Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 436 The Road to Expedition: War Conference

Loken raised his head and stepped into the spacious throne room of the Emperor's Dream. It was a magnificent circular building with a towering dome hanging high in the sky. A magnificent mural was painted on it. Not the Golden Throne that most ships in the Imperium would describe today.

The mural was painted during the Great Crusade. At that time, the Empire still believed in the Imperial Truth and rejected all religions and worship elements. Therefore, you will not find any shrines, churches, or murals depicting the greatness of the Emperor on the Emperor's Dream. Same here, on the towering dome above Loken's head, a field of stars is depicted.

That starry sky is based on the ancient Terran people's fantasy of the starry sky before they developed aerospace technology and flew into the starry sky. It was the vision of millions of stars, exaggerated planets, huge nebulae, and Planetary orbits that now seem to be inconsistent with scientific laws.

But it is also a testimony of human civilization. That starry sky once existed only in human imagination, but now, those stars have shone with the real stars. It was the dawn of a great era, and the Emperor hoped that people would see it Remember it forever, and Loken does the same. He believes that many people here are like this, especially Cole.

Admiral Cole looked up at the huge star dome above his head, where thousands of diamonds were inlaid on the murals, thus forming a field of shining stars. They were shining in front of the huge arc-shaped floor-to-ceiling windows of the bridge on the side. Shining under the true starlight.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it? Every time I come here, I feel the same way when I see them." Loken walked to Cole and looked up with him. The captain put aside one hand and looked at one of the spiral nebulae. With his extensive sailing experience, Cole could identify it as the Great Arm of Orion.

"Although erroneous, it is surprising how well the ancient Terran people understood the stars." "It was an age of enlightenment, like the Great Crusade, and the Emperor would have us remember it." "I believe we do Yes, Loken, I should call you Chapter Leader." "Come on, Cole, don't laugh at me, just call me Loken."

"As you wish." Cole tilted his head and still looked at Loken with his hands raised. Although Cole was also very tall among mortals, for an Astartes, he was still not tall enough and needed to hold his head high. Make eye contact with Loken.

Today, there are many similar situations here. Mortal generals and high-ranking commanders of the Astartes Chapter gathered in the throne room of the bridge. They stood in groups of two and three on the silver throne on the high platform. In front of them, under the gaze of two giant white wolves, they discussed the recent expedition with each other.

Regarding the reconstruction and conquest of Ivan 4, the rebellion on surrounding planets, and whether it is necessary to send Astartes to suppress it, or whether only mortal legions are needed, all these issues have only occurred recently, with the arrival of the expedition team Near Baal, everything continues to become complicated.

Today, they came here to make decisions for the expedition, where the fleet should go, and how the legion should act. The senior members of each battle group had their thoughts, as did the mortal generals. As a result, capable people gathered here. Almost all the senior members of the expedition team came.

Loken, the chapter leader of the newly born Luna Wolves, is already standing next to Cole, and the leaders of the other chapters are also here. Ragnar and his wolf commanders are standing on the throne of the roaring giant wolf. On one side, it seems to be intentional, like a wolf calling out to his pack.

Or maybe it was deliberate. Ragnar seemed to have very deliberately turned his war group into the Marshal's Guards. They stood beside the throne, wearing weapons and armor. Although they were fully armed, they looked like a pack of noisy wolves. Haha. Laughing loudly, but still meticulous.

Cole looked over there. Olaf, the old wolf next to Ragnar, seemed to notice the captain's gaze turning around. He cast a greeting look at Cole. The captain knew that the old wolf had just returned to the expeditionary force not long ago. He had been leading the hunting pack in pursuit of a scattered army of the Night Lords in the surrounding star systems.

It was a long pursuit that took many days to finally come to an end. Olaf took advantage of an exquisite hunt. He continuously pursued the Night Lords, forcing them to be unable to stop for supplies and any supplements. Finally, After a long pursuit, they were pushed to the limit. At this time, Olaf took the initiative to send a fleet of Rogue Traders to appear in the pursuit area.

He deliberately exposed the whereabouts of the ship and sent his wolves to other places with great fanfare to search for the Night Lords. Finally, he lured the Night Lords guerrillas, who were already short of food and ammunition, into thinking that the transport team was unescorted. Under the circumstances, Assault Jump came to help, but what they didn't know was that Olaf was leading an entire Terminator brigade waiting for them.

