Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 81 All things have animism (please order)

Chapter 80 All things have animism (please order)

Sanguinius stood up slowly, and the dry plains spread out in all directions under her feet, with no end as far as the eye could see.

The light of the stars was bright and hot, and there was no cloud or fog in the sky. The hot wind blew from an unknown direction, and fine and dense gravel hit her fair skin, and some of the sand remained in her fluffy golden hair, making Sanguinius feel a little uncomfortable.

The gift of prophecy.

Sometimes he would lead her through many hallucinations uncontrollably.

In most cases, these illusions appear to be very false, and the difference between them and reality can be easily distinguished, just like a deep but clear dream. But there are also a small number of prophecies that create very realistic illusions.

Whether it was the change of light, the thin oxygen in the air, the feeling of hot wind blowing through the gravel and hitting the skin, etc., they were all the same as reality, so clear.

Even Sanguinius doubted it sometimes.

Is he in an illusory illusion, or has he really returned to Baal because of some special power.

This is not the first time she has returned here and has previous experience.

Sanguinius quickly became familiar with his surroundings.

Her feet were bare.

Trekking forward, the shallow footprints quickly disappeared into the endless wind and sand.

In the center of this desert is an ancient and mysterious altar, with nine stone pillars rising into the sky on a huge cracked base.

They are so tall that when you look up from a distance, they are like nine straight black thin lines disappearing into the blue sky.

Entering the altar, what appeared in front of Sanguinius were five pairs of small stone pillars about the height of a person.

The stone pillar on the left is carved with a black throne of thorns, while on the other side is a golden angel with wings spread out.

Each sculpture above is beautiful, shining in the sunlight, and represents the pinnacle of art and beauty.

Ten stone pillars formed a small ceremonial corridor.

Sanguinius stepped forward. The stone slabs under his feet were exposed to the sun but were not extremely hot. Instead, they had a slight coolness, like fine jade.

When the wings of the archangel passed over the last row of sculptures, a roaring explosion suddenly sounded in the sky.


She seemed to be falling, and a severe feeling of weightlessness appeared in her consciousness.

The sky above our heads was rising rapidly, so that the curved arc of the planet appeared at the end of our sight.

The boundless universe opened up in front of her, and Baal's two satellites flew across the dark sky.

Lightning symphony, thunder roars.

The huge bodies of the Destroying Angel and Guardian Angel appeared on the eternal battlefield.

The war between them has lasted for eternities.

But now the balance is changing.

When he first came to this altar, the dark angel of destruction had the upper hand.

Now, with the reunion of the Legion, planets are being liberated one after another through the fighting of the Blood Angels. The golden guardian angels also draw strength from these wars.

"You cannot deny our power."

The guardian angel waved his hand and spread out a golden light. The light turned into a bright galaxy, igniting an atomic storm of destruction on the armor of the destroying angel.

The Destroying Angel, who wore a hood and had jet-black wings, groaned, as if he had been traumatized by the previous confrontation.

But He didn't take it seriously. He tore off a piece of the dark night sky and turned it into a cloak to wrap around Himself.

The figure of the Destroying Angel briefly disappeared from Sanguinius's gaze.

When He returned to the battlefield.

Already behind the guardian angel, the long sword in his hand was slashing towards the golden angel's neck, but was blocked by the opponent's backhand with his arm armor.

The long sword and the golden armor collided with each other, and large sparks burst out.

Each of these two angels is over 10,000 feet tall.

The visions erupted from the collision of their weapons were also astonishing.

Sparks fell like meteorites from the sky. For a brief moment, Sanguinius thought Baal would be destroyed in the aftermath of the battle between the two.

"He has the upper hand for the time being." The Destroying Angel smiled coldly, "But it won't be eternity. The final victory will definitely belong to me. For us, time is like a book that we can flip through at will. Ten thousand years from now In the future, the empire you built will be nothing but ignorance, madness and despair."

He presented part of the picture to Sanguinius.

That is ten thousand years in the future.

Huge rifts tore the entire galaxy, the Astartes were killing each other, countless swarms of insects fell from the sky, and the undead resurrected from ancient tombs...

