Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 91 One man becomes an army (please order)

Chapter 90 One man becomes an army (please order)


There was a look of astonishment on Rotigos' obese and deformed face.

The monster's body exploded, turning into yellow-green pus and pouring out in all directions. Kano held a handful of lightning in his hand and looked up to see a big wave rushing towards him.

"What are you still doing standing here!"

crucial moment.

Amit's angry voice came from his ears, and a big blood-red hand grabbed Kano's shoulder and dragged him behind the bunker without any explanation. The huge waves full of putrid smell hit the crumbling stone wall, and then turned into rapid water and spread out from both sides.

Those areas wetted by water were quickly covered with a thick layer of moss, and various branches and insect eggs grew and reproduced on them. Kano's scalp was numb at the sight. He didn't want his beautiful armor to be covered with yellow-green stench.


Kano said dryly to Amit.

Amit didn't seem to hear it, or maybe he simply didn't want to deal with this idiot.

He was observing that the demon named Rotigos was dead. But the matter does not seem to be over yet, and the pollution in the forest has still not been cleared. The yellow-green dead vines on the ground are still multiplying, and the increasingly deformed walking zombies are still attacking all living things within the range.


The dark clouds in the sky were torn apart by a scarlet storm.

Several Stormbirds broke into the sky above the battlefield, and intensive fire support quickly cleared away the remnants on the battlefield.

The poisonous clouds in the sky were still there, and the battlefield was gray, but the dripping rain stopped falling, which made Amit's tense nerves relax a little.

"Mother, the war is not over yet."

Amit believed that his archangel must have noticed, but he still reminded him.

"Amit, your perception is very keen." A smile flashed across the archangel's face as he lowered his head, but it quickly disappeared. "The root of the disaster is no longer Catachan, but the Dark Eldar." We have to find him in the Predator ship."

"so troublesome."

Amit gritted his teeth. Among the Blood Angels, this company commander was known for being unrestrained and cruel and bloodthirsty.

But the stench that filled the battlefield destroyed Amit's good mood. Now he is worried whether this smell will follow him for the rest of his life.

"When shall we set off?" Amit asked nonetheless.


Sanguinius said decisively, and she looked at her other descendant, Azkelon, the chief commander of the Holy Blood Guard, "How is the deciphering of the communication facilities on the Haemonculi?"

"The sages of the Adeptus Mechanicus have completed the deciphering, my lord."

Azkelon replied, "We can locate the Dark Eldar warships at any time."

"Then don't let us hesitate any longer."

The angel said, "Make haste."


Archangel, Azkelon, Amit, and five hundred elite Blood Angels formed a team responsible for tracking and killing the Dark Eldar.

They were not aboard the Red Tear, the flagship of the Ninth Legion's Queen of Glory.

Instead, he chose another much smaller battle barge - the "Scarlet Liberty"

The Scarlet Liberty is much smaller than a normal battleship, only less than three kilometers in length, but in exchange for it, it has special modifications in terms of power and speed. The Dark Eldar's spacecraft has a technological level that exceeds that of human warships. With the help of various power sources such as ether sails and curvature engines, the Dark Eldar's spacecraft can maintain an astonishing speed even in the physical universe.

Under normal circumstances, even if the exact coordinates of the Dark Eldar spacecraft are obtained.

It is not easy to catch up with it.

But now, some accidents that happened on the Dark Eldar warship made the impossible possible. The plague in Catachan Forest also spreads within the Dark Eldar ship, and in addition, there is a terrible opponent like Arcana causing destruction and panic in the Eldar ship.

After a short subspace voyage, the Scarlet Freedom successfully found the Dark Star in a dark star field deviating from the star.

Under the protection of the shadow force field.

The Dark Star is almost impossible to observe, either with the naked eye or with the auspicious array mounted on the battleship.

It still relies on the powerful prophecy ability of the Archangel to accurately locate it.

What follows is the much-loved gang-hopping battle.

For the human empire, the Dark Eldar are definitely a very difficult opponent.