Cole nodded in greeting to Olaf, and he looked approvingly at this outstanding hunter, who also smiled and nodded to Cole to thank him.

Then the captain's eyes continued to move to the side. Opposite the wolves, slightly further away, Lane's knights were also here. Lancelot was gathering with his knights, and several Imperial Navy ships The captain was also with them, seeming to be chatting about some of the sailing situation. Maybe Lancelot had already made a plan.

While Lancelot was thinking and planning something, at his side, near the throne door, the silent heirs of Dorne also gathered there, surrounded by the meticulous sons of Dorne wearing golden armor. Next to their Chapter Master Eisenstein, the Chapter Master himself was conversing with several Imperial officers.

Cole can see that everyone here has a lot of thoughts and plans today, and they are all ready to speak. The order of their speeches is determined by the personal belongings placed on the stone steps next to the throne. This is where The unwritten rule set by the master is that anyone who wants to speak in the expedition meeting needs to express his attitude, and the method is to place a personal item in front of the throne.

In this way, he can clearly know who he needs to talk to, the general content of the meeting and the duration of today. Cole knows that he is not a person who likes to talk about war issues. He understands the situation, talks and thinks, and finally issues an order. That's it, it never changes.

Once that order is issued, the entire expeditionary force will respond immediately. A huge fleet composed of hundreds of warships will immediately pull anchor and set sail, carrying tens of millions of Astartes and even more. The huge Imperial Astra Militarum will follow suit.

Any enemy on the planet he has set as his target will face catastrophe. No matter who they are or what they do, they will not escape the judgment of the Emperor and the Marshal.

And now, the judge of the galaxy has arrived at the throne room. Heavy footsteps followed by hearty laughter came from the door. Captain Eisenstein at the door took the lead to look at the Sons of Dorne around him. They all looked together.

"Hahaha, Master Michelang, I, please forgive me, how can we have such an outstanding talent like you?" The leader of the expeditionary force, Supreme Marshal Vito Constantine, pressed the shoulder of a mortal. Entering the hall, his laughter kept coming, while the master who was hugged by him looked extremely reserved.

He was obviously not prepared. He came to the Marshal's War Council and made a report in front of everyone. This was a great honor. The leaders of the entire expeditionary force were here, and many of them were ordinary mortals. There is no way you can match them, let alone expect them to listen to your words Astartes.

When Vito passed the gate, Captain Eisenstein bent down and bowed his head in salute to him. Soon, the Sons of Dorn and the generals who were stuck with them also nodded in respect, and then they The entire hall, the Lord of the Wolf Pack, his wolves, and the knights of Lane all looked at the marshal with respect.

Of course, there are also the Luna Wolves in white armor and the Sons of Guilliman. The latter's Chapter Master Bell is not here. According to Cole's understanding, he is still working on the ground to establish a new government for the planet. But he still sent a representative, and the honorary first company commander of the battle group, Alkel Sidserilius, spoke on his behalf here.

Cole looked in the direction of the throne. Vito suddenly jumped onto the high platform of the throne, but he did not sit there but stood in front of the throne, standing like everyone else.

"My beloved colleagues in the expeditionary force, I must praise and praise our beloved Master Michelang. He told me that the entire planet will be rebuilt within a few years, and all the cities that were destroyed will be rebuilt, and they will be even better than before. Magnificent and magnificent, how could I not praise him for such an outstanding achievement?”

After the marshal praised him so much, everyone around him cast approving glances at Master Michelang, which made the master's face with the horned mustache blush a little. He nodded to Vito in shame, "This is all my fault. Do, my lord, I wish I could."

"You will definitely do it. I believe in you, Master. I will leave enough supplies and manpower for you to dispatch, and the Adeptus Mechanicus will fully cooperate with you, right? Priest."

"Indeed, so Marshal, I have dispatched three work fleets to orbit to stand by in accordance with your orders. In the name of Ohm Messiah, we will rebuild this planet until you are satisfied."

"Haha, how can I make the Adeptus Mechanicus and the people of the entire planet satisfied with me? All this will be decided by Master Michelang." "I, I. This is my honor, sir! I swear not to You will be disappointed!”

Michelang said nervously, his hands carelessly kneading the hem of his clothes. Vito looked at the nervous master and then looked at Olaf, his smile became even brighter.

