Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 205 At first, no one cared

Chapter 205 At first, no one cared...

After listening to everyone's speeches and Angron's battle plan, every word of which would be praised three times by his descendants and Ms. Lotara, among a group of imperial or non-imperial people who began to exude steaming blood, , a librarian, Lamizane Carosini, began to feel that he should stand up and say something about this, both emotionally and rationally.

"Everyone, I have some opinions about this plan. I want you to listen to it first. If you have any questions, you can ask me after I finish speaking..."

As his words unfolded, different expressions gradually appeared on the faces of everyone present, from polite smiles or natural closeness to surprised re-evaluation and fanatical worship. Among them, there were The expressions of two people and one dog stood out in particular: Perturabo, who looked like "I knew I couldn't help it," Angron, who looked strangely peaceful and relieved, and "I knew it was true". "I like what he said and I'm going to go back and share it." Young Dorn A face without wrinkles and an expression that reveals curiosity).

A very rough but more reasonable plan was re-proposed. In the bargaining between the Imperials and the librarians and the conclusion of each other with "You are really an unreasonable fool" and "You are really an unreasonable barbarian", this The combat meeting with few people but extremely high standards came to an end.

Finally, the clerk solemnly wrote the results of the meeting on the parchment and stamped it with fire paint.

Then all pre-war preparations began as required.

The Battle-Brothers aboard the Desert Ark originally thought that their genetic father's warning against considering Perturabo a true traitor was a nostalgia for the brotherhood of the past, but here it was confirmed. Angron being right was already the most unexpected thing they could encounter here.

After all, there are several high-ranking officers who have fought and survived in this galaxy for far longer than the survival record of a normal Astartes.

In the official records of the empire, they are recorded as "people of honor who inherit the name of their predecessors and give up their own names", but in fact, they are themselves. Undoubtedly, this uniqueness makes them more experienced, mature, and good at fighting. In addition, their worth of secrets is increasing day by day - Oh, the eighth company commander Endred may not need to use secrets to get on the bounty list, because his Terminator power armor studded with soul stones is enough to make anyone who sees him The Eldar became desperate and crazy.

But even so, when they were told that they could go to the Iron-Blooded Armory to receive the personal military supplies given to them by the Lord of Steel, many people still failed to control their gaffes.

"Hey! That is simply a blasphemous waste! A naked sin!! Do you know!!" At some time a long time ago, Kargos stood in the ruins of the battlefield and told his still surprised and wary friends, "There is a real treasure house in there! The treasure house of the warrior! I would like to call it the treasure house of the God of War! I really don't know why he uses it so stingily and carefully! If I can master it for one day, no, as long as twelve Hours, Amit! I can conquer a world by myself!"

All in all, everyone - including Ms. Lotala Salin - was satisfied when they returned to the Desert Ark with a new look.

After checking the weapons and equipment sent to be distributed to each battle monk, the level of satisfaction reached a small peak again.

"The situation is much better than I expected." Second Company Commander Sklar said, "I think we can take it before dinner and have dinner after the battle."


At first, no one cared about the visit of a Rogue Trader ship, a spectacular airborne bolide shower, a battle that ended quickly. It was just the change of ownership of an agricultural world, the late arrival of some food routes, and a battle between mining and the hive world. A famine that brings panic...

The battle that took place on this small planet in the Calixis sector and the short anomaly that followed are not worth mentioning for today's huge and chaotic empire. That means, although for this planet It is a big thing, but even if it is not separated by the big rift, except for a few nearby worlds, no one in the empire will notice it immediately——

After all, the Calixis sector has always been a place where rogue traders, adventurers, alien mercenaries and other characters who have fled from the glory of the empire can take a breather. The specialty of this place has always been the trial of various sects and different ideas. Officials, self-contained Astropaths, and the Calixis Governor's Mansion with other ideas. Well, another famous place where dragons and snakes are mixed is just at the other end of the great rift. Compared with the turbulent undercurrent here, the one over there The expression of the struggle will be more straightforward, that place is called the Jericho Sector.

In the eyes of the empire's administrators here, this is just a small or even insignificant incident among the numerous borders and merchant dynasties, aliens, separatists' conspiracies and sectarian disputes in the Calixis sector, just like the vast territory of the empire. The same daily conflicts that occur almost every day in the world.

On the surface, its gains and losses do not involve many important secrets or scarce military resources, and it is even less likely to be compared with the Battle of Cadia or several famous wars such as the Battle of Armageddon. Therefore, it is sacred. It is almost impossible for the high lords on Terra who have many things to do to pay much attention to a small remote frontier planet - and this is only if they have heard of it.

On the contrary, the attackers have very clear goals and plans for this place. Although their leaders can all be regarded as surprisingly benevolent and rational, the ruthlessness and efficiency of the soldiers themselves will not be weakened by this, and even from a practical point of view To say, it may be more efficient. To a certain extent, from the perspective of the attacked, this ruthless rationality and self-control attitude reveals a sense of inhumanity, making the attacker appear more terrifying.

Since we plan to win the battle quickly, we must seize the target as quickly as possible, so that the huge and bloated imperial institutions will not react immediately, and the people who run away or the information leaked will attract some local specialties, the strange Inquisitor sect or the national religion. Agents and the like - Oh, by the way, there is a Deathwatch fortress near this place, at least two Eldar craft worlds, at least two proven entrances to the Webway, and a possible Necron Tomb planet... - Therefore, to deal with this agricultural world with only 3.5 million people and no large-scale planetary defense force——

Yes, someone who was obviously very strong but overly cautious sent Stormbirds, Space Marines equipped with jetpacks, Terminators and Iron Ring Marines (asked about the alien energy-powered Big Brick Flying) for this purpose.

The eighth Lord Spang, the ruler of the planet, basically saw a Terminator wearing an Imperial eagle emblem jumping into his living room. He cried bitterly and shouted to surrender and truthfully told the story of his childhood. to all sins.

It probably took an extra step for Angron to show up to get the state bishop here to surrender.

Three hours after the occupation was completed, Pearl Moon's daily production began to resume.

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