Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 182 Every Arthur has his own Merlin

Chapter 182 Every Arthur has his own Merlin-

Warning from the Inquisition——

This chapter has some um...Slaanesh and heretical writing. I suggest that any readers who come in with normal interests to read it should be cautious...maybe you can scroll to the back and skip it--

End of warning -

Apart from his extraordinary size, this heretic space warrior in emerald green power armor actually has a voice that is not unpleasant to listen to. It can even be said to be rhythmic and like chanting verses. However, for some reason, it always makes the Lion... It felt a bit... inconsistent, as if the hard metal breathing grille of his helmet could make people feel a soft and juicy tongue licking obscenely inside.

The heretic introduced himself as the commander of the "Evil Guards" and the commander of Serafax.

"What is that?" The lion frowned as he listened - the space warrior who called himself Makogo looked at the approaching lion and his heirs unscrupulously from behind the lenses with greedy and hungry eyes. This eternally hungry gaze made even the primarch feel a slightly unfamiliar discomfort.

Before Makogo spoke, another voice suddenly sounded in the direction of Leon's head, "A group of Astartes who believe in two of the four guys I told you, one of the main members of Ten Thousand Eyes, Well, then I can basically guess what kind of existence your unfilial son is serving."

The Chaos Space Marine in emerald green armor froze for a moment with shameful anger and the feeling brought about by the aftermath of the blessing.

Not because he saw the dog talking, but because of what he thought was some kind of pet or decoration. When he heard it, it made such a sound like a yellow bell and a big Lu, and every time the power of the supreme heaven was in it. Echoing, every Chaos Power, including the one he serves, has generously invested so many blessings in it. The blessings are so many that the aftermath of just an ordinary sentence makes him tremble and go blank. moment.

This weak existence! I don’t know how to get so much attention from the gods. It or he even looks like it has no fighting ability, whether it’s the drooping ear tips or the soft fur that has no defense or deterrence at all... Oh, wait, traitor The deformed nostrils twitched vigorously.

The Chaos believer looked at the black and white canine creature on the Lion King's shoulder with anger and jealousy, "I am here to tell you how to find him on the order of Lord Serafax..."

"Then complete your mission quickly and gain your end at the hands of my heir."

"Before that, I have a condition - I originally wanted an incomplete knight, but I changed my mind..." Makogo took off his helmet.

The Lion gave a low growl at the blasphemous image he saw of man himself and his father's work.

The Space Marine's face still vaguely retains the general appearance of a human face as recognized by ordinary people, but it has also undergone unrestrained cutting, plastic surgery, additions and other surgeries.

The final result of this is that Makogo now has a pair of round eyes with no eyelids, no eye whites, and only wide-open black pupils. This makes him extremely sensitive to stimulation, and his nostrils and mouth have been changed by biochemical surgery. Extremely large and thick, as if he had specialized organs to taste every molecule of pleasure in everything he smelled and smelled, his skin glowed with an inhuman brilliance, in keeping with his depravity. On the contrary, his skin is as tender as glistening baby skin, his bones are extremely exaggerated, emphasizing his cheekbones and chin, almost turning into spikes, and his ears are obviously changed into radio devices. And directly connected to certain nerves that should not be connected.

Because what is unspeakable is that when the lion roared and Perturabo sneered at the Chaos Space Marine they saw, everyone could clearly see the taste and enjoyment of this depraved shameless bastard. The voices of the two noble men trembled and stiffened again.

The Destroyer and the Inner Circle veterans spat in disgust.

After he finished, his pair of dark glass-black eyes that looked like a doll's did not hide the hunger and greed he looked at the Lion King and his brother.

"Come on!" he said, "let your blessed animal jump on me! Let me be beaten by him! Humiliated! Trampled on! Let him do whatever he wants to me! Son of the Emperor! Such is my condition! "

"He's so disgusting. P-Kaidomo, can't we just stop letting him get his way?"

Perturabo sneered.

"Of course, Leon, isn't that part of what I'm here for?"

The dog raised his front paws.

Makogo's long tongue licked his sharp teeth impatiently.

A blast of fire wind blew through, and the gods dissatisfied took away the share they had already obtained.

Amidst screams of horror and confusion, they watched silently as the emerald green color on the armor of the tall Chaos Commander began to fade along with other colors and his vitality, until his hair, skin, armor and everything were gone. It turned gray, and finally only the long-handled ax that did not turn gray but became dim and faded fell to the ground.

"That ax still has the power of Chaos," Perturabo stopped the Dark Angels from touching it directly with their hands. He took out a piece of fabric from his backpack and threw it to Zabriel, who was careful He wrapped it around the handle of the ax and lifted it up. The piece looked like it was some kind of...wool fabric? Leon glanced at the dog's furry body strangely.

Perturabo swung his tail, "I must say, even elegant killing can still make me feel better."

"Such words are inappropriate in public in the empire. You should be careful with your words, my... chief of staff." The three latest Dark Angels to join the team: Galad, Lancelor, and Prevedan Their eyes widened again when they heard this. Perhaps this title reminded them of another close advisor that the Lion King once had.

"Maybe, but I'm not a descendant of the Emperor who needs to maintain my identity, am I? Then we should go to the sable world to find that descendant who has big plans for you. Let's go, Leon, We must make more plans on how to break into the stronghold and what happens after the break-in, because if Makogo fails to go back this time, something will definitely be noticed, so we have to hurry up before your unfilial son reacts. Take action."


"Correct and effective guidance is very important, and it is even more precious in today's galaxy, P-Kaidomo." The lion stood in front of the offspring and answered his brother, "I have already seen how many misunderstandings and tragedies the lack of guidance will bring. I’ve seen enough, so although I won’t resort to flowery words, my gratitude will not be diminished by half——”

The black and white dog interrupted the Lion King's words, which made Rohawk on the side hold his loyal plasma tightly, while Zabriel observed with interest this creature who dared to be so rude and casual in front of the lion. . "I'm glad you finally recognized the value of my help, but I would indeed find your gratitude more convincing if you could agree to open your legion's authority to me even further, Leon."

After the final tactical decision, under the guidance of Perturabo, the Pax Fortitudinis on which the Lion and his descendants were now arrived at Mandeville Point in the Saib system smoothly and as quietly as possible. And now is the last bargaining time before the battle begins.

Finally, before the Lions began, Perturabo secured more command over the First Army than only one man had so far received.

"That's good. Let's deal with your heir quickly. This time you have your Merlin, Leon."




Pictures and texts have nothing to do with

But I just wanted to insert it for everyone to see!

@The mimetic cup is very interesting to draw by Teacher Bi. It has been authorized.

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