Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Supreme Marshal's Expeditionary Force Data (Armed Forces)

This article summarizes the current main ships of the protagonist's expedition fleet, the number and types of Astartes chapters/legions, and the situation of the mortal legions for your convenience.

Marshal Fleet/Imperial Navy

Flagship: Emperor's Dream/Glory Queen (Prototype)

Vito's vehicle, the largest warship in the entire fleet, and the headquarters of the expeditionary force. Most meetings and decisions are held here. It is also the seat of the Silver Throne. The Astartes Chapter directly obeys the orders here.

Secondary flagship: Emperor's Light/Emperor-class battleship

Cole's ship. Now that Cole has been promoted to admiral, he is also the naval commander of the expeditionary force (Rena is Vito's captain. Although she also has the command of the fleet, she is not the number one commander)

Therefore, in order to facilitate command, and if Vito needs to leave the fleet, the expeditionary force still has a strong enough main flagship, Cole is assigned an Emperor-class battleship to serve as the fleet's deputy flagship and naval command center.

Imperial Navy: Infinite Frontier/Mars-class battlecruiser

Vito's old ship, now that Cole has left as an admiral, Cole's first mate (and old friend) Anna is serving as the captain. Anna is now a rear admiral and serves as the deputy, chief of staff and responsible for the expeditionary force. All logistical, administrative and subsidiary fleet management matters for the expeditionary force.

Imperial Navy situation: The main fleet of the expeditionary force consists of 280 main battleships (battleships, battleships, cruisers) and several escort ships. Due to the large number, it is divided into six fleets, three of which are personally led by the marshal, who is always by his side. , the other three are defense fleets, generally responsible for transportation line security, battle area sector defense, etc. (before the sector has self-protection forces)

Transport Fleet: Responsible for the huge logistical maintenance of the expeditionary force. It consists of a huge number of transport ships, numbering in the millions, to obtain supplies from nearby forge worlds or imperial planets, and transport them across countless star regions at all times, including those chartered by the Marshal. The Rogue Trader family, but accepts the command and orders of the Marshal.

Astartes Power

Luna Wolves Legion

Number of people: 6K

Category: Temple of Astartes organization (post-Code era), with companies as the main organization, with 60 companies under its jurisdiction.

Chapter/Legion Master: Loken

Battlecry of the Legion: For the Emperor! For the Wolf God!

Main ship: Luna Wolf God/Wolf God (legion flagship battle barge)

Mortal auxiliaries attached to the legion: unknown number

Chapter of the Sword of Order (usually called the Knights of the Sword of Order, following the custom of the Dark Angels)

Number of people: 3K

Category: Codex Astartes regiment, with companies as the main organization. The regiment is called the Knight Brigade, with 30 companies under its jurisdiction.

Chapter Master: Lancelot

Battle cry of the battle group: In the name of Ryan, you will repent today!

Main ship: Will of the Lion (Chapter Monastery Battle Barge)

Black Mane Wolves Chapter

(In name, it is just the "Dalian". It is an external force sent by the Space Wolves Chapter. It is still subordinate to the Chapter. (It is against the Holy Scriptures life and death, and it means that it is not part of the regiment!))

Number of people: 3K

Category: Non-canon regiment, no regular organization, only hunting groups (internal name) mainly composed of Space Marine squads. During combat, several hunting groups form a large hunting pack/wolf pack for combat.

Chapter Master: Ragnar, First Rune Priest Olaf

The battle cry of the battle group: All fathers above, hear me roar! (or wolf howl)

The main ship it belongs to: Wolf Pack (the same as the flagship of the Chapter Headquarters)

Warriors of Truth Chapter

Number of people: 3K

Category: Codex Astartes regiment, divided into companies, with 30 subordinate companies.

Chapter Master: Bell

Chapter Battlecry: Courage and Glory! Or march for Macragge! (former war cry)

Main ship: Absolute Truth (Flagship of Chapter Headquarters)

Fists of Dorn Chapter

Number of people: 3K

Category: Holy Code Regiment, with the main company and 30 subordinate companies (the internal name of the shield formation)

Chapter Master: Eisenstein

Chapter: Sons of Dorn, attack!

Main ship: Eternal Serenity (Chapter Monastery)

Expeditionary Forces Directly Controlled Ground Forces

Army (Astra Militarum):

The army under the direct control of Vito has a strength of 20 million people. It is mainly composed of the Astra Militarum, including millions of vehicles, a large number of armored troops, artillery, occupation management, logistics troops, etc., which are usually aboard several ships. Inside the giant transport ship is a special transport ship designed by the Adeptus Mechanicus at the request of Vito.

It is basically built in the Mechanical Ark model. It has an adjustable modular structure inside and can be changed into training, rest and leisure areas according to needs.

Adeptus Mechanicus:

The huge Skitarii Corps, numbering in the millions, is a representative force sent by the Adeptus Mechanicus to assist and under the command of the Supreme Marshal. It includes numerous priests and hundreds of millions of servitor workers under its command, responsible for repair and maintenance. Fleet equipment, rebuild cities in battle zones, and more.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of Titans of various models from the Forge World and the Knight family to provide support for the expeditionary force. All of them are directly dispatched by Vito without asking for permission from the planet of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Legal Department:

The comprehensive forces from the Ministry of Justice, including law enforcement special police, special service judge commandos, courts, etc., are mainly responsible for the order work within the fleet on weekdays, serving as military police and lower deck patrols. After occupying a certain planet, the Ministry of Justice will respond The marshal asked to stay in power to reestablish local order and eliminate the rebel forces.

Therefore, the number of legal departments is not fixed and is always being replenished and deployed, but the total number of people is generally maintained at around five million.

Anglican Church:

The imperial state church dispatched forces to station in the expeditionary force, including millions of state church missionaries, monks and priests, etc., who were responsible for preventing chaos within the expeditionary force, operating many churches on each ship, and holiday worship work .

After occupying the planet, the state religion will also leave a sufficient number of missionaries and others to promote the empire's beliefs, assist the local government in rebuilding order, eliminate heretics, and other tasks.

Ecclesiarchy Battle Sisters:

The number is about hundreds of thousands, and they are jointly composed of different religious orders and belong to the order of battle of the state religion. In normal times, each order operates independently and has its own ship of the state religion, but when necessary, it takes orders directly from the marshal himself (the emperor's spokesperson, beyond All state religious authorities)

In peacetime, he is responsible for the security of the priests and missionaries of the state religion. At other times, he also serves as an armed force, participating in combat or security tasks in cooperation with the Astartes, the Ministry of Justice and the Astra Militarum.

Anglican Church:

The imperial state church dispatched forces to station in the expeditionary force, including millions of state church missionaries, monks and priests, etc., who were responsible for preventing chaos within the expeditionary force, operating many churches on each ship, and holiday worship work .

After occupying the planet, the state religion will also leave a sufficient number of missionaries and others to promote the empire's beliefs, assist the local government in rebuilding order, eliminate heretics, and other tasks.

Ecclesiarchy Battle Sisters:

The number is about hundreds of thousands, and they are jointly composed of different religious orders and belong to the order of battle of the state religion. In normal times, each order operates independently and has its own ship of the state religion, but when necessary, it takes orders directly from the marshal himself (the emperor's spokesperson, beyond All state religious authorities)

In peacetime, he is responsible for the security of the priests and missionaries of the state religion. At other times, he also serves as an armed force, participating in combat or security tasks in cooperation with the Astartes, the Ministry of Justice and the Astra Militarum.

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