Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 202 It’s normal to chat before a combat meeting

After a short consultation between the original bodies, they decided to hold a joint operations meeting on the bridge of the Iron Blood to discuss the next operational goals.

As the captain of the Desert Ark, Ms. Lotara Salin was also invited to attend, but the method was to ask her to teleport herself to the Iron Blood and use the Iron Blood's own computing program to project her body.

The captain, who was extremely opinionated and commanding, was not very willing to participate in the meeting in this way at first, and protested that this approach "had not gone through enough purification testing and consecration ceremonies and was too suspicious of heresy." "

But after Angron's personal persuasion and the enthusiastic Magna showing her the extremely convenient interactive interface for women's clothing, hairstyles and full-freedom customization of body shapes in the Iron-Blooded Holographic Projector database, Ms. Lotara Wuyan was silent for a while, and then agreed to participate in the meeting in a new form after 120 Terra points. The original plan was 30 Terra points, but Ms. Lotara generously said that it was not enough for her to browse all the feelings. Database contents of interest.

Um. Now that the Primarch Highnesses have agreed to this, Magna Dorn and Captain Vaught certainly said that there is no problem. Ms. Lotara can connect herself to the Iron Blood's bridge information platform at any time to attend the meeting, and then The two men also quietly began to sneak into the fitting rooms of their respective databases.

——————The bridge a few Terra hours before the meeting————

[It can be seen that our captains rarely have the opportunity to participate in such meetings...social activities.] A certain librarian who silently watched everyone's activity curve in the spiritual channel communicated with the soul of the Fourth Primarch. Commenting like this, he also noticed that Captain Walter, who had always been self-possessed and simple, was trying to dress himself up like some kind of peacock with its tail spread open. [Uh... Captain Walter's curly hair and dressing style were the last time he saw him. The most popular examples must be the officers of the Third Army. 】

【really. But certainly not in the orbit of the Hydra Cordatus,] Shepherd replied absently, not noticing the question in this sentence. [At that time, they had already begun to use bones, flesh and skin to make things that had no beauty but thought they were pursuing the ultimate art. 】

[In addition, you don’t have to feel uneasy about this. Let me remind you, Lamizane, I, you, Dorn and Angron, as the "sons" of the rotting corpse on Terra, we are actually all You can be called Your Highness. 】

[Ah, eh, wait, it’s true. 】The slightly surprised voice convinced the dog that this person had never thought about this problem at all. Perturabo sighed tiredly but with a feeling of "this is good".

[According to certain very ancient court etiquette rules, variations of which are still used in Holy Terra or any of the ruling worlds of the Imperium of Man, any occasion in which a Primarch is present is indeed automatically considered a very formal one. And a grand royal social occasion. Not to mention that we have gathered many of our brothers here today. Therefore, captains' careful grooming and grooming of their appearance will not be regarded as a risk of depravity or corruption. This is completely in line with etiquette and social requirements. A naval officer attending a gathering of princes should dress up, otherwise it will would be viewed as some kind of faux pas, provocation or disrespect. Not even the most severe ascetics can criticize this. 】

[Wait a minute, that seems to be the case, so according to what I remember, the Astartes power armor is also a dress with very wide applicability, so that it can be worn to attend various important occasions? 】

[Yes, you just have to imagine them as some kind of special military uniforms to get a good idea of ​​what they look like in certain situations. 】

[Ah, to put it this way, as a dress that must be worn on various occasions, it suddenly seems more necessary to show one's honor in addition to boosting morale during battles and organizing attacks. Fortunately, I was on the Iron Blood before. This practice was promoted. The Ultramarines love to decorate their power armor so much. It really makes the armor as exquisite as a dress and shows their identity. But if you think about it the other way around, it's officers and soldiers charging into battle wearing military uniforms. Well... I can't say, but at least it's just me. Personally, it has both practical and ornamental effects. 】

【Appreciation effect. ] The dog repeated, [Then you should really go see the arenas or ring arenas of those sects in Comoros someday. 】

【oh? I have heard of this facility. 】

[I can see from your expression that you know what is happening but don’t know why. 】

Perturabo paused for a moment, with a strange expression of disgust on his black and white haired face, as if he thought of something, [The group of pointed-eared nests who drank doves to quench their thirst wasted a lot of valuable money in that huge waste city. They are used to build those huge altar buildings that are extremely exquisite and whose artistic appreciation is far greater than their practicality. They are actually designed to provide completely nihilistic enjoyment and to promote the cumbersomeness of what they always want to escape. 】

[Those seemingly prosperous and seemingly extremely beautiful twisted emotions are piled up there one after another. The killing performances inside exaggerately murder all valuable and dangerous creatures in the universe, and the audience of the arena can sit on the gorgeous throne or It’s a pleasure to watch the show aboard a blimp, tasting what they call exquisitely painful delicacies from a shockingly dangerous distance. 】

【tasty? I always thought that was an adjective or a metaphor? And it sounds like you are very dissatisfied with the art of killing that they are so proud of. 】

[Hmm, I'm glad to see you have such a lack of understanding of the Dark Eldar...]

[There are so many books and novels about different races that I haven’t had time to read them all one by one. I just know a little bit more about what I have on hand. 】

[And you also spent a lot of time looking at some...well...non-basic stuff, bad fantasies, and outrageous chatter. 】

[...You put it so tactfully, Pepe. 】

[Thank you, I have always been very tactful to you. To make a long story short, not so accurately, if what they call "imaginative" displays of killing stopped in the arenas of Commorragh, Dark Eldar society would rapidly collapse. Because their thirst for torture, pain, murder and blood cannot be satiated. ——In other words, it's not an arena at all, just think of them as a huge group sucking the scene. 】

[Oh my God. Wait, this is indeed in line with what the gods they believe in like. 】

[Of course I like it, there is nothing more intoxicating than this kind of control. The main course of sucking is the slaves, beasts, trophies that died among them, the elite warriors of the races they considered inferior, and even the pain of the unlucky ones who failed in the struggle of the Dark Eldar themselves. Although they do not eat humans in terms of flesh and blood, on the spiritual or soul level, they are a group of ghouls. ] The dog shrugged, [Other Aida... indeed seem to be slightly better, but in fact, the Dark Eldar are...]

After loud announcements of salutes from the Honor Guard and the Iron Ring, their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of their brother, Angron, from the bridge gate with his now mobile senior officers.

The buzzer of the communicator sounded, reminding them that Ms. Lotala Salin's data had been logged into the bridge.

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