Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 192 The Storm of Destruction: Chapter Forty-Two Humans and the Eldar

Vito once asked about the origin of the Trasim Eldar. Vito wanted to try to understand the Eldar, not only because he always dealt with the Eldar from time to time, or fought or something, but also because of many personal reasons.

You know, he's friends with Adalad and raised Iyana, so he's trying to figure out what's going on in the minds of the Eldar, because he's the one who went to Trasim.

After all, in this universe now, among the "humans" who have experienced the battle of heaven and the origin of the Eldar race, only Traasin's brain is still normal, so Vito went to find him, although Traasin also used him as always. Leaps of logic talk about these things, but Vito barely understands.

Trazyn has a very contemptuous attitude towards the Eldar, whom he calls "the weapons of the Old Ones".

During the battle of heaven, the ancient saints brought a large number of species to fight against them, the former necrophobia and the later necromancer-star god coalition, these ancient saints were led by the Eldar and the ancient green skins at that time.

Traasin said that the ancient sages would spread life in the galaxy and observe their growth and progress of civilization. At first, the Eldar civilization was not designed purely for the purpose of weapons, but the green skins were purely for the purpose of fighting with the undead. War was designed by the Old Ones, but the Eldar were not.

The Spirit Race is one of the countless civilized races created by the Old Sages in the early days of the Milky Way. Later, the Old Sages discovered the potential of the Spirit Race for psionic energy and brought them together to fight against the Necromancers and Star Gods. Otherwise, this name would not be known. It is impossible for the small civilization that has been passed down to reach its later heights.

Traasin looked down on the Eldar very much, saying that all the technology and so-called "magic" creations of the Eldar were inherited from the Old Sage, and it was purely a legacy. .

Vito didn't know if it was Tralassin's prejudice or what, but Vito himself knew the Eldar for the first time in the Golden Age.

At that time, human beings stepped into deep space from the earth, and the first contact between human beings and alien civilization was to fight against an alien species called San Joel, a strong alien species that excited the culture of the strong.

At that time, the St. Joles fought all the way to the solar system. It was not a marshal, but the colonel Vito led his fleet to defeat the St. Joles. Then the Great Patriotic War became a counterattack. Vito directly led the federal army to kill Back home in San Jose.

But those tough aliens were still very tenacious. They fought desperately on their home planet and caused a lot of trouble for Vito. The San Joles cannot be appeased to serve the Commonwealth.

I have to say that human beings at that time were still very tolerant. The Federation agreed to this idea. After all, the long-term large-scale war cost too much, so human beings signed an alliance under the city with them on the home planet of the St. Joel, known in history as the "Alliance protocol"

The St. Joel joined the Federation as a subordinate race and obeyed the leadership and command of humans. Since then, this group of tough warrior races has been added to the Federation Army. The Federation found them surprisingly useful, loyal and resolutely obedient to orders.

Henceforth, the federation launched a policy. Later, humans recovered a large number of alien species along the way, and those who were willing to obey humans were integrated into the federation, serving the federation as vassal races, and loyal to the federation's national program. It was smoothly wiped out by the federal army.

There are many excellent races among them. In this way, the Federation has absorbed the technology and culture of many outstanding races, and technology has entered a period of explosive development.

Sounds beautiful right? But later humans and Vito realized that when the wolves are willing to obey the male lion, it is because the male lion is very strong, and when the male lion is weak, the wolves will attack from behind without hesitation and eat the male lion .

In the later era of strife, these "alien friends" all betrayed human beings and divided up a lot of human territories from behind. Genocide.

The first contact between Vito and the Eldar was a proxy war. An alien civilization affiliated to the Federation at that time, Vito forgot their names, anyway, it’s quite strange, their colony and another, obeyed At that time, the servant races of the Eldar Empire clashed at its peak.

At first it was just a dispute between two small races, humans and Eldar were just helping a little behind, but as the conflict prolonged and escalated, the two sides also began to go out in person to protect their face and rights.

At that time, the Spirit Race Empire sent a secret force to help its younger brother race attack an enemy planet. At that time, there were a large number of human residents on that planet. After all, it was a subordinate race of humans.

So at that time, the Federation sent a Marine Corps and Fleet to evacuate the overseas Chinese. Vito was the commander of this force. He led the troops to protect the overseas Chinese, and then fought with the Eldar as expected. Vito Remember it seems that the Eldar started the attack? Can't remember exactly.

So in order to better complete the task, Vito wiped out the spirit tribe army, and by the way, also wiped out the spirit tribe's servant race troops.

But then the commander of the Eldar race became furious. Vito remembered that it seemed that in the Eldar council, he was ridiculed by the proud councilors of the Eldar race. A human's own planet has killed tens of billions of human beings, and ever since, humans and the Eldar have gone to war.

