Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 87 Your name, the forest that comes alive (please order)

Chapter 86 Your name, the forest that comes alive (please order)

"We have to hurry, little girl!"

Kano said, holding Sousa's strong waist with his left hand and the shoulder of another Catachan warrior with his right hand. Even though he was tall among the Astartes, it was easy to carry two pendants while escaping.

Accelerate the run-up and find the opportunity.

Kano jumped up, and he could feel Sosa gripping his arm hard as he fell, but he didn't make any sound. They are warriors living in the primitive jungle of Catachan. In this dangerous forest, any unnecessary sound will bring danger.


The turbine device behind Kano ignited, spraying out light blue sparks.

The propulsion brought by the jump pack offsets the inertia brought by the fall. He deliberately looked up at his surroundings and found no suspicious vines in the forest. The next process went smoothly, and Kano landed firmly on the ground.


Amidst the rustling of leaves, angels wearing scarlet power armor descended from the sky one after another.

Each soldier was holding one or two Catachan hunks. Although the incident happened suddenly, thanks to the commonly equipped jump packs, the emergency landing process was smooth. There were no additional casualties.

The last one to fall was the angel.

The wings behind the archangel spread out and landed gracefully in a gliding posture.

She was also holding Amit, who was wearing Terminator armor, in her arms. The jump backpack could not be equipped on the heavy Terminator armor. So Amit could only seek help from angels, but fortunately the angel's wings were strong enough.

"But I have to say, this thing is really heavy."

With a smile on his face, the archangel moved his shoulders, and then touched Amit's head affectionately.

it is a pity,

Amit is wearing a helmet.

Kano couldn't see the slightly embarrassed face of this bloodthirsty warrior.

"Count the number of people," the angel ordered.

"All Blood Angels are here." Azkelon answered first. Then came Aldaron's voice, "All Catachan warriors are here!"

After a brief silence, a third voice came: "The pilot came to report!"

Kano followed the sound.

Seeing a middle-aged warrior in his thirties, he seemed a bit small among a group of giants.

He had dark skin, an awkward smile on his face, and a mustache at the corners of his mouth. He was holding a laser gun commonly used by the Imperial Army tightly in his hand: "I thought I was dead, but... Lord Zkiron pulled me out of the cab before the Stormbird crashed."

"Azkelon, you did a great job."

The angel cast an approving look at Azkelon, and then said to the mortal pilot, "Theresa, I am very happy that you can survive this crisis. You are also part of us, and we need you. strength!"

"Angel, my angel..."

Theresa's dark cheeks were stained with a blush. He was holding the laser gun, looking at a loss and flattered.

After several efforts, he finally organized his words, "You know my name, this is incredible! You are the Emperor's daughter, the Primarch of the Legion, and I am just an ordinary mortal."

"When I returned to the Legion, I already knew the names of everyone in the Ninth Legion. Whether they are Astartes, or ordinary workers, or warriors, you are all working to realize the Emperor's great dream. Fight, every one of you deserves to be remembered."

The angel stood there, looked at the pilot in front of him, smiled and continued,

"But now is not the time to talk about these things. Time waits for no one. We have more important things to do. This forest has been corrupted, it is attacking us, and the situation has become very bad."

Bang bang bang!

The archangel didn't even have time to finish his words.

Azkelon had already shot deep into the jungle, and a monster like a wild boar covered in spikes fell to the ground. The bolt gun almost blew it into two pieces, but what flowed out from the broken body was not blood, but yellow-green pus.

"A plague pig, the spikes on his body carry neurotoxins that cannot be cured."

Aldalon narrowed his eyes and said, "We sometimes use these spikes to make arrows for hunting, but I swear the smell on them has never been so strong, and there is something wrong with this guy's vitality."

The black plague pig had been blown into two pieces.

Large pieces of internal organs were flowing all over the floor, but even so, it was still alive.

The beast's cloudy eyes emitted a strange light, and it dragged its mutilated body with its two stubby hooves. He squirmed forward with a groaning sound, dragging his pale spine behind him, leaving a yellow-green stain on the ground.


Azkelon fired again.

But this time he was no longer using ordinary explosive bombs, but more powerful anti-matter blood slugs.

Bullets with this characteristic can release hundreds of charged magnetic monofilaments at the moment of explosion, shattering all materials within the range. The body of the plague pig expanded like air, exploded, and then disappeared out of thin air, but the smell of decay became even stronger.

"Hee hee hee!"

There was a sound of laughter coming from the depths of the forest, as if there were children playing here.

Kano turned around sharply, but he didn't see any traces of animal activity. He just saw a withered jungle swaying back and forth in the dull hot wind.

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"This forest has come alive..." Aldalon said in a low voice.

The forests of Catachan are not quiet; they are often filled with noisy sounds.

The frenzied wails of Phantomraptors during mating season, the mind-numbing rustling of Catachan demons crawling through the forest, the squelching sounds of apex predators tearing open fresh flesh, and the sound of hundreds of people screaming at each other. The screams made when facing death for various reasons.

