Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 448 Legion Era: Chapter 31 He is still alive

Bell stood under the collapsed arch of the monastery. He looked at the towering fire burning in the square in the distance. It burned violently and illuminated everything around it. A fishy smell came everywhere. It was not because of the promethium fuel poured on it, but a strong smell of blood.

The source of the smell was not difficult to find. The bodies of Tyrone piled up in the square became a towering hill. They were stacked layer by layer, and the flames were sprayed into the fire from the hands of the soldiers holding flamethrowers.

The fire on Bell's face kept jumping. Eisenstein came out of the monastery behind him. He appeared silently behind Bell with a huge iron fist, and behind him were Ragnar, Olaf and Loken. They all walked out of the monastery to the door.

The flamethrower's fire stream instantly sprayed into the pile of corpses, bringing a brighter light. Several people stood on the edge of the empty square. There were only a few of them and the people who were lighting the fire in the distance. The whole monastery fell silent.

"Fuck, is the moon turning red?" Ragnar looked up and saw the bright moon in the sky. The moon hanging high in the dome turned scarlet, as if it was sprinkled with blood.

"Is this normal?" Eisenstein asked Olaf, who was knowledgeable, and the latter shook his head slightly. As a rune priest, he was keenly aware of the psychic reaction on it.

"No, I guess it's the effect of the mark of Khorne. The blood of Tyran has penetrated the surface of the entire planet. Under the effect of the mark of Khorne, the moon turned red under the blood under its skin."

"Will there be trouble?" "I hope not, but every time the blood moon appears, it means a lot of death." "Ha, that should be here. Aren't there enough people dead on the whole Baal?" Ragnar interjected at the end, with his arms folded and looking up at the red moon above his head.

"No, I think it's not limited to this." A voice said from a distance. He walked up from the edge of the square. Everyone at the door found him, especially Ragnar. "Damn, Lancelot, where have you been? Do you know how much fun you have missed?" Lancelot followed Ragnar's eyes and knew what the fun was. He glanced at the towering mountain of burning corpses on the side, and walked through it to the door of the monastery to meet the head of the Brotherhood. Eisenstein looked down at him. He was the tallest among all the brothers. "Do you have any ideas? Lancelot, what does this blood moon mean?" "I'm afraid it's not good news, brother. I just contacted my flagship Sword of Order. They told me that the Hive Fleet was not destroyed, but evacuated after being defeated." "This means that they are rushing to all other star fields with life around to replenish biomass. A wave of blood is happening around Baal." "This is not a good thing. The number of Hive Fleets is huge. Even if they are defeated, each one is still huge. Those galaxies can't stop it at all." Bell frowned. He looked at Eisenstein, who also realized the seriousness of the situation. Eisenstein looked at Bell, then at the other brothers behind him, "Order your respective regiments to evacuate at dawn and return to the fleet to prepare to rush to the surrounding star fields."

"I'm afraid the situation is not that simple. The Zerg fleet is huge, and we can't rescue every planet. As long as the Zerg captures any few of them, they can restore biomass and regroup to attack any galaxy. Our efforts here will be in vain."

It was Loken who spoke now. The leader of the Moon Wolf Legion, who was well versed in the way of war, stepped forward. Eisenstein nodded after hearing what he said. He held his chin in thought, but at this moment, Lancelot spoke again. He also came up to Eisenstein's side, and the latter noticed Lancelot's request to speak.

