Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 645 Doomsday Storm: Monument of the Relic

"Damn, you smell really."

"It smells so good, I know."

Ragnar scratched his hair with a smile. His braided beard was covered with viscous liquid, and a sour smell was emanating from it, literally "the aroma was overwhelming."

The hatch of Sapphire II is placed on the ground, and the Astartes passengers are continuously coming down from it. No matter what kind of armor they used to be, whether it is MK4 type or the latest MK5 type, they are original cast The red and white helmets are still the solid colors of the original Starfighter, and they are now indistinguishable.

Nurgle's liquid sticks to them, and the chapter marks, ranks, nothing can be seen clearly. In a way, this realizes the real brotherhood between the Astartes, you know, the unity of the world.

They are now the same, indistinguishable from each other, especially in terms of taste.

"How is it? Have you had a good trip, Bell."

"I have to take a bath with holy water, sorry, Lord Guilliman, please forgive my wording."

"It's nothing, my son. The state religion has a lot of nonsense, but... their holy water is indeed useful in many places, such as cleaning the stains on our bodies."

Guilliman bent down and got out of the cabin. Although the Sapphire One was very large, it could allow a small truck to enter and exit in a mortal fighter, and the Astartes could easily get out of it, but Guilliman still It's too big, especially after wearing the armor of fate.

"Indeed, I'm sure the Archbishop would be happy to baptize you himself, and will keep reciting the latest hymn in your ears. I remember it's called "God's Son""

Guilliman's eyes suddenly turned cold, looking at Vito, who shrugged and then turned to whistle to the nuns of silence, "How is it, is this fun? My little girls. "

"Successfully complete the task you assigned, my lord."

The nun with the flamethrower stopped. All the nuns carried their own weapon boxes. When they were not fighting, they would keep their weapons safe and only pull them out when fighting. Souls will realize their respect, and they will be invincible in battle.

Vito didn't know if it would work or not, but the chick was fine, with silver hair, which is rare among the Sisters of Silence. "What's your name?"

"Miriam Dolby, my lord."

"Hello, Miriam, you're doing a good job, go take a shower, and I'll buy you a drink afterwards."

"Follow my lord."

After the nuns saluted Vito, they turned and left. They carried weapons bags and boxes and walked non-stop to another Valkyrie transport plane that was ready to go. The tribunes of the Imperial Army and other imperial troops were waiting for them there.

"How many of them have you slept with?"

"Do I look like that?"


Vito and Ragnar looked at each other and smiled, and then patted him on the shoulder. The latter put his hands in his arms and smiled, then picked up his ax and walked towards the church.

There was a big tent there, the bathing facilities were set up outside, the hard-working machine servants completed all the preparations, the Astartes were bathing outside, and the nuns went inside after putting away their weapons. The graceful figure without armor casts a silhouette on the tent.

"You also have to go wash your body. When you go back to the boat and show it to people, your faith will collapse."

"I'm not a god, I told you, just as you told me."

"Humans are simple creatures, Guilliman, they only want to believe what they want to believe, a god, a son of god, and so on."

Vito shrugged his shoulders, and glanced at the busy machine servants, they were taking off the armor of the commando Astartes, wiping the armor tirelessly with water guns and rags, while others were serving the nuns inside. Brain guys, don't worry about fumbling and looking around with their eyes and hands.

"I really envy them, but the machine servants didn't think about it, so the nuns don't worry that they will peep at their figure that belongs only to the emperor, and even I won't show it. Damn, that old bastard is lucky."

"But you see, human beings are like this, in order to avoid anxiety and trouble, they can put up with many things, cold touch, cold eyes, less food and so on, but as long as it can relieve their anxiety, they will be willing Choose to believe."

"Believe in a god, a strong man, or a dictator? Who knows, that's just how people are."

"I didn't expect you to be a philosopher."

"I'm also an ancient Greek, right? Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, etc., and the old bastard has known me long enough, I don't want to hear his bullshit, but I can listen enough too much."

Vito turned around, he looked like that man at the first glance, Guilliman even had a hallucination for a while, he fell silent and looked at his hand, the hand of fate was extremely clean.

