Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 101 No turning back

The Furious Storm's ancient hull shuddered slightly as her warp engines made final preparations.

In addition to some mechanical priests of the chapter who need to travel around the subspace to chant scriptures and incense to appease every machine soul in this huge battleship throughout the journey and ensure that they can safely carry everyone on the journey, the members of the Order of Mars The other members took their positions in the engine room, which was hot and noisy enough to damage a mortal's unprotected skin and hearing within minutes, and used ancient binary hymns and incense specially made by the Adeptus Mechanicus. and oils to soothe the old manic machine spirits.

The navigators on each ship of the expedition fleet gathered together and prepared their own power one by one according to the procedures. The equipment inside the navigator's cabin would twist their power into one, and then connect it to the huge sub-section of the spacecraft. The space engines and the third eyes on their foreheads began to observe the light that traveled across the galaxy and was emitted by burning souls on Holy Terra, providing the final and most important guarantee for leading the fleet into the subspace.

It usually takes a long time to find a specific ship target in the vast desert of space. Some inquisitors or hunting teams can even take centuries to complete this task, but they also know that in the last moment After supplies were depleted, there were no more psykers in the fleet with whom to perform high-level divination rituals.

At the same time, all the senior officers have reached a consensus: the coordinates obtained in the last ceremony are close enough to the location of the iconic star. As long as they can enter the range of their ship's sensor scanning array, there is a high probability that they can scan it directly. When the signal from an unsuspecting opponent's ship is reached, the Terminators of the Imperial Fists' first company will take advantage of the lightning speed to break in using jumping torpedoes, and then use teleportation to forcefully enter the Moon-class ship. On the modified barge, destroy all possible resistance, seize control of the ship, and then search for the target they want - because the target is too precious, strictly speaking, they cannot take the risk of using the powerful main weapon of the ship. Of course, , considering that the opponent may not know this, the traditional torpedo feint accompanying the penetration is quite worthy of use.

Therefore, making a subspace jump as accurately as possible to the last coordinate obtained can only be an inevitable choice in the race against time at this moment. So in order to bring the fleet close to the target ship of their expedition, the navigators must have the courage to face and gaze into the dangerous and chaotic warp, and endure all the pain that occurs. A navigator gains her or his luxurious life. And the price of high status is for this kind of task at this moment.

And so, one by one, Danat Lysander's fleet of ships finally leapt into the Warp, using thrusters to maintain their formation within the twisting whirlpools and tendrils of the place, and attempt to navigate through the living nightmare. An interstellar bay.

All the people endured the whispers coming from outside Geller's position and the pain scratching their skulls, while all the navigators stared closely at the fragile light in the distance, which they relied on to believe that the fleet was invincible in this space. Determination, time is not fixed, and it is the only reliable reliance for any rational life to cause unreasonable madness on various levels.

Fortunately, this time their prayers were heard by the God-Emperor, who mercifully protected them, allowing them to endure the pain until the navigators found a most suitable weakness in the Veil, where they started the warp engine again. , so that the curtain here could be temporarily torn out a hole large enough to allow them to return to the real world dimension, so the longitude and weft of space were connected and woven together in a rough but practical way, and the fleets began to jump out from Mandeville Point one after another.

On the bridge of the Wrathful Storm, the brass cogitator with the emblem of a clenched fist and an eagle on the panel made a slight movement, and then began to proceed based on the galaxy they were in now, the positions of distant stars and the previous star map. Compare to determine their current location and recalibrate their actual time.

The fleet assembled near the agreed-upon assembly point and began to take stock of the situation. The remnants of subspace navigation, such as the subspace plasma sol that began to melt as soon as it came into contact with the real universe and the semi-disintegrated stream of vicious particles trailing long at the stern, were gradually expelled as the ship moved through the real galaxy. At this time, they completely closed the Geller position and raised void shields on all ships, allowing the fleet to form a prescribed formation. The sides of the ships shone under the light of the stars in the galaxy.

"The jump is over." The captain of the Wrathful Storm, Philip Vian, reported to Lysander who was standing on the bridge, and at the same time ordered other bridge officers, "Confirm the location, we should now be in Mandeville, Belacane Near point, 690,000 miles from target. All ships, report. Communications officer, conduct network reconstruction."


The results of this warp voyage were not so satisfactory, Lysander thought as he locked himself in the fixed bracket on the jump gang torpedo.

This gnawing indescribable land always seemed to like letting him spend too much time in it.

Obviously they only spent three hours in the subspace, but when they finally jumped out, a full thirty-three hours had passed in the real universe.

Fortunately, the meticulous Captain Wei An discovered the target that was sailing slowly using ordinary thrusters at the edge of the maximum scanning range of the sensor.

Out of caution, they once again conducted an enhanced scan with the sensor array, and the result of the scan was: a standard Imperial-sized moon-class modified barge, with a standard firepower configuration, and the void shield worked normally - but it was just a standard Void shield, how much artillery fire and torpedo attack energy is needed to overload the moon-level reactor, and how to use the melt weapon on the front of the torpedo to break its hull - Lysander can operate it with his eyes closed.

Therefore, the combat plan still maintained the original idea in the end. Lysander took his Titan Explosion Terminator team and took the first batch of gang-hopping torpedoes without hesitation.

If they successfully establish a landing site, they will use the teleportation beacon they carry, and then there should be no suspense: the Imperial Fists' most elite First Company Terminators and Centurion Warframes will begin to land on the small ship. For a small Moon-class battleship, every inch of territory that is conquered will be firmly held by an Imperial Fist warrior.

This operation cannot and cannot fail.

Maybe if everything goes well, the Titan Demolition Team can clear out the ship before the other brothers arrive. Destiny Steel, the name sounds familiar, and the company commander doesn't like a certain word in it.

The torpedoes vibrated, and Lysander knew they were being lowered into the torpedo bay.

Through the eyepiece and the monitor in front, he could see the beautiful moon-level barge floating in front of the huge gas star. It seemed to be trying to turn there in panic. Its void shield had been raised in time, but the Raging Storm The USS and the other ships' macro guns and torpedoes were rapidly overloading it.

This moon-class ship was indeed beautifully modified. When it was driven by the propeller at high speed, it crashed into the ship, which was shiny silver-white and had a simple and elegant appearance unlike most imperial ships. , the first company commander even felt a little bit regretful, he was about to have to add an ugly big hole to its beautiful and smooth surface.

Of course, this idea changed immediately after he turned on the boarding melt and found that the energy beam that was supposed to break through the thick metal hull was only quietly "swallowed".

Lysander's last communications were carried back to the bridge of the Wrathstorm.

"Watch out! Trap!"

But there was no turning back for Tiaobang Torpedo.

It carried Danat Lysander headlong into utter darkness.


Wiping away the sweat, I finally sent him in!


Gearing up!

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