Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 484: Rebirth from the ashes: Battlefield Diary (Part 2) Navigation on the battlefield

Chapter 484: Rebirth from the ashes: Battlefield Diary (Part 2) Route on the battlefield

Even many years later, Pedroniela could still recall the scene at that time. She almost hit him, and the faint smile appeared on his face.

That is bound to make Petronila Viva ashamed for a long time.

"Your Excellency Marshal." She hurriedly put away her gun, "I'm sorry, I."

"You can only apologize after something wrong happens." He still smiled lightly, "But the wrong thing didn't happen, right? Will you record this in your notebook here today?"

"No, Your Excellency."

"Well then, nothing happened."

He moved his eyes away, as if he had forgotten what had just happened for a moment. Petronilla secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She carefully looked at the deformed demon lying on the ground with its eyes open.

"What is that?" she asked cautiously.

"A transforming demon. In the past, he was the Minister of State Affairs named Fanfren Cashor."

As he said this, Pedronela noticed the torn white robe of the Ministry of Government on the monster and the chain hanging around his neck. Those things were already too small and completely out of proportion to his huge size.

Petronila looked at the dead demon in awe, and the fear in her heart had reduced a lot. Perhaps because Vito was standing beside her, the fear was quickly replaced by curiosity again.

"He was a human being?" she asked. "But how did he become this way?"

"Chaos has many secrets, and Tzeentch is the most secret among them, so it is better to be happy with Slaanesh than to reach an agreement with Tzeentch."

She fell from the air and said in a light and melodious voice. Pedrone looked and saw that Sarah Malfoy's steel wings spread out behind her and fell from nowhere.

She had a graceful figure, like a marble sculpture of hibiscus. When she raised her head and smiled, Pedrone could not help but blush. She was indeed beautiful and had a unique attraction.

They said she and Lilith were sisters? If Lilith is as beautiful as her, then it's no wonder that Vito has an affair with them, and this also makes Petronilla a little unhappy.

Her eyes uncontrollably carefully scanned Sarah's body, and she noticed a book in her hand. It was a strange collection of books with a cover that screamed a human face.

"That is?"

"Ah." She smiled and raised the book, "It's better that you don't know. At other times, just seeing this corrupt demon would be enough to kill you."

Her beautiful but chilling smile made Pedronilla stiffen instantly, and for a moment there was an uneasy cold feeling on her back, which lasted for a while before dissipating after she smiled again.

"But don't worry, I'm not my sister, I'm not the inquisitor, and I'm not those paranoid nuns." As she spoke, the book in her hand suddenly caught fire without warning, and soon turned to ashes in her hands.

Is she a psyker? Petronila thought to herself, but did not say it out loud. She heard that psychics are good at reading minds. She didn't know if Sarah could read her own, but the smile that seemed to know everything still made Petronila very happy. Restlessness, and boredom.

She then turned her attention to other places and discovered that Anthony was still alive.

It's just that he didn't live well. There were bandages on his arms, and there were slight burn marks on the side of his cheek. The fermentation on his disheveled and well-groomed hair was replaced by coagulated blood, and he looked quite bad.

"Mr. Anthony, are you injured?" Pedronela asked worriedly on the surface, but in fact she wished he was lying outside, or in a burnt bookshelf here.

"Don't worry about him. It's just a minor injury. It won't take long to heal." Sarah smiled. "I bandage people myself. This is rare, so you are very lucky, Anthony."

"It's a great honor for me, Sister Sarah." Anthony nodded with a polite smile, but Petronilla didn't see any respect in it. I'm afraid something unpleasant happened between them before.

But I don't care, and I don't like Anthony anyway. Sarah is a little better.

"Have you seen the scenery outside? Is there anything worth writing about?" Although Vito said this, his eyes were not on himself at all, but on the transformation demon.

"Is there any glory worth singing about?" he continued to ask, but Petronila had already heard the meaning of those words.

"Yes, Your Excellency, there are many worthy of writing poems, such as this demon. I think I will have a good work." She tapped the notebook in her hand, "Of course, provided you tell me what happened here Everything, every detail."

He seemed satisfied, with a wicked smile on his face, and now Pedronela was sure that he had deliberately arranged to come here later to show off, to show off his achievements, and to laugh at the ridicule he had made towards him before.

He was like a child who had not grown up, Pedronela sighed secretly, but indeed, it was very effective. He did feel ashamed and embarrassed, so he succeeded.