"This is just a possibility for the future, one of thousands of paths." Sanguinius was unmoved. She shook her head gently and said calmly: "Even if the outcome of the matter is really as you thought, The revelation is so bad, then we should redouble our efforts to leave more hope for future generations. "


The Destroying Angel sneered, "Your words cannot deceive yourself. You will shed tears for the death of your heirs."

"But not now." The guardian angel waved his sword and fiercely attacked forward.

"Accept my power and create more possibilities. Even in the deepest darkness of despair, there will be a glimmer of hope."

"This power is called animism..."

The guardian angel's voice became fainter, and the intense weightlessness reappeared in Sanguinius's consciousness.

She put her hand on her forehead and opened her eyes.

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I found that I had returned to the secret room deep in the Red Tears.

The ship has entered the subspace, and the buzzing vibrations from Geller's station operating at full power can be easily detected even through the thick floor.

Sanguinius breathed a sigh of relief. The sound of the engine was a little noisy, but it made her feel alive.

She spread her fingers.

Only then did I realize that it was stained with a little glistening sweat.

She didn't know when a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on her body, and her smooth and soft silk robe stuck to her skin. The curves of the body are clearly visible, and in some places the ice-white skin underneath can even be vaguely seen. The archangel shook her head, not caring about her current situation. She focused on the prophecy revealed by the destroying angel.

Prophecy is a double-edged sword.

Sometimes what you see is just a trap. If you completely believe in the content presented by the prophecy, it will only lead to foolish destruction in the end.


The scene in that picture was truly appalling.

The might of the Emperor of Mankind is endless and incomprehensible, the Great Crusade advances invincibly, and one planet after another returns to human rule.

What kind of existence can destroy everything his father has built.

She thought of the abominable god she had seen on Baal, seated on a throne of brass.

The wild roar still echoed in her consciousness.

When the big, blood-red hands that covered the sky grabbed her, despair surged in her heart at a certain moment.

Could it be Him, or some similar being.

But their power seems to have difficulty affecting the physical universe.

And those monsters.

There are endless numbers of ferocious beasts and metal undead resurrected from ancient tombs.

Where did they come from.

She had never seen relevant information in official records.

"No matter what, you should pay more attention before everything happens irreversibly."

The archangel warned himself. Even the Primarch is not invincible. There are too many dangers and hidden darkness in the universe.

Don’t say anything else.

Just the beast emperor that I encountered not long ago.

He has the powerful strength to fight head-on with the Primarch without falling behind.

And the destructive power of that weird and ferocious battle moon far exceeds that of the Glory Queen-class battleship, which represents the pinnacle of the empire's conventional weapons.

“Focus on the present!”

Sanguinius turned his thoughts away from the horrific visions.

Her breathing calmed and she concentrated on the gift of her guardian angel.

It was a new ability, one that Sanguinius understood as a special perspective. When she joined the gang to fight against the moon, she entered this state unconsciously.

During that war, the Termite Assault Drill exploded with abilities that surprised even its creator, Vulkan.

He laid an indelible contribution to the victory of this war.

And now.

When the gift of the guardian angel and Sanguinius were completely integrated, she was able to naturally enter this perspective again with just a thought.

She can even use it as a passive ability and let it work for a long time.

Her pupils shrank slightly, and an invisible spiritual light rippled on the metal and stone like water, spread rapidly, and enveloped the entire Glory Queen-class battleship in the blink of an eye.

She began to observe.

The keel is seen extending outward along the massive base.

It is made of an active material called spirit bone in the craft world, and is inlaid with psycurium, black glass, tourmaline and green glass meteorite;

She also saw the long corridor covered with black marble.

A huge golden canopy hangs above the corridor. On the canopy are various harmonious and disharmonious, opposite and intertwined stripes;

The two company commanders Amit and Garnett led their team members to patrol the corridor. Navigating in subspace was a dangerous thing, and even Geller's position could not isolate all dangers.

In fact, through the glazed glass of the dome.

Angels can detect many all kinds of monsters running and screaming. These are all subspace beings born from the gathering of pure emotions.

Some of them are full of malice, some are full of curiosity, and a small part of them even represent positive qualities such as bravery, kindness, and loyalty.

The destroying angel was right.

Subspace is a mirror in the real universe, and the power in it originally does not distinguish between good and evil.

