies, occupying the security and transportation fleet, you manage such a huge fleet in such an orderly manner, Cole, it's amazing."

"Excuse me, Captain Reyna. This is not an honor for me alone. Without the cooperation of my colleagues in the Imperial Navy and the help of Bell, I would have been crazy. My first mate Anna, they all It helped a lot.”

When Cole said that, Bell below also nodded affirmatively. He raised his head slightly and looked at the two people sitting above, "I suggest Captain Cole refer to and abide by the contents of the Holy Scripture. It will provide a lot of help. The entire staff."

"Indeed, Bell, your Holy Code is all-encompassing, and I have benefited a lot from its content on the management of expeditionary fleets and logistics. It is indeed an excellent military code, almost comparable to the Marshal's War Code."

Cole's approval made Bell smile. He was happy to see more people willing to accept the Codex Astartes, the collection compiled by his genetic father. Any ultramarine would be proud at this moment.

Reina glanced at the data pad on her knees. She was full of curiosity about the holy book. "After listening to your words, I really want to see the holy book. Chapter Commander Bell, can you lend me a copy?" "Just call me Bell and I will give you a copy. I believe you will use it."

"That is a great military code. It contains everything we need. I suggest you start with the fleet management part." Before Bell could finish his words, he was interrupted by another burst of cheers, and he turned his head. I went to see the cheering Black Mane Wolf and the Sword of Order warriors.

They gathered around the ring in the center of the hall, and the warriors wearing wolf fur and knightly uniforms stood together. Everyone cheered for the competition going on in the ring, and every punch would lead to a new cheer. Voice.

Vito walked out from the crowd of cheering warriors. He looked at the wolf and lion wrestling with each other in the ring and smiled jokingly, "How long have they been fighting?"

"It's been an hour, and it looks like the fight will continue." Roman, who was leaning next to Bell, raised the wine glass in his hand and saluted Vito. He, like the other black-maned wolves around him, was holding wine, Vito He also walked over with a smile on his face as the wine foam spilled as he kept raising his arms and cheering.

"Looks like it. I hope they don't lose an arm or a leg tonight. And, hello Roman, we haven't seen each other for a long time before today."

"It's an honor to meet you, sir." Roman said, taking a glass of wine from the huge tray in the hands of the valet. He handed it to Vito, who naturally took it and took a sip. The spiciness of the extremely strong Fenris wine made Vito cry out in a low voice.

"Huh, Fenris's wine is still so refreshing." "After all, it's us who drink it, not the wine drank by those sissies from the Dark Angels." The two of them clinked their glasses as they spoke, "But now you have to fight with the Sons of Lion We fought side by side, and it seems that you get along well.”

As Vito spoke, there was another burst of cheers behind him. The members of the two war groups shouted loudly for the punch in the ring. The warriors of the two war groups between the Black Mane Wolf and the Order hugged each other's shoulders. , each raised the Fenris wine and wine in their hands, cheered and laughed, and they were intimate.

"Lancelot is an excellent warrior and a good man. This is impeccable, and so are the members of his regiment. I am honored to entrust my back to them." Roman said, looking at the ring. He smiled as he shouted, "Only if Ragnar doesn't knock him over."

Vito glanced back and laughed. He held the wine glass and leaned against the shelf of the coat. His head was close to Reina's feet. "I didn't have time to introduce it to you before, but now I have the honor." Let me introduce you to our friends.”

He said and pointed to Roman beside him, "This is Roman, the former Space Wolf and the current deputy leader of the Black Mane Wolf Chapter."

"In fact, most of the time I think I am the chapter leader. After all, Ragnar doesn't care about anything except fighting, but it's an honor, captain." Roman smiled at Raina with a smile that was both Fenrisian bold and aristocratic. Nodding, that friendly smile made Reina involuntarily want to nod to him.

"And this is Bell, the Ultramarine and Pharmacist, our most reliable technical officer and the scholar who is always verbose." Vito said, nudging Bell beside him with his elbow, and the latter also snickered. Then he nodded to Reina, "We are already familiar with each other, no need for too many introductions."

"Ha, trust me Renata, you will really get to know him later, and there are other people. People are often different from when they introduce themselves, for better or worse." "Then I believe it is good. I will be very happy in the future. I can work with you, Bell." "Me too, Captain Reyna."

Vito leaned his hand on the bench. He raised his finger and pointed at the square ring surrounded by a circle of warriors in the center of the front hall. There was another cheer, "The one who threw the fist is Ragnar, the Space Wolf and current Chapter Master of the Blackmaned Wolves, is, if he can be called that, a mad wolf who is always careless and always looking for a fight."