"Ah, old wolf, welcome back. You spent a lot of time hunting." "They are a group of difficult opponents, cunning and cruel. I have witnessed their atrocities along the way, so they are indeed worth my time." months to hunt.”

The calm and reliable old wolf was just as Vito remembered him. He looked at the rune priest wearing priest armor in front of him and nodded with a smile, "And you did bring the emperor's judgment to them. You did a good job. Now I hope you can do another, more difficult job, control Ragnar around you and don't let him go crazy like before. "

"I will try my best to control these wolf cubs, right, brother?" "Ah ha ha ha! This will be harder than killing some traitors, Father Wolf." After Ragnar said that, the wolves behind him also Everyone burst out laughing, and even Lancelot on the side showed a smile.

The old wolf and Vito looked at each other, then both smiled and shrugged. Vito smiled and squinted his eyes at the items on the stone platform in front of his feet. There were not many things on them, which meant that today would not be the day. Long meeting, fine.

Vito glanced at the navy pistol that was first in line. There was a laser in the holster that was branded with an anchor. The finely crafted laser was branded with the star of the admiral. Vito smiled. Then he looked up at Cole and said, "Okay, the greetings are over, let's start today's meeting. You are the first one, Cole, please start."

"As you wish, my lord, I believe everyone has noticed that we have suppressed the rebellion on the planet, and the subsequent reconstruction and reorganization of the planet's order are also proceeding steadily, but all of this will be borne by the Ministry of Government, the State Religion, and the Ministry of Justice function, this planet will soon be back in the arms of the Empire, and this will no longer be our job.”

"The role of the expeditionary force is to conquer and fight." "I agree, this place has begun to become a playground for those bureaucratic sissies. We must hurry up and leave before those annoying guys arrive from Terra."

Ragnar bared his teeth and laughed loudly next to the throne. The wolves around him also burst out laughing. Vito glanced at them and showed a smile, "Then Admiral, what do you suggest? Expedition Where should the army go?"

"Currently, the route to Baal is still shrouded in the shadow of subspace. Navigators and reconnaissance ships are still trying to find any available routes, but there are no reliable discoveries yet, so I suggest that we should start returning to the surrounding star fields first. to facilitate subsequent logistics and transportation work.”

The quartermaster beside Cole nodded. He looked up at Vito and raised a hand, "What the captain said is true, sir. The expeditionary force consumes a lot of money, and there are no forging worlds or any supply depots in this system." , our supplies need to be transported from three full galaxies away, including fuel and ammunition for the fleet, as well as ammunition and food for the combat troops."

The quartermaster wanted to continue talking, but Vito raised his hand to stop him. He smiled bitterly, "Leave these complicated problems to professionals, but Cole is right, we do We need to deal with the galaxies along the way first.”

"That's true, Marshal. The intelligence from the Tribunal claimed a few days ago that there seemed to be some abnormalities in the government of the Balthos system after we left. To put it simply, after we left, the Church of the Church might have messed up. There are local uprisings against the Empire, and the system's loyalties are in turmoil."

Cole said the name of the planet, and Vito already knew where it was without using any star maps. He chuckled softly and turned to Lancelot, who also Turning around with his sword in hand, he raised his head and waited for orders.

"Lancelot, lead your knights to the star of Balsos, suppress the local rebellion, and kill as a warning if necessary." Vito ordered, Lancelot nodded silently, and then raised his gray hair Looking at the marshal with blue eyes below.

"Where are the local planet officials? I suspect that their incompetence caused all this. When we last went there, famine broke out on the planet due to the incompetence of the Governor's Mansion, which led to a rebellion against the empire."

"Well, that's true, and it seems that the agent we chose didn't do a good job of reminding him, Lancelot, of how he should hold his position as governor, and the people of the Ecclesiarchy, executing them. The bishops and corrupt officials on the planet warn the remaining people not to send any more news that disappoints me, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

"As you command, my lord." After receiving the order, Lancelot stepped forward and picked up the war helmet on the stone platform. Apparently he still got what he wanted. After the two looked at each other and nodded, Vito turned to continue watching. To Cole.

"Go on, Captain, tell us other news." "It's the marshal, and the other thing is about this galaxy. On the edge of the Ivan galaxy, a riot broke out in the mining world Alk 4. Now the Inquisition has determined that it was local gene theft. Set off by the remnants of the invaders, the local imperial power has collapsed and the planet has fallen."

