Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 130 Three Turns in the Dantioch Interlude

Chapter 130 Dantioch Interlude · 3 · Turning Point

War, in the distant dark future, there is only war.

I don’t know which guy thought of this sentence first, but it is indeed correct here.

Perturabo thought.

He was walking steadily on his pads and claws (sheared) through the intricate and winding stone and metal corridors of Sandenhold, the fortress of pain. The Primarch was very familiar with the construction preferences of his once most beloved offspring. , he just tried a few different paths, and then he knew how to choose the right path here.

Just before Dantioch was talking to his visitor, Perturabo, who was lying in the ceramic doghouse and seemingly taking a nap, had listened to their conversation word for word and had an understanding of the time he was in. A rough judgment - of course Dantioch would not have guessed when he hurried away with Taraschi that the fluffy black and white dog that gave him a sense of warmth, calmness and closeness would keep tilting his head and staring very cutely. It wasn't because he was reluctant to leave - Perturabo's current four-legged (fingerless) form really made it take him a while to sneak out of the room after Dantioch left.

I bet Rogal Dorn or Ferrus Manus couldn't do it if they turned into dogs! He thought proudly, his beautiful snow-white mane flowing across his chest, oh, not counting Magnus, a psionic player *at that level* was a foul!

Even though Dantioch had violated one of the taboos that Perturabo was most concerned about in the past, for the black and white dog who has experienced too many different moments here, now in his heart, he can only think about himself at that time. You may find it unbelievable, but he is definitely not that kind of weirdo! *And, once again, curse the old skeleton and the self-righteous woman. What a disastrous combination of trying to make the gospel.

His wandering thoughts gathered as he moved forward, and Perturabo trotted along the wall, his paws making a slight crunching sound on the ground.

According to the conversation he just overheard between the two heirs, he knew exactly where he was going, but he wasted too much unscheduled time trying to sneak out of the room. It can only be said that it was fortunate that Dantioch's abnormal old age Slow down his movement speed, otherwise with the endurance of an ordinary puppy, it would still be a bit tight to reach the chapel where they will meet in time.

One very unusual thing is that although the Iron Warriors here are only a handful of remnants, the chapel they built is undoubtedly full of pride for themselves, the Empire, the Fourth Legion and the Gene Father. , Perturabo noticed that the size of this space far exceeded their actual number of people. In other words, this chapel was undoubtedly a silent gift to someone in his dreams.

There are various sculptures made of local rocks on both sides of the long aisle. On the smooth rock walls leading to the chapel, someone reverently covered them with thick and exquisitely carved steel. These reliefs Both the content and the exquisite decorations in this aisle, which simultaneously express one's faith in Man, the Emperor, the Father and War, were created by the ingenuity and skill of the great warriors.

The final combination of all this is a huge and miraculous relief picture that will shock visitors: the Emperor of Mankind looks at his fourth son with pride in the direction of the rising sun, and the Iron Warrior's The Gene Father looked back at his creator from the other side.

The area around the chapel was deserted, even when there were visitors. The Legion culture of the Iron Warriors did not encourage them to decorate themselves and their temples with honors and medals. The Iron who survived the Hrud War The warriors also lacked enough manpower to support the atmosphere of the entire chapel.

The corner of the dog's eyes glanced at these patterns and walls, and a thought passed through him like a dragonfly: indeed, compared to certain locations, his legion was too lacking in recognition in this regard. They should at least use some flags and walls of honor. Come... But Perturabo had more important things to do right now, and he immediately put them behind him.

Perturabo hurriedly walked through this rectangular space filled with wars, art, memories and dreams that had been carved into the rock. He heard coughing sounds from inside the chapel, including the painful gasps and coughs of Dantioch, and the There was the sound of his battle brothers patting his chest with their own iron gauntlets.

The border collie shook his head, then stepped lightly, pretending to be a harmless passing animal and slipped into the largest hall here.

He saw Dantioch and Taraschi, and a mortal auxiliary officer in colonel's garb. Reverend Janiff was inspecting the anvil altar with its ceaseless pounding of hammers and roaring furnaces, and then He walked down to join them. The last person waiting here was a mortal priest, who should have come from somewhere else. He stood on the other side, wearing a blue and gold hooded robe and vestments that were incompatible with the others.

"They are coming." The dog's erect and sensitive ears easily caught the priest's whisper to Dantioch.

Then Perturabo saw the uninvited guests who came to visit on this special day.

Well, I saw it, the first fool I knew strutting in, Idris Krendel. The dog licked his mouth. Well, judging from his appearance, he should have just been appointed as the new war blacksmith of the 14th Battalion at this time.

The people who then filed in included a Mechanicum Sage in red robes, and a solemn-looking Space Marine wearing special green power armor with eye-catching eye-shaped logos on the breastplate and shoulder armor. Very good. , look, this is the Son of Horus from the Sixteenth Legion, what else? Oh, this newly appointed guy also got himself a bunch of Honor Guards wearing fancy new power armor. The dog started to sneer, these guards are all newbies, they can only show off, vain fools!

Crandall came toward them with a strange arrogance, and as he began to ascend the steps to the altar, he finally gave a rather cold and unfamiliar greeting.

"The Warsmith," he said, "I bring new news and new orders from the Legion and our master."

Then came the new orders given to Dantioch and the others by Perturabo, or rather Horus, and the destruction and other news of Olympia brought by the mortal priest, and finally the irresistible Avoid the outbreak of dispute——

"That's enough. If you can't hand over the command of this place and your army, then you and everyone here will be treated as traitors who betrayed the original body and the Warmaster!"

So stupid.

A farce.

After watching everything up to this point, Bian Mu thought calmly, *What on earth was I thinking before? Such obvious use and such an arrogant heir...*

The dog sighed silently.

He saw Dantioch's mask of steel, smelted into his flesh-skull, turn toward each of his companions.

So Perturabo immediately understood and knew what Barabas Dantioch was going to do next.

He jumped out like a bolt of lightning and jumped directly onto Dantioch's shoulder armor, interrupting what the old blacksmith was about to say.

"This - what is this? An animal?" Crandall smiled twistedly, "This cripple seems to be of no use to the legion anymore -"

"[Shut up you idiot.]"

A voice, a voice full of majesty, like a thunderstorm cloud approaching irresistibly from the vast ocean, echoed under the dome of this steel temple.

Dantioch, Daraski and Janif stood there as if struck by lightning, and the same was true of the arrogant Krendel. His guards looked completely at a loss as they blankly pointed their guns at the Fortress of Pain. A group of people, obviously all the Iron Warriors recognized this voice and would never mistake it.

The red-robed sage of the Mechanicus and the Son of Horus retreated to a place and looked around vigilantly at every possible thing that might be amiss.

"[Intolerable arrogance and frivolity, Krendel.]"

The arrogance of the newly appointed war blacksmith was visibly melting away like snow poured with hot water.



Although the pace was sped up as much as possible because it was an interlude, and I even fast-forwarded two large sections of the plot I was originally going to write, but I still couldn't seem to finish it?

Well, it seems that Iron Fist will not be able to fall today (gloating)

Oh, by the way, I know someone will definitely ask. I have started writing this interlude, so I will say this:

1. It is not normal for Pepe to be able to speak in this time and space. Most of the time, he is still unable to speak.

2. Lamizane now doesn’t know that Pepe can be like this.

3. Pepe still hasn’t really spoken in the main plot.

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In fact, what can be seen from multiple angles is indeed much richer. This was also a question that many people asked at the beginning. Why not write about Pepe’s psychological activities? Isn’t this because of the interlude angle——

It’s really fun to write about Pei Gou spending time alone with his good sons (

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