Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 111 Chaos KPI

Destiny Steel

Chapter Master's Office with Fireplace

The shadow under the sofa cushion opened his eyes, flexibly turned and glanced around the quiet and busy office, and then closed his eyelids in the warmth.

[I remember that you didn’t quite approve of my use of what you called an inefficient and troublesome hypnosis procedure on Julius? 】

Lamizane frowned and rubbed his stomach, slowly sipping the warm substitute tea while questioning.

【That's right. 】

[Then can you explain to me why our new... uh, new members are handled so differently this time? 】

[Lysander is special.] The Border Collie Demon Primarch raised his eyes from behind his work screen and touched the receiver on the bridge of his nose. [Although... the value that can be extracted from him is far greater than that of other stone scum. , so the rest can be sent directly to Hong Suo for processing. He should have learned a lot from this stupid over-eating crow and perfected his brainwashing procedure. 】

The eyes suddenly opened, staring at the black and white dog with needle-like pupils in the shadows, but when the dog raised its ears alertly and turned its head, they disappeared again.

[...So what you mean is that stimulating Lysander in this way and making his emotions reach extreme thresholds repeatedly is a deliberate and necessary behavior. Do I understand this correctly? 】

【right. 】

[So we need Lysander's "emotions" for...? 】

【To pay the "price". ] The dog lowered his head and looked meaningfully at Lami Zane with his beautiful dark brown almond eyes from above the receiver lens, [What he is experiencing now is one of the "prices" for your vow. 】

[No, no, you confused me. My pursuit is very simple, right? 】

[It is very simple, but in order to achieve it here, we have to do a lot of things. Where do you think the massive data I process here every day comes from? Did it fall out of thin air? 】

[Riddle Dog Get Out... Forget it, let me ask you the same question, oh yes, I will open my processing module permissions to you first... Okay, what is the "cost"? Can you use a method that I can listen to? Can you describe it to me in a way you understand? 】

[Okay, it’s obvious at first glance that the Imperial Fist, which has no brains and relies solely on magical protection, is somewhat useful before being filled with the seeds of the Iron Warriors (the dog reluctantly agreed at this point), and he was squeezed out The emotional resources are indeed quite rich, which allows me to take some time to answer your questions. 】

The dog took his receiver from the bridge of his nose to the desk and put it down. Then he landed lightly from the office chair, then walked to one side of the room, jumped onto the leisure couch, and asked unceremoniously to sit on it. The two big guys, one big and one small, at both ends of the sofa removed their limbs and made room for him to have a comfortable space.

Aharin brought water to his furry father in a silver bowl. The black and white border collie drank some water, then licked his mouth, elegantly lay down on the sofa, and rolled up his long fluffy tail with a white tip. On the hind legs.

[Well... If I want to use a suitable description that you can understand in your cognition, maybe you can start from here. We are now on a famous ship of the Undivided Chaos Camp, carrying a demon prince. You and I, as well as some of our old subordinates, but from the Iron Blood itself to everyone on board, don’t look that “chaotic”. You should have felt strange for a long time. 】

[That’s right, I still remember what I saw in Medlengard with Honso and the others when they first arrived on the Iron-Blooded… But I thought that was related to the fact that we changed a lot of regulations and environment. 】

[There is some relationship, but not much. 】Perturabo said this with a bit of subtle sullenness.

[The mutations that have occurred, the demons that have possessed them, and the 'blessings' given by existences in subspace will not be so easily dismissed as nothing happened. Stupid mortals, do you really think that those 'existences' are all good people who talk a lot? . Being promoted to a demon is a very bad thing. I can only say that fortunately there is still the option of Chaos Wufen. 】

The dog snorted heavily from his nose. [Sooner or later I (Olympian swear word) will have to peel off Fulgrim’s disgusting snake skin, which is full of fucking liquid, throw it into the Nova Cannon and fire it at the star! 】

[Okay, I know, you just don’t want the third sister to be a widow. Continue, why is that? 】

【What? Is the third sister talking about the purple snake? ! Don't involve me in their affairs! ! 】

[Nothing, just keep talking, keep talking. 】

The dog looked deeply at his body with a very suspicious look, deciding to pour out the suspicious contents of this mortal's brain later and knock them out.

[For some reason and some kind of existence,] Bian Mu cleared his throat, [Iron-Blooded and...the subspace energy and events that occurred within the "scope" can be quantified using specially written codes and processed. Processing is visualized. 】

【Ah? ] Lamizane's attention was completely attracted by the explosive hint contained in the second half of the sentence. [What does it mean to be quantified and visualized after processing? ! Is that what I meant? ! 】

[I don’t know what you mean, but what I mean is that now I can “know how to accurately allocate resources and forces, and know the precise numbers of gaps and margins”, and pass them accurately when necessary Operations such as regional deployment and personnel movement allow them to achieve an appropriate balance for each individual. For example, as I just said, because the high concentration of extreme emotions emitted by the Imperial Fist in the past two days has been well collected and distributed, all we need to do for the rest of this month is just to There will be an unlimited fighting competition in the cafeteria between the Iron Warriors and the Imperial Fists on the Iron Blood, and then the KPI for this month will be completed. 】

【What? What KPI? 】

[Of course it is the Chaos KPI. Being able to visualize the KPI indicators of each god makes it very easy to complete the requirements of the Chaos God... After all, they are not humans. 】

The dog bared his canine teeth that had been rounded by molar bones, [For example, the fact that Julius boarded the ship and became what he is now, according to current calculations, is actually the change and influence on fate caused by this incident alone. The influence has already exceeded the target of the 9999 Chaos Change Index KPI that the blue software monster and other all-changing demons could not complete... Every month we only need to deal with him with one small thing related to change. . 】

【Wow. ] The expression on Lamizane's face now looked like something of great surprise and shock, similar to when you're told that your dog will go to work for you as a New Year's gift. Aharin looked worriedly at the two fathers who were facing each other seriously with his peripheral vision.

【Wow. So, we can now...]

[Yes,] Bian Mu yawned, [We have waited so long at the edge of this galaxy to deal with these stones, and now we can finally use any method you like to take in the world of Belakane you have always wanted. Got it. 】


My lumbar discs tell me it’s time to lie down!

But I still have to take a walk (sad)

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