Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 22 Never fought such a rich battle

Destiny Steel

Tenth Company Station

After martial law

"Although we don't know exactly what happened, we should prepare for battle immediately."

After hearing the ship-wide martial law broadcast, the newcomers of the 10th Company immediately became serious. Although they did not receive further orders, they had also checked their power armor and weapons and equipment to ensure that they were in a state of readiness at all times. A state of being able to engage in combat.

They gathered in the front hall of the company station, which is connected to the door to the elevator and the main passage, so that they can reach the required location as quickly as possible after receiving the order.

Due to the sudden incident, the outside passage had also been locked by the iron ring soldiers. Julius and Parogov did not return to their respective teachers, but stayed with their battle brothers.

The two apprentices also looked serious.

Because the channel through which Julius called Emmenut was always answering automatically, and Parogov could not connect to the communication of the pharmacist master.

This makes them more cautious about placating others.

"The masters will take care of everything. And if they need us, we'll be there."

The Tenth Company's station is within the core area of ​​the ship. Although the Space Marines have a series of enhanced senses such as Lyman's Ear, too much space and structure blocks the two ends. Even if the battle is thrilling, it sounds vague to them. Distorted.

The only thing that is certain is that their monastery mothership has been jumped.

This knowledge ignited a raging fire in each of their hearts. Under the leadership of Julius, who temporarily acted as a priest, they prayed to the emperor again to ensure that every sword and bullet they had had enough blessings. Fulai kills the empire's archenemy.

The footsteps of hoops and armed servitors patrolling the corridors came and went.

After two hundred and forty-three heartbeats, the door opening warning light above lit up, and the electronic roar of the Tenth Company Commander sounded in the communication.

Everyone clutched their bolters.


"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!" the twisted giant roared and wailed. Its bloody hook and sickle swung down with a fishy wind towards a veteran. The latter raised his power hammer and used it to break the weapon and tear the breastplate. He bore the blow for the price. "Lord of Iron and Blood!"

Just when the Demon Prince was about to tear off the unfortunate man's head, the roar of the storm cannons suddenly sounded.

The iron ring robot, which was standing in the back row hunting but with a shooting height much higher than the front row, blasted countless fist-sized ammunition into the Demon Prince's body at super high speed. The giant's body outline composed of evil fire and corpse oil vapor was saturated. The bombardment deformed and distorted it, and the roasted flesh beneath it was exposed from the damaged edge of the rolled power armor. As the shells continued to advance, the demon's physical entity was beaten and staggered back.

He or it let out an earth-shattering roar. With the extra blessing from the God of Blood and Skull, its body that was torn by the bolt cannon immediately began to heal automatically. Eight sarcoma faceless demons drew out huge meat cleavers and bone saws to protect them. It, it raised its head.

Red and yellow warning lights flashed, and the filled smoke spread through the gaps. The space opposite looked like a cabin that was hastily dismantled to expand the combat area. Traces of violent dismantling could be seen everywhere, but that was not the point.

Like two sides of a mirror, the tall figure surrounded by iron guards gradually emerged.

The specially modified Seiko Terminator power armor LOGOS faithfully protects the body of the original body. A shining silver alloy skull mask covers the entire face of its owner. The one holding a Seiko long-handled thunder hammer is none other than——

"Attack!" The Contemptor took a step forward fearlessly, using his body to shield the Demon Prince's sickly yellow eyes from peeping dirtyly at the Iron Lord.

The Ancient One's electronic voice shouted an attack command. As the command was released, the iron ring robots formed an attack formation, activated the switch of their gravity hammer, successfully entangled the eight sarcoma demon servants, and began to take turns. Beat them into some grotesque, chewy paste.

The Iron Cavalry Terminators all took the lead. They did not use double bombs or melt shots first because the opponent was a demon of Khorne. The experienced Iron Warriors chose to use more suitable offensive weapons, such as the Thunder Hammer. and power axes. Although they had not often been able to use such sophisticated equipment before, these antique weapons had such excellent performance and output, perfectly matching the combat experience of the veterans of the eternal war.