But eventually, in a terrible war that would destroy the entire galaxy, the Warp became contaminated.

Crazy emotions gathered together like a whirlpool, and some kind of terrifying existence was born from it. Since then, the subspace has become dangerous and full of malice towards everything in the real universe.

Her psychic energy continued to spread outwards, reaching the deepest part of the Red Tears, into the abyss-like vast hall where Geller's stance and the core of the engine were located.

Rows of sizzling stasis generators, energy regulating valves crafted from ancient technology, and psionic amplifiers operate at full power around a massive energy core.

Wearing scarlet cloaks and standing next to thick cables, members of the Mechanical Consortium are busy operating these buzzing machines.

Everything has a soul.

From Angel's perspective at this moment, every machine on the Red Tears has its own soul.

The combination of these many souls is the machine soul of the Red Tears. She combined her consciousness and the Red Tears into one, as if playing a harmonious movement.

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Every mechanical part in the Red Tears plays its role to the maximum extent.

"Omnissiah is on top, the gears are singing!"

In the power hall.

The sage of the Mechanical Union moved his mechanical arm away from the operating table in front of him, and loudly praised the power of the God of All Machines with a series of flashing binary codes. If he still had tear ducts now, he would definitely shed tears of excitement.


at the same time.

Forge World Corcyra.

Although it had just experienced a war, with the support of the Mechanicus fleet. The world of Corcyra quickly returned to normal operation.

The entire world was divided into upper and lower layers by the orange flame cloud that enveloped the planet.

In the upper outer space are real "ships and dragons", countless Mechanicus ships, colony ships transporting slave workers, ore ships loaded with cargo from nearby resource planets, and ships coming to replenish Expeditionary fleets of war resources crowded every corner of the starry sky.

Seen from a distance, these various starships look like a shining silver-white ribbon.

Under the flame cloud, the surface of the forging world Corcyra showed a scene that was completely opposite to the bustling starry sky.

The smoke of the war between the 18th Legion and the Orcs has not completely dissipated, and the scrapped junk warships of the Orcs still remain in the endless wilderness.

In the northwest part of this wilderness.

It is a huge canyon that runs through the entire land.

The canyon is filled with various huge industrial facilities. The dark spiers and scorching furnaces are like steel forests piercing the sky from the depths of the canyon bottom. Some of the tallest buildings can even be seen from the surface in outer space. reflection.

Tarkis Blacklock, the Forge-General of the world of Corcyra, is waiting impatiently.

He awaits the arrival of the Daughter of Omnisiah.

From the appearance, Tarkis, who is wearing a scarlet robe, can no longer see many human features. He is more like a crawling steel dragon made of metal. He is more than three meters tall, holding a scepter engraved with the Omnissiah skull and gear symbol, and seven or eight mechanical claws grow out of the dense metal cables flashing with electric light behind him.

He doesn't need to breathe, because the power of the God of All Machines flows through his steel body.

But now this great and warm power is thwarted.

Those damn orcs destroyed his shell, and his proud body became uncoordinated.

Just like a boulder blocking a stream, after the war, his body became obscure and the digital logic unit was no longer as handy as before.

Part of the glory of the Ohm Messiah left him, perhaps as punishment for his dereliction of duty.

The physical injuries coupled with the pressure caused by busy work took away Tarkis's usual good temper.

The arrival of the daughter of Om's Messiah made him even more restless. Those who are greedy will only try their best to steal more from him.

In accordance with the agreement between the Emperor and the Mechanicus of Mars.

He needed to meet the demands of the Daughter of the Messiah of Ohm, but this did not mean blind compromise.

Within the framework of the treaty, it has a lot of room for maneuver. If the Daughter of the Messiah of Om is too greedy in her demands, don't blame her for being obedient. Tarkis hummed and thought in his mind, while several metal tentacles behind his back danced back and forth.

He was ready for confrontation and even conflict.


As the Crimson Stormbird tears apart the corrosive industrial clouds above the canyon, the Daughter of the Om Messiah descends upon his kingdom.

Light enveloped the surrounding areas, dispersing the deep darkness in the obsidian hall.

The moment he was touched by that light, Tarkis was suddenly stunned.

It's a bit confusing, mainly because I don't know much about the Mechanicus and I checked the information for a long time.

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