But it was not difficult to complete this gang-hopping battle. It can even be described as easy. The Dark Eldar in the battleship were in a state of lingering fear. They were also suffering from the disease. When Amit's chain sword cut open the alien's neck, he suspected that he was under the control of the Dark Eldar. A look of relief was seen in his eyes.

But it was only for a moment.

The relief solidified into an abyss of despair and pain. In the midst of laughter, the souls of these unlucky souls were chewed carefully by Lady Joy and swallowed up.

Amit felt a chill in his heart.

The Eldar were once the masters of the galaxy, establishing a glorious civilization and a unified empire.

But now it is in a situation where it is impossible to survive or die. What kind of force can drag a powerful empire from its heyday into hell in an instant. One day in the future, will the emerging human empire encounter the same dilemma?

Amit continued to clean up the aliens on the battleship, and quickly completed the cleaning work in the area he was responsible for. He returned to the tactical command deck and reported on the completion of his mission: "The cleanup work has been completed, but the items and personnel you were looking for were not found."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

"You did well."

The archangel nodded slightly and looked toward the door.

The sound of footsteps came from far away, and Kano ran in from outside with excited steps. He held a black crystal in his hand and said, "We cleared out the Dark Eldar warriors in the area we were responsible for, and also copied the information in the central control room. Maybe we can find what we need through these information."

“Worth giving it a try.”

The archangel handed the black crystal to the technical sergeant in the team.

The technical sergeant's name is Slade. He has been on Mars for more than twenty years, which has caused his speech and pronunciation to become a little weird. However, Slade's level of mechanical maintenance is still very guaranteed and he can gain the trust of his brothers.

It just took less than three minutes.

Slade completed the deciphering of the memory crystal, and he put the crystal into the reader in his arm armor. The power backpack on the back extended out a mechanical claw. Inside the mechanical claw was a small projector, and light curtains appeared in front of everyone.

What happened in the Dark Eldar battleship in the past period of time was presented to everyone in this way.

The reaction speed of the Astartes is at the nanosecond level.

This means they can read data in ways that are far beyond ordinary humans.

Slade adjusted the playback speed of the picture to more than a hundred times, making it look like phantoms flashing in front of him. Even if they could roughly guess what happened in the Dark Eldar spacecraft, expressions of surprise still appeared on the faces of the warriors.

In the screen,

In the Dark Eldar's spaceship.

Those alien warriors were being hunted, falling into a pool of blood one after another.

Some of them couldn't even see the faces of their enemies clearly before their necks were broken and they lost consciousness completely.

The corrupting plague and the elusive hunter.

Soon the morale within the Dark Eldar warship dropped to the point of collapse.

All the Dark Eldar believe that an entire army has infiltrated the warship, causing chaos and terror. It wasn't until Catachan's most powerful warrior killed the Dark Eldar commander Arigena and snatched a Wraith fighter from the crash with the commander's head that the Dark Eldar who survived were looking around. After monitoring the recording, I found out that I had been tricked.

They cannot tolerate such humiliation.

A portion of the Dark Eldar remained on board, awaiting a response. The other part of the Dark Eldar pursued them in Nether fighter planes and Predator-class slave ships. The ancient Eldar empire has been dead for less than a century, and even these Dark Eldar have not yet completely left their past glory behind.

They vowed to make the man pay.

Moreover, it is not easy to kill among the Dark Eldar's spaceships.

After all, what Arcana needs to face are elite warriors of the Order, not some country chickens and dogs. Arcana's injuries were also serious. Otherwise, he wouldn't need to escape from the Dark Eldar warship, he could just kill all the people on it and wait for rescue.


With the power of an ordinary mortal.

Being able to do this in a lack of equipment and an unfamiliar environment.

This is enough to make everyone, including the Archangel, find it incredible.

"This guy is so fierce that he doesn't look like a mortal." Kano said in a low voice with a touch of shock on his face. Putting himself in his shoes, Kano didn't feel that he could do better than this mortal warrior in the same environment. And if the influence of psychic energy is discarded, Kano is now considered to be at a mid-level level among the Ninth Legion.

"The ancestral weapon is in his hand."

