Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 665 Doomsday Storm: Situation of the Survivors

"Sir, nice to meet you."

Bell walked over carrying the thick muzzle of the gun. The recoilless gun was mounted on his shoulder. The barrel was narrow and flat. At the back was a square magazine surrounded by two sides. The Tesla electromagnetic coil was wrapped around the barrel. , the tiny electric arc is still dancing and dancing on the arc after firing.

His bolter was slung across his waist, neat and clean as before. It seemed that even in the unsuitable hygienic environment, Bell still didn't forget to give his weapon a full set of maintenance.

Following behind him, there was another Ultramarine. He was wearing a closed battle helmet. The armor was tall and heavy. Compared with Bell's, it was much taller, and it was almost closer to Olaf's Priest's armor. , some sort of quasi-Terminator armor.

There were still some wriggling vines on his arm, he tore it off, threw it on the ground and cut it off, then pointed the gun on the upper arm at the vines, at first I thought it was a bolter or something, but when he fired it, he realized it was a flamethrower.

The raging flames engulfed the vine in the blink of an eye, and it made a low-frequency scream on the ground, like some kind of dying animal, and was then crushed by the Ultramarines.

Guilliman looked at the vine, raised his head and nodded to the two, "It's good to see you here too, Bell, and Tetius."

"Me too, my lord. I'm very glad that you have come through. Many brothers and commandos failed to get here before." Tetius took off his helmet, shook his head, and revealed a shiny face. Scalp and four distinctive golden domes on the forehead.

He and Olaf nodded to each other, which was the tacit understanding and respect between veterans.

"How many people are here?"

Guilliman asked and looked around. The huge hall was empty, except for Bell and Tetius, there were only some people with guns at the end. They were all wearing blue uniforms with white The epaulettes, wearing a cockscomb helmet and carrying a laser rifle, that is a typical Ultramar Auxiliary dress.

"Some people, the commandos of the previous waves were all lost. We managed to pick up some people, but they are not here. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. My lord, please come with us."

Bell said to Guilliman, who nodded, turned his head to look at the mutant who fell on the ground, then turned his head and passed between Bell and Tethius, and Tethius exchanged a glance with Vito , also bowed and saluted, and then followed.

"Hey Bell, you're not dead yet."

Ragnar came up, put his arms around Bell's shoulders, and pulled him towards him forcefully, letting Bell and the wild wolf walk shoulder to shoulder.

Bell tried to break free, but after failing, he smiled wryly, "You look disappointed?" "Isn't that so? Now we have to listen to you nagging for another hundred years, right, Lancelot." "That's too right gone."

Lancelot put his arms around Bell's shoulders from the other side, and supported him from side to side with the wild wolf. Bell smiled wryly, and Olaf came up behind him and pressed his shoulder armor, "Nice to meet you, brother ", "Me too, old wolf, especially seeing you is more normal than these two idiots."

The four Deathwatch brothers were chatting and laughing, and followed Guilliman and Vito playfully. They walked to the end of the hall, where the Ultramar auxiliaries immediately knelt on one knee on both sides. No matter how bad the situation is now, the etiquette of facing the Primarch and the Marshal still cannot be forgotten.

Guilliman also nodded to them, Vito smiled at them, and then walked over, Tetius waved lightly for them to follow as he passed by.

The auxiliaries got up one after another, carrying laser guns, electromagnetic rail guns and hot melt guns walked behind.

A group of people passed through the large hall and passed through the narrow archway at the end. After Vito got into the archway, he turned his head and looked at several soldiers of the Defense Forces to close the door, and then took out the plasma welding torch on the door. The seam was sprayed quickly, and the fiery white light instantly lit up half of the door.

"Just in case." Tethius said behind Vito, who nodded, "Of course, but I don't think welding the door will help."

"Why?" Bell asked in embarrassment and discomfort as he was hugged by the two brothers.

Vito shrugged, and said casually when he started to walk away, "They can already control the machinery, so I guess, this cute little door can't block anything."

After Vito walked away, Bell and Tertius frowned and looked at each other. Ragnar put his arm around Bell's shoulder, tilted his head and asked, "Is the situation bad?"

"Pretty bad." Bell said in a low voice, looking at the door behind him, "If those things can control the machinery now, then this place won't be able to stop them for a long time, if they invade the surface of Macragge."

"This will never happen, come on brothers, we are running out of time given by the whole father." Olaf said firmly, walking over like the leader of the wolf pack, Bell and Tetius, and Lancelot looked at each other, nodded and followed, oh, and Ragnar and Erha had the same grinning faces.



The wounded wailed and lay on the ground made of simple tablecloths. Their bodies were wrapped in bandages, and their eyes were completely covered. The whole person looked like a mummy. Only the contact port on the arm was exposed, and the infusion was inserted. Tube.

