Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 172 Something is wrong with Lysander

The tall warriors wrapped in thick ceramic steel walked side by side in the ancient and gorgeous Gothic arcades of the Phalanx Fortress. Lysander and Galaton did not speak for a moment.

Lysander could feel that Garadon's suspicion of him was almost undisguised. In the past five minutes, Garadon's sensors had scanned him five times thinking they were calm (but Lysander De's upgraded armor pops up a pop-up message every time asking whether to launch a silenced incineration...corona? on Garadon), but the reason why he hasn't taken action yet may be because of the lack of evidence and Laishan. De's past experience of being too loyal.

So what went wrong? First of all, there can't be any problems with this suit of armor, because even Lysander himself can't find fault with the armory's new paint, because they have well-documented reasons for facing the Macraggeans, and they are even meticulous. The original motto on his iron halo was restored to the original style one by one.

Secondly, Lysander is pretty sure that there is nothing wrong with his appearance compared to himself at this time. At best, he might look a little older? A few more scars? But there are no obvious new scars on the face...

Oh, wait, damn it, damn it, Dorne's hand! Is it because of that?

Lysander suddenly remembered his hairstyle at the moment - his hairstyle had been changed according to someone's preference! His hairstyle now looks very... I can only say that fortunately, at least Galaton's hairstyle also has a full head of hair.

So this shouldn’t be a big problem?

It's just a little extra hair. He didn't grow his hair long or braid it, right?

Is there really another person here? But if this is the case, the third company commander will not be the only one who appears with Galadon. If it is the arrest of Danat Lysander, then this is at least worthy of the appearance of a full company and the Holy Fearless, not to mention Brothers such as the venerable Pastor Shadras and the passionate Pastor Markov will appear...

So the possibility exists, but it's not high.

The boots of the two captains stepped on the marble floor. Lysander was extremely familiar with this place. There was only one last corner left before they would reach the Hall of Heroes.

The thought of once again seeing and seeing the gruesome corpse that Vladimir Pyuna snatched from the Norn Queen's mouth caused a heavy gloom to fall over Lysander's heart, temporarily replacing other chaotic thoughts.

Galaton stepped forward and pushed open the door. Lysander had already adjusted the expression on his face - he didn't realize that this alone could show how much he had changed - and stepped into the Hall of Heroes. Recall from memory the content of his speech at that time, and prepare——

The atmosphere in the Hall of Heroes was as solemn and solemn as he remembered. The team flag and the honor flag on the dome, which was so far away from the ground that it was almost blurry, were slowly fluttering under the influence of the rising thermal air. As expected, people were gathered here. The Empire All surviving captains of the Fist Chapter.

They all wore armor and cloaks, some of which still had incompletely repaired battle marks. Their weapons and helmets were locked at their waists.

Lysander had never realized that the smoke of incense and candles, as well as the chants and prayers of cherubim and servitors, could confuse people's minds and cause hallucinations.

Because, on the high platform in the center, being blessed with holy water by a respected priest, wasn't it Vladimir Pugh? ! Although it was a newly awakened Dreadnought, the name written on it was indeed his!

Lysander felt an incredible wave of dizziness and joy pouring from the center of his spine into his brain.

Pew, their respected and reassuring Chapter Master, did not die in the Tyranid swarm's raid!


A stream of joy quietly passed through the edges of his eyes, and he blinked without letting anyone else notice this little surprise.

Lysander strode forward - now he could probably guess what kind of ceremony this was. It was a witness gathering held by combat heroes when they were put into a new fearless. In view of the fact that they were put into a new fearless this time, The pilot is Pew, so this meeting is very likely to involve the selection of the next chapter leader.

Sure enough, the next development gradually began to overlap with Lysander's memory.

"Why are you unwilling to take over Pew's responsibility and lead our Chapter? Lysander, we all believe that you are the role model that all Imperial Fists monks aspire to be. You are the hero of the Chapter, and you are the next one." The perfect choice for a Chapter Master."

After once again having to explain to everyone in detail that he fully understood that the Imperial Fists needed a leader, but why he couldn't take over the mantle of Chapter Master at this moment (this time Lysander didn't need five days of thinking) Speaking out the result of his careful consideration very fluently), a think tank director wearing a psychic hood walked out of the crowd.

Lysander recognized him immediately; Haldor Mazon, Chapter Master Pew's closest confidant and now the chief think tank of the Imperial Fists Chapter.

Here it is, that conversation - he still remembers it. As long as this conversation is completed, they will eventually elect the fifth company commander as the new chapter leader.

Sure enough, although there were discrepancies in the following words of the chief think tank, they generally explained Pew's painstaking alliances, designs, and serial arrangements over decades or even centuries, and even the attack on the Magor Rift was only one part of it.

Masson's wise and melancholy eyes stared at Lysander, "Vladimir already knows your goal, and he also has the same burning anger against our hateful enemy in his heart, Danat, but Vladimir also understands the relationship between anger and Pride also needs to be controlled from the self.”

"That's right," Lysander lowered his eyes slightly, and scenes of his past flashed before his eyes. He admitted, "I was really too focused on chasing the only goal in front of me. It was like an immature hairy man. Boy, the desire for revenge has blinded my vision, making my vision narrow and unable to see everything clearly. In this way, I am completely unsuitable for the role of Chapter Leader, because I will be selfish, out-of-control, and proud. and angered my battle-brothers to the point of needlessly costing their lives."

He lowered his head, "A commander should not be unnecessarily merciful, but a Chapter Master should consider that the lives of battle brothers are the Emperor's currency and should be used wisely and not abused. I have made a big mistake in this matter. Wrong, and I will regret it for the rest of my life, so I cannot take on such an important responsibility until I have completed my revenge, my atonement.”

Several company commanders made a sound of inhaling.

Galaton was extremely surprised to see the company commander who had completely shed his pride. This was completely different from the hero of the battle group who looked down on everyone and had a sacred aura in his impression.

Haldor also looked a little surprised. It was obvious that the company commander's happy admission and such sincere attitude caused this reaction, but then his face showed a little relief.

The director of the think tank turned his face to Fearless on the ceremony stage, "Old friend, I think Lysander is much better prepared than we expected. Perhaps, we don't have to wait for the test to be completed, this time it really can be done."

The company commanders nodded one after another.

Lysander raised his head in confusion, an unpleasant chill gradually creeping up his spine.

no? Why don't you follow the process that is supposed to happen? What do you want to do? !

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