Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 190: Report your family status? still none

Chapter 189 About the Iron Heart Chapter (two-in-one chapter)

Indeed, as the Conqueror of Nuceria told Lady Salin, the forge and hive world welcomed their visitors in this communication.

At the same time, their "Great Sage" - different from the records in the Desert Ark database, the Great Sage who rules here now is no longer Daedus - the Great Sage "Kaidomo" - "full of sincerity" Earthly invites "the noble descendants of Om Messiah" to come to the underground of this frozen planet. He will host a banquet in the mechanical palace at the center of the planet to wash away the dust. At the same time, he promises to open the orbital maintenance platform to other members of the fleet and replenish them with fresh water and water. energy.

At the same time, they even said that there is a certain berth that can be immediately provided for a large ship like the Desert Ark to rest and rest. The orbital platform can accommodate list members entering the port in batches. At the same time, they also have personnel and equipment dedicated to maintaining the Astartes warships.

This is tantamount to a shot in the arm for the nearly exhausted and scarred refugee fleet. Although the three main Space Marine warships seem to be capable of fighting, in fact many of them are using their own power armor. A built-in energy source is used to regulate resources, allowing the mortal crew to distribute as much of the edible portion of the daily supplies originally provided to the Astartes as possible. These food and water regulation measures completely rely on the internal circulation system of the Astartes Power Armor and Other life support functions.

In short, this seemingly huge fleet is actually like a shiny thin-skinned helium balloon, which will explode with a bang at the slightest external force. The reason why it can maintain its formation at this precarious level of hunger is almost entirely because Their leader is Angron. The power of the Primarch calms the hearts of mankind and manages to maintain the calm mood of the fleet. If the Forge World of Belakarn intends to fight a war of attrition against them, then they will not be able to survive for long - if the Primarch and the Chapter intend to continue to protect these civilian ships.

"I think this is too risky, my lord, my primarch! No matter how it declines, Belakarn is still a forge world with Titan Legions and Skitarii, and their hives and mechanical towers are too deep underground. And there is protection. If you rashly enter the opponent's ruling core before confirming their purpose, if there is any accident, I may not be able to teleport you up immediately." Ms. Lotara's electronic voice gradually became high-pitched, "I I urge you to launch a decapitation raid against them..."

As expected, the first person to speak out and start talking about her surprise landing plan was still Ms. Lotara Salin, but because everyone knew her fanatical and loyal protection of the Twelfth Primarch, Desire, all the company commanders who were summoned to the bridge wisely remained silent, even the most senior officer present, the second company commander the ancient sage Sklar.

This mighty ancient warrior was one of the surviving warriors levied from Terra, serving in the Holy Crusade as an officer in what was then known as the Legion of War, before the Primarch returned to his children. He tenaciously created several war miracles, shattered the enemy's conspiracy to destroy Ultramar, and finally entered the sarcophagus to protect the original body and has been fighting for dozens of centuries to this day.

But now, this sacred contemptor Dauntless, covered with thick marks of purity and ropes of honor, is shamelessly pretending to be a dozing old fool, standing there ignoring the others flying towards him, gesturing for him to come forward to argue. Eye knife.

Angron's reaction to the great sage's name was a pause, as if he remembered some scene, and then he listened patiently with a smile after Ms. Lotara met any planet that did not kneel down to serve Angron. After the routine speech of "Insolent maniac! Burn! Kill! Rob! Dedicate all battles, skulls and glory to Lord Angron!", he softly appeased the violent captain's machine spirit of his flagship and said, "I Madam, there is a problem that has troubled me for a long time. Maybe you can help me solve it. Please consider how to cook a delicious meal for us for dinner today with water, promethium and some parchment paper." This world-class problem has been successfully solved. After letting Ms. Machine Soul fall into silent thinking.

Angron turned his face towards his long-awaited Chapter Council.

Apparently, the Primarch already had an idea of ​​what to do next, but was still happy to get some input from his officers.