But such weird laughter should not exist in the forest of death.


Colonel Aldalon thought this was an insult and disrespect for life. He clenched his fists unconsciously, and a fine sizzling sound of electric current came from the unstable decomposition force field.

"This forest is preventing us from moving on, and the more it does, the more proof we are doing the right thing."

The angel spoke.

She held her two weapons in her hands.

The left hand is the Crimson Blade forged by the Emperor himself, and the right hand is the Fire Dragon Lord's masterpiece, the Spear of Completion - this spear can draw power from the surrounding environment and transform it into a torrent of arcane magic to destroy the enemy. It is extremely powerful. Strong enough to even penetrate a Titan's defense.

"Azkelon, Amit."

The angel has entered combat mode. She asked her two beloved sons, "You are responsible for ensuring the safety of the team. I will open the way, and you need to guard the back of the team."

"As you wish, mother." Azkelon bowed slightly.

Amit nodded silently.

The procession began to move towards the residence of the elders, with the angel walking at the front of the procession, and beside her was Aldalon, who was responsible for guiding the direction. The remaining Astartes warriors were divided into two parts. One part followed closely behind the angel and was responsible for ensuring the angel's safety.

The other group, including Kano, was at the back of the team.

Protect the remaining Catachan warriors and pilots in a relatively safe central location.

Kano walked toward the back of the team, only a few steps away from the soldiers in front. But even so, the dense woods made it almost impossible for him to see the person in front of him. He looked up. The canopy of trees completely blocked the sky, and the diffused light revealed a yellow-green hue.

Sometimes you can't even see the ground beneath your feet.

More often, he walked among ferns and monstrous groundcover with leaves nearly as tall as he was. The area below the chest was completely invisible, which reminded him of the red mist on Bawei. It's a living dust storm, scrambling to climb up and grow huge, flat leaves.


The silent march was broken by a terrified scream.

The screaming stopped suddenly, and Kano looked up and saw a huge pterosaur with a body length of at least ten meters hanging its long head from the tree crown. This monster has a huge mouthpart like a snake, enough to swallow an adult in one bite.

The beast chose the easiest target in the team, the unlucky pilot.

The pilot's mouth, which opened wide in fear, was tightly covered by Sousa's palms wearing black leather gloves.

She pulled out the tactical dagger tied to her waist and threw it towards the open mouth of the Phantom Raptor. The daggers in the hands of Catachan warriors were polished by themselves. Although it is just a pure handicraft, it is extremely sharp and can easily leave a huge scratch on the tongue of the Phantom Raptor.

A waterfall of blood spurted out from the mouth of the Phantom Raptor.

The monster's innate cunning was forgotten, and it completely fell into hysterical rage.

It roared, flapped its wings, and rushed towards Sousa, but it was already sieved by the intensive firepower in mid-air, and the body riddled with holes fell to the ground with a thud.

Swish, swish, swish!

The remaining silence was shattered by the sound of bolter fire.

From all directions, densely packed, all kinds of corrupt creatures are like green tides, pouring in from every road visible to the naked eye. Wasps the size of human heads, mosquitoes and flies that buzzed like dark clouds, and the Phantom Raptor with its wings spread out to cover the sky.

They were like a crazy and fearless army, charging towards the soldiers.


Kano fired violently.

In a daze, he seemed to have returned to the orcs' battle moon again.

Endless orcs came from every possible corner like a tide, almost the same as the scenery in front of them.


Even the current environment is even more dangerous.

Attacks don't just come from weird and numerous animals. Attacks also came from the surrounding trees, those that were either withered or flourishing. Thick trunks with lush branches came out of the air and were thrown viciously at the Astartes warriors.

There is no way to avoid it and no way to resist it.

Any ancient tree in this forest is over a hundred meters tall.

Even the superhuman warriors created by the Emperor looked small in front of nature, being catapulted dozens of meters into the air like toys. Kano was about to step forward, wanting to help. But the ground began to shake rapidly, and among the withered yellow leaves, vines like giant pythons rolled up.

Kano took out his power sword and cut off seven or eight vines.

But a vine still appeared in the blind spot of his vision, wrapped around his armor, and pulled him into the air.

Dark yellow morning glory bloomed on the vines, and a foul-smelling and corrosive gas spurted out from them. The ceramic armor sizzled, and even the legion's logo on it was corroded.

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The huge tentacles suddenly exerted force.

Kano felt like he couldn't breathe, and he even heard the sound of the power armor shell breaking.

"I'm going to suffer!"

Psychic energy sizzled in him.

From the corner of his eye, he saw that the originally stable formation was being broken up by hordes of monsters. The Astartes warriors were fighting alone, while the Catachan elites roared and charged without fear of death. But it was useless, there were too many enemies, and they were heavily surrounded.

A warrior with a red ribbon tied on his head was unable to dodge and was pierced by the Phantom Raptor's claws and caught in the air.

Another Phantom Raptor of the same size flew over.