"And drink, you will get used to the taste of wine that will never disappear from Ragnar's mouth." Roman said and took a sip of wine himself, and then he smiled again, "Or rather, you have to get used to all of us. people."

"Don't worry Roman, I have fought side by side with the Space Wolves before, and I can get used to that taste." Reina dragged her chin, raised one of her legs, and rested her elbow on it, "Then You were knocked to the ground, are you ready to fight back now?"

"Ah, that's Lancelot, the Dark Angel, and Ragnar's bad friend." As Vito said, Lancelot had already launched a counterattack. He punched Ragnar in the chin, and the latter Suddenly he fell backwards to the ground, arousing cheers from around him.

But Ragnar, who was lying on the ground, looked over intentionally or unintentionally. He showed his fangs and smiled at Reina, "Hello, beauty."

While Ragnar was still saying hello, Lancelot had already rushed forward again. The two of them were fighting each other and rolling around on the ground, punching and kicking each other. They were rolling around like two big children, The whole group of men were rolling around and yelling at each other in front of them.

"You Caliban orange cat, take a punch from me!" "Fuck you, Fenris mad dog, take a kick from me!" The two of them spat at each other with laughter, and each of their punches would arouse the surroundings. The cheers of the warriors, the brothers of the two Chapters raised their glasses to each other, cheering for their Chapter Master.

Reina smiled and said hello to Ragnar. She suddenly recalled something in her mind, "I remember Ryan and Master Riemann rolling on the ground like this at that time, right?" "Yes, they really look like them. Father, although Lancelot is much more cheerful than Ryan back then.”

Vito looked at the two cats and dogs rolling around. Their actions now were the same as Vito remembered when Lion and Riemann fought. The two Primarchs were wrestling with each other in the mud in front of his entire legion. It lasted a whole day, from sunrise to sunset, and now the two beasts in front of me were wrestling and rolling around in front of their entire battle group.

The surrounding soldiers looked at them and laughed, cheering for their chapter leader, but in the process, their regiment had formed a strong bond, and in the fight, the brotherhood was strengthened. The most sincere reinforcement, you punch me and kick me, greet each other's ancestors for eighteen generations and laugh, this is more effective than any formal words of praise.

"In addition to these two weirdos, there are three friends, Eisenstein and Loken. They are not here, but I believe they will be back soon." "Loken is still alive?"

Reina asked in surprise. She put down her crossed legs and stood forward. Vito crossed his arms and smiled, "Live well, no one can kill the Luna Wolf. Soon in the future, they will Will rise from the ashes.”

"By the way, where is the old wolf? Olaf is not here?" Vito suddenly remembered and asked, how could he forget the old wolf? The most reliable of these four weirdos.

It was Roman who answered Vito. He held the wine glass with the warrior on the side and took a big sip. After it rolled down his stomach, he burped, "The old wolf left with a hunting group and went to a planet outside the solar system. Hunting down the remaining Night Lords after the Sol System War."

"Actually, I'm quite surprised that it's not Olaf who will be your Chapter Master, but this one." After saying this, Vito looked at Ragnar rolling over on the ground.

"In fact, we all thought that Olaf would be the leader of the chapter, and he also voluntarily left the chapter. But in the end, Olaf took the initiative to announce that he would not compete for the position of leader of the chapter, and recommended Olaf to everyone. Gurner.”

"Why?" Vito asked, and Roman shrugged. "He said that Ragnar is more suitable to be the leader of the wolf pack than him. He is born like this, and he is saying, who knows?"

Vito looked at Ragnar who was punched in the side of the face by Lancelot, then stepped back a few steps, laughed and punched back again. There was blood at the corners of his mouth, but it did not affect his generous laughter at all. .

"It would be great if Olaf was the Chapter Master. Ragnar is too stubborn and refuses any of my suggestions." Bell said angrily.

"I have suggested to him many times to organize the battle group according to the organization of the Holy Scriptures, but every time he screamed and screamed so that I couldn't even finish my words. Roman, you must convince him that such an unorganized and undisciplined state must be resolved. rectify.”

"Then I wish you good luck. Maybe next time he is in a good mood after killing thousands of greenskins, he may listen to what you have to say." Roman smiled and raised his glass to Bell, who sighed helplessly. Vito glanced at the Ultramarine beside him, laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, not all wolves are so stubborn. You can convince the other one first." "What do you mean?"

Bell asked in surprise, while Vito raised his hand and pointed at the four chapter flags hanging on the wall, and his power claw pointed at the empty space on the side.

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