The Twelfth Primarch had a healthy and warm, wheat-colored skin that was as pleasant as a continuous harvest field under his huge power armor with gold and silver intertwined and classic styles, and he was as tall and strong as the vast earth. The physique of many brothers. This huge figure alone will make many mortals who have witnessed the body shape of the original body for the first time fall into a trance similar to "fear of giants" until they The warm power combs through the soul and regains an unprecedented tranquil experience.

Although he has extremely excellent combat background and literacy, and also has a deep understanding of war and military writings. Some people have even described that when Angron is really angry, he descends on the battlefield like the god of war descending the wrath of heavenly fire. The Primarch's own trained special abilities meant that the battle scars he had acquired almost never remained on his body. His noble face, due to his strong aquiline nose and thin lips, may make people a little intimidated at first glance, but the soft corners of his eyes and the curvature of his lips will immediately put people at ease and gain a sense of comfort from him. A strange sense of security, like standing in the embrace of towering mountains or protected by a great solid city wall.

The pinnacle of ancient genetic engineering technology from the Emperor's laboratory completed his power and also gave Angron a distinctive noble face as if carved from an ancient statue. The compassion, wisdom and wisdom gained from his growth experience Thinking also made a footnote for his heroic eyebrows and skull lines that any rational person can't help but love and be loyal to.

Those thick, voluptuous and slightly curled hair shone beautifully like molten copper threads. They were well restrained on the top and back of his head by the sage's horn crown made of fine gold and moonsilver. His eyes are far-reaching and profound. When these eyes look at you, they are full of patience, comfort and understanding, making you want to tell him all the pain in your heart.

This was Angron the Merciful, the Primarch of Ironheart, beloved by all his descendants and people, and loved by all his descendants and people.

Aboard Belakharn's Desert Ark, not all Captains of the Captains were now united under the Primarch's command, although Angron did skillfully avoid certain disputes that would have plunged the shaky Imperium into a crisis of civil strife in the aftermath of the Heresy. , and nominally split up his own legion - but in fact, because the original body claimed that most of the people in his own legion were scattered on the routes of various independent expeditions, and could not immediately receive orders to complete the split and reorganization, he would In the following years, he presided over this significant event.

Well, the orders and detailed implementation methods regarding the division of legions and the reorganization of battle groups were finally notified to each company of the Twelve Legions, and they were told that they should refer to themselves as battle groups externally in the future, but for those within the Combat Order, the first The Twelve Legions simply changed their names, and as their last ships set sail away from Terra, everyone tacitly agreed.

And company commanders, when necessary or on occasions - for example, well, the following situations:

Having to leave for Terra to be questioned by the high lords (if there is no wise captain to deal with it, then it is usually a lucky person who is unlucky enough to vote);

Sufficient authority is needed to issue an extermination order (even our genetic father said this place is hopeless, and it would be unreasonable not to issue an extermination order to it!);

There was a dispute with some secret mission teams (some of the mission teams in the Inquisition really have people from all backgrounds, how do I feel...);

Contact with aliens (these Ada aliens have either sharpened their heads to become the maids of the original body, or sharpened their heads to kidnap the original body. In my opinion, they should all be killed, who wants to listen to those nonsense prophecies!);

Thinking that a certain planetary governor or noble who was too lawless should be killed in the name of the Emperor and the Primarch, and actually killed him in public (usually only the Eighth Company Captain would do this when he encountered it, and then the Second Company Captain would try his best Angrily cleaning up for him before the Primarch and the First Captain found out);

Or the visits of various Inquisitors from various Inquisition Order factions - they will take turns to become "Chapter Master" as needed, with the exception of the Tenth Company Captain, because the Tenth Company's recruit reserve team is, well, slightly overstaffed. Somewhat serious, this makes their company commander, instructor Chios Ranado, always seem extremely busy.

