Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 16 The Angel’s Speech

The lush ancient trees in fairy tales have turned into twisted and decaying remains. Like a giant corpse that had been cruelly stripped of its flesh and blood, the peaceful beauty had disappeared, leaving only desperate wails and pain.

The gurgling spring water still flows on the dry land, but it is no longer sweet and cold water, but full of pungent chemical poisons. The yellow-green turbid bubbles rise and fall from time to time, rolling and exploding into pieces of mud. The ground cracked and sank, and the smell of sulfur and gunpowder smoke sprayed out from it. All the beauty was completely destroyed, nothing was left, and only pain remained.


There was a heavy sound of braking.

The Dark Soul stalled and anchored at the top of the dune.

Kano felt a huge dizziness appear in his consciousness, as if someone hit him hard on the back of the head with a stick. He was breathing rapidly, his cheeks were covered with wet sweat, and his chest felt as heavy as falling into the cold deep sea.

He couldn't imagine how his people would react when they saw this scene.

Come in a month.

Countless dangers, countless difficulties.

People relied on their yearning for the oasis to survive safely.

Even if a few people in the tribe have doubts about the existence of the oasis, they will be refuted by the tribesmen.

But now——

Worst thing, worst outcome.

It happened after all.

More and more vehicles approached the top of the dune, and the cheers stopped abruptly when they saw the scene below.

Despair spread in the dead silence.

The first cry.

I don’t know where it came from, but it was like a wounded beast howling in the dry plains. Kano had never heard such intense despair and pain.

Then, more cries came from the motorcade.

Some people got out of the car with red eyes and paced back and forth on the soft sand.

Others began to complain loudly, blaming each other for their companions, who not long ago would have given their lives for each other.

There are still some people who find it difficult to accept this reality.

As they kept slapping their faces with their palms, they hoped that the scene before them was a terrible nightmare.


Even if he hits his cheek until it is red and swollen, even if he hits his teeth mixed with blood to the ground.

This established fact will not change.

The yellow-green river full of chemical venom was flowing on the land in a winding way, vaguely forming a huge face with a mocking smile.

In the crowd.

Radolon was still trying to maintain order.

But it is a pity that even the tribal leader who is usually prestigious.

There was nothing he could do at this moment. His words seemed so pale and insignificant under such a black wave of despair.

Although Kano and Radolon have always been a bit difficult to deal with.

But in this moment.

Seeing Ladoron's eyes turned red, he still tried his best. Kano felt some pity and sympathy inexplicably in his heart.


And Angel, where is she?

Kano climbed up from the carriage unsteadily and looked around.

He stood at a high position and had a good line of sight. It only took him a few breaths to find traces of the angel in the crowd.

The slender snow-white figure was bathed in the golden sunlight.

Standing on top of the dunes.

Her eyes were calm, as if she had expected this to happen. She looked at the poisoned Oasis without saying a word, and seemed to be thinking about something seriously.


Kano turned over and jumped off the carriage, quickly coming to Sanguinius's side. "You have the ability to prophesy. Have you ever seen what happened today?"

"No." Sanguinius shook his head. "I can only see a vague corner of the future, full of random and uncertain traps. I cannot predict exactly what is happening. But it is obvious that in the future, Before executing an important decision, it is necessary to conduct preliminary investigations and prepare for the worst-case scenario. Such a tragedy could have been avoided——"

The angel's eyes were clear and soft, and there was a sigh in his voice.

"I'm sorry, this is my dereliction of duty." Radolon walked over tiredly, his voice losing its usual iron determination.

"This is not entirely your fault."

Kano patted Ladoron on the shoulder, rarely taking the initiative to comfort others:

"The migration of the tribe is related to each of us, and the burden should not be placed on you alone. Angels all make mistakes, not to mention that you and I are only mortals. Moreover, under the circumstances at the time, we did not have enough time and Resources make things perfect.”


Radolon closed his eyes and nodded.

At that moment, Kano almost suspected that he was hallucinating.

"Everything in the past is a prologue."

Sanguinius put his hand on Radolon's shoulder as well, and she laughed.

The smile on the angel's face was like sunshine, dispelling the black gloom and unwillingness that had accumulated in Ladoron's heart. Sanguinius spoke, "As long as we are alive, there will always be a solution to our problems. Stay in the present and look forward, and you will find a way out."

"Don't you..." Ladoron chewed the words, his eyes bursting with light.

He noticed that more and more people were paying attention here, like a spotlight falling on the angel.

The sounds of crying and howling gradually disappeared, and the eyes were full of expectation. Although the oasis in the fairy tale has been destroyed, the angel is still there. Perhaps, there is still a chance for everything to turn around.

"I'm exhausted."

Sanguinius removed his hand from Radolon's shoulder and walked into the crowd.

The light of the morning sun shone from behind her, coating her body with a sacred golden glow. She continued to speak among the crowd, without concealing her emotions.

"It breaks my heart to see this," she told the group.

We have come for a beautiful goal along the way, and it is precisely because of such a vision that we have the motivation to overcome the many difficulties we encounter.

We all believe that as long as we reach this place, we can start a wonderful life.

No more worrying about food and water, no more being frightened by the roar of engines at night, no more being troubled by red mist and deadly radiation.


When we got here, we discovered that it was all just a beautiful fantasy. "

"Hope is dashed.

Those evil mutants destroyed our last home, placed His corpse on the dry land, and taunted us wantonly.

They will laugh at our pain and despair. Will carefully savor the scenes of compatriots scolding and hating each other. We have almost forgotten that it is not our compatriots who lead us into the abyss, but the mutants who tear people alive. They are cruel and cunning, using such a vicious method to completely defeat us. "

“Will we give up, fall into despair, blame each other and become nothing more than cattle, as they want us to?”

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