The Catachan warrior's body was split in half by the monster, and blood mixed with bone fragments fell from the sky.

The Phantom Raptor was still unwilling to be satisfied. It noticed, its orange vertical pupils looked greedily at Kano, and flew towards his direction.

"Damn it!"

Sizzling psychic lightning erupted from Kano's body.

Two or three vines were burned, but more vines wrapped around him, forming a rice dumpling around Kano.


In desperate situation.

The angel's wings slowly spread out in front of him.

Just like what had happened countless times on Baal, the long sword in the angel's hand swept across, and the black fire covering the blade burned blazingly. The flames of those psychic forms spread quickly, and large areas of monsters were burned to ashes.

Two or three Phantom Raptors roared and attacked the angel.

But the angel was the real master of the sky. She easily dodged it and waved the sword in her hand indifferently. Precise and deadly bloody light exploded on the necks of these beasts, and the monster's huge corpse fell from the sky. When it collided with the ground, the entire forest shook slightly.

"Hee hee hee!"

There was that weird laughter again, coming from deep in the forest.

But this time, his goal seemed to have been achieved, and there were corpses everywhere on the ground. Those corpses began to decay within a few breaths, and a foul smell spread out.

"How far are we from our destination?"

The archangel's face was gloomy, and her eyes withdrew from the battlefield, and then fell on Aldalon.

"There's less than a kilometer left, sir." Aldalon took a deep breath and said respectfully, "I've been here many times, so I can't go wrong."


The elders Aldaron spoke of lived in a valley.

The traces of the forest disappear here, just like seeing the land in the midst of a green sea. Kano, who was born in an arid desert, never thought that one day in the future, he would be afraid of the forest.

Every force in nature deserves to be awe-inspiring.

Kano thought.

It was early afternoon, and the star's light was bright but not hot. The valley in front of them is shrouded in sunlight. Outside are simple fortifications built of wood, and inside the valley is the area where the elders live.

"If you use a more official name, you can also call them Catachan apes."

Aldalon said, "They don't care about these names. In fact, they don't have much communication with our tribe. They are quite mysterious and just focus on their ancient mission passed down from generation to generation. To this day, we It’s not even clear whether these elders are the descendants of the colonists thousands of years ago, or whether they are indigenous people who evolved directly from Catachan’s native species.”

"But what is worthy of recognition is that in recorded texts, they saved tribal people from disasters more than once, so we respect them."

Aldaron shared his knowledge with the Archangel.

The soles of his feet stepped on the solid ground, and this strong warrior who had experienced many battles breathed a subtle sigh of relief.

He took a step forward, past the angel beside him.

When he came to the wooden door outside the valley, he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Arkana, the people of Catachan come to seek your help!"

Aldaron did not speak Gothic.

It is an indigenous language spoken in Catachan, with cadences and strong penetrating power. Echoing repeatedly in the empty valley.

"No need to wait any longer."

The angel was bathed in the golden sunlight and suddenly said, "I saw that this valley is full of corpses. Dark Eldar, human, and some indistinguishable types."

She winked.

Amit got the order and immediately stepped forward.

He directly used the armor on his shoulders to knock open the door in front of him. The smell of rotting corpses condensed into a thick yellow-green fog in the air, leaving shadows in the bright golden sunlight.


Even with a breathing grille to filter the air.

Kano still felt that he couldn't bear it, and he retched from nausea.

He remembered that when he had just climbed up from the cesspit, those Astartes warriors also looked ugly. At that time, he thought that these guys were deliberately looking for trouble on him, but now it seems that he had misunderstood at the time.

This stuff really smells bad——

Kano looked at the Catachan warriors not far away with some sympathy. They did not have decent breathing filtration systems.

The angel flapped her wings slightly, and a stream of air was caught by her, blowing fiercely toward the valley in front of her.

The corrupt gas spread to the left and right, and it felt a little better to stand behind the angel.

Kano coughed.

While looking into the valley, just as the angel said.

There were many corpses of soldiers lying on the flat land. Due to the influence of some supernatural force, it was impossible to tell how long they had been dead. But it already showed the symptoms of giant view. The eyes and tongue were bulging high and squeezed out of the body, which looked particularly terrifying.

"The strength of these apes is quite good."

Azkelon covered his nose and entered the valley to inspect carefully. Not only is he an outstanding warrior, but as the former commander of the Ninth Legion, Azkelon is also an experienced and thoughtful commander, almost as good as Radolon.

"Most of those corpses belong to the Dark Eldar, and only a small number belong to the ape-men."

Azkelon thought for a while and concluded, "Similar to the outpost fortress we just visited, this place was also attacked by the Dark Eldar slave-catching team not long ago, but they are very strong. We can win with less. Many, successfully repelled these aliens.

But the war didn’t end there——

For unknown reasons, those soldiers abandoned their homes. Before leaving, they even locked the gate of the valley. "

"I think the reason lies behind you, my dear commander." The angel suddenly spoke.

Azkelon turned around in astonishment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in an incredible tone, "How is such a thing possible!?"

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