Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 48 The First War (please follow up)

When the Spirit of Vengeance jumped out of the warp and entered the physical universe of the Tagar system, Sanguinius was about to go to Horus' private meeting room to ask for the detailed battle plan of this operation.

There are a total of five planets in the Tagar system.

They are the fortress world Ossinis, the administrative world Pentalos, two agricultural worlds and a mineral planet rich in metals.

These five planets are occupied by the mutant empire called Tagar.

In the Old Night Era.

Tagar inherited a lot of advanced biological transformation technology. They stitched humans and other creatures together to create a powerful army.

The imperial government department once tried to send envoys to communicate with Tagar's royal court, hoping to complete the recovery of this lost planet in the most peaceful way possible.

But obviously, such an attempt failed.

The emperor of the Tagar Empire responded in a cruel and barbaric way. They brutally killed the envoys sent by the empire, cut off their heads, replaced them with the heads of wild beasts, and sent the twisted bodies back to the empire's expedition fleet.

Such behavior.

It is undoubtedly a blasphemy against the glory of the emperor.

Since the problem cannot be solved peacefully, the Angel of Death will surely lead the Emperor's wrath from the sky.


The main force of the 16th Legion was dispatched to this star region.

And the warriors of the 9th Legion were also gathering towards the administrative world Pentalos.

In the original plan, Horus and Sanguinius would work together to capture the fortress world Ossinis. The battle of the administrative world Pentalos would be handed over to Sanguinius and her 9th Legion.

This would also be the first time she fought independently with her own legion since returning to the Empire.

The Ghost Legion, which had been split for decades, would also gather again at the call of the Primarch and fight as a legion.

Everything was a new beginning.

The angel was looking forward to meeting the heirs of her legion, but she was also full of uneasiness in her heart.

She walked briskly to the door of Horus's private meeting room.

In order to show the close relationship between the two, Horus specially left a back door for Sanguinius in this meeting room.

Without notification, she can enter this conference room at any time and anywhere, and call up all the equipment in it, check the data stored in it, etc.

This back door is on the left side of the conference room.

It presents a huge arch.

A string of black pearls and jade beads curtains hang down from the arch, covering the scene inside.

Sanguinius's snow-white wings touched the beads, and when she was about to enter the conference room, she heard the sound of fierce quarrels coming from inside.

The four leaders of the Mourning Society are here, and Horus is of course here.

The angry Abaddon stood in front of the few people, and Horus was only separated by a table.

His hair was furious, his hands were on the black table, his body leaned forward, and he looked directly into his father's eyes without fear. His voice was so loud that the bead curtain in front of Sanguinius was shaking back and forth.

"You can't take this risk!" Abaddon roared, "They have completely betrayed the truth of the Empire. Thousands of years of physical transformation and genetic fusion have made them no longer considered real humans. You must take extreme measures!" "I must!?" Horus responded with a louder roar: "Am I the Primarch of the 16th Legion or are you the Primarch? Remember your identity. You are just a dog-headed military advisor who gives me advice. If I am unhappy, I can kick your ass at any time and ask you to clean the toilet on the lower deck! What qualifications do you have to tell me what to do in this matter!" "I don't need your command at all. You know how to fight this battle!" "Get out of here!" Horus cursed, picked up the wine glass at hand and threw it hard to the ground. The glass was smashed on the iron deck. He gritted his teeth and glared at his captain, and the voice seemed to be squeezed out from his teeth: "Get out of here, disappear from my sight before I decide to throw you back into the toilet!" Abaddon's eyes were wide open for a long time. Bah! He spat on the ground and turned away with big strides.

The remaining three were stunned by what Abaddon did at this time, and they didn't know how to react for a while.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Sanguinius watched the show with relish, and then walked slowly from behind the arch.

She was wearing a pure white Ionic priest dress, with a red-gold chain hanging around her waist, and a bowl of blueberry-like fruit in one hand.

She seemed to come in the bright moonlight, and when she appeared in the room, the tense atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

"Oh, it's great to meet you."

Togaton praised with an exaggerated expression, "You are simply my Artemis. How I wish I could have the ability to manipulate words like Sinderman (the preacher, the founder of the Inquisition), so that I can write a poem to praise you."

"I think your ability to speak eloquently is not inferior to Sinderman. It's a waste of your talent that you can't become a preacher."

Asimand, known as the Little Horus, grinned with a sinister smile, and then bowed to Sanguinius: "My lord, it is really a pleasure to see you at this time. Take our father from Only you can regain your senses from rage."

"No, I believe our father can do the same."

Sanguinius said with a smile, and then looked at Sejanus.

She spoke in a pleading voice, "Can you tell me what happened here? Abaddon and my brother are both restrained and wise generals. I have rarely seen such outbursts of anger in them."

"In short, it is a conflict regarding mission execution decisions."

Sejanus glanced at Horus and saw that the latter had indeed become quiet. Then he felt relieved and spoke boldly:

"My father believes that we should carry out precise strikes on the fortress world of Osinis to minimize harm to civilians and try to recover natural resources and biotechnology left over from the old night era."

Sejanus thought for a while and added:

"Osinis means ocean in the language of the Tagal Empire. Beneath this fortress world is thousands of meters of ice, which is extremely precious."

"Abaddon, on the other hand, believes that this world is hopeless, and an extermination order should be issued directly to serve as a warning and at the same time reduce the legion's battle losses. Both of them have their own reasons, but obviously Horu Sir Si's order cannot be questioned."

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