Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 57 Blood Thirst (Part 1) (Please follow up)

A world was executed.

The planet Pentalus, the only remaining capital of the Tagal Mutant Empire, is in front of Kano.

A city complex surrounded by huge walls stood on the once fertile plain. The outer fortifications were attacked by many parties at the same time and burned on all sides.

The atmosphere turned into burning sheets of promethium vapor, the fields churned into boiling toxic quagmire, and the defensive fortresses that had withstood every uprising and xenos invasion in the old nights and dark ages now stood as smoking heaps of rubble.

In the shadow caused by the raging fire, he could no longer see any resistance.

Those mutants, they were being driven, pushed back, buried alive by the crumbling fortress around them.

Kano spent a lot of effort before he found a resistance force of the enemy from the incomplete ruins around him, which was a group of mutants wearing black carapace combat uniforms.

Those mutants who have been genetically modified for more than ten generations are tall and almost as tall as Space Marines.

According to the anatomy results from previous battles, the thick armor on their bodies was not some kind of implant, but grew directly from the body.

They held spear-like weapons in their hands.

The length of this weapon is between two and three meters, and it can not only exert considerable lethality in medium and short range.

Moreover, even when facing enemies from a distance, the spear can eject a blue neon tube-like laser that is powerful enough to blow up an entire wall. Even the power armor worn by Space Marines cannot provide perfect protection.

But the disadvantage is that their attack frequency is too low and their attack pre-swing time is too long.

Unless it is an ambush in advance for a sneak attack.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to cause effective damage to the Space Marines.

When Kano saw this group of mutant warriors hiding in the abandoned round tower, their fate was already doomed.


Two lasers burst out towards Kano.

Kano easily dodged with a short body. When they were about to shoot a second time, Kano's tall and burly figure was already close to their bodies.


The black power sword named "Etch" was taken off his belt by Kano.

His thumb gently rubbed the activation rune on the hilt of the sword, and a decomposition position like burning flames was already close to the surface of the sword blade.

The vibration that makes people feel comfortable is continuously coming from the hilt of the sword.

Generally speaking.

Power swords are much more expensive than chainswords and are more lethal.

The former's decomposition stance can split almost any currently known armor. There is no difference between the expensive Terminator armor and ordinary armor in front of the power sword.

Although the chain sword can cause exaggerated damage to flesh and blood entities, it is far behind various kinetic energy weapons in terms of armor breaking.

For new recruits like Cano.

Being able to own a power sword is something to be happy about, not to mention that "Etching" is the best of its kind.

Purvis' serious face reappeared in his memory.

He will not let down the teacher's expectations, nor will he let down this sword.


The etching draws a graceful arc in mid-air.

Two heads rose in response.

The biological armor on the mutants' chin not only failed to provide the protection it should have, but instead slowed down their reaction speed, becoming a fatal flaw.


Two numbers bounced on the kill counter on the upper left corner of Kano's helmet.

He felt happier.

When Kano was about to kill several mutants hiding behind him, a gray wind blew past him.

Their movements were so fast that they were a blur, and they made no sound at all.

Like a group of gray ghosts.

Kano was stunned for almost half a second before he realized that those who just passed by him were his blood relatives from the same legion.

When he finally came to his senses, the corpses of seven or eight mutants fell to the ground.

The veterans of the Ninth Legion also disappeared.

"No -"

Kano's heart beat violently, and he realized a terrible fact, if he couldn't make his actions faster. In the whole battle, he may only gain what these two people have.

This was not the first time he had fought alongside Space Marine veterans.

In his eyes.

If the soldiers of the Sixteenth Legion were a pack of wolves with strict discipline and a measured advance and retreat.

Then these veterans of the Ninth Legion in front of them are a group of efficient and accurate killing weapons.

As a group, they lacked the necessary coordination, but as individuals, their cruel and savage combat efficiency was elevated to an exaggerated level.

Kano started running.

He didn't want to have only this inconsequential gain in a huge battle.

He would be laughed at by Baal's new recruits for hundreds of years to come.

They will all become the butt of jokes after dinner.


Kano rushed out from the crumbling defensive building and returned to the street.

The war is still going on, but it is almost coming to an end.

When he looked up, he saw the archangel's figure passing by in the fiery sky.

Several turrets placed on the tower fired at her figure, but the latter easily dodged it.

Dense chains of ammunition flew past the angel's broad wings, but none of the tens of thousands of warheads could actually cause damage to the angel.

She was like an ice-white petrel passing through the storm, but her wings were not wet. Every movement of the archangel was full of incredible beauty.

Kano knows.

Angels have a special perspective.

Ordinary people can only see what is happening in front of them, but angels can see what will happen in the future.

It is precisely because of this unique ability that angels can lead the people of Bawei out of difficulties and step by step towards final victory and liberation.

But now, when the angel comes from the desert to the sea of ​​​​stars, this ability seems to have grown a lot again, and it is almost impossible to cause damage to the angel with long-range firepower.


The angel folded his wings and began to dive.

She fell into the city's central barrier, and the huge impact tore the surrounding walls apart.

The bodies of seven or eight mutants were directly torn and shattered by the roaring force, while the surviving soldiers swarmed forward.

They are the most elite soldiers in the Tagal Kingdom. Their bodies have been highly mutated and modified for the war. They wear heavy steel armor and hold shining energy swords. However, they can only struggle desperately in the last fortress.

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