Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 121 You swear!

"I refuse! I refuse!!!!" The mortal psychic consultant with beautiful green eyes, Uthelma Atla, hugged his staff and screamed under the watchful eyes of a circle of hoops. up, but luckily he remembered to pronounce it using only his physical vocal cords instead of his psychic scream.

"You can't do this to me! This is not what we promised! My brothers! Help me!"

An extremely thick halo of spiritual energy surrounded him, almost solidifying into a huge physical shell that seemed to be nothing - if it were captured by Azek Ahriman or Iskandar Kayan. When the characters or anyone who has survived from ten thousand years ago to the present sees this, they will definitely recognize this as the famous image of their genetic father. "Why don't you do it yourself?!"

"Ah, aren't we all suitable? Then I have to ask you to sacrifice Maatra -" Lamizane was changing clothes on the other side of the room. The camouflage device he put on made him look like he had shrunk in size. In the "Tall Mortal" section, he put one foot into a new boot with the help of the iron ring soldier. Vannas was trying to act as a temporary attendant with a straight face - Aharin had already followed. His company went to Belakarn - the Raven Guard applying hairspray to the Chapter Master's wig with bolter fingers.

Someone was snickering, "After all, there is no one here who is more suitable than you!"

"I refuse -!!! This will become my lifelong inner demon!!! I can't let such a weakness fall into the hands of anyone!!" The psychic consultant's face was full of grief and anger, "By the way! You can put that in my heart I pulled my incompetent son up to do this! I remember his grades in the biochemistry department were pretty good! I’m going to teach him..."

"Okay, put away your psychic exoskeleton! Ma-Atla! I don't want to do the balance sheet sent by Xin Lieji again! That thing is more difficult to make than Nurgle It's 10,000 times more troublesome for the clerk to do the year-end accounts!" The extremely violent electronic roar came to mind from the other side of the room, accompanied by the sound of the claws hitting the input devices with such force that they almost cracked them.

"Also! Maatra! I didn't say anything about my role. Why are you still coy about it?! Play your role well! Don't think about staying out of it!" The dog gritted his teeth, "Otherwise I will be cruel now Kick your ass so hard that you'll be kicked into the Comoros Arena!"

[Pepei, even if he is in a mortal body now, what will happen to the dog...]

【Shut up! ! 】

[Why are you such a bad tempered black and white dog now? Let me suck your fragrant ear hair——】

[Ah, ah, damn mortal! Lamizane! I warn you! Later, if you dare to speak with this clipped sound, I will...]

【You? 】

[I really want this universe to come to an end (ET)! 】

[Does it sound like this word has already been used once in Nottingham? 】

【maybe. ] The dog rudely interrupted Lamizane's thoughts, [But that has nothing to do with us. If you want to be on time to welcome the visiting Adeptus Mechanicus, don't delay with your shirt collar turned out of your coat! 】

[Oh...] The person whose attention was diverted by the collar of his shirt hurriedly looked in the mirror and began to adjust his collar.

"Uh, that's not that, that's not that, that's the problem!" The sad and angry psychic consultant was rushed over by two iron ring soldiers and couldn't help but pick him up, and was dragged to the luxurious screen-style landing like a helpless kitten. In front of the full-length mirror, then the gorgeous Contemptor Dauntless walked in with a light and perfect step.

"Don't worry. Although this fearless machine is not very handy now, I am still very confident. My brother, no one can see through your disguise."

Seeing the pile of large and small boxes in Fearless's hands and various tools that he could name but couldn't name, the fifteenth Primarch in the thin mortal body made a (somewhat too lively) sound while being restrained by the metal fingers of the iron ring. A cry of despair.

"Really! You swear! You swear!"

The voice in Fearless said with a long-lost smile and a sad cautiousness, "Of course, Ma'atra, I can swear on the heroic souls of every descendant in my legion."

The psychic consultant's voice was as thin as a gnat, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." He said weakly. For what he saw in that unexpected intrusion into the ceremony.

The determined and tenacious survivor shook his head and said, "There is no need to worry about it. After all, this place is not that place, and I am not him."

Then the Contemptor Fearless walked over with a pile of supplies in a powerful and elegant step. Lamizane noticed that the distance he took every step was exactly the same. If there was a difference, it was Fearless. It's a question of the upper body limit, not his. "let's start."


Possible times have passed since Sage Nilanvela first woke up in the training tank, realized his own existence, and was selected because of his outstanding logical ability to become an acolyte to further undergo transformation and serve the God of All Machines. There are one hundred and eighty standard Terran years, due to intervening calendar disturbances and complicated conversion relationships - it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, we only need to praise the Om Messiah, and the eternal stasis of Bela Kahn . "she thinks.

Her metal gel appendages squirmed under the long running embroidered with gear edges. The existence of these dexterous and powerful little things allowed her huge body to move without being as loud as others. When she stepped out of the steel of destiny When exiting the No. 1 connecting bridge, there was only a slight "rustling" sound accompanying her footsteps.

And this small movement was completely covered up by the movement of more servo skulls flying around her: the chanting hymn in praise of Om Messiah, the sacred incense burner used by the Mechanicum, and the mouth of the She spits out parchment scrolls that record and praise the words and deeds of sages at any time, and there are many of them, and her loyal Skitarii Alpha follows her.

The first thing that hits your face is clean, comfortable and warm air.

This makes all visitors who still have the ability to breathe and feel unable to help but slow down and take a deep breath of the almost sweet air here.

very good. Sage Nilanvira thought to himself that he had never felt the air purification effect before. It seems that this boat has a well-functioning and excellent air purification and conditioning equipment. It is very likely that it is a precious antique. She has prioritized "getting this boat into her own hands" on her to-do database list. It was raised two levels from medium to upward.

Then this priority increased as she followed the leading servant to the banquet hall, and finally stayed at the Alpha level of "I must be the first to get this ship."

The door to the banquet hall opened.

Nilanvilla Mechanical Sage's mechanical light-sensitive pupils shrank.


The second update is coding and coding

Let’s put this paragraph out first

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