Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 123 The Garden the Iron Warriors Enter


++Safety warning from the Astrotaph Tower of Destiny Steel: The second half of this article contains some words that are very uncomfortable for insect-phobes. Loyal citizens of the empire are requested to read with caution and have sacred prayers and explosives ready at all times++


The bone-chilling chill that even the dead feel in the Forge World of Belakahn is alleviated as the depth of its huge underground hives increases. At the bottom of each hive center here, a huge and never-stop structure is built. The mechanical furnace is surrounded by small satellite-like forges and factories, and around them are storage, transportation and residential areas.

The place where the great sage Daedus and his mechanical council who rule here live is the largest hive, Orion-Betelgeuse.

The composition of the residents in these huge anthill-like hives is relatively clear. Except for the members of the Mechanicus and the "waste" from the bottom hive, 95% of the residents here are contracted from this sector. Slave workers, they rely on the minimum rations of food and water distributed by rations, as well as mechanical implants implanted in their flesh and blood through crude surgery to complete the daily labor production quota, in the hope that they can complete the work before they die. The debt is paid off - and of course the mechanical implants that allow them to start working are not free.

Although it is human instinct to be close to warmth, only indentured servants or servitors assigned to these positions will work around these large furnaces as a last resort, because the heat radiation emitted by them has far exceeded normal level, even Skitarii in lead-clad robes are reluctant to approach them without special request.

In the past five hundred years, Bella Kahn's main belief has always been Ohm Messiah, but considering that not everyone's brain lobes have been cut off, there are still several very small ones here. The Anglican Church is the only place where those poor people can get some spiritual comfort, but even the most sacrificial priests will not do hopeless work here, so only a very small number of people who still retain a small amount of knowledge will go to the church for prayer gatherings. impart fragmented fragments of knowledge to those who need it.

All in all, in Belakahn, if a mortal wants to live a decent life, or someone will be your guarantor when you are sent to do indentured labor and can take care of you here - then why are you still sent? Come here? ——Either voluntarily be transformed into a Skitarii or pray that your brain is good enough to stand out in the selection of the Mechanicus——If it is not washed clean and formatted and made into a meditator or a servo skull.

In the Cult of the Mechanicus, pity and the weak emotions of flesh and blood are undoubtedly one of the most useless and earliest things to be abandoned.

"In my opinion, there is no big difference." Honso said after carefully observing the work of the slave workers who lined up like ants.

"Brother Honsou, what are you referring to?" Julius was next to him. Although the priest's bone-white skull mask showed no expression, the former war blacksmith could almost imagine the face of his little apprentice's best friend. Under the helmet, his handsome and flawless little face frowned at what he saw in front of him, with a slightly worried look in his eyes.

"That's what I'm talking about," the pharmacist pointed at the people working on the ground five hundred feet beneath them outside the cracks in the ledge they passed, braving high temperatures, humidity, radiation, and highly toxic steam that was as colored as the sludge at the bottom of a pond. people - their filthy hazmat suits and biochemical modifications don't completely avoid those problems.

"Labor. The labor of all living beings is needed everywhere." The former war blacksmith laughed in his helmet, which made Julius look at him. "Labor feeds life, life dies in labor, and death brings decay. …and rebirth, little Julius.”

"It doesn't sound exactly like what Parogov told me." The blond priest replied gently. At such a close distance, Julius could place his gauntlets on the pharmacist master's shoulders, perhaps closer to his head. Some?


Honsou shuddered suddenly in his power armor and blinked like someone who has just woken up from the irritation of the morning sun hitting his pupils. He felt that his mind was very clear at this moment, and at the same time, a feeling of impatience surged into his heart.

"Oh, hell, how long are we going to dig here? Is there any news from Soltarn and the others?"

"The Stone Forger's communication just ended for 12 seconds, Brother Honso." Julius next to him replied, "According to the terrain map he provided us, we will soon arrive at where the rulers of this planet are. Right below the tower."

"I'm so glad to hear that. Even though there is a filter, the smell of this place still makes me feel uncomfortable."

Beside them, the power weapons in the hands of an entire team of Space Marines were accurately and efficiently breaking through the synthetic rock and soil that had been accumulated for countless years at the bottom of the hive, including garbage, metal, and objects with indistinguishable components that were pressed by gravity. Then, finally, The thin rock wall cracked, and something fell down, hitting their feet.

Honsou's power blade ruthlessly cut the fat, twisting worm in two. The disgusting worm burst out with purulent green juice, and was then turned into a pool of nothingness by the disinfecting light pouring out from the pharmacist's mechanical arm. harmful liquids.

