Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 78 Angelic Virtues (please order)

Chapter 77 Angelic Virtues (please order)

With the Beast Emperor slain.

The remaining green-skinned orcs can be roughly divided into two completely different reactions.

Some of them were scurrying around like flies on their brows, holding their toes and crying. The other part was swarming towards Vulkan and the Archangel, like a green tide. Of course they have no idea of ​​revenge for their emperor.

These orcs simply want to compete for the emperor's position.

Since Vulkan and the Archangel can kill the Emperor.

Then, as long as they can kill the two originals, they can prove that they are WAAAGH and stronger than the former emperor!


Although these orcs have the ambition of an emperor, they do not have the strength to match their ambition.

If the numbers of these Orcs were truly as endless as the tides of the ocean, then the two Primarchs would be the Moses who divided the sea. They fought back to back, slaughtering any greenskins that dared come close with astonishing efficiency. Any orc who appears within ten meters of them will be mercilessly killed.


Vulkan opened fire with the light of the iron felt.

The roaring plasma cannon tore a bloody path through the green tide, and the explosion that followed turned hundreds of orcs into powder.

The ten teams responsible for planting micro tactical nuclear bombs have returned to the hall.

Disturbed by the orc's psychic stance, the archangel's gentle and melodious voice sounded in the sizzling communication channel.

"My descendants, how is the mission accomplished?"

"all the best."

Azkelon replied, "Ten micro tactical nuclear bombs have been installed at designated locations. They will detonate in batches according to the predetermined procedure, leaving us time to retreat from the battle moon."

"Even so, we should seize the time to retreat."

The archangel made a small joke: "I don't want this to be our burial place."

"It will have no such honor, I promise." Azkelon replied.


After a simple conversation.

The wings on the archangel's back spread out and soared into the sky.

Suppose that several mechanical turrets in the upper part of the hall were swallowed up by the sparks caused by the explosion, and the orc technician staying inside was turned into a ball of bloody charcoal. Vulkan began to charge forward against the fierce attack of the orcs like a tide.

He is simply like a god of destruction with infinite power.

The green-skinned orcs in front of him were trampled to death and crushed by him cleanly, leaving corpses everywhere he went.

Those orcs who only knew destruction and war felt fear at this time. They began to scream and flee as Vulkan charged towards them. The rumbling sound of artillery fire in the distance also began to subside, and my ears were finally able to be quiet for a moment, but it seemed a little uncomfortable.

Soldiers of the 18th and 9th legions.

Follow Vulkan and evacuate from this purgatory in an orderly manner.

The termite assault drill directly penetrated the orc's battle moon from the outside to the inside, which caused the air pressure and temperature inside the battle moon to drop rapidly. The water vapor turned into a thin layer of ice and condensed on the remains of the steel, making the road extremely smooth.

Fortunately, the power armor of the Astartes warriors.

With a complete life support system and special magnetic boots, they can also ensure that they can walk on flat ground in various harsh environments.

Azkelon did not rush to retreat, but chose to stay and fight alongside his master.

The command hall was cleared of orcs.

The archangel spread his wings and descended from the sky. She noticed that Azkelon was staring at the huge corpse of the Orc Emperor, seeming to be studying something.

"What are you doing here? Do you want to take the body of this beast back?"

The Archangel asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Azkelon nodded and replied: "But it is not for scientific research, but because I want to taste the taste of this beast. What I mean is that our advanced genetic detection Measuring the glands may help you dig out some useful knowledge from the beast’s head.”

"If you can promise not to cause trouble on my beloved battleship, I can allow you to do this." The Archangel smiled and winked, "Is this also the tradition of the Ninth Legion?"

"Not so, mother."

Azkelon shrugged and replied, "It was just a whim."

The body of the Beast Emperor is dismantled.

When it was alive, the muscles on its body were harder than steel. The plasma cannon that can destroy the Empire's main battle armored vehicles hits this monster without any pain or itching. But after his death, his body was covered with a layer of white frost due to the low temperature, making it much easier to deal with.

