Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 59 Blood Thirst (Part 2) (please follow up)

Kano tightened his grip on the power sword in his hand, getting ready for battle.

He was excited, but he didn't act rashly. The Space Marines created by the Emperor are indeed very strong, possessing physical fitness that far exceeds that of ordinary people and the most advanced weapons and armor, but this does not mean that they have no enemies.

Some of the biological weapons secretly cultivated by the Tagal Mutant Empire can even compete with the original body in a short period of time. Kano cannot guarantee that he will be a match for those monsters.

But he is fearless.

He first looked at his surroundings.

The burning ruins in front of me were once a bustling shopping mall with very high floors. Even the figure of Astartes looked very wide when walking among them.

The originally neatly arranged containers were torn open into a corridor by some kind of barbaric violence. All kinds of messy goods were scattered on the ground randomly. Blood and industrial products were mixed together and burned by the flames, giving off a pungent smell.

-The smell excites him.

He walked forward and saw the same body in the shadow of the container.

It was pale, soft, and drained of all the blood. The difference was that the bite marks on the neck became more ferocious and brutal, almost tearing off the poor egg's entire head.


The fire caused the steel supports to expand due to heat, making the stress-bearing structure itself fragile in the process.

Armsfuls of wooden boards were burning with flames and falling from the ceiling, bringing up large clouds of black smoke.

Kano dodged sideways and continued forward.

Deep in the mall, where the artillery fire had not affected, the drainage system malfunctioned, and sewage poured out from the damaged pipes, almost covering Kano's feet. Strip emergency lights are hung from the ceiling or attached to the wall, emitting a flickering red light.

The piercing and monotonous siren sounded continuously from the store outside.

At a dark corner, Kano saw the bloody traces of the body being dragged. He continued forward and heard a discordant note in the rushing water.

That is--

The sound of flesh being torn and gnawed.

"caught you!"

Kano looked forward to the ensuing battle. He held down the bolter with his left hand and the "etched" sword hilt with his right hand. The center of gravity sank, and he shot forward violently. His speed was so fast that he almost left a bloody afterimage in the air.


Aim your gun, fire and shoot.

At the critical moment, Kano raised the muzzle of the gun, and the explosive bomb hit the metal pipe above. The rusty iron pipe exploded directly, and a large amount of sewage poured out from it. A putrid smell filled the air.

"what's the situation!"

Kano ducked over the beam and walked forward.

The person squatting in the shadows in front of him was not the monster he expected, but a space warrior wearing gray power armor.

His helmet was thrown aside and he was holding something in his hand and licking it.

As Kano strides forward.

He looked over the shoulder of the gray-armored veteran and saw a pitiful mutant who had been disemboweled in front of him. This guy's abdomen was completely torn open, and his internal organs were thrown into the sewage. Blood and pink-white rugged small intestine were accumulated in the abdomen.

"Brother, what on earth are you doing?" Kano felt his scalp numb when he saw this scene, feeling indescribably weird.

He reached out and patted the gray-armored veteran on the shoulder. The latter slowly turned around, revealing a terrifying face stained red with blood.

The exposed flesh on his teeth, chin, and neck were all stained red by the alien blood, and his eyes were also red, like a beast that had lost its mind.

Kano saw the hunger in the veteran's eyes.

The skin on his neck felt numb, which was the instinct of being targeted by a wild beast.

"Something is not right about your situation." Kano squinted his eyes and stepped back step by step to maintain a certain safe distance. He tried to use words to calm the veteran's emotions, "Do you need me to call the pharmacist to come and help you?"


Such attempts obviously have no effect.

A beast-like roar exploded deep in the semi-enclosed shopping mall.

Kano's scalp was numb and his whole body was shaking. There was nothing worse than fratricide. When the gray-armored veteran rushed toward him, he didn't know how to react.

In the ring, training instincts saved him countless times.


Etched out of sheath.

The two power swords collided together without any fancy.

Kano felt a huge force rushing towards him. He seemed to have been hit head-on by an armored vehicle traveling at full speed, and his body staggered back uncontrollably.

"This power!"

Kano gritted his teeth, realizing that the Gray Armored Veteran had surpassed the category of Space Marine at this time.

Is he being controlled by the enemy?

No time to think too much.

The gray-armored veteran sprinted forward again, and the power sword in his hand was thrown away in a hurry.


The veteran approached quickly with his shoulder.

Like a rhinoceros, Kano's body rose into the air and fell into the sewage in a panic.

The figure of the veteran became tall and deadly from Kano's perspective, walking forward step by step, holding a bloody power sword in his hand, like a life-threatening death.


Kano gritted his teeth and raised his hand to release a bolt of thunder.

This is the first time he has used his psychic powers against an enemy since becoming a Space Marine.

The transformation surgery and gene seeds not only strengthened Kano's physical fitness, but also strengthened his connection with the subspace.

The psychic lightning he summons is even more powerful.


Thick purple-black electric arcs rolled over the veteran's armor.

His body was frozen in place, twitching unnaturally, but he was not knocked down.

It took about ten breaths.

Kano was panting, the last bit of spiritual energy drained out of him.

With a tearing headache and a blurry vision, the monster-like Space Marine was still not knocked down, staggering towards him.


Kano felt gloomy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, he would die here inexplicably before he could become famous all over the world.

What a shame!

He tried to shoot, but the veteran kicked the weapon out of his hand first.

He kept moving, barely being paralyzed by the psychic lightning. The blood-colored power sword drew a perfect arc, and with the roar of the servo system, it stabbed straight towards Kano's throat!


The red sword light swept across.

The ice-white wings illuminated the darkness, and the sword hilt turned into a golden light and stabbed the veteran's chest.

The veteran flew backwards without any resistance, making a huge dent in the ceramic-paved wall. The cracks twisted and spread, and there were also signs of damage on his breastplate.

Kano didn't know if he was dreaming. It took him a whole breath to realize that the angel did appear here.

He was saved.

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