Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 213 Your place is too outrageous even in this universe. Why hasn’t the old man shown up yet?

"Actually, I haven't noticed it before, but I always feel that there are some dissonances in the many details and data that make me feel disharmonious, like a grand symphony with a few wrong notes mixed in, or in other words It’s like a jarring jolt of parts in a functioning machine. It’s subtle, but it’s there.”

"Now that the distance is close enough, our sensor array can scan and map all the surface and shallow ground geological mapping data of these three planets with greater power and higher accuracy. Carrick, Pearl Moon, and Fu Persia.”

"Guess what we found?" Lamizane's voice suddenly became brisk, like a child who discovered a forgotten treasure chest in an unexpected place.

There was silence in the company channel. A certain librarian then remembered that this place was not No. 22 on a certain street. Most of his listeners were Space Marine veterans who had experienced hundreds or even thousands of battles, and he was not a certain Daoist. Detective smoking a pipe.

"Well...that is to say, the good news is that something is wrong with Carrick. There is a shielding layer deep underground on this ordinary planet. Its internal core should be hollowed out or at least partially hollowed out. There is something of great mass or density inside. No matter what it is, at least part of the energy source is still working and provides the working energy of the shielding layer. It also makes the planet's gravity, air composition and temperature very different. Unusual. The bad news is that even with the sensor array power of the Iron Blood, further scanning cannot be performed clearly, which reveals that this thing may not be an easy target to deal with - let me remind you that the sensor array power of the Iron Blood should currently be It is the largest of all the Glory Queen class still sailing in the star sea.”

Someone was muttering battle slogans and declarations of hatred for aliens in the channel. Angron and Khadomo still did not speak, but the communication light spots between the two of them were floating more and more frequently.

"Don't worry...it's not over yet, because I originally wanted to use the Pearl Moon satellite as a reference to see if it could explain Carrick's problem, so I also scanned the Pearl Moon carefully...Okay, it's another big one. Surprise." He changed his position in the armchair as he said this. "The Pearl Moon government has a very close relationship with the Carrick government, and their relationship has always been good. So in theory, Lord Spang of Pearl Moon has a strong relationship with Carrick. He shouldn't know anything, but it sure seems like he doesn't know much... I'm really starting to wonder if all the humans on these two planets are colonists who landed here just over a thousand years ago - to put it simply , there is a huge crater under the surface of the Arctic Ocean in Pearl Moon - inside there is a huge spaceship inserted deeply into the seafloor silt layer."

"The heart of Terra!" Angron finally couldn't help but interrupt Lamizane, "Is this your latest scan result? So what is it? An alien spacecraft? Or a lost human colony ship? ?”

"Yes, according to the scan results, it was originally a huge spacecraft, which may have been tens of kilometers long before being damaged. However, it was severely corroded by sea water. Only the part buried deep in the mud was in slightly better condition. Let’s analyze it.”

"I thought at first that we had found a treasure, that we could find a good thing from the dark technological age... ahem, I mean, legacy, but after Magna further scanned the part that exposed the silt, we found that it should be An Imperial ship with many characteristics that are very typical of the Imperial Navy and Martian shipyards, in fact."

"Imperial ship? So what kind of ship is it?" Everyone held their breath and listened to the conversation between the two primarchs (?). Some people were already starting to feel quite uneasy. After all, they were only planning to blow it up today. Some walls and crypts, chop off some heads and sit down to receive a new planet, rather than listen to the secrets of dialogue between Primarchs.

But at this time, cutting off the communication channel in his helmet obviously did not help and was too conspicuous. The veterans of the Iron Warriors responded to this shocking information with a look of "Is this the first time? Just get used to it! The worst is that they will be made into iron." Ring." They remained in their fighting positions with calm expressions.

"The normal data in all databases show that 'this ship does not exist in the past, present, and future sequences of the Imperial Navy,' but it is an Imperial ship no matter how you look at it. So we once again compared all databases within a certain range. Data that may be consistent, including some unconfirmed and secret data from the Inquisition..."

"Wait a minute, my alert and perceptive brother, since the data does not exist, why are you convinced that it is an Imperial ship and continue the comparison based on this?"

"Because of its size, armor composition and certain characteristics... only when she is a Glory Queen-class battleship, all the lists are closest to the results of data comparison analysis."

The Twelfth Primarch was obviously shocked by this shocking news for a while. After a very long time passed according to the speed of a Primarch's thinking, the Supreme Tyrant of Nuceria spoke with difficulty and asked. The question everyone wants to ask at this moment is: "So, this Queen of Glory, which crashed in this remote and desolate place and failed to even send out a distress signal... is the flagship of which of our brothers?"

His Excellency Lamizane Carosini's reply came quickly and with a sense of matter-of-factness, "Of course it's because she can't send out a distress signal. Guess whose it is?"

Angron Petra opened his mouth.

There were two extremely familiar names on his lips, swirling on the tip of his tongue, and traveling in his mind like ghosts. He could even recall some sounds, smells, fragments... but he couldn't catch them.

Angron suddenly realized something completely, and an icy chill that was closest to a "creepy" feeling gradually climbed up his spine along his vertebrae.

He decisively ordered all Astartes to immediately exit this channel and re-encrypt the dialogue channels of the three Primarchs(?).

"You quite care about them." Perturabo's electronic voice sneered, "Even if you let them quit now, they will have to go into our laboratory one by one to have their brains cleaned later."

"I didn't know you were so proficient in the methods of the Inquisition." Angron retorted, "It wouldn't be so if it were the traitor's flagship... But news about 'them' is completely inappropriate to say on this channel. !You should be more, more, more cautious!"

"Then you have to ask our 'brother' Carosini why he has to suddenly start reasoning here."

"It's very unsatisfying to talk about reasoning when there are few people," one person interjected dissatisfiedly, "Have you ever heard of walking at night dressed in brocade?"

"Look." The dog spread his paws in his cockpit, "It has nothing to do with me."

"You can obviously branch out the channel when he is talking! Perturabo, don't tell me you don't have this ability."

"Of course I do, Angron, but I can't be bothered to stop it when my flagship is also complicit with him - or do you have little confidence in the survival rate of your offspring after brainwashing?" Some kind of long-term The scoffing sound of a black-and-white-mouthed quadruped pierced the electronic sound.

"Hey! I'm not done yet! There's one more thing to do!"

"...I hope you won't say anything that will make me want to start my ritual early. After all, neither Karn nor my chief hermit has returned from the Eye of Terror yet."

"Ah, this is not a big deal. After scanning the Glory Queen on the Pearl Moon, we finally scanned the riddled satellite Phobos..."

"That adjective you used gives me a very bad feeling."

"It's nothing, really, really, it's not a big deal in comparison, but Phobos is actually a relic battle moon."


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