Their comrades stood aside, carrying guns, carrying infusion bottles, or wrapped themselves in bandages, using the back of the chair as a fulcrum to hang their own healing potions, blood stained their clothes, and spread them on the ground All of them tried to cover the bloody iron barrel and the cloth of the corpse.

After Vito stepped out of the elevator, he looked at the devastated scene. There were screams everywhere. Medical soldiers and medical staff in local facilities were running around, carrying medicine boxes, or stepping over people on the ground with disinfectant wipes that had already turned red. , through the packed crowd in the elevator lobby.

There are corpses lying in the corner, and they are covered by white cloth. For a moment, people mistakenly think that the people there are resting, but when you see the pale palm on the front and the identity card in it, you will feel Know that they are not resting, but fast asleep.

The sergeant picked up the nameplates and wrote names one by one on the registration board in his hand. Behind him, the priest in the facility was walking around with a short broom in his hand, singing hymns and pouring holy water on the white cloths .

"Since there is a priest here?"

Vito turned his head to look at Guilliman with some irony, the latter glanced at him, raised his head solemnly and seriously, and cleared his throat, "Don't get me wrong, it has been proved in actual combat that the state religion does have some methods. Techniques against the warp in ways other than Chapter psykers, then, I won't pretend I didn't see it."

And more importantly, the priests of the state religion are much easier to train than a formal psyker, and the number is larger. You don't need to worry that they may lose control like psykers at any time and become walking time bombs, or Demon Portal.

Therefore, compared to psykers, military priests, and shipboard priests are the mainstay of the empire's fight against the evil spirits of the subspace, their power of faith is the real pillar of the empire's soul fortress.

"You finally start to recognize the power of faith?" Vito asked with a mocking smile, Guilliman's expression froze, "No, there is no power of faith, it's just another way of expressing psionic power That's all, everyone has projections in the subspace, it's just that people of the state religion are better at calling them."

"Then you mean, they are also psykers?"

"The number of psykers is out of control, and the problem of detection is the work of your court, right? So think about it yourself, and don't bother me."

"Indeed, and there are enough troubles in front of us now." Vito put his hands on his hips, looking around the afterimage in the hall, "But from my professional point of view, the state religion doesn't seem to play any role here."

"Yes, my lord, it is not very useful, but at least it is useful for the spiritual comfort of the survivors. You know, we are not good at dealing with mortals."

Tertius said when he came out of the elevator, and Bell and the others also came out of the elevator one after another. The elevator was quite big, it looked like a freight elevator, and it was enough to transport several space fighters up.

Mikael walked behind Guilliman with the bolt gun in his hand. He stood behind the Primarch like a sentinel, scanning the other people in the hall with vigilant eyes, his fingers firmly on the trigger.

"If you're worried about whether they're infected, don't worry bro," Bell said, as he managed to free himself from Ragnar's elbow. "Most of them didn't have direct contact with the mutants, and most of them were caused by normal injuries, such as impacts. , broken legs and lacerations, etc."

"And most of them are already down there, right?"

"Yes, Vito, most people are infected as soon as they are unfortunately contacted. We don't even have time to end their suffering and bring the emperor's peace. They have become like that."

"There are quite a few Space Marines among them, right?"

"We met quite a few in the front hall, and there was a man in white armor like you." Ragnar said, holding the chain saw ax on his waist.

"That's Brother Malfoy, he stayed for us to die before, may his soul be redeemed." Tetius said after making a few gestures on his chest.

"Do you have faith? Tethius." Vito turned his head and raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, while Tethius looked at it blankly and nodded slightly, "I don't deny it, my lord, before that I just believed in the Emperor, but now, I think I will believe in him, I have seen more than one of his miracles brought about by the state religion, without these miracles, we would have become the ghosts we have become."

"The power of faith is useful for those things?" Mikael asked. He glanced at Guilliman from the corner of his eye. He knew that the Primarch disliked the concept of power of faith and state religion, but Guilliman remained expressionless. Listen, nothing is said or done.

"It's a hindrance. When we retreated below, we were surrounded by mutants. The Chinese priests of the hopeless situation sang the emperor's hymn arm in hand. I remember a few lines. The beginning of the end is the beginning of hope." , the old world is long gone, and the dawn of a new world is coming or something."

Vito frowned slightly. There is indeed this poem in the State Church. It has not been added to the Holy Word of the State Church after the era of condemnation. It seems to be the content of "The End of Isaac. A New Hope".

"At first we thought it would be useless, but miraculously, the mutants seemed to be terrified of the Emperor's hymn, they cowered in fear, and the priests joined hands, leading us and the survivors through the passage while singing the hymn. came over, and finally withdrew here."

Tetius said, he also inadvertently made a pious gesture on his chest, and then raised his head with more determined eyes, "The emperor saved us, I believe it must be meaningful, he must have arranged for us Destined mission and destiny."