In fact, ever since the "War Dogs" of the Twelfth Legion, later the first Chapter Master of the Iron Heart Chapter, Gael from Terra had an enviable and honorable end in his position - —Referring to the fact that Gale, due to his age, after struggling to kill an greenskin boss, told his Hermit battle brothers that he wanted to rest before rushing to the next battle. So he drove his ax into the Ork Warlord's massive head, sat down to rest, and never awoke - and under the auspices of the Primarch, leadership of the Chapter now rested with the Chapter Council. organization to determine.

The members of this meeting include the ten Captains of the Iron Heart Chapter (Legion), the Potion Master, the Hermit Master, plus the Primarch himself, which just constitutes the brains of the Chapter: the thirteen members of the Chapter who are enough to make any major decisions. Meeting. This meeting can increase the number of participants to up to fifteen people, including the captain's lady and a hermit brother. At least three of all basic members need to form a small discussion meeting to decide the direction.

The first company commander of the battle group, Captain Kahn, who has made outstanding achievements and has been on an expedition to the Eye of Terror since thousands of years ago, and kills all the heretics and aliens there and along the way with their heads rolling every time he goes back and forth. He and their Fifth Company Captain Nur, Hermit Second Sylvonias and others have not yet returned from this expedition to the Eye of Terror. Due to the uncertainty of subspace navigation, even Angron has not yet returned. It is impossible to know their whereabouts and whether they were unfortunately traveling in the subspace when they disappeared.

Captain Giustilia, the commander of the Fourth Company and the fleet master of the Iron Heart Chapter, is leading his fleet to brave the danger and swim in the more distant star sea. He carefully accepted the instructions from the original body. The order is to lead the fleet to try to explore a passage that can pass through the Great Rift relatively safely within the designated range, so as to restore contact and understand the situation with the Holy Terra side as soon as possible. The last time this dedicated company commander contacted them has been It was a few months ago, and Captain Borgia Yaldo of the Sixth Company was leading his soldiers to act together with the Fourth Company.

Therefore, in addition to the second company commander, the ancient warrior Sklar, who always guards the original body and rarely leaves, the current joint meeting of the Iron Heart Chapter also includes five companies from the third, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth companies. The commander still stayed with the original body, and the original body himself had exactly seven members. However, for a Queen of Glory flagship and two cruisers, these Astartes forces could only be said to be just enough to not be stretched.

Of course, Captain Endred Hall of the 8th Company, who was strong and strong, had disappeared. This made Sklar hate him until a group of soldiers who were ordered to find him stopped him and stopped him. The Eighth Company Commander of the Eagle Hangar skillfully and cleverly left one person to run away in order to notify other company commanders before everyone was knocked down. Shi's tough guy dragged him back to the bridge for a meeting.

"What kind of meeting are you having!" said the Eighth Company Commander, who was more than a head taller than the others, waving his huge power ax, the eagle head and cross lightning logo shining brightly on his armor, "Having a meeting can kill us. Enemies? No! Can a meeting immediately generate scarce resources for us? No! If we have all this nonsense time to hold a meeting here, why not let me go and chop off their heads first, and then we can..."

"Okay, Endred." The 12th Primarch spoke, and the indescribable mysterious power in his mellow and magnetic voice was extremely effective in making the battle mood rise again. The Eighth Company Commander hummed. Putting down his axe, "Although the joint meeting cannot do this 'immediately', conquest cannot be completed by just destroying it. Remember what I warned you, now go to your seat, I I want to hear your opinions.”

After the meeting quickly reached an agreement, Ms. Lotara Salin was not very happy but still carried out the orders of the original body very faithfully, and sent a positive reply to Belakahn.

Soon, several guidance ships were dispatched first, heading towards the long-awaited fleet at Mandeville Point.

Subsequently, the huge fleet of refugees followed the guidance and slowly poured into the orbital platform outside Belakane.

A Stormbird, whose layout and decoration were in line with the level of welcoming the original body, landed lightly in the hangar of the Desert Ark.

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