"What do you think, brother?" "Yes, in this situation, I suggest issuing an extermination order to all the surrounding galaxies, destroying any source of biomass on them, and leaving only one resource-rich planet to drive the Tyranids to where we will ambush them." "What? Are you crazy?" Ragnar shouted and squeezed up, and he also came to Eisenstein's side, "Do you know how many people will die? Tyranids didn't kill them, but you want us to do it?" "This is for the greater situation, Ragnar, once the Zerg completes its replenishment and pounces on the heart of the empire, the casualties will only be more severe, we must do this." "Bullshit, you bastard, do you know what you are talking about? The area around us is one of the most densely populated areas in the entire Misty Star Region, and the casualties caused by issuing an extermination order will not be less than the Zerg entering the interior of the empire!" Lancelot frowned at Ragnar, pointed at the people present, and then poked Ragnar in the chest, "Think about it with your brain, we only have five warbands, with a total of just 20,000 people. Even if we add all our fleets and mortal forces, we can't stop the swarm." "And once we are careless and let even a branch of the swarm pass through the war zone and enter the empire, they will immediately disperse and pounce on all the surrounding planets that lack defense. They will roam around the entire hinterland of the empire, and it will be difficult to catch them. You are not qualified to be responsible for this." "You bastard! You are the same as those inquisitors!" Ragnar growled and was about to pounce, but Olaf behind him immediately stepped forward and pulled the impulsive Ragnar, and he stepped forward to stand between Ragnar and Lancelot.

"That's enough, now is not the time for internal strife." Old Wolf said, staring at the two young men, and then looked at Eisenstein, "But what Ragna said makes sense, this is one of the most developed areas in the entire Hazy Star Territory. One, filled with forge worlds and key planets, if we issue an extermination order, the damage will be countless."

"What the old wolf said makes sense, but what Lancelot said is also right. We must make a decision." Bell said softly from the side, as if he didn't want to cause more additional conflicts because of his too high voice. Eisenstein also said Can hear his words.

The calm and old son of Dorne stared at the two young men in front of him. They were divided into two sides by the old wolf, but they still glared at each other, "I have no right to make decisions, only the marshal can, Lancelot, La Genna, write a written report of your thoughts and give it to me before dawn, and I will submit it to the marshal for him to make a decision."

Lancelot nodded affirmatively, and Ragnar pushed Olaf away after making a sound. He strode towards the dark alley in the distance, "Olav, you write, I have to go." Get something to drink."

Everyone stood at the door and watched Ragnar go away, and then Loken came up as the last person, "Speaking of which, where is the marshal? Shouldn't he be with you?"

Lancelot shook his head, and then looked at the mountain monastery in the distance under the night. "After he came back, he went to the monastery with Captain Dante. He didn't tell me the reason, but he left in a hurry."

Everyone also looked over together. They stood under the light of the burning Tyran corpse mountain and looked up at the towering monastery in the distance. The flamethrower ignited the corpse mountain again, shining a brighter light into the dark night in the distance.

Deep underground in the monastery, where the light cannot shine, Vito was walking in a long corridor. He didn't know what had just happened above, but he had actually expected that the Hive Fleet would disperse. Question, when this is over, the War Council will be convened to discuss the matter.

But now, he couldn't deal with those things, or even contact Cole or anyone, because there was no signal at all in the deepest part of the underground where he was now.

He followed Dante, who was leading the way, and arrived here after passing through the monastery. He had just taken the orbital elevator and reached the two hundred floors underground, walking in this closed space surrounded by red brick walls.

There was only the occasional sound of the ventilation fan above Vito's head. He followed Dante through this long underground corridor to the door at the end. Dante came to the servitor beside him and placed his palm against the servitor. The scanner held in both hands opened the door as a strip of light swept across it.

The heavy iron door opened after the servitor whispered. Dante tilted his head towards Vito to follow him, and then stepped into the space at the door. He strode forward into an inner room illuminated by fire.

Vito also followed in. After he entered the gate, he walked on a long road burning with fire. On both sides of him were fire poles hanging down from the height. They burned vigorously, making the enclosed space here become a It was very hot and muggy, and the air became dry.

But this may be suitable for the holy relics stored on both sides. Those items are classified and stored in different areas. Some relatively solid holy relics are placed on display cabinets or metal stands spread out on both sides, while others are more solid. The precious items were sealed in boxes tied with chains.

Most of the sacred objects are extremely mysterious. Even the weapons placed in the exhibition cabinets are mostly mysterious. Vito can't accurately name them. He can only barely recognize a small part of them. , but those are enough to make even the most picky collectors in the empire spend all their money to acquire them.

