Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 42 Live up to the blood of Sanguinius! (Seeking for further reading)

Kano walked to the weapons rack next to the martial arts arena.

There are a dazzling array of halberds and swords on the shelf, and hooks and flails are next to spikes.

There are various kinds of instruments between the fist blade and buckler.

Among them he selected a capable battle-axe. It is indeed thick, but the incomplete blade makes it not look that sharp.

Nero Purvis stood before him.

He is a tall warrior, a veteran of the 10th Company of the Luna Wolves.

He wore black breeches and boots, and a loose waistcoat on his upper body. There are traces of mechanical modification on his left hand, with a centipede-like twisted scar at the end, which looks very conspicuous. Although it is ferocious, it represents a special honor.

In a certain gang-hopping battle against the Eldar.

Purvis' palm was caught in the broken steel bracket. He cut off his left hand with the chain sword without hesitation and joined the battlefield.

And he protected his teammates in this cruel war. This brave act was commended by Horus, the primarch of the 16th Legion himself, and also won Purvis' reputation among the expedition fleet.


Purvis was his instructor.

At the entreaty of Sanguinius, these veterans of the Luna Wolves would be responsible for instructing them in Astartes tactics and methods of warfare, and most importantly, maintaining their loyalty to the Emperor and the Imperium.

They are war angels created by the Emperor himself, dedicated only to death and to scorching the demons and monsters in the universe.

Cano looks much taller than Purvis.

This comes from Baobao's special gift.

Parcel itself is a low-gravity planet, and the people living here are generally taller than the people on other planets. The cruel natural environment on Bawei and the endless killing and killing of mutants make everyone who can survive in it become an outstanding warrior.

Only with a strong body and extraordinary courage can one survive in the cruel radiation purgatory.

Kano himself is extremely strong, and the nineteen transformation surgeries performed by the Space Marines have elevated this strength to an inhuman level.

The average height of most Astartes monks is around 2.5 meters, but Kano is almost 2.8 meters tall, and the muscles on his body are slender and strong, just like the original body himself, full of strength and coordinated beauty.

But his strong physique did not give Kano the confidence to win.

He was in the ring with Purvis.

The latter had a smile on his face, his modified left hand was wrapped with a spiked chain, and his right hand was an ordinary long sword forged from black iron.

The muscles all over his body stretched freely, like a horse walking on the grassland. But that dangerous sense of pressure made Kano breathe quickly and clench his teeth, as if he was a prey being targeted by a hunter.

"I'm going to start."

Kano gasped, his voice forced out from between his teeth. He raised the battle ax in his hand, already in an attack stance.

"I'm right here, I can start at any time." Purvis nodded slightly.


Kano leaned forward and jumped out in the blink of an eye.

Power, power that he had never felt before, burst out in his muscles.

He felt that what was surging in his veins was no longer blood, but hot magma.

He can run close to a hundred meters in one breath, and can also swing seven or eight deadly blades in the blink of an eye.


He feels like he is a monster now.

A war machine harnessed by human thought and angelic virtue.


Purvis held the long sword behind his back to block.

Gold and iron collided, sparks burst out, and at the same time, vague memories gradually became clear in Kano's brain.


This is a closed secret room filled with holy incense.

Ritual candles were lit in the four corners of the room, and the weak light could not dispel the darkness in the secret room. Darkness enveloped him like an icy mist. Kano had a severe headache, and his consciousness was churning and churning like it was being torn apart.

He remembers gasping.

In the scarlet peripheral vision, one could vaguely see his companions shrouded in darkness.

Radolon, the poet Kelly, and the Tara brothers from the Mesa tribe who put on this bad face all day long. They were all kneeling here, wearing only ceremonial crotch cloths, and their strong muscles were undulating violently like galloping war horses with heavy breathing sounds.

He held the Holy Grail containing the blood meal in his hand, and the gene seeds of the Immortal Nine were soaked in blood.


He felt like he was being roasted in a furnace.

Large swaths of sweat seeped out from the sticky pores, and then gurgled along the curves of the muscles under the influence of gravity.

He longed to drink the blood from the Holy Grail.

But now is not the time.

He must persist.


An angel with ice-white wings appeared in front of him.

Her entire being seemed to be made of shadow, with just a hint of flesh used to shape gender.

Cold and soft light emanated from the wings behind the angel, shrouding the body and dispelling the almost unbearable heat.

The fragrance of blood.

Kano breathed heavily, looking greedily at the Holy Grail in the angel's hand.

The same Holy Grail has different functions.

The Holy Grail in the angel's hand is a cruel blood-drawing device, made of golden oxidized metal.

Dense black spikes lined the bottom of the Holy Grail, which was hollow inside. The sharp spikes pierced the angel's flawless white palm, greedily sucking sweet blood from it. Slowly injected into the metal Holy Grail in the upper part.


The Holy Grail slowly tilted, and a drop of blood from the original body fell into the cutlery in Kano's hand.

As the two completely different bloods merged into one.

First, a ripple spread in the blood meal, and then began to boil violently.

A large number of bubbles surged upwards with a gurgling sound, and the ups and downs of the gene seed received the activation signal at this moment.

It beat violently like a heart, and then melted into the Holy Grail, making it extremely viscous.

Live up to the blood of Sanguinius!

Kano shouted silently in his heart, and then raised his head to drink the blood meal in the Holy Grail.

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