He knew that Vito was joking, he didn't need to take a bath at all, the armor of destiny was as shiny as new, and none of Nurgle's creations left any traces on it, including the smell, his way was an alternative in the entire commando , as if he had never been there.

Guilliman fell into deep thought, and Vito glanced at him, then looked up at the sky with his hands on his hips, "It really needs to be washed well, I didn't expect you to bring a souvenir."

Three gunboats in the sky flew over a huge stone monument, and seven or eight thick cables were tied below it, releasing the huge stone from the gradually clearing sky.

It sat on the square in front of the church, and the stele quickly attracted a lot of attention, only the soulless machine servants didn't cast their gazes, no wonder, after all, they couldn't smell the sour smell on it.

"Um, did Mortarion get shitted by you?"

"No, I didn't see him, he's not there, but this thing is there."

Guilliman looked towards the stone, Vito also strolled past in his field of vision, he pinched his nose and leaned in front of the stone for a look.

"You should destroy it, everything in it will be set ablaze."

"I thought so at first, but then, I gave up."

"Why? Think this stone is beautiful? Want to put it in Macragge's museum? Aren't you afraid that it won't pass the sanitation inspection?"

"When I killed the demon, before I actually killed it, it was terrified, and I could feel it, and when it turned around, it didn't run away, it wanted to destroy it."

Guilliman came to the side of the stone tablet. He stroked the surface of the stone. Those fragile blood threads still dried up on it, turning into many thin lines. Fungal spores still grew on it, full of vitality, but it was different. They lose their strength.

"It's very strange. When the flame released by the flame sword burned all the pollutants, it was the only one that was safe. It was not a subspace creation."

"so what?"

"So, why would the demon of Nurgle put an ordinary, insignificant stone there, and defend it with all his might? Destroy it when I take it, or shall we ask, why do our brothers hold it."

Guilliman's eyes showed doubts and more curiosity. He is such a person. He is always helpless in the face of doubts and possible answers. He is eager to know everything in the world, from Macragge to This is always the case in space.

"So you brought it back and are you going to take it with you?"

Vito flicked the cable that fixed the huge boulder with his fingers, and the small runes carved on the stone below it shook off a cloud of dust. It really looked like an ordinary stone.

"That's right, it's not threatening. I had Bell check it, and it wasn't contagious. The Sisters of Silence also checked it, and they said it didn't have a strong spiritual response, only some very weak ones, but they were very special."


Vito rested his chin and looked at the runes on the stone. He tilted his head and showed a puzzled expression, "I always think I've seen this symbol somewhere, but, well, it doesn't really feel scary. , Take it as a spoil of war, take it back to Macragge, and it will be more lively when the triumph is pulled by a carriage."

"No, it's not going to Triumph, although it looks ordinary, I don't believe Mortarion would like an ordinary thing, you know him, his temperament."

Guilliman frowned and said, Vito also shrugged with a smile, and patted the stone, "Just kidding, of course I know, this thing has to be placed in a safe place and studied."

"After we return to Macragge, I will hand it over to the research institute to safely and specifically find out what gift my brother left for me."

"Sounds good, what's wrong? You look like you've seen hell."

Guilliman looked at his hands in silence, and only raised his head after Vito interrupted, he shook his head and walked over, "It's nothing, let's go, order the fleet to prepare to sail, I will be in the sky when I return The demons that saw Nurgle vanished, and the Death Guard withdrew."


Vito looked at Guilliman's back, his hand seemed to be subconsciously pressed on the flaming sword, and when he talked with the Astartes, his eyes always kept in one place.

That church, to be precise, is the statue of the emperor in the church, and the coffin at its feet, which contains the bones of the living saint.

The golden statue stood on the stone platform behind the coffin, sitting upright on the throne carved with all living things and all living things, with its head held high, its golden pupils staring at his descendants, and him.

Vito looked at those eyes, those seemingly lifeless eyes, and raised his middle finger silently, "Let me let him accept his identity? Fuck you, old bastard."

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