Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 473 Rebirth from the Ashes: Commitments, Missions and Right Decisions

Silver and iron-colored trays were constantly delivered to the table, and waiters were constantly shuttled through the surrounding restaurants, bringing aged wine, delicacies, and various delicacies that Pedrone had never seen before to the table.

They all wore flattering smiles and kept coming and going, but Vito had an indifferent expression from beginning to end, without smiling or responding, just sitting there like a stone sculpture made of ice, Pedronela wisely did not break the silence. He did not finally speak until the table was filled with delicacies and the waiter lit the last candle and left.

"Are you satisfied with these things?" "Are you talking about Angelom's steak, Silvahis's aged wine, or Batabuvia's fruits, or Drua's performance before?" "Both." "Then yes, I'm very satisfied, in fact very satisfied."

He picked up a glass of wine and swirled the wine in the glass, allowing the aroma of the wine to flow down his nose and into his throat for a taste before putting it into his mouth.

"Very well. In fact, you satisfy me too, Miss Pedronela." "I am honored, Your Excellency Marshal."

"Since you are already my personal speaker, your first obligation is not to call me your lord marshal, or your lord, your lord, or your great god. I hate the last one the most."

"Call my name."

"As you wish, Constantine." After Petronilla said this, she noticed the slight change in expression on his face. The micro-expression was fleeting, but it still did not escape Pedronniera's sight.

He shook the wine glass and stared at the wine in it, as if looking at a work of art. After a long time, he said, "Constantine? My name is Vito, isn't it?"

"That is indeed a name, but it is not yours. It is just a pseudonym. Like all mysterious immortals, you have changed too many names, and this one is just one of them that has been used slightly longer."

In fact, it is the longest one. Pedronela heard that Vito used to change his name every hundred years in Old Terra to hide from others. The name Vito has been used for more than 10,000 years, which is considered the longest one. One already.

"And the surname Constantine has never changed. Since your birth, when your parents gave you this surname on your name day, you have never changed it. Constantine means, in ancient Russian, sacred."

"Well, you know? You satisfy me even more. Few people know the meaning of this name anymore. Most of them look for the answer from the scriptures of the state religion, and that is the wrong answer."

"Indeed, people nowadays rarely gain enlightenment and knowledge from the past. For example, most people think that your accent is the Roman Latin spoken by His Majesty the Emperor, and regard it as a pure language, but few Someone realizes that your accent has nothing to do with Roman, but a Spanish-Latin accent."

Very good. I saw a hint of surprise on his face. He raised his head and stared at himself silently. After taking a sip of wine, he added, "It seems that I underestimated the scope of your knowledge. Miss Petronilla, you know more than I expected, which proves that you are knowledgeable and capable of taking on great responsibilities."

"Thank you, Constantine. What I know is still limited, so I am eager to get more stories and truths from you." Pedronela picked up a sweet grape and put it into her mouth. After chewing it, juice flowed out from behind her lips.

He looked at the juice on his lips, picked up a grape and played with it in his hand. He put it under the firelight and observed the core reflected in the light. "I can't guarantee the truth or not, but if you want to hear a story , I will tell you everything I know, but everything has chips, and this is the same."

"So, what's the price of the story? Do you need me to exchange it in the way you like?"

Petronilla said, hooking her fingers on the low-cut skirt and pulling it down to one side.

"Why do you think I'm interested in this?"

"What a pity. I have heard many rumors that Constantine is a philanderer and has had affairs with many women over the past thousands of years. If it weren't for the fact that your extraordinary power cannot be passed on to mortals, I am afraid that your descendants and grandchildren will be famous all over the world. The world is over."

Facing Petronilla's faint smile, Vito also had a smile on his lips. He looked at the grapes rolling between his fingers, "There are always many rumors, some are true and some are false." "Then I will know what they are. Really?" "You will, maybe one day, but not now, now you can satisfy me with something else."

Vito was still playing with the grapes as he spoke. He hadn't eaten anything since just now, he just kept drinking. So Pedronela didn't eat either. The table full of delicacies was placed in front of them, but they were ignored. .

Pezzolanila could see the worried club waiter out of the corner of his eye. He was worried that the food he served would not be in the taste of the marshal. Once the marshal was dissatisfied and angry, he could not bear the consequences. People had heard of the marshal's anger. Nyla calls it "The Fury of Summer Thunder"

But she also knew that the waiter's worries were unnecessary. She didn't notice any lightning or any anger. He just hadn't finished speaking yet.

His silence lasted for a while, and then he took another sip of wine before speaking, "You can satisfy me with other contributions. Do you know Anthony?"

"That Antony?" "Antony from my council, the one from Terra." "Ah, Antony sent by Guilliman, yes, I'm afraid no one doesn't know him, I hear he displeases you. "You heard this rumor right."

Vito leaned back in his chair, his obsidian eyes staring at his neck, looking at the star gem hanging on it, "I want you to get close, investigate and report back to me anything you know about Anthony, just I am alone and there is no one else.”

"I want you to use your position as a preacher to interview him, get to know him, and extract the story and the subsequent truth. This is your job, the task I give you."