But this is impossible. No one can take away the Holy Relics of the Blood Angels from here. Tall Blood Angels guard statues guard this place. They hold weapons and stand in front of the divided relic rooms on both sides, such as Silent sentries usually guard here day and night.

Vito glanced at the dome above his head with his peripheral vision. There were many little angels sitting on the eaves of the vault. They all held lanterns to illuminate the high space, but Vito could see the eyes of some of the little angels. The flashing red light is a surveillance eye. Once any intruder is detected, the security system will be activated immediately.

Believe me, you don’t want to try what preparations the Blood Angels have made to keep these relics. Vito turned his head and followed Dante through the long central avenue of the relic room and came to the wall at the end. It is the end here and the destination of their journey.

Vito walked under the towering arch. He slowly stopped and stood in front of the tall statue in front of him. It was the magnificent statue of Sanguinius, which restored his body almost one to one. He stood tall There, under the firelight, the wings spread.

Dante raised his head to indicate the gems on the chest armor of the statue, and Vito looked up at the dazzling gems inlaid in the center of the gorgeous armor. The firelight reflected on its surface, making it sparkle, and the sleepless eyes in the center of its interior also Staring at the arrivals.

"The Eye of Terra? Wait, why is it here? It shouldn't be." "What is not known to the outside world is that the first chapter master of the Blood Angels was also the first company commander of Sanguinius. Zikailon brought back more than just his father’s feathers.”

Dante said as he placed the box containing the Angel Feathers in front of the statue. He knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to the statue for a moment of silence. "He also brought back the Eye of Terra on Sanguinius's chest. And when he mysteriously left the chapter and disappeared, he left a letter for the subsequent chapter leader. He requested that if the subsequent chapter leader discovers the Supreme Marshal, he must be brought here immediately. "

Dante stood up after saying that. He turned around and looked at Vito in front of the statue, "He asked us to keep this secret strictly and not let anyone other than the top leaders of the chapter know about it. From now on, there will be no relationship between the Chapter Masters of the Blood Angels." This prophecy has been passed down from generation to generation until my term.”

"Didn't Azkelon tell you the purpose of asking me to come here?" "No, no, the content of the prophecy is only one sentence, which brings you here."

Vito looked up at the towering angel statue in front of him. He frowned at the gem on its chest and whispered, "Sanguinor, what more riddles will you give me?"

He thought maybe he could call Sanguileno to ask? But he quickly gave up. Not to mention that Sanguileno’s whereabouts were mysterious, Vito had only met him a few times, and he also didn’t know whether the current Sanguirono was still the Azkelon of the past. I don’t know, Vito always felt strange when meeting him, as if he didn’t know him.

So he had to rely on himself. Vito stood in front of the statue and held his chin, thinking thoughtfully. He stared at the Eye of Terra and recalled the story of the birth of the gem, "Eye of Terra." It was made by Vulkan. He made four in total, one of which was given to Sanguinius. As a symbol of brotherhood, he kept one for himself, and gave one to Horus. , there was one for me at first, but I refused.”

"Why? Why did you refuse?" "Well, Vulcan said that if the gem is not extinguished, it means that the brothers are not dead yet. We can know whether each other is still alive through the gem. I don't need it. I can die anyway. resurrection."

When Vito said this, he suddenly froze, his fingers suddenly froze, and after holding it for a long time, he only uttered a curse word: "Grass" and "What?" Dante asked in surprise, while Vito turned around blankly. Turning his head, he looked at Dante's wide-eyed eyes aside, and then stared at the burning Eye of Terra.

"Sanguinius is alive."


This volume ends and is a bit shorter as a transitional volume, but stay tuned for the next volume, "Arise from the Ashes."

Considering that I was exhausted before, I will add another chapter today (tomorrow may be a single update. I have been waking up several times in the middle of the night recently. The next day, my head felt like a sap. I made a call and went to the hospital. Chapter Chaplain, tell me, am I being plotted by Chaos?)

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