Azkelon added, "If we want to end the plague in Catachan Forest, we must find a way to find him. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time to restore the forest to its original state. and resources will slow down our progress.”

"Even without the so-called ancestral weapon, we should still help this warrior."

"Those who are fighting alone in the darkness should not be forgotten," Cano said.

"You are right, we cannot give up any warrior." Archangel agreed. She looked at Technical Sergeant Slade and asked, "Can we find the flight path of the Dark Eldar Ghost Fighter?"

"Let me see, Sergeant..."

Slade scratched his head, like tens of thousands of brothers.

Slade, who inherited the blood of Sanguinius, is handsome beyond imagination, and the mechanical prosthetic eye dotted on his left eye makes this handsomeness even more unique. Slade continued to issue instructions, manipulated the multi-function control panel on his gauntlet, and quickly found some of the content he needed.

"That guy was lucky and didn't stray too far away from the Dark Eldar warship." Slade replied in a cheerful tone, "On Planet No. 4 of the Gundwin System, this is a planet recorded by the Empire but has not yet been developed. A primitive forest planet with many native species.”

"The Catachans will not turn down a forest."

The archangel said gently, "Then let's set off quickly."


"The twelfth or the thirteenth?"

Arcana jumped down from the lush treetops, and before the Dark Eldar could react, he reached out and grabbed his shoulders, using the inertia of his fall to pin him to the ground unable to move. The physical strength of the Dark Eldar far exceeds that of ordinary humans, but the strong men on Catachan are absolutely unable to be measured by ordinary people's standards.

if you can.

These muscular men with explosive biceps can tear an average adult in half as easily as a freshly grilled chicken. And even in Catachan, where there are so many macho men and women, Arcana is definitely the most legendary existence in history.

He once traveled alone through tens of thousands of kilometers of remote primeval forests, tamed the Phantom Raptor and soared into the sky on its back, climbed up a thousand-meter-high cliff facing a rushing waterfall, and then jumped off the top, making people frightened. of Catachan Demon as its own protein supplement and more.

And now,

He is hunting the Dark Eldar who have invaded his homeland.

From one unfamiliar battlefield to another unfamiliar battlefield. Arcana breathed steadily and exerted force on his arms until a crisp click sound came from the alien neck beneath him, and he slowly released his hands.

call out!

There was a sound of crackling air in the distance.

Arcana was familiar with this sound, it was the sound of the poison crystal pistol being fired.

He would have been able to escape the ambush if he hadn't lost so much blood. But the cold body and numb muscles slowed down his movements, and he could only watch helplessly as the blue-purple poison crystal cannon passed through his chest and brought out a large handful of blood from behind.

There was a scarlet blur before his eyes.

The body is empty and the inside of the head is like a ball of paste.

He turned sideways at the critical moment to avoid his heart being directly crushed, but the right lung completely lost its function and he could hardly breathe.

--it's all over?

Arcana saw a Dark Eldar walking towards him, cursing in a strange language that he didn't understand.

He held a long knife in his hand and slashed at himself in an execution posture.


The moment he cut it down.

Arcana took out the bolt pistol hidden in the grass and pressed the trigger with his last strength.

He originally aimed at the head of the Dark Eldar warrior, but due to dizziness, he deviated from the target and directly exploded the Dark Eldar's chest. The dead head flew into the air and landed in Arcana's hand. Arcana picked up the Dark Eldar's katana and chopped off the head of the other corpse.

Pulling their dark red braids tied high into the sky, they limped toward the depths of the forest.

In a clearing in the forest.

Under the golden sunlight, the heads of the Dark Eldar were piled into a small temple.

Arcana carefully placed two fresh human heads on the highest point of the Jingguan, and then counted them with his fingers. There were twenty-three heads in total.

"The number is wrong..."

Arcana slowly sat down against the rough tree trunk with a smile on his face.

Then he closed his eyes and his head hung weakly.

I started to wonder if the combat power setting might be too outrageous.

Later, I thought of a Catachan named Sly Mabo during the 40K period. The exaggeration is a bit exaggerated, but the explanation is reasonable.

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