Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 115 It’s fun and harmonious


Calixis sector

Makanyi Machis sub-sector

Belakaan outer asteroid belt

After an unknown riot and suppression, the Furious Storm finally decided to obey the communication orders of the previous company commander, so all their communications, engines, weapons and shield arrays and other machine spirits were remotely offline (this was terrifying The battle barge is floating in deep space near the outer assembly point, awaiting the final fate of their new master in extreme unease. .

The beautiful silver-white hull of the Destiny Steel is now cruising alone on the commonly used trade route between Belakarn and Sintila.

Just about 300 milliseconds ago, he had responded to the inquiry call from the Belakaan Orbital Defense Platform with a string of Rogue Trader codes signed by the Emperor himself.

The latter is verifying the authenticity of this ancient and precious code in its own database. This code indicates to the increasingly closed and conservative forging world of Belakahn that the visiting moon-class modified barge belongs to the noble Kalosi Ni family property.

Although this family is unknown, it has a long history, which can be traced back to about 9,000 years ago. It was the first group of people to follow the sacred Emperor of Mankind and his expedition. The current head of the family is also the captain of this ship. For Lamizane Carosini, all of the above is evidenced by the Holy Blood of the Emperor.

The purpose of the visit was filled in as "food and defense weapons trade."

Belakaan is an extremely cold planet, but rich in iron ore and associated minerals. The rich iron even dyes the planet's surface red. Because it and the nearby asteroid belt contain extremely rich mineral resources, It was eventually built over the past few thousand years to become a planet ruled by the Great Sage Daedus, with his research on stasis and force field technology, and his ability to provide the best quality stasis stance in the entire galaxy. A mining center known for stasis grenades, stasis projectors, and a variety of void shield field and weapon technologies that can be used on Imperial ships. *

However, in addition to forcing indentured slaves and servitors to use extremely difficult methods to mine underground ice reserves in the freezing temperature of minus 40 degrees to provide some water resources, the rare ores, food and some water used in research and manufacturing products are still All rely on interstellar trade routes for import.

After all, in this barren mining, hive, and forge world, they have to maintain not only many loyal servants of the Ohm Messiah, but also the hungry appetites of billions of weak flesh and blood.

Therefore, a large ship that trades food for defense weapons is usually a very popular trade object.

In their attentive response, the other party promised to report the matter to the rulers of the planet, namely the Council of High Technical Priests and the Great Sage Daedus, as soon as possible. It would require "one day" of Bela Kahn, which is about 30 standard Thais. Give them answers in time.

Therefore, the two primarchs (?) currently in the Hall of the Twelve Temples aboard the Iron-Destined Steel still have enough time to prepare for the battle against the 2nd Company of the Iron Warriors and the 1st Company of the former Imperial Fists assembled here... …well, speech.

[What should I say to them? 】

[Just say a few words. They themselves will compete to please you, you just have to watch how they behave and pick out the ones you like, remembering that you are a Primarch and were born with such unequal rights. 】

[If you have thought this way before, I seem to understand...]

[What are you mumbling? 】

[No, no, let's get started. 】


Bellakahn currently belongs to the "Forging World" in the empire's planet classification. In other words, as a planet directly ruled by members of the Mechanicus, it is a special tax-free world.

Maybe some people think that if this is the case, the people here will live better?

The answer is that there are no people here.

There are only mechanical priests, legions of titans, skitarii, indentured mining slaves and servitors with their brains cut off.

Lamizane's comment on this was "I don't like the feeling when I hear this kind of news, but so far the situation does not exceed my understanding of the Mechanicum's forging world, which is probably in pieces."

As for the question of why he should give priority to seizing this forged world that had begun to decline, Perturabo immediately stopped his body from saying any more words that would undermine the majesty of the original body.

"How dare you question my orders? These days of ease have indeed made your heads rust like weapons!" The fearless electronic voice roared, "My heirs, I, Perturabo, yours Father, this planet is needed now and you will get it for me!!”

The Iron Warriors solemnly accepted the order, and the heavy atmosphere before the legion's battle ten thousand years ago returned - if it weren't for the fearless and compensating device where the other half of their genetic father's soul resided, using its electronic sound to say resentfully. He said, "Don't make it unmanageable! What I want is a planet that can be put into operation immediately instead of a mess! I have enough work!"

"Ah, the other thing I mean is," the father in their original body who is indeed more "kind" and "normal" but always makes the Iron Warriors instinctively feel more terrifying also said, "Although you will be fighting against Your new brothers who have just woken up (several Iron Warriors roared with uncontrollable resentment) started a race to capture the planet to determine the ownership of each spot in our new First Company, well, but. "

The god wearing a huge LOGOS used his huge gauntlets to dexterously pick up his coffee cup, "For strict and fair considerations, each of you will be wearing a small recorder during combat. Beacons, if found to be any act that actually hinders, hinders or attacks friendly forces, as well as any act that destroys too many critical properties, factories, mines and facilities, will be severely punished."

Hearing this, the two groups of people standing on both sides of the Twelve Temple Hall secretly gestured death gestures to each other and the locking of various sights stopped. The confrontation between the eyepieces and the eyes almost filled the air. Sparking a real lightning spark, "Well, for example, if you conquer this mine, but kill too many mining slaves in the process and cannot start the operation, and the production efficiency is too much lost, you will also be made into an excavator with only a brain. of."

The sweet fragrance of chocolate and cream in the unique flavor of Soul Volcano made Lamizane squint his eyes comfortably, "In special operations, everyone is starting from the same starting point, so smart people should..."

The Stone Forger and Shanto both suddenly showed expressions of understanding. They hurriedly looked in a certain direction, and then their pupils suddenly shrank because they saw that Lysander had unknowingly caught the man who was trying to The purple-eyed Raven Guard flew away from the shadows above——

"Hey! Vanus is ours! Put him down, you zombie emperor's lackey!"

"Shut up, you rusty iron-headed heretic! I was the one who caught him first!"

In such a joyful, harmonious and warm (?) atmosphere, Lamizane suddenly added something as if he was remembering it.

"By the way, all the teams in the 10th Company will be evenly distributed to your company. Remember to teach the newcomers the art of war - this will also be counted in the points."

A micro-expression appeared on the faces of Lysander and Thortarn at the same time: "Can the complexity be increased?! Is there anything else that I beg you to say in one go?"

"Finally, the on-site combat officer for this operation will be Company Commander SADE. He will be your future first company commander, so remember to perform well."

"Huh!!!!!!" (deliberately amplified electronic sound)

As the fourth primarch's body finished speaking, a luxurious Contemptor Dreadnought appeared from between the pillars of the hall.

Everyone felt themselves trembling involuntarily.

Is the Primarch's current preference for Captainship appointment to be fearless...?


The information marked with * comes from the introduction of 40KLEX-BELACANE

I have a strong feeling that tomorrow's battle scene will turn into a comedy...

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