After he finished speaking, he became quiet, which meant that he allowed himself to ask questions. Petronilla's fingers touched the exquisite flower carvings on the armrest. She lowered her head and thought for a moment, then raised her head, "I'm just an ordinary woman. , Anthony is in a high position, and I am afraid that like others, he will close the door and shut me out. "

"You are not an ordinary woman, Pedronilla, but it is true that knowledge cannot be as conspicuous as title and status. People look at you differently, but that was in the past, not now."

Vito's face was dancing with firelight. He turned the grapes in his hands, and there was a light green light in them. He raised his head and looked at Pedronela and pointed at her, "Now, you are my personal The recorder, Dhruva, and those who are here tonight will spread this news, and no one will dare to refuse any of your requests before the dawn of tomorrow, and they will not refuse."

"Anthony, and anyone else, will be happy to communicate with one of my confidants and women who will have private affairs. They will even flatter you, satisfy you, and sweet talk you to offer them on my pillow. Praise."

Pedronela listened to the future possibilities that should have been gratifying and ecstatic, but instead saw thorns and smelled blood in them. It was far from as beautiful as he said.

Under the flowers of roses, there are often the deadliest spikes, and some are even poisonous.

This is a great honor. In fact, it has surpassed that of many senior generals. Her words can reach heaven, she can directly meet the marshal, and send words of praise or vicious slander to the marshal's ears, and that The person in the words will face bad luck.

Pedronela looked at Vito who was silent for a moment and narrowed his eyes slightly, "What is the price for such a generous gift?"

Everything has a price, this is what Pedronilla understood at a very young age. She had seen too many deals, promises and subsequent betrayals in her father's mansion. She knew that nothing was free in this world, especially Coming from someone of his stature.

Vito leaned his hands on the table and put down the wine glass. He still held the grapes in his other hand and played with them on his fingertips, but that action suddenly made Pedrone shudder.

"The price is very simple, anyone can do it, loyalty, I want loyalty, absolute loyalty." He twirled the grapes, "In your rumors, have you ever heard of the person who betrayed me, and the final result? How?"

"There are some." She replied, and Vito laughed, "Then I believe some of them are true." The grapes suddenly stopped as they spoke, and then they were crushed by him, and the juice flowed like blood under the firelight. flowing between his fingers.

He picked up a tablecloth from the table and wiped the juice from his hands. Pedrone looked at the action like an executioner wiping a butcher's knife.

"But you don't need to remember those things. Loyal people don't have to worry about bad luck coming to their door. I will bring them good luck and the glory they crave."

"You will get the stories you want, many of which I have never mentioned to others. You will leave your name in history and become the greatest recorder. Your books and biographies will be remembered for generations, surpassing the sages of all generations."

He let go of the tablecloth as he spoke, and the cloth fell lightly on the table, but Pedronela only noticed the traces of moisture remaining on it. He held his chin and sat in front of the table, squinting his eyes slightly, " You are a smart person, smarter than most people who call themselves bachelors. The reason why I say this is not entirely because of the knowledge in your mind. "

"And because you are bold enough to seize the opportunity when it arises, you will not let go easily even if it is dangerous." He smiled faintly, staring at the earrings on his ears, "I can't remember clearly. When was the last time someone dared to be sarcastic and provoke me in front of me? Do you want to know his ending?”

"No, not really." "Indeed, you don't need to know, if you are smarter than him."

He held his fingers in front of him, and his eyes as dark as night reflected the firelight, "You boldly seized the opportunity. You are also very smart and know how to judge the situation and make the right choice. That trick on the shooting range where you used your coat as bait." , very clever, Peter, I think Bell was surprised by it."

"My pleasure, Constantine." Pedronilla said calmly, but she had already realized that he was the leader of the conversation. She was like a little rabbit during childhood hunting, exposed to the hunter's eyes. At gunpoint, whether or not to shoot depends on the hunter's fleeting thoughts.

He smiled, took out another grape from the fruit plate, broke off the straw and put it to his mouth, "You will continue to make the right decision, Pedronela, I believe you will, and I will tell you Anything you want to know."

"Anything? Constantine." "Anything, unless you want to ask me how to completely kill me or the Emperor." He smiled provocatively, but Petronilla only felt the chill from it. Although he said nothing threatening, the words themselves were dangerous.

She was silent for a while and decided to reply, "You are gods, and gods cannot be killed."

"Of course gods can be killed, and forget it, it doesn't matter." He smiled again and played with the grapes in his hands again, "I will tell you a lot of things. You can record them as your own achievements, or you can use them to trade with other preachers when necessary. I believe they will also be interested. From other different angles, you can know different aspects of the same thing and find the right answer from the mystery."

"Of course, it depends on you. Now you know my conditions, and now you can answer." He smiled, and Petronilla raised the glass after a moment of thought. She raised the glass to him, and then drank the wine in the glass, drinking it all up.

Vito smiled. This time he did not crush the Portuguese tart, but threw it directly into his mouth. "Now, let's start tasting the food."

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