The Potion Master swore a very dirty Chaos curse, then raised his leg wearing combat boots and kicked away the last link between them and the twisted fertile garden outside, filled with horrific corpses covered with maggots and granulations. layer barrier.

"Stand back! I'll disinfect it first! This Soltarn whose head should be stuck in his butt really caused a big scene for us! I thought I could get it done easily this time!"

He took a step forward, and the white armor on his body shone with a soft silver-blue light. The servo of the precision mechanical arm behind the Potion Master began to buzz and began to spray those scalp-numbing subspace gadgets with him as the origin. A certain kind of immediate disinfecting light, which can open up a foothold for subsequent teammates to move forward.

Followed closely was Julius, who was chanting the holy words and holding a scepter. A shining laurel wreath formed by spiritual energy surrounded his skull helmet, and clear and loud prayers were emitted from his loudspeaker to inspire every warrior. The souls of the priest prevent them from being affected by what they see in front of them. Every step the priest takes will cause three different visions to appear on this polluted land: rotten things that wither quickly, turning into ashes, and ashes. Some kind of sprout growing out of it.

Julius's spiritual energy field was released in a controlled manner, with gold-rimmed arcs of pure black energy jumping on the surface of his black power armor. At the same time, it also formed a barrier around his teammates to isolate them from pollution and incoming attacks. The telepathic shields of the swarms of putrid flies and plague bees that attacked them.

What they are breaking into now is a huge spherical underground space. If anything, it may be somewhat similar to the giant fetal sac in some screaming psychic nightmares. The thick vein-like lines are covered with thick disease juice. Pulp, flesh-eating maggots and eggs densely packed together like a nightmare hive.

All organic and inorganic matter present here has been swallowed up and corrupted by the dark fertile soil. The looming holes at the top of the space are undoubtedly the source of a large number of half-corroded and dissolved corpses here. The bones and flesh of countless unfortunate people have been thrown here. The place has turned into a joyful and fertile loam, with roots of insects and carnivorous plants swarming among the unfortunate skulls, ribs and abdominal cavities, and large black-green clumps of mold emerging from various cracks. Instinctively and horribly arousing deep disgust.

The air here is hot and sticky. It is so thick that the throat-like mucus can almost drip from the air. From time to time, putrid bubbles and sediments will erupt from the fat jelly-like puddles of corpse liquid. The bones will emerge from it for a moment, and the strange living trees scream and spray out foul air from their sphincter.

The Iron Warriors kept moving forward under the leadership of the apothecary and the priest. The apothecary's disinfection ray and the priest's psychic power protected them. They were burrowed into the plague trees with their sharp-toothed mouths, the fat and swollen fungi, and the flesh-colored flowers covered with abscess thorns. Swarms of plague flies appeared, and they swarmed towards the warriors who dared to set foot here, almost drowning them, and were then burned to death by the powerful bolters behind the power blade and the flamethrowers of the heavy weapons team. The ashes quickly turned into a blackened gray mark on the ground.

"Good, damn good, this damn place really makes me feel uncomfortable!" Honso cursed again, "If this Soltarn can't bring me the victory he promised this time, I swear I will definitely hunt him to the end of the universe until I take off his head and stuff it in!"

Julius raised his Holy Book high, and the black energy arrows surrounded by crackling golden light burned through a giant beast composed of slime and decayed bones that tried to get close to them. When it exploded, those who filled the sky were The bad scum flying down made the two team members of the 10th Company here seem a little commotion, but then the commotion was suppressed by the priest's profound sound, and the veterans began to laugh at them loudly with battlefield jokes. Leading them firmly over the rough and sticky ground, they continued toward their goal, a huge, full, pulsating bladder of water that stood in the center of the place.

"How long can you hold on for us, Brother Honsou? I have vaguely felt the psychic imprint of Captain Soltarn above."

"Can you sense it from such a distance?"

"Captain Soltarn's directional psychic ability is very strong, and his psychic imprint is quite special. I can sense it in this environment."

"That's great. Based on the speed at which these rotten fish and shrimps are attacking now, my energy box should be able to keep clearing this place for 28 to 30 seconds."

"That's enough. The team carrying flamethrowers and melta weapons cooperates with Brother Honso to organize a temporary defense line. The others follow me. We have to break through this thing within fifteen seconds."

"Remember to leave me a complete specimen!!"

"It's better not to have this kind of thing, Brother Hongsuo."

Julius turned around and activated the long sword at his waist.

The bright orange-red light on the sword blade flourished, reflecting the looming distorted human body in the huge pulsating water bag in the dark underground space.

“Things that should not exist in this world should not exist.”

"Obey or die!"

The blade fell.


I want to try serializing one main article and one interlude chapter every day.

Maybe this will make it easier to add content.

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