"Ragnar, send your wolves to Alk 4 to eliminate all threats on it. This planet has been contaminated, and the remaining residents have become potential infection targets, so kill without mercy."

Vito looked at the leader of the wolf pack closest to him without any emotion. The latter showed a fang-filled smile, like a wild wolf that smelled blood, "In the name of the Almighty Father and you, There won’t be any news from there.”

Cole nodded to Ragnar. He did not show any displeasure with the purge order just now. This is what needs to be done in this era. Although it is cruel, it must be done. He is the fleet commander of the expeditionary force. , knows it better than anyone else, and he also knows that there will be more like this, on more than one planet.

"One last thing, Your Excellency Marshal, our reconnaissance fleet is at the edge of the Rulvinson galaxy next to Ivan. The Mechanicum's observation ship detected the shadow of the subspace. We suspect that the Tyranid Hive Fleet attacking Baal was attacked. Having suffered a certain amount of damage, we are preparing to rush to the neighboring star fields to replenish biomass.”

"Well, this is news. It shows that Baal is still resisting and giving those bugs a head-on blow. Then we can't let Tyran succeed. Cole, send a fleet to Rulvinson to execute the extermination order and give the local planet three days to evacuate. "When three days are up, no matter what else is on the planet, blow them up and you won't be able to give the Tyranids any biomass."

"Understood, Marshal." "Very good, then the next person to speak is" "I, my lord."

Next to Cole's pistol was another gun, but that gun was indeed from the Army. Its holster was wrapped with an eye-catching red rope, which meant that it was the gun of a political commissar, and it was also in the throne room. There is only one political commissar.

The political commissar of the Astra Militarum wearing a black coat took a step forward. He stood in front of the throne with his hands behind his back and looked around at the people around him. He looked at Vito on the stage, who smiled and raised the power claw in his hand.

"Ivanov, military-level political commissar, I am glad that you are here. The political commissar and his military generals will stay on Ivan 4 to assist the local government in restoring order. Political commissar, do you have any trouble that you need me to help you solve?"

"Unfortunately, yes, Lord Marshal. Although the established gene stealers on Ivan have been defeated and eliminated, sporadic resistance is still burning on the planet. Most of them are not worth mentioning, but there is a building in the west of the planet. Known as the "Whispering Mountains" by the locals, local genestealers and rebels have occupied an ancient abandoned mountain fortress and are putting up a fierce resistance. "

"I have ordered several attacks, but due to the rugged terrain of the mountains, heavy artillery or armored units cannot be deployed, resulting in heavy casualties in the infantry attack. We have not been able to capture the fortress so far, so we ask for your support."

"Well, this is indeed a trouble. Before the expeditionary force leaves, we cannot leave such a hidden disease to the political commissar and the planet government. The characteristic of gene stealers is that as long as they are not killed, they will definitely come back, so the threat here must be eradicated. ”

After speaking, Vito began to scan the hall. His eyes told everyone that he had come to take the responsibility. Loken, who was in front of the throne, looked across the crowd at Eisenstein at the door and asked him with his eyes to let him perform this honor. Eisenstein also nodded silently in response to Loken, and he was willing to give up this honor to the Luna Wolf.

"Lord Vito, the Luna Wolf is willing to take on this responsibility." Loken stepped forward and said loudly, as if to make everyone present hear his words clearly.

"The Luna Wolf has been reborn not long ago. We ask that you give us the opportunity to gain this glory, and at the same time help the political commissar eliminate this trouble."

Vito and Loken looked at each other and frowned slightly. He raised his head and looked down at Loken in front of him, "Are you saying that in order to eliminate the stubborn enemy in a mountain fortress, the entire legion must take action?"

"No, sir, one company is enough. I will personally lead the first company to eliminate hidden dangers." Loken and the Luna Wolf captains behind him all cast a firm look at Vito, who looked at them Then the man stood up and looked around at the people in the hall.

"Is there any objection?" he asked, but of course no one would object. The three chapter captains present, Ragnar, Lancelot and Eisenstein, all cast positive glances, especially Ragnar. Most of all, he crossed his arms and grinned, "Teach them a lesson, Gavel. If you kill a purebred, remember to bring two heads back to me."

Vito then turned around and looked down at Loken. He nodded silently, and then said, "Then Chapter Commander Loken, make the battle oath as soon as possible, and then set off. I wish you good luck and kill them all."

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