Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 39: A loving father and a filial son, Abaddon (please follow up)

come down!

come down!

come down!

A feeling of weightlessness appeared in the angel's consciousness.

Just when she was about to spread her wings, the feeling of weightlessness disappeared in an instant.

When she opened her eyes, the picture in front of her was being distorted into a blurry mosaic. With the steady heartbeat, everything she saw was becoming more detailed and realistic.

She has left the contemplative storeroom.

In its place is a long corridor.

This corridor is very familiar. It is the same keel corridor that Horus once led him through when he arrived on the Vengeful Spirit not long ago.

The floor under your feet, the glazed dome above your head, the huge pillars on both sides, and even the ever-changing light of stars and nebulae are all the same, and you can barely notice any difference.

Sanguinius could smell the elegant incense in the air.

You can also feel the sizzling sound of electricity coming from the engine running in the floor beneath your feet.

When she was curious about all this, the voice of Horus reached her ears again.

"How about the dream weaved by the Thinker? This battle is a scene I have carefully set up. You lead the soldiers of the Ninth Legion to jump gangs, while I lead the soldiers of the Sixteenth Legion to guard the central control room. If you don't If you like this kind of scene, we can also choose other maps, no problem.”

Horus briefly introduced the rules, with a searching tone in his tone.

"Everything in front of you is exactly the same as what happened in real life. The technology of the golden age is really amazing."

Sanguinius said, "This is a good scenario, no need to bother."

The voice on Horus' side was slightly silent.

Then there was a laugh, "I can feel your fiery fighting spirit. Our souls are all shaped for war. In this case, then get ready."





The moment the countdown ended, a violent explosion came from deep inside the battleship.

Fiery flames spurted out from the sealed cabin like a waterfall.

The gorgeous glass dome overhead shattered, and countless tiny glass fragments fell from the sky like raindrops. The cable as thick as a python was torn apart by a huge force, and the electric light flashed in the dim environment.

The smell of blood and gunpowder smoke came from the end of the corridor along with the hot black smoke, lingering in the nasal cavity, making the angel's blood flow speed up and his muscles tighten.

She heard footsteps.

Two rows of Luna Wolf veterans wearing moon-white armor sprang out from the cabins on both sides of the corridor.

Although it is only a product simulated using data, it is not much inferior to the real Astartes warriors.

They were stronger than most of the mutants Sanguinius encountered on Baal, and were proficient in various tactics and coordinated with each other. They were equipped with the most sophisticated armor and weapons in the Empire.


Draco-type heavy bolters, laser cannons, and heavy firepower composite weapons that only veterans of hundreds of battles are qualified to use fired simultaneously.

Destructive flames spurted out from the thick barrel.

Sanguinius' amber eyes narrowed slightly, and she had already noticed the footsteps of these veterans before they appeared.

And it wasn't just the Primarch's own reflexes that came into play, her prophetic powers were also at work. After unifying Baal, her connection with the two angels in the Warp seemed to become even stronger.

This is not necessarily a good thing.

But it did bring some unexpected changes to Sanguinius.

For example, her ability to predict has been enhanced. It is no longer just some unpredictable random pictures, but can be extended to the future for a period of time using the current time and space as the anchor point.

This ability is a gift from a guardian angel.


The wide corridor didn't provide the angel with more cover, but the wings gave her extra mobility.

With just two light movements, like a dancer dancing in a violent storm, she was able to dodge all the dense firepower, leaving not even a trace of burning on the armor.

Sanguinius folded his wings and knelt to gather strength.

Just when she was about to charge.


Amid the violent tremors in the entire hall, the Achilles-type gauntlet assault craft painted crimson tore through the thick armor on both sides of the corridor and rushed into the battlefield.

Lines of veterans of the Ghost Legion joined the battlefield ferociously like bloodthirsty beasts.

They first fired a volley to suppress fire.

Then a large amount of smoke is released to interfere with the opponent's sight and battlefield perception system, and then they launch an attack to drag the battle into the rhythm they are best at - close combat!

The chainsword burst out with a monster-like howl, slicing through the armor's ceramite shell amid sparks.

The super-large power ax slashed violently amidst the butcher's ferocious laughter, splitting a Luna Wolf veteran who had no time to dodge in half from the shoulder to the waist on the other side. The armor that was carefully polished from ceramic steel and plastic steel was as fragile as rotten wood in the face of this cruel weapon, unable to provide any obvious defensive effect.

The battle is brutal and fast.

The Astartes warriors of the two legions decided the winner in a very short time.

The warriors of the Ghost Legion achieved an overwhelming victory, but they also paid a bloody price in dangerous close combat.

Some people completely fell into a pool of blood, and some people's limbs were mutilated. Although it was just a simulated scene, the angel who saw this scene couldn't help but sigh softly.

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Such tactics are a bit too barbaric.

Moreover, there is still a long way to go.

"Charge with me!" She quickly focused her attention on the battlefield in front of her, raised the dyed red blade in her hand, and gave the order.

The warriors of the Ghost Legion roared and followed behind their Primarch.


"Damn it!"

In the martial arts training ground, Togaton's worried voice sounded, "If you let your father know about this, he will definitely twist your head off."

"Hmph." Abaddon, who had a bunch of braids on his head, said disapprovingly, "If every threat can bring me a throne coin, I should be able to almost get half a ship of Vengeful Spirits by now. The number was bought."

Four of the mourners.

At this time, he was sitting in the corner of the martial arts arena, watching the image projected on Abaddon's gauntlet attentively.

What was playing on the screen was the battlefield between the two primarchs Horus and Sanguinius.

"The battle between the two original bodies! Although it is just a simulation, it is precious. We may not see it once in our lifetime. If you don't want to see it, you can leave now. I promise you in the name of the first company commander, I will never give you away at that time.”


Togaton said cheerfully, "The punishment my father gave me will only make me suffer for a while. If I miss this battle, I will live in regret for the rest of my life."

"But, having said that, this Sanguinius, uh, aunt—it is true that a person cannot be judged by his appearance."

Togaton is humorous and a living treasure of the Sixteenth Legion.

Whether he is a new recruit who has just joined the legion or the top wolf god Horus, he is very fond of him.

"She was a completely different person on the battlefield and in private, a ruthless and efficient warrior beneath her dancerly grace."

Little Horus Asymmond spoke. In the picture, Sanguinius swooped down from the sky. With just one strike of his sword, four veterans of the Luna Wolves fell in a pool of blood.

"This fight - simply! Unfair!"

The sound of gnashing teeth, containing the smell of anger and blood, came all at once.


Abaddon screamed strangely, suddenly realizing something was wrong.

He turned around and saw the bloody face of Garnett of the Ghost Legion behind him.

Except for this notorious cruel butcher, soldiers from different legions were all gathered together, with their heads touching their heads and their arms touching their arms, forming a large, dark mass. There was unconcealable excitement and excitement in everyone's eyes.


A champion in the War Dog Legion said with a smile, "My most beloved cousin, you don't want to keep this kind of precious scene privately."

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