Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 196 What’s going on? Yeah, what's going on?

Chapter 196 What’s going on? -Yeah, what's going on——

Lamizane Carosini, male, single, height, weight and age (withheld due to certain requests), current body age is (confidential but must be over 13,000 years old), Gutera The family situation is that one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry;

I have some small addictions but not many. I often think that the world should be destroyed but I restrain myself;

He is a dog person and is allergic to cat hair and dust. He has ataxia, a giant in theory and a dwarf in action;

His personal Engel coefficient is extremely high, he doesn’t understand people’s minds but he is very good at grooming dogs;

He once held a serious position as a librarian, and now he is also a tall Primarch who just walks by;

Finally, now he is sitting on the sofa on the Glory Queen flagship of his pet dog in a very unreasonable universe, and is caught up in the biggest brainstorm of his life.

"Julius?" The body of the Fourth Primarch held its head in its hands and repeated for the ninth time in nine minutes, "Julius?! Little Robert?! Nuceria?! Angron?! Me Oh my god - so Angron was raised by him - my god -" He glanced at the sofa still sitting on the other side, facing his brothers who had strangely transformed into one man and one dog. The Twelfth Primarch with a good demeanor and gentle temperament.

It's a pity that this handsome super guy didn't turn into a phantom and disappear and wake him up from his dream, as he thought.

Seeing him looking over, the Iron-Hearted Benevolent One's golden eyes narrowed, and Angron even smiled at Lamizane again.

The former librarian collapsed and yelled, "Ahhhhhhh what's happening to the world?! What the hell is going on?!"

"Yeah, what's going on -" the black and white border collie responded in a sinister manner.

"That's not right." Lamizane threw himself in front of the dog before he finished speaking. A big face of "Perturabo" suddenly appeared in front of Perturabo's mouth, which subconsciously frightened the black and white shepherd dog who was gloating about his misfortune. Big jump - the dog's ears are tightened, the tail is drooping, the tongue is licking the tip of the nose, the eyes are twinkling, the dog is sitting and raising one front paw -

——Then Lamizane naturally reached over and touched the dog’s fluffy white belly.

"That's wrong." He frowned, touched it a few times and stared at Perturabo.

And a certain Primarch who had reacted and became angry had already stood up and sat up, angry but more nervous, trying to push away the giant in front of him with his flesh pad, and said loudly, "What's wrong?!"

"This is wrong - this is really bad." Lamizane stared at Perturabo, "I said, I didn't pay attention to the process when Julius was undergoing post-transformation. He was handled by Honso. ——He was the last echo of the Astral Knights when he met us, and I remember the Astral Knights very clearly. They were a sub-group of the Imperial Fists, so——whose genes were used in Robert Jr.’s subsequent surgery? seed?"

Angron was silent on the sofa opposite, but he believed that when his brother and himself were so out of control, using a little spiritual influence to make his own presence slightly lower would be a kind of kindness to his brother. Pretty polite avoidance—right?

"Ahem. Isn't that the gene seed stocked on the Iron-Blooded Ship? Otherwise, where did that mixed-race brat get so many experimental materials? The Iron-Blooded Ship even has ingredients from ten thousand years ago, and some of the genetic seeds in stock are also normal. Let's go." The dog had regained his composure, and his tone was very matter-of-fact, except that his furry tail was still flapping slightly.

"Inventory? Where did you find the inventory of pure gene seeds for him to use?" Lamizane suddenly had a bright idea, his eyes were bright, and he was not fooled by the dog's slap at all. "That was not long after we left the Eye of Terror. I remember it very clearly."

"At that time, even the Iron Warriors on their new home star of Medlengard needed to fight and attack the Heart of Hydra Fortress to obtain the Imperial Fist's gene seed inventory in order to replenish their number of recruits - if it weren't for us At that time, Hong Suo was taken away in time, and they would have several more big fights because of the invention of the Demon's Womb and the uneven distribution of the seeds - so where did you get the pure and usable Iron Warriors seed inventory? "

The suspicion in Lamizane's eyes grew stronger, and the powerful beings behind the invisible curtain began to uncontrollably stir.

"Or, you actually saved a batch of seeds on the Iron Blood, but you would rather watch your descendants snatch and dig out the seeds of the Imperial Fist to make your own recruits? Considering that a Primarch has a lot to do with his descendants One of the most important meanings and controls is that the original body that is not anchored by Chaos can continuously supply a large amount of pure and healthy gene seeds of the legion's bloodline——

"If you really can't produce pure and usable seeds after becoming a demon, you don't tell your heirs that you still have a batch of usable stocks to control them tightly, but instead allow many of them to run out and start their own businesses. ? By coincidence, I have read that the Iron Warriors have many wandering warbands, some of which can even control several planets and even galaxies - as 'you', don't you think this behavior is very wrong?"

Before Perturabo, whose ears were wagging, his tail was flapping, and his eyes were rolling, could speak, Lamizane added, "Don't say you got it from me now, although I will sleep after staying up late. It’s been a long time, but I know very well whether there are any missing parts in my body.”

"...That's not necessarily the case. When you get really tired, you won't wake up even if I blow a bunch of stars in your ears..." The dog muttered, then raised his voice, "I mean, it's the gene seed of the Iron Warriors! You can arrange a genetic test right away! Even if you take it to Mars! Those idiots who can’t even write code can tell you that it’s the gene seed of the Iron Warriors!”

"Oh? So..." The light of logic in the ice-blue eyes became brighter, "Combined with the fact that you have been closely related to the whereabouts and use of the seeds of the Imperial Fist since the rebellion, and combined with something I have always suspected... ...So, in fact, the source of fresh gene seeds you gave Hongsuo was 'him', right? You transformed him into the source of your gene seeds, so you put Little Magna into standby during this meeting... This That's why you call him 'Magna Mat (The Great Mother)', right?! You never give people inappropriate titles!"

Looking at the dog's suddenly expressionless furry face, Lamizane shook his head in disbelief, "Oh my God, it's so crazy, it's so crazy, it's so crazy, Perturabo, you are Did you modify your brother’s genetic code or did something to him?! If your father knew about your behavior——"

"He doesn't care about this, as long as it can be used. Just like Angron, even if he died, he only had to have a name." Perturabo's voice was as cold and cold as the permanently frozen glacier on the highest peak of Olympia. "The gene seeds we used to transform our offspring are originally backups of each other. Only 'his' is the easiest and most suitable to change into mine. Do you think someone like the Corpse Emperor wouldn't make backups when he created us?" It’s just that he really didn’t expect that the backup would also be lost.”

The originally relaxed and warm living room became a secret because of some secrets that could lead to the launch of extermination orders and expeditions even if they heard a few words.


Another digression

I just wrote about Endred Hal, the Broken Hound in the original work a few days ago. If the four vendors hadn't locked up the blood and beat Abaddon to death on the spot, the Eighth Company Commander in this article-Nottingham Workshop would actually have revealed his secrets. The shield is painted on the chess pieces, and they are really very heroic among the chess villains. Please enjoy them together.

(Yes, it’s average in other places, but this is GW’s HH chess piece head sculpt. Really handsome, and he has a full head of dark round inches and a normal hairline. Normal and thick hair! Win too much Eighth Company Commander Hal!!)

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