The archangel struck the Beast Emperor's thigh twice with the dyed red blade.

An entire thigh was removed from the torso.

The archangel carried the thigh on his shoulders like a giant golf club, while Azkelon carried the beast's head behind his back. The two followed the hole left by the termite assault drill and chased the large army.

The fire on the termites has gone out.

Like the Beast Emperor, its corpse was covered with a light layer of white frost.

Looking at the wreckage of this war machine, Sanguinius felt a little sad. It seems that what died here was not a cold machine, but a living comrade. Unknowingly, her ability to predict has become stronger, and she can even directly feel the soul of the machine.

The orcs along the way were crushed by the army led by Vulkan, and the few remaining orcs were also routed.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Along the way.

Sanguinius and Azkelon faced basically no major obstacles.

So even when hauling extra weight. Sanguinius soon caught up with Vulkan who was walking at the front of the road, and they had already broken through to the surface area of ​​the Battle Moon. This is a barrier built from entire meteorites and battleship wreckage, and is several thousand meters thick.

It is precisely because of the existence of this case.

Conventional ship-based weapons have no way of affecting the battle moon.

Even when the termite assault drill penetrated this steel shell, it was very difficult. This place is very close to the outer area of ​​the battle moon, and you can see the gray universe when you look up. From time to time, two huge orange atomic flames can be seen exploding in the dark sky.

That was the Imperial fleet fighting against the Battle Moon.

"If you plan to bring back some souvenirs, the weapons of the Orc Emperor are obviously more valuable." Vulkan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his blood relative and scratched his head in confusion.

"This is not a souvenir."

The Archangel rounded the Beast Emperor's thigh, smashed the two green-skinned orcs who got lost from the crack into pulp like a mole, and stood the thigh beside him. Then he continued to answer: "This is, well, this is our ninth legion's new dish."

"A unique choice." Vulcan thought for a while, "Please prepare one for me when the time comes."

"Haha, I definitely will."

It is difficult to break into the battle moon from the outside, but it is much easier to leave from the battle moon after the mission is over.

A whole formation of Thunderhawks landed on the surface of the battle moon. Compared with the huge battle moon of the asteroid, these Thunderhawks were as small as some black dots.

They split into two parts during the Battle Moon.

Part of it revolved around the gap created by the termite assault drill, and carried out saturation shooting on the surrounding orc buildings and defense measures. The other part went directly into the battle moon along the hole and directly took the heroes away from the battlefield.

The two Primarchs Vulkan and Archangel stayed at the end, while the Astartes warriors left in an orderly manner.

"It's time to end this."

When Vulcan and Angel entered the last gunboat.

Vulkan gave the order to detonate the tactical nuclear bomb through his gauntlet.

Continuous muffled sounds came from inside the battle moon.

When the Thunderhawk formation entered the boundless starry sky, orange flames spurted out from the battle moon's riddled surface.

This vast twisted creation is collapsing and disintegrating.

Its own gravity is no longer enough to maintain the stable existence of the battle moon, as hundreds of volcanoes are violently erupting. The surface of the battle moon is covered with irregular cracks, and melted steel and rock flow inside like blood.

Thousands of meters high flames spurted out from those huge cracks, and countless orcs were swallowed up.

Some poor guys tried to escape from the Battle Moon on simple battleships, but the surrounding void had already been surrounded by two Queen of Glory battleships, the Red Tear and the Forged Flame.

Without the protection of the battle moon, those junk warships are just moving targets.

They were eliminated one by one by precise shots from the gunners.


There was another violent vibration inside the battle moon, and the magnitude of the vibration became more and more intense.

Finally, the roaring beast escaped from its cage.

This twisted creation suddenly disintegrated, and the hot waste inside spewed out, covering tens of thousands of kilometers in the starry sky.

From now on and lasting long into the future, this scar of scrap metal will remain in the outer reaches of the Talos system. It became a medal of astronomical merit commemorating the two legions fighting side by side and overcoming powerful enemies.