They swarmed forward, protected by the wizard's psychic shield, and attacked the demon that had occupied the body of their former comrade.

The Demon Prince's huge body was injured in many places, and the broken pieces of power armor fell to the ground with ashes, greasy steam, and scalded flesh.

It roared in pain, its hook, sickle and claws carved deep ravines on the adamantine parts of many ancient armors. The Iron Warrior, who had just been the first to be attacked by it with all its strength and was ordered to retreat outside the attack circle, had an idea. ——Began to use his twin melta guns to destroy the corpse-burning furnace that was still burning.

"No!!!! You can't - I must - he must -" This weird demon let out a distorted roar that only humans would make when being tied to the stake. Suddenly it burst out with amazing power, and in one fell swoop He knocked away the two Terminators, jumped up - and jumped into the extinguishing supernatural flames of the incinerator - and disappeared with a crackling sound.

The Destiny Steel sounded the intrusion alarm on the ship again.


Due to the unnatural disappearance of the demon, the artificial muscles of the Iron Ring Guards' soldiers are now tense, their heavy shields are interlocked, and the steel creations are protecting Ramizane and Perturabo like dome-shaped fortresses. And Perturabo's trident and guards officers were waiting for him outside the iron ring, surrounding the mechanical guards like a swarm of bees guarding the queen bee.

Silver Skull - The Iron Warriors' eyepieces flashed, their crosshairs resting on the Contemptor's Dauntless body, weapons remaining activated.

"(Gutera swears) It scared me to death. Fortunately, this guy still has a human form... Now it shouldn't have committed suicide and returned to the subspace, right?" Strictly speaking, it was the first time for Lamiza to face a real demon prince. The two of them fought, trying hard to control their gaze and not look at the scene in the Demon Engine that was worse than a plasma horror movie like Deep Chill. Fortunately, the skull mask and the power armor are thick enough so that no flaws can be seen from the outside.

"No." Perturabo answered him briefly, and then began to search all sensors and monitoring facilities. "This is some kind of space jump. Because of the complex multi-gravity field installed in our ship, he should not Maybe he ran out or ran too far, found it, and is crossing the central axis... Wait, his path seems to have a target! Tsk!"

"Huh?" Lamizane, who had just given the order to prepare for the pursuit to the veterans, felt nervous, "What's wrong?"

"He does have a goal! Damn it! The apothecary suite!" Perturabo growled, "He didn't bump into us by chance! His goal is here!"

Lamizane was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but utter a Guterra curse, "It's Hong Suo! His target was Hong Suo from the beginning!"

The order was given immediately, and the Iron Ring Guards and veterans began to run. The steps of tons of metal knocked on the floor of the battleship's passage, and the echoes rumbled.

But the movement speed of heavy weapons inside the ship cannot exceed the supernatural space jump.

"What should I do now?! Oh my god, I hate running! I hate running! I hate running!" Lamizane was running almost entirely supported by the electronic muscle bundles of LOGOS.

"Can you understand what it means to be a Primarch's body?!" Primarch Bianmu, who pressed the power pedal to the bottom, almost looked up to the sky and roared.

"You can't expect a person who often wrestles on the ground to understand this!!! Ouch, it's so dangerous...!"

"My last request: 伱 (Olympian expletive) don't fall flat in front of my heirs." Perturabo sounded almost pleading.

"I'll try my best!!... But what about the thing in the force field cage behind us? Someone needs to go over and keep an eye on it."

The demon primarch of the Border Shepherd impatiently pressed the button and typed out a line of electronic voice, "Emperor... you little bastards of the 10th Company! Come over here and work! Don't eat there every day!"

"...You just..."

"Shut up. Get your weapons and get in the elevator. From here we can quickly go to Honson."

Gu Gu (Gu Gu) Our transition chapter is like this. As the saying goes, good things (?) take a long time.

I'll see Ventris tomorrow, that's what I said

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