It was an epic war, unimaginable to people in the universe today. Even Traasin said that it was the worst war since the Battle of Heaven, even surpassing the Battle of Heaven back then No less.

In the war between humans at the peak of the Golden Age and the Eldar Empire in its heyday, the two sides used countless weapons that were understood by the current empire, and would not even be believed to have existed to attack each other.

Countless planets fell to the flames of war, and hundreds of billions of casualties spread across the galaxy. Both humans and the Eldar race paid a heavy price for the war that lasted for more than ten years.

However, the spirit race's webway technology always makes it impossible for humans to defend against them. They always appear suddenly, catching humans by surprise, bypassing a large number of human defenses and directly attacking important planets, causing heavy losses to the Federation.

Until later, in a battle, Vito relied on his invincible jumping gang to assault an Eldar flagship. With the golden age, the marines whose weapons were more advanced than the current Star Warriors by ten streets killed all the Eldar above. Helen read and deciphered the Eldar system.

That was the first time Vito got Helen. He took Helen from Dr. Casey, and that was also the first cooperation between Vito and Helen.

Then Vito did something outrageous. He led the fleet to the webway where humans could not use it, and directly used singularity bombs to create two black holes, tearing apart the position leading to the webway under the gravity of the black holes. surface channel.

At that time, Helen warned Vito that there was a 98% possibility that this method would lead to the possibility that the entire army would be wiped out in the black hole, and then Vito flamboyantly ignored Helen, forcing the fleet to rush up to risk their lives, and Since TM's success.

Vito led the fleet to forcefully break into the webway and attacked the unsuspecting inner city of the webway. Apparently the group of pointed ears didn't realize that they could still be attacked like this. Vito destroyed the city, and by the way A complete Eldar flagship looted and brought back to the Federation side.

Later, the scientists of the Federation studied the flagship of the Eldar Race, and relying on Helen's supercomputing ability, they reverse-developed a new artificial intelligence system "Tuchucha". The fleet jumped with precision, tearing open the entrance of the webway to launch an attack.

Later, this system was dug up and used by Ryan during the Horus Rebellion. Ryan and the Dark Angel Legion used this thing to hunt down the Night Lords, and intercepted Curze after accurately performing subspace jumps, but that is another story .

Vito was promoted to the rank of admiral by the federation because of his great achievements. He led the fleet, and Helen operated the Tuchucha system to launch precise and unmistakable teleportation to many cities of the Eldar network. Dao cities were destroyed, and even later, with Helen's assistance, they figured out how to destroy the webway.

Due to Vito's attack, the Eldar lost a large number of webways, and all the webways that could accommodate fleets were destroyed, and as Trasin said, the Eldar did not know how to build webways at all, and even They didn't know how to fix it, so the Eldar were forced to abandon the webway tactics and launched an attack in the physical universe to avoid the attack on the webway.

This also led to the fact that during the great fall, a large number of ships that reached the escape point of the Eldar could not use the webway to escape the explosion point, because most of the large webways were blown up by Vito, and those Eldar who had nowhere to escape were killed by Slaanesh. Ate with Lilith, ah, so I've done them both a big favor?

Then came the decisive battle between the Human Federation and the Spirit Empire. The "Battle of Iron Rain" was an extremely tragic battle. Vito led the main fleet of the Federation to confront the main fleet of the Spirit Empire. Can you imagine? ? Tens of thousands of capital ships with technology beyond imagination are fighting each other in the galaxy.

The destruction of stars, the collapse of planets, the powerful warships turned into dust in the galaxy, the destruction rays are constantly flashing in the galaxy, thousands of intelligent unmanned swarm fighters rushing towards the enemy like a torrential rain, thousands of cutting-edge warships In the Milky Way, it bloomed into a rain of fire that stretched for several light years.

That battle ended with the Human Federation's remnant victory, and Vito was later promoted to Hero Marshal, but also because of the tragic war with the Eldar, in the subsequent Iron Man Rebellion, humans were completely unable to cope with the iron man's army front, and subsequent disputes era.

The Spirit Race also went into decline because of this battle, and the internal conflicts of the empire broke out concentratedly, and they walked into the abyss of pleasure, and finally ushered in a great fall.

At the place where the Human Federation and the Eldar Empire signed a peace agreement, Vito personally led a team here to sign it, and that agreement was called the Comoros Peace Treaty.


The flash of the webway portal flickered on the dark ridge, and the black-haired beauty, Vito, came out from the portal, he, or she? Well, here's the problem.

Vito walked to the edge of the cliff of the floating mountain range, looking at the bizarre city in front of him, this webway city with countless inverted pyramids.

He looked at the city, and Lilith also walked behind Vito and looked at the city together. He raised his head slightly, "Ah, Comoro, here I am again."

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