Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 126 Dantioch Interlude 1 The Castle of Old Wounds

Chapter 126 Dantioch Interlude · 1 · The Castle of Old Wounds

The War Blacksmith, who was banished by the Gene Father, walked with difficulty in the deep circular corridors of Schadenhold.

The old joint servo hummed inside War Blacksmith's unkempt steel-gray power armor with obvious rust and mottled marks, making his steps appear heavy and tired.

The grievous injuries inflicted in the Hrud wars generations ago still plague the prematurely aging warrior like maggots in the tarsus, but they do not really bother him.

Barabas Dantioch gasped under his steel mask, air hissing from his windpipe as he staggered around a familiar corner.

Shadenhold (Fortress of Pain) was designed and built by him personally. Since the day it was built, it has been a monument to the glory of the past, a creation of loyalty to the Fourth Legion and the Emperor. Dantioch It is proud that even among the Fourth Legion, which is well versed in the art of war architecture, this war fortress is the most magnificent work of wonder.

No one can break through its defenses unscathed and silently.

——So, what is this. ——The old blacksmith blinked his red and tearful eyes behind the mask because of old age and weakness.

Some kind of stuffed four-legged creature that he had never seen before in his long life was lying there, or more accurately described as "splayed" relaxedly, at the door of Dantioch's room.

He stopped and looked carefully, while trying to hold back the cough in his throat.

This creature, which was estimated to be at least five feet long, did not appear to have any particularly objectionable mutations. It was furry, with distinct symmetrical black and white patterns, and a long nose with a moist black tip and a slightly drooping tip. Ears, white tail and long fluffy tail with a tip.

The closest Dantioch could find in his memory were the animal companions of their Fenrisian cousins ​​and the capes that some Primarchs or warriors wore over their power armor.

So this is a heterochromatic... wolf or canid?

But why is it here?

As far as Dantioch knew, there was no such animal anywhere within ten light years.

trap? still……


Perturabo closed his eyes, lay on his side on the ground and stretched his limbs comfortably. The hard and rough surface made him feel uncomfortable as he was used to pillows and soft quilts.


He jumped up on the spot with a speed that was extremely agile for a 2K Terran canine. What! Damn, damn—

I obviously just fell asleep in bed!

Lamizane! ! Lamizane! ! Perturabo called in his heart.

The bad news is that there is no induction, and the good news is that there is no problem that occurs when the distance is too large. It is as if he is still on the pillow in the bedroom of the Destiny Steel and has not moved.

The canine's olfactory organs told him that this place was filled with complex smells that he was once very familiar with but now felt like they were in another world. Steel, rocks, engine oil, humans, sweat, promethium... and the smell of promethium here was a bit unusually strong.

He wrinkled his nose and brows, but to outsiders, the animal just tilted its head slightly, showing an expression similar to distress, and its beautiful, clear brown almond eyes were full of confusion.

Dantioch hid behind the corner and observed the uninvited guests at the door of his room with a cautious tactical perspective.

This wolf-like animal seemed to have just woken up and was frightened by its surroundings. It jumped up in confusion and stood there shaking its head and looking around. Its fluffy tail seemed to be rolled up on its back in a wary manner. end.

The old blacksmith also noticed that the animal had well-groomed fur - he smelled some complex and elegant mixture of spices, very light incense and animal fur, clean, bright eyes and down. The flying ears indicate that it is likely to have an owner.

The short hairs covering its four paws looked extremely white and clean. Dantioch even felt that this sudden animal should be cleaner than the humans on many planets he had seen.

"What a disgusting inference." He said silently in his heart, while summoning his Iron Guards and Fortress Guards in the communication channel. The countless past encounters in this universe have taught him to treat all accidents with caution.

In this place where subspace exists, there is nothing more suspicious than a living creature that appears in the innermost part of a heavily guarded fortress but does not trigger any alarms.


"So what should we do with it now?" Taraschi, the battle brother chosen by the War Blacksmith as the daily deputy of the fortress, asked, with a hesitation in his tone that was rare among the soldiers of the Fourth Legion.

The priest brother stood behind him, with no expression on his square and resolute face, but his eyes would uncontrollably glance at the animal that was now looking at them with its tail wagging slightly impatiently.

It is true that after their series of discussions, this animal is at least partially similar to the Fenris wolf. However, the three of them discovered through communication that one thing that is quite different from the huge ferocious beast they know is that when they see this animal The first sight of a wolf-shaped animal will produce a strong "feeling of closeness" that is very rare for an Astartes.

And an inexplicable sour and hot emotion would flow down the spine and through their Superman's chest. The three people's shared experience also explained why no bombs or other things were fired at its head in the first place.

"Perhaps I should keep it by my side for the time being and observe it." Dantioch coughed and said an extremely imprudent way to deal with it.

Pastor Jennifer curled his lips in disapproval, but he had to admit that no matter how suspicious the animal was, as long as he thought of pointing a gun at it, a certain instinct would prevent him from doing so, and More complex and bitter emotions will sweep in and fade away like waves washing up on the beach.

The old blacksmith lifted his tired legs.

His ancient and faithful power armor was now the only support that allowed him to move his huge body. Dantioch panted and walked towards the animal, stood still, thought for a moment, and then put on his steel-gray gauntlets full of traces of time. Covering the top of the animal's head - Taraschi had subconsciously pulled the trigger of the bolter - the creature let out a dissatisfied whimper, turned its head and slapped the old man with its long, furry and bearded mouth. The side of the blacksmith's gauntlet then stopped moving, and he let the iron-gray studded iron fingers touch his head. Once, and again, Dantioch's coughing stopped unconsciously, and he stroked the animal's furry hair. top of head.

The four-legged stuffed creature bared its teeth and tightened its ears visibly and reluctantly, but did not move away or move, and was stroked again.

The War Blacksmith spoke again, his hoarse voice that was always full of pain, hatred and resentment unexpectedly calm.

"Come on, anyway, come with me. I think you need sleep. Let's make a nest for you in my room first."

On cold days, sometimes I really want to tell you some warm and plain (really) short stories, like a bowl of hot porridge.

The story of the multi-episode series was drafted last summer. I thought about it over and over again out of love, but in the end there was not much stock (laughs). This is really not suitable for the daily update of online articles.

I hope I can still find time to show you the miracles in this fantasy universe that I like.

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