Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 154 Even Ruth

It has been so long since the age when the Emperor's Children walked the skies and the earth that mortals and Space Marines have almost forgotten that a true living Primarch spoke with genuine emotion. The feeling of oppression emanating from underneath is so suffocating.

Zabriel didn't know what happened to the original body, but even the most senior of the four, Knight Officer Avoca, who wore Mark III "steel" power armor, had never seen the Lion show such a gaffe. look.

No, it should be said for a Primarch, especially considering that this Primarch is named Leon El'Jonson, even if you see it with your own eyes, it is hard to believe that his face is twisted like, like...

The lion's teeth were clenched, and there were even faint blue veins bulging out on his temples. His forehead, which had not sweated when killing the giant beasts and the Chaos Terminator, shone with a thin layer of sweat, showing that Leon El'Jonsen was born. People are undergoing some invisible pressure that others cannot feel - or instilling - awakening - memory -

The apparent age added to his physical features after waking up on Kamath heightened the impression that he seemed suddenly frail, as if the creature's mere presence and gaze could rob the Primarch of his vitality. The source is average.

So as one of those who had sworn to follow the Lions again, it was natural for Zabriel to take a step toward the strange and questionable black-and-white animal that caused so much emotion for the Lions—but there was someone better than him. Faster, Knight-Commander Kai's long sword suddenly unsheathed like his own.

Considering that the difference between this knight commander and today's Dark Angels is as big as an entire legion, his evaluation of the famous Coswein is only "he only makes me feel a little tricky when he is in his prime", and the sword in his hand has just been He also used an exquisite and merciless attack on their genetic father. It was not surprising that he was the first to take action.

The male lion, dripping with cold sweat, suddenly woke up from the huge memory. Before he could ask his son to stop, the wolf-like animal turned its head and glared at Kai fiercely.

The ancient warrior who was probably one of the best swordsmen among the Dark Angels suddenly stood frozen on the spot. His sword was in his hand, but he could no longer swing it an inch. Everyone saw him The glazed look in his eyes showed that a supernatural power of shock was projected onto the Astartes, and it worked without any hindrance.

This powerful, unnatural and unknowable force made the other three people immediately put their fingers on the trigger of the weapon, and the two mortals who had been stunned from the beginning - especially the captain of the Lion Guard Migia, The poor girl now looked absolutely mortified and they drew their own weapons and pointed them at the border collie.

The dog gave a very human snort.

"Stand back, my children." Finally the lion spoke. Although he only wore a milky white robe with no decorations except the embroidery of the black winged sword, it certainly could not provide any protection. Apart from the long sword "Loyalty", he did not carry any additional arms.

"I need some alone time with my...guest."

Out of concern for the safety of the lion, advice was given in turn and rejected without question. Finally, the lion king's lost heirs and the ashamed mortal guards all left the garden, leaving the silence to one person and one dog. , but Perturabo heard that they had not gone far, they were still wandering outside the garden, and the Fourth Primarch had no doubt that the guy in black armor and red robes would be the first to use plasma weapons if necessary. All the beautiful and precious plants were burned to the ground and then rushed in.

"Okay." Leon turned his eyes to the uninvited guests, "This distance is far enough for them to not be able to hear our conversation very clearly." He paused, "I must say, I didn't expect to be in such an occasion. Encountering such... you. And you are very courageous. If I hadn't remembered those just now, just the horrific betrayal and deeds you had done thousands of years ago would have been enough for me to have someone target you. Pull the trigger on the plasma pistol, Per...Turabo."

The lion struggled to spit out his brother's name from his mouth to the furry dog ​​- even though the lion had no love or brotherhood for this brother in the past, and the betrayal of the brother brought The impact of the violently awakened memories on Leon today - well - but deep down in his heart, Caliban's beast still slightly, slightly retracted its sharp claws into the flesh-padded claw sheaths, just a little, just a little. ——After all, he originally thought that he was the last one, the only remaining lone person of his kind left——

"Are you brave?" The dog asked, "Oh, before we start talking, I can tell you a piece of good news. At present, I have no intention of having anything to do with our skeletal old father, who is rotten and smelly. The Decaying Empire is facing the enemy head-on. Under this premise, we can and need to talk, Leon."

The lion frowned, "First of all, if you want to talk to me, you shouldn't use such disrespectful language to describe our father and the empire of mankind."

"Okay, okay, Leon, who is always full of respect for his father but has a sense of responsibility as the eldest son that is not very useful." The dog raised his paw and waved, then walked over and nimbly jumped on the garden leader beside the lion. chair, and jumped forward to a higher table.

"Can you please sit down and talk," Perturabo said with a certain sinister politeness. "It makes my neck and eyes sore to keep looking up at you."

"You sound like you're showing off your cynicism more easily these days," the Lion observed his brother, shrugging, "but I've changed too, my brother, so I feel the need to declare my The latest conclusion: You look much more pleasing to the eye now than before."

"Yes, our majestic and noble eldest brother Leon El'Jonson -" the black-and-white tyrant said with a strange accent, "you flirt with every female cat 'there' and go for them The way he looks like fighting, I believe that even EVEN RUSS——"

"I think we should talk about your purpose of coming and more important issues first, Perturabo." The lion said solemnly. He looked very majestic, as if he was the leader of the first army, Perturabo. Labo saw that the lion's thumb had touched the hilt of the "loyalty" sword on his waist, "instead of wasting important time on trivial details."

"Oh, this sword, you pulled it out, 'Arthur'."


"It's nothing. It's very useful. You have to remember to carry it with you at all times and never leave it."

"You don't need to say anything." Leon's green eyes stared closely at the beautiful brown almond eyes of the Border Collie, "Now, I have a few questions to ask you first..."


alright! Good night!

Well, due to the extreme protestations of a certain green-eyed man, we'll leave his plush romance aside for now -

Good night!

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