Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 54 No, I haven’t yet (please follow up)

When Kano returned to the hall of the Vengeful Spirit from the cruel battlefield of the Orkanis planet in the Thunderhawk gunship, a banquet was being held here.

The size of the banquet was not large, but the atmosphere was very warm.

The purpose of this banquet was not to celebrate the victory on the planet Okanis, but to say goodbye.

If I use more accurate words to describe it, it should be looking forward to the next visit.

He spent almost two years aboard the Vengeful Spirit.

In this period of time.

Kano learned war and combat skills from the veterans of the 16th Legion, and passed the examination in actual combat.

He proved his valor through outstanding performance on the battlefield of Orkanis and earned his first honor as a Warrior of the Astartes.

This is something to remember.

But it also means that the time of separation is coming.

The reception hall was filled with the light of electric candles, and the melodious tunes of Ginatas hymns slowly came from the brass speakers hung on the walls, like cheerful water flowing through the woods. In the center of the hall, strong photon tiles are laid, on which are projected the nine planets of the solar system, which rotate around the sun, and every detail on the planets is clearly visible.

among these planets.

Terra is the most conspicuous. In ancient legends, this planet looks beautiful blue-green from space, but that was many thousands of years ago.

The last ocean on Terra evaporated during the Unification War. The planet has completely lost its ability to be self-sufficient and must continue to draw nutrients from other planets to feed its hundreds of billions of people.

Outside the solar system, there are many long tables.

On the red soft tablecloth are various types of melons, fruits, and wine pulp. The raw materials of these foods come from the world of death. Even with the superhuman physical fitness of the Astartes, they can taste the stimulating sensory taste, which is valuable.

Soldiers from hundreds of legions gathered here, chatting and making noise, and the atmosphere was very joyful.

When the two original bodies appeared in the hall.

The atmosphere reached its peak. Amidst the cheers of landslides and tsunamis, the two sons of the emperor embraced each other and gave each other the gifts they had prepared.

The gift prepared by the angel was a black wolf carved from Ice plastic steel, about the same height as the Astartes and more than five meters long. Although it is a dead object, it is lifelike. The red eyes exude a majesty that cannot be looked directly at. Wisps of cold air emerge from this great work of art. There are traces of frost on the surrounding walls. .

The gift from Horus was a gorgeous cloak.

The cloak has black spots and white stripes. This cloak was woven by the Wolf God himself from the fur of the Canoton beast. The lurker's head on the ice was preserved and molded into a huge hood, which looked majestic, and every hair on it shone with metallic cold light.

Kano's mind was immersed in this special moment, and he was daydreaming.

The Luna Wolves are indeed a disciplined army, and have given the Imperium the most worlds so far during the Great Crusade.

He could not forget the majestic scene of the two Primarchs fighting side by side on the icy plains, the Angel and the Wolfman. I don’t know when we will see this touching scene again.


A big hand patted Kano's shoulder.

He was completely unaware of Purvis' arrival and was almost startled.

"I've been looking for you on the battlefield for a long time, but I didn't expect you to sneak here." Purvis was still wearing the Terminator armor, with mottled blood stains still on it.

He was not wearing a helmet, and was holding a huge cigar in his mouth. As he spoke, wisps of smoke spewed out of his mouth.

Purvis reached out and patted Cano on the shoulder, and the two embraced.

"this is for you."

Purvis took out a long, narrow power sword from his magnetic belt.

The blade of this sword is black, and the light of the electric candle flows on it, making it look extremely sharp.

"This sword is called Etch. It is the equipment I used in my early years. Countless enemies of mankind died under the blade of this power sword." Purvis said, "However, after equipped with this set of Terminator power, Queen A, this weapon is a bit unsuitable for me, and now I can put it in your hands."

"Teacher, I won't let it down!"

Kano excitedly reached out and took it, admiring this well-made power sword.

"We have to live. I hope we have a chance to fight side by side next time." Purvis waved his hand towards Kano, who seemed to have other things to be busy with.

After leaving Kano with his back, the tall body disappeared gracefully at the end of the dark corridor.

The banquet ended in a reluctant atmosphere.

Kano followed Sanguinius through the shuttle and boarded another battleship, The Scarlet Liberty.

This is an Avenger-class heavy battleship built for the Ninth Legion, with a length of 7.5 kilometers, a fin width of about 1.8 kilometers, and a mass of 40 million tons. There are more than 100,000 crew members just to maintain its functions.

This level of battleship is the largest model in the Empire's conventional fleet after the Queen of Glory. Its 42 broadside weapon arrays are enough to destroy all enemies of the Empire.

In addition to the new recruits of the Ninth Legion such as Kano and Radolon, and a few veterans like Garnet, they were also accompanied by two entire companies of Terminator veterans from the Luna Wolves, headed by Abaddon and Togadon. Two outstanding company commanders.

They came according to the order of the Wolf God and were responsible for serving as the honor guard of the angels.

If necessary, they will also join the battle to pacify the world of Pentalos.

On the deck of the Scarlet Liberty.

Togadon and Abaddon stood on either side of Sanguinius, bathed in the angel's glory. Watching the icy blue figure of the Okanis planet travel farther and farther in the endless starry sky until it completely disappears.

"Sir, you have been absent-minded since you left the Vengeful Spirit. Are you reluctant to leave our Wolf Shepherd?"

"Torgadun, I will miss the time we fought side by side for a long time in the future. But for now, this is not what I am thinking about." The angel said with a smile.

"That must be because of your heir."

Abaddon considered, "You are nervous about this."

"No, Ezekiel," Sanguinius replied with a harmless lie.

"If it were me, I would definitely feel nervous." Togaton said with a smirk, "No doubt you are used to a certain level of quality by now, my lord. What if they are not warriors like us? Wouldn't that be Will it break your heart?"

"Tariq is right."

With a harmless smile on his face, Abaddon added: "We've spoiled you rotten."

"My dear nephew." Angel covered his forehead with his hand and shrugged his shoulders, "If my legion lacks the tenacity you have shown, then I hope they also lack your inflated self-confidence and pride."


Abaddon and Togaton laughed at the same time.

"Sir, are you ready for your speech? When we first met our father, Luperkar gave us a grand sermon. Brotherhood, mission, responsibility... all kinds of topics are covered. I Let me tell you, it’s quite heartwarming.”

Toghadun took out the narrative board from his tactical backpack, which also contained pictures and video data left behind.

Sanguinius has studied this information no less than a hundred times in the past three years, from body movements to facial expressions to every word spoken. Of course, it also includes the most important emotion that neutralizes it all, all of which Sanguinius thought deeply about.

For three years, she had been preparing for what was to come all the time, and there was not even an hour when she was not thinking about what she was going to say.

However, when Abaddon asked her if she was ready.

Sanguinius sighed and said honestly, "No, I haven't yet."

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