"And I think, that is to bring the news out here, my lord, this place must be completely destroyed." Bell looked at Guilliman and said, "Did you see it? They can infect space fighters, and the speed is beyond Imagine that this fungus can bypass the common chaos corruption, and the bewitching stage directly reaches the final corruption effect."

Just imagine, if this fungus was leaked and spread throughout Macragge, how long it would take for the entire Ultramarines and their offspring to become infected, and the Angels of the Emperor of yesteryear would become horrible plague monsters, not just those Nurgle corrupted the usual mindless monsters into terrifying beings with intelligence.

The fungi will manipulate the Ultramarines, using Macragge's arsenal to produce weapons, and naval warships in orbit, they will all be controlled in the blink of an eye, and the spore vines will penetrate into all systems, operating to become spore nests The warships of the Imperial Navy crashed into more Imperial worlds, spreading more spores, until they engulfed the entire Imperium all the way to Terra.

And before the empire reacts, the Queen of Glory covered with squirming vines will arrive at Terra carrying a ship of the most powerful space warrior legion today. Before these corrupted monsters, they will be led by

Just thinking about this makes my scalp numb. Bell is right, this place must be destroyed, and there must be no scum left.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let this thing be shipped. I should have destroyed it right there in that basement."

Guilliman said sadly, his face was full of self-blame and guilt, "How many brothers and friends died here, they should have a better ending and destination, not here, where even the corpses are brutally desecrated."

Mikael immediately stepped forward, he approached behind the Primarch, and said with concern, "How can you say that? My lord, how can it be all your fault? When that thing was shipped, no one would know what it was. What is it, if it weren't for this accident, perhaps even greater losses would have come."

"He's right." Vito pressed Guilliman's shoulders, looked into his eyes and shook his head, "It's a good thing, if there were no accidents here, we wouldn't know that Mortarion's hand If there is such a thing, then when we go to Pamenio, we will pay a greater price."

"Yes, sir. As Lord Vito said, although we have paid a heavy price here, we also know how to deal with them. This will provide a huge boost for the future expedition."

"Thank you, my friends, but this place must be completely destroyed."

Guilliman said firmly, looking around several people, he didn't notice that Vito's eyes showed a hint of thought, and a thought echoed in his mind, "Mortarion, maybe it's really useful."

"How to destroy? Those things are everywhere, and they can't be killed, right?" Ragnar raised his chain saw axe and said, "I hacked it several times, and shot them with several magazines with a gun. They always recover no matter what."

"That's because of the existence of subspace sound waves. They were originally spores that were accidentally brought to the botanical garden and grew out of the subspace irradiation test there. The longer they are under the subspace sound waves, or the longer they are exposed to spiritual energy , it will continue to evolve, become more intelligent, and more difficult to be killed."

Bell said, clenching his fists, "When the experimental facility fell, the subspace sound wave generator there hadn't had time to shut down, and these spores became more and more intelligent. According to Vito, they can control mechanical equipment, I guess They turned on the subspace generators of the entire facility, thus continuously gaining the power of evolution, but as long as they can be turned off, they can be wiped out."

"How many warp generators are there? Where are they located?" Olaf asked, but Guilliman interrupted the discussion by raising his hand.

"No time, if I'm not wrong, these things will continue to evolve until they find a way to open the closed doors of the facility, then it will be too late, they have already proved how fast they can evolve, there is no time to waste, We activate the underground nuclear reactor, one at a time, to completely destroy this place."

Olaf nodded in affirmation, and the rest of Bell and the others also nodded. Guilliman narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched them, "Stone, is it still here?"

"Not sure, my lord. I don't know if the mutants have moved it. After all, their intelligence should be able to understand the principle of catching the thief first, and we don't have time to look for it in the entire facility." Tertius explained, and Guilliman sighed after hearing this, and nodded despite some doubts.

"Well, anyway, a nuclear reactor explosion can destroy everything here, no matter where it is hidden." Guilliman raised his head and looked around the crowd, "We activate the reactor, turn it into an underground nuclear warhead, and order the survivors Prepare to retreat before then."

"But the following are all mutants, my lord, without our protection, mortals will die when they go out." Tetius added, looking at the wounded around him, as well as the unarmed researchers, priests and doctors.

Guilliman also looked at them, and soon formed an idea in his eyes, "They are the most precious resources of the empire today, science and technology, must be continued and saved, their thoughts and brains are comparable to a dozen battleships , we are attacking the reactor, if these spores really have such high intelligence, they must know what we are going to do, let them stop us at any cost, and then these scientists can take the opportunity to withdraw, Captain Cole will Accept them."

"What about us, my lord?" Olaf asked.

Guilliman looked at him, then glanced at Tetius and said with a smile, "Then let us see if the fate arranged by the Emperor for us is here."

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