"This is definitely the most beautiful scenery I've seen since I stepped out of Bayadou."

A smile appeared on the angel's face.

The light of the burning flames reflected on her white neck through the glass.

"Well, this kind of scenery is indeed worth remembering." Vulcan replied, "But I think some of your qualities are more dazzling than the scenery in front of you."

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

The archangel tilted his head, with some confusion on his face, "But what qualities are they specifically..."

"Humility, love, empathy, and other things." Vulgan said with a smile: "Perhaps, we can find a chance to have a good talk. I believe that our father arranged for us to meet here. Consideration. And the process of talking with the descendants during this battle made me even more convinced of this."

"To tell you the truth, my descendants have a high opinion of you. It is not easy to convince those brats."

"I just happened to have this opportunity and did what I was supposed to do."

The archangel turned around, looked into Vulcan's eyes with his amber pupils, then smiled and said: "Of course, if you want to talk to me, you can do it at any time, I am happy to share with you no matter what the topic is. I don’t take this as a request, I take it as an honor.”


Above the death planet Atum.

Along with the collapse of the Orc Battle Moon, swarms of meteors and fire rained down from the sky.

Fortunately, the geological movement of the planet Atum itself is extremely active, and it is a well-deserved death planet. Otherwise, if the battlefield is changed to a hive world with a dense population, or some other type of world.

These steel fragments falling from the sky alone were as large as interceptor planes.

It is enough to permanently change the ecology of a planet and carefully cleanse all living things on it. More than 90% of the planet's population will die in an instant, and the remaining survivors can only survive by hiding in fortresses under the earth's crust.


A huge piece of steel fragment turned into a blazing fireball due to friction with the atmosphere.

The fireball fell from the sky, fell into the green beast tide, and exploded.

Its power exploded in an instant.

Not even inferior to the macro cannon projection of a battleship, the entire plain instantly sunk downwards, and huge cracks twisted and spread.

After a brief period of silence, the golden-red magma spewed out from the cracks like crazy. Thousands of orcs were either torn to pieces by the shock wave or drowned by the surging magma lake.

On the crazy battlefield, a large, comforting void suddenly appeared.

Amit grinned evilly when he saw this scene in front of him.

A ferocious butcher-like smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that the emperor in your mouth is finished, but don't worry, I will send you back to meet him soon, you incompetent and angry ugly beast." Amit gasped and said provocatively.

In front of him was a green-skinned warlord the size of a small mountain.

A burly body nearly twice his size, the beast was armed with a rusty power claw in his left hand and a crude shotgun in his right.

The thick plasma on the power claw is slowly dripping under the influence of gravity.

When the battle reaches its most brutal stage.

Seven Astartes beheaded the beast, hoping to destroy the beast's organizational structure. But they failed, and were torn into pieces by the brutal orc warlords, and their bloody corpses were thrown into the lava.

Even if they succeed, they will be killed by meteorites - Amit thought with some malicious intent.

"Damn can, I will tear you apart!" The orc warlord named Rat Head let out a savage roar, raised his power claw and slashed at Amit.

The power claw and chain sword collided with each other, and Amit, who was wearing Terminator power armor, was directly knocked away by the orc's brute force.

"A dead can is a good can!" the rat head roared like crazy.

It has failed.

But before he died, he wanted to take more cans to hell, but the servo system roared. A flash of blood flashed in front of the mouse's head, his perspective spun around, and his burly body fell to the ground helplessly.


Amit walked forward unsteadily and licked his saliva at the rat's dead-eyed head.

Step on its face and crush it hard: "Watch your back next time you fight."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Amit smiled and stretched out his hand. In front of him was Ladolon, who was also scarred.

Radolon snorted with disdain. But he still stretched out his hand and held it with Amit. The two of them exerted force at the same time, and the ceramic armor on their hands made a slight whine.


Busy at work, one update today!

But I still have to insist on asking for a monthly ticket QWQ

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