Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 128 Interlude Part 2 BC may be BC or it may be Border Collie

The Lord of Steel was trying to remain calm.

Steel inside and out.

He thought silently to himself.

At this time, his furry face and lips covered under the downy muzzle helped him hide his unnecessary expression, but his tightened ears and straight tail were really difficult to overcome with willpower alone - damn little kid Dog instinct! ! ! ! !

His heart was roaring crazily, and all kinds of related knowledge, including 563 methods on how to deal with the current situation, were listed in one thousandth of a second, but they were only applicable to humans! After all, no one would program such a thing for a dog! ! ! ! ! Perturabo's own voice screamed in his head, but more worrying was what would happen next.

The Primarch pulled out from the depths of his memory his father's decaying empire and the more than three thousand ways Chaos had dealt with this suspected warp emergency, all of which were similar, with only a few exceptions.

And if the heirs I banished find out who is actually inside this weak, weak body that cannot control itself...

Perturabo's scalp tingled.

Although he has never actually had such an experience, the Lord of Steel still felt that his feelings could be compared - as if he was announcing that he was going to marry a Terran Praetorian in the middle of the Palace Square of Terra and that the witness was Fulgrim, so outrageous. It is estimated that there is only one skin away from broadcasting his disgrace to the whole universe on the Star Torch.

Destroy it.

He tightened his four paws, oh his fucking eyes! I even have all four paws trimmed! ! ! ! !

The original body smacked his lips with a stiffness and calmness that was excessive in shame and resentment. Although these insignificant teeth were well maintained, they obviously did not have the ability to penetrate ceramite armor. If these damn descendants wanted to, they only needed Turn on the flamethrower, no, there's a 99.998% chance that just a chokehold with one hand will be enough to destroy the pathetic, fragile, furry little body you're currently inhabiting.

When that Dantioch came over, Perturabo subconsciously pressed his ears close, and hot air surged out of his lungs and sprayed out of his nostrils through his narrow nasal cavity.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that Dantioch was always right, and that he did owe him and those heirs something! It has nothing to do with the fact that he can only look up at the huge armored giant now!

Just a dog’s nervous instinct!


The animal that carries the soul of the Primarch of the Iron Warriors stands there, deep in the desolate frontier of the planet, in the Fortress of Pain, in the steel corridor of the center of Schadenhold, with his long tail slightly raised, his muscles tense, his gorgeous fur fluffy and soft, Brushing the rough and rusted iron fingers of the exiles who were prematurely aged.

Dantioch's first touch was undoubtedly clumsy, and Perturabo sneered silently, regaining his confidence within a second.

He tilted his head and patted the useless heir's hand with his furry muzzle, instructing him to smooth the hair in the right place.

Can't even do this little thing well, Barabas Dantioch! He scolded silently again, shaking his neck, and this time the tip of the old blacksmith's gauntlet finally fell to the correct position.

snort. Perturabo enjoyed Zizi's hair-stroking service with peace of mind.

—————Dantioch fully demonstrates the dividing line of craftsmanship required to make a sturdy doghouse——————

Perturabo didn't even have to circle the tiny ceramite fortress.

This piece of shit isn't even worthy of being stuffed into a macro cannon!

No defense! It falls down at the first touch!

Dantioch! Your level shouldn't be like this!

He raised his ears excitedly, and the tips of his ears trembled with the ups and downs of his body. The tip of his tail swayed happily. He sniffed with his nose in disgust, and then used his paws to claw everywhere until his front trident patiently and slowly removed the last one. After the ceramic steel components were placed in a position he was satisfied with, the original body mercifully walked over with his head held high, stepped on the soft cloth pad that he had dug out from somewhere, made a dent of a suitable size, and then lay down in it to form a beautiful Large round hairballs.

Perturabo felt sleepy. He narrowed his eyes, curled his tail, exposed his teeth and tongue, and yawned a huge yawn.

"It seems that you finally trapped the little one." Dantioch coughed. The ruined lungs and trachea left by the Hrud War were burning him from the inside, but the waste of precious energy to finish the kennel made him feel uncomfortable. He felt a sense of relief that he had never felt before.

It was a magical animal, and the Warsmith began to understand the affection the Sixth Legion soldiers had for their animal companions, although he and all his brothers concluded that the animal was probably a relative of the wolf, an ancient Tai. Pull period dog.

——It shouldn’t appear here and now anyway.

"We should be very vigilant, because this is very likely to be an accident caused by the fluctuations of the subspace." Pastor Janif, who has reviewed a large amount of information, warned seriously. "And there are no surprises in the Warp."

Of course, this warning would have been taken more seriously if the pastor brother didn't have such an obvious expression of "so you should give it to me and take it back to remove the hair" when he spoke.

Ancient texts mentioned dogs as making excellent companions or companion animals, and indeed they were, he thought.

This dog who accidentally broke into the barrier of pain looks sleepy, oh, its eyelids are fighting, it will fall asleep soon.

The black and white dog was lying in the fortress kennel he had made by himself, and seemed to have accepted the gift. Its breath ruffled its mane, and its long hair tips swayed slightly in the air with the airflow of the regulator.

A strong desire suddenly took possession of Dantioch.

He raised his bloodshot eyes alertly, but everything around him was normal. There were no signs of subspace trouble or corruption. Everything was stable and performing its duties.

Just give it a try? Try it? Maybe……

He tried to take off part of his gauntlet with the help of his servant, and then stretched out his bare palms full of wrinkles and age spots and ventured to stroke the big dog's head and back of the neck again.

The thick down on the head of the big dog wrapped around the old man's rough skin, and the gorgeous soft long mane on the back of the neck gently buried the joints and vein-covered fingers.

The animal that unexpectedly appeared in the depths of the cold rock and iron fortress today lazily raised its eyelids and glanced at Dantioch. It was a look of love, relaxation, and trust. He was telling Dantioch that he was going to sleep. And I believe he will protect him.

The old blacksmith blinked as his damaged tear ducts were working a little too much today.

The eyepiece reading reminded him that a dog's normal body temperature was slightly higher than that of a human, oh yes, that must be why it gave him that warm feeling, yes, he thought, that must be it, so warm, with the warmth of total trust, Starting to seep from his fingertips, his numb heart seemed to be alive again, and the resentful and helpless cold blood became active again, flushing his blood vessels with enthusiasm, just like when he learned that his genetic father was coming The moment of reunion with them.

The waves of reluctance, pain, hatred and other emotions that had been surrounding him, supporting him and whipping him in layers for many years no longer rolled, becoming as peaceful as the windless sea.

All that's left is sighing.

"It's incredible..."


I’m very happy after reading the analysis of the previous chapter. The book friend’s very good guess made me very happy.

The Dantioch Interlude series is also my personal favorite.

Another piece of bad news is that the author has a roommate, and he sent influenza A and COVID-19 back to his residence, so that the homebound author also experienced the powerful version of the plague messenger. Today he came in and said that the whole company had a cold, which was quite fun. …

...I'm speechless, I hope I won't be infected over the weekend.

There are really people in this world who will not bear the burden of being sick (lll¬ω¬)

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