Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 11 Chapter Nine and Three-Thirds A very good change, love comes from the Iron Warriors

Destiny Steel

interrogation hall

psychic cell

"This precious item is very special and it's hard to find the right time to make it."

The Thousand Sons Supreme Wizard said as he started to do something. In order to show his sincerity, he took off his helmet and hung it on his waist. His dark blue eyes were now filled with endless curiosity and desire, and he ignored the "silver skulls" that were watching around him. ——The Iron Warriors Astartes.

"But I think I can fix her."

Although he was wearing power armor, with the help of psychic energy, his movements were meticulous and sensitive, with the elegance of an ancient spellcaster. A complex series of gestures and incantations accompanied him to compress the damaged doll and put it away. Put it into a falcon-headed bottle-shaped container engraved with charms and hang it back on your waist.

"From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much for giving me a chance to reclaim her, Chapter Master - or rather, Lord of Medrungard, the noble Iron King."

As his words appeared, the tense atmosphere in the air became more tense, and the weapon systems of the Iron Warriors kept active readings.

"Perturabo" had no expression, and even the Thousand Sons Wizard's thoughts of spying on him with the help of the etheric breeze were isolated from his eyes like black moonstones and the multi-layered anti-psionic stance in the cell.

"Stop trying to play your psychic tricks, wizard." He said coldly, "I believe that if it weren't for my... smart and capable descendants and the iron rings and psychic insect nets blocking the cargo hold, you would also I won’t come out so proactively.”

The other person gave him a weak, apologetic smile in return.

There was a small commotion among the Iron Warriors.

This wizard is full of lies. Lamizane thought that he could naturally come to the conclusion without Perturabo's reminder that this guy was not weak at all. Although the Thousand Sons' psychic reserves were a bit insufficient to counter the special anti-psionic stance that had been activated before, The power armor and weapons were in good condition, and the witchcraft gadgets hadn't been unsealed yet, but he pretended to look the part.

So why did he surrender so easily? Although we have shared his movement patterns with all followers, we haven't even reached Blackstone Pressure yet.

This is a question he and Perturabo share.

"I am Emmenut, the supreme wizard of the Secret Cult of Knowledge. It is a great honor to meet you, noble King of Iron. It is your abundant spring of mysterious knowledge that attracted me, a lost traveler in the desert."

The Supreme Wizard of the Thousand Sons, who calls himself Emmenut, is a typical Terran except for his skin color.

Wrapped in the cyan and gold power armor of the Thousand Sons Legion, his milky white skin made his face look like an alabaster sculpture, with a pair of black eyes embedded in it.

His hairstyle stands out among the bald or short-haired Astartes. His black hair with the luster of magpie feathers hangs down to the power armor neck guard - his physical appearance is quite consistent with his possessed doll shape. .

Perturabo took a breath from deep in his nose and commented sharply in the spiritual communication, "This guy seems to be a hedonist who likes to experience the transgender life and enjoys it. Although he said that he comes from the secret sect of knowledge, huh, I'm afraid he has some traces of Fulgrim's unpleasant master's Silver Palace flavor."

"You may be biased. I don't like the youngest goddess as much as you do, but to be fair, this wizard's psychic energy map doesn't have that bad purple foxfire smell."

The dog snorted and swept its tail around his cockpit, and Lamizane heard him lick his nose. "Okay. But I will keep an eye on him, as long as I find something unusual."

Lamizane was distracted and thought for about 0.01 microseconds about whether it was an unwise decision to agree to find some untouchable bullets for Perturabo's robot vehicle.

He turned his gaze back to the wizard in front of him, "For your father's sake, you have a chance to tell me why you are here, descendant of the red giant. You must understand that what you say next will determine whether I will keep you." body and soul."

Qianzi made a scholar's salute, "Of course, my lord, please listen to me."


Tes Dassadra, an Olympian veteran, was sitting in the newly renovated mess hall, his power hammer close at hand, drinking a milky Reca coffee (a favorite on the ship's Iron Warriors since the Bridge Incident). This drink has become popular), while looking at the Thousand Sons Supreme Wizard who is smiling and dining next to him with great distrust - yes, now the latter is using rhetoric (in Dassadra's view) to seek permission from the Iron Lord After traveling with them and learning about the latest dress change requirements, he was very cooperative and even happily changed his power armor and paint.

This guy claimed that he "happened" to have a set of self-prepared Ultramarines Think Tank power armor. He only needed to add a little more black and silver paint and a new emblem to immediately transform himself into a think tank position that was in short supply on the ship - or in other words, The position known as "Seer" within the Argent Skulls.

The degree of simulation of that set of gadgets is so high that Dassadra has no doubt that he will encounter many interesting "little accidents" in the intricate passages and elevators of the Iron Blood for a long time to come.

Under his scorching gaze like plasma rays, the other party slowly and elegantly finished off two caramel grilled steaks, five fruit tarts doused with lethal amounts of syrup, and finally drank two cups of golden jerky with honey. GOLDEN TOKAY, then wiped his mouth with a napkin and turned his face to Da Sadra.

"I must say that you - oh, I'm wrong. The canteen of this Chapter is really good, and the craftsmanship is completely comparable to that of the best Letling cooks. It's a pity that we can't see who is providing us such delicious food in the kitchen. Meals."

here we go again. A long-lost and imperceptible expression of boredom appeared on Dadsara's ancient and noble face. It was something he often did when he was in Olympia 10,000 years ago. Who among the Iron Warriors didn't know that the entire kitchen of the Iron-blooded central mess hall was actually connected. Not even a single living person... In other words, this probing wizard would spend all day trying to find out the details of every corner of the Iron Blood in every sentence.

But who made the Iron Lord's original words be "During the probation period, you have to watch over this wizard for me, Dassadra."

Although full of distress and worry about his father's recent misdeeds, the War Blacksmith still regards the entrustment of his genetic father as a noble order and carries it out with steely determination.

The descendants of the Demon Bird God, their words are always trustworthy and untrustworthy, and they are not a good ally for those who believe in the solidity of steel. He thought to himself that only his father dared to talk to a cunning and evil person through a few words of conversation. The powerful wizard took him under his wing.

Thinking this way, he puffed up his chest again and said, "After you obtain permission from my lord, the Chapter Leader, the permissions that should be opened will naturally be opened to you."

"Okay, okay," the other party spread his hands, "Then it's always okay to tell me what I should do, otherwise I'll go back to my room to meditate. Most of the cabin areas are not open to me yet, so this is unavailable. The days of new knowledge are so boring.”

"Really? You really don't want to rest for a while?"

"Rest is just to better explore the unknown and acquire knowledge." The Thousand Sons Wizard shook his head melancholy in the psychic headband of the think tank. "The supervision of the Supreme Power on this ship is too strict. I I even had to release my own screaming flying shark, hoping that the little guy could leave alive."

"Hmph... you can't be too strict. In addition, the fragments of the Screaming Flying Shark should have become fuel for the power furnace. However, you must want to know now."

Dassadra cleared her throat and took out a gold-plated and silver-plated reliquary, covered with a brand-new purity mark that exuded the fragrance of ink, and seemed to be very ancient. There was also a data pad on it, "First of all, you need to Learn to do this.”

"What is this?" The Supreme Wizard - New Think Tank Emmenut curiously took the data tablet, and then almost threw it away when he saw the content. "What-?!" The Thousand Sons Wizard's voice suddenly became sharp. , "Are you crazy?! Why do you want me to learn to use Emperor Tarot?!"

Warsmith managed his emotions very well, and if he actually wanted to laugh, he didn't show it.

"According to the order of my lord, the Chapter Master, the think tank of this Chapter should be responsible for guiding the direction of the Chapter with prophecy, so it must be a prophet who is proficient in the Emperor's Tarot and rune divination," he reset the data pad. Stuffing it back into the opponent's hand, the Supreme Wizard's expression looked as if his Silver Tower library was being blasted in an undirected way by a group of explosive boys.

"Don't worry," Tes Dassadra's tone became more and more kind. If there were any dead souls of his men here, they would definitely not dare to recognize each other.

"My Lord... what the Chapter Leader means is that we don't need the real Fake Emperor Tarot. You just need to use the set of fake cards he made to pretend to be divination in front of the recruits. In addition, it will be fine." , he also said that when the time is right, we will have a, ahem, brother dressed like a priest (he finally couldn't help but smile) to join you to form a diviner. Before that, you will Be patient. I hope to see you in the Hall of Omens soon, 'Prophet' Emmenut."

After the Iron Warriors veteran walked out of the restaurant in a happy mood, the son of Cyclops weakly raised his hand and touched the newly fastened psychic control collar around his neck.

His psychic feelers told him clearly that the object of the Primarch's hand had been intricately "spun" with part of his etheric essence.

"Your Majesty the Scarlet King..." he groaned, "I...I...the only one who didn't want me back then was the Black Crow! This time I () () () really got on the pirate ship."

Hey, in order to have a better(?) reading experience, astrologers have to refrain from giving away spoilers, so some questions are either unanswered or impossible to answer (^U^)ノ~

Just read on and you’ll find out!

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