"Well, I don't remember too many details, but I think Sir Anthony remembers it, right?" Vito said and looked at Anthony, "He was always present and remembers everything."

"Besides being crushed under the fallen bookshelf and hanging out for half the time." Sarah suddenly interjected, which immediately caused Anthony's blushing annoyance.

But Vito seemed not to have heard what he said, "Can you tell the story of this place to Miss Pedrónila Viva? If you can, I will be very grateful."

"Of course, Your Excellency Marshal, I am honored to recount your glory to Miss Petronia."

"It's Sarah's, too, and of course yours." Vito's smile suddenly showed a hint of anger that annoyed Anthony, and Pedronniera could see the red face under the wet hair.

But she soon looked into Vito's eyes, and saw another kind of smiling face with hidden secrets.

"I think you can arrange an interview as soon as possible. Memory becomes blurry the longer it is delayed." He said with a smile.

Pedronniera understood the meaning and nodded immediately. He also smiled and turned his eyes elsewhere. Pedronniera remembered what he started talking to Sarah. She couldn't remember clearly, or she didn't want to. remember.

For the rest of the memory of that day, Pedronela only remembered that she began to search around, looking for and observing traces of the battle, intending to use this to piece together the outline of the story in her mind.

This is dangerous, yes, wandering around in a library where demonic corruption has just existed. There may be seeds of corruption hidden in any book here. Just one look at it will drive you crazy, but as said before, Human curiosity will always take over when faced with fear.

So Pedronela began to casually look through the books that had not been burned. Vito seemed to have noticed it, but he said nothing and acquiesced to her behavior.

Pedronilla shuttled between the bookshelves. It was pitiful that the fire here had burned away many precious books. What was left was mostly boring content, numbers and records, nothing. Novelty.

So after looking at it for a while, she threw one of the pitiful fragments on the ground out of boredom, showing no pity for its falling apart. Pedronilla started looking around, hoping to find anything that would make her curious again, and she And indeed found it.

It's just that the position is quite inappropriate. The thing is on the back of Wanbianmo's belt, close to its back.

Pedrone took a breath. Although she knew it was dead, the presence of the devil still made her instinctively afraid. But in the end, once again strong curiosity dispelled the fear and illuminated the way there.

She walked up, carefully came to the devil, reached out and opened the mailbox behind its waist, and pulled out the volume of letters that had been opened with fire seals.

She looked at the scroll in her hand, her reason warning her, but her curiosity drove her to open the curled letter, her eyes cautiously read, and her heart rose to her throat uncontrollably, as if she was afraid that she would be discovered. of.

But there is a saying that goes well, the more people are afraid of something, the more likely it will happen.

"What are you looking at?"

A voice startled Pedrónila. She really jumped up and looked at Anthony in horror. Soon, as Vito and Sarah came around, she became even more nervous, holding a hand in her hand. The letter was thrown aside.

But she knew it was over, not only Anthony, but Vito also saw her throw away the letter, but what Petronila didn't expect was that Vito did not reprimand or simply punish her on the spot.

"It seems that Miss Pedroneira has found something that we didn't pay attention to before." He smiled, "What is that? Miss Pedronela."

"A letter, Your Excellency, from me."

"It's interesting. You've read the content, right?"

"Your Excellency, I didn't mean it, I swear!" Pedronilla shouted nervously, her heart in her throat.

"Of course." He was still smiling, and he didn't seem to have any murderous intention, but this only made Petronilla more nervous. "So, what was written in the letter? Tell us to satisfy our curiosity."

"Just like yours." He seemed to be comforting himself. Pedroniela didn't know, but she knew she shouldn't disobey him now, so after some hesitation, she picked up the letter again.

She quickly read the content, "The letter was a letter from another group of Tzeentch demons, written in Gothic. They said that the operation in Victoria was going well and asked Vanfren Cashor. "

"The devil," she added after a moment, and the slightly comical reaction made Sara laugh, and Pedronilla blushed, feeling like she had made a fool of herself.

"Of course, what next?" He still smiled, "What else did the letter say?"

"The devil on Victoria asked Fanfren Cashall whether to carry out the "critical step""

"A crucial step?"

"That's the exact word, sir. I don't know what it means. It wasn't mentioned in the letter."

Vito let out a long snort, looking at Fanfren Cashall beside him, and smiled again after a moment.

"Looks like I have to revisit my old place." He smiled, "I hope Silver Snake is okay, I really miss that girl."

Pedronela didn't know who Silver Snake was, but she saw the twitching in the corners of Sarah's eyes, so she knew now.

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