Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 211 So what’s the price?

After receiving a reaffirmation of his merchandise list and supply ability from this ancient and wealthy Rogue Trader who was new to this place, Governor Alexey couldn't help but sigh.

The whispers in the small rooms in the surrounding corridors became more frequent. Judging from the ears of Lamizane and his guards, the contents of those whispers seemed to be likely to develop into arguments and even a full-scale martial arts to decide the outcome.

"What's wrong with you? Lord Governor," Mr. Carosini looked at the other party with his ice blue eyes in confusion. The color of his eyes is really beautiful by human standards and will remind the planetary governor of The colors deep inside the thick, permanently frozen glaciers at the North and South Poles. "Is it because my goods catalog is not rich enough to satisfy you?"

"Of course not, Your Excellency Carosini," Governor Alexei replied with a melancholy temperament like a chant, "I was just thinking that our world of Carrick is too desolate and barren, although you have brought us It’s all so cool… I mean, it’s all awesome, and we actually want it all, but our… Throne Coin reserves may not be enough to pay for everything we want to buy.”

He paused, and one hand seemed to tighten the armrest of his seat, "So..."

The Rogue Trader on the opposite side immediately interrupted the Planetary Governor's next words a little loudly, "So you can use other things on Carrick as a price in exchange for my goods!"


【Lami Zane Carosini! I'm really...what are you doing! Why did you interrupt him? Obviously, we can send out the signal and take action directly! I have just been locked by the fire control systems of at least ten weapons! There are two more that should lock you in. In addition, those wall panels are hollow, and there are automatic shooting cannons on the flip mechanisms inside, and there are snipers lying behind the decorative carved panels under the ceiling. 】

【Oh! What a flip-flop mechanism! It fits the descriptions of those novels during the War of the Roses so well! This is what I remember meeting at the Planetary Governor's Mansion... Wait a minute, I feel like I'm still a little bit closer to finding out what's wrong, really, trust me. 】

【snort! This is just a desolate place, I really don't understand why you are operating so carefully! Two Glory Queens and so many Terminators and Stormbirds, heavy vehicles, Primarchs and Astartes... According to my simulation calculations, even if it is a complete frontal attack, the number of Planetary Defense Forces in the Governor's Mansion and the adjacent barracks will be I can't even last 15 minutes! Of course, although there is almost no astrological communication now, just in case, just let Dassadra and the others blast the small astrological tower into the sky with a salvo of missiles before starting. 】

【Really? It sounds like... So what's the training and equipment level of the Planetary Defense Force you deployed for them during the simulated battle? 】

At this point, Perturabo calmed down a little, [Of course, it is based on the statistical average level of human-dominated areas - this is still a serious overestimation for them! Because my Ironblood doesn't need to use as much raw manpower for pre-firing preparations as those useless Imperial ships. 】

[Uh, you actually have such statistics that require control area and dominance. Isn’t this better than the Imperial Ministry of the Interior? And the Iron Blood is indeed... I said you can do it to this extent, why don't you just lead your descendants to attack Holy Terra and seize it...]

[That is not a good thing that people want to fight for. The future of that thing is dark. If it weren't for the fact that it was Holy Terra, it wouldn't be as good as starting from scratch... Now is not the time to talk about this - the data I used comes from the average combat level of the Planetary Defense Forces in the 31st Millennium, about which I have a large inventory Real data is available for statistics. 】

【Well. Yes, that's true. In this case, let me ask out of curiosity, if we use the level of the Sun Auxiliary Army as the defense force of Governor Carrick's Mansion, how long will it take for us to attack it head-on? 】

[This assumption is not valid. The Carrick Planetary Defense Force does not have as many armors, weapons, advanced vehicles and heavy firepower as the Solar Auxiliary Army. The quality of the soldiers is good, but the training level cannot reach the level at that time. 】

[Hypothesis! So hypothetically, can our existing manpower be able to handle it? 】

[If this is hypothetical, then some of our heavy vehicles and senior officers must all be fired to ensure that the ground combat time is controlled to within 15 minutes. For example, their orbital defense platform needs to be destroyed first, and then they arrive at the location to conduct automatic fire points. The release of the claws, followed by the release of the Iron Tyrant Terminator team led by Dassadra and the 8th company "Thunder Fang" team of Endred Hal, followed by the Destroyers and so on. 】

[Hmm...that sounds acceptable. I suggest that the Ironblood start armed with more Destroyers now, and preferably more units with heavy flamethrowers. 】

The dog frowned in the small passenger compartment and stretched out his paws to tap, [Can you still accept it? Flamethrower? What did you find? 】

[Hmm... What if you add that the Carrick Defense Force has large-scale weapons equal to the security level here? 】

[That would be very troublesome, unless we all equip Endred's company with double-layer individual defense positions, but their power armor energy is completely incomparable to the energy source of MARK Can't open the shield. So don't think about it! In addition, according to the scan, the energy level of the weapons of these guards was indeed extremely high and dangerous, but they were restrained intact, but the results of my re-scan just now told me...]

[I tell you that the principles of these weapons are probably correct, but the materials and processes actually used to make them are too crude. The energy magazines of these firearms should have melted the restraint shells and exploded the place into a huge one. It's a deep hole, right? 】

[Yes,] Perturabo's tone was very contradictory, as if half surprised and half annoyed, with a strange unconvinced anger. [These weapons...these things do not conform to any known data and formula calculations in terms of their normal operation! 】

[I knew...it was indeed the case. 】

【What? ! ] The dog sounded like he wanted to jump up and hit the Riddler on the head, but the stirring of the Fourth Primarch's soul showed that he was really not completely angry, but rather strangely happy and excited.

[Facts have proved that caution is always an excellent virtue before starting a war. Although I will also loudly praise the heroes who charge bravely and the powerful warriors who enter the enemy's formation, but in this universe, no one can be too cautious, Perturabo , have you heard the story of the wolf on Fenris? 】


The planetary governor frowned slightly.

But he did not get angry, but asked doubtfully, "Other prices? Is there anything else in our world that I don't know that can be traded? So what is the price, Mr. Carosini?"

The Rogue Trader looked at Governor Alexey with his ice-blue eyes with a slight smile.

"For that matter, a piece of land that can be surrounded by a hundred